Age of Arcane

Chapter 600 Miracles

Facing a city that would collapse at any time, the Shuojin people no longer pursued to wipe out all the Shadow Clan in Shenjing City, and began to retreat step by step under Tan's command.While retreating, they also cast large earthquake spells to hasten the destruction of the city.

It would be even better if the Shadow Clan could be buried under the city together with the Dragon King Taotie.

Outside the Dragon's Nest, the Shuojin people had completely withdrawn.

Luke then ordered Sisli to send more Shadow Clans to try to rescue more Shadow Clans at the last moment.

The city is crumbling, like the end of the world.

Time races against the clock.

Luke once again returned to the deep well hall against the gravel and subversive gravity changes.

The brain nerves formed by the condensed spiritual power are already very blurred, and the majestic spiritual power is spreading rapidly, impacting the broken city over and over again.

Standing in front of the no longer glowing pineal gland, Luke didn't know why he came here and what he was waiting for.

The first shadow parasite and the dark chief who created the shadow civilization should have died, and the spiritual power that accompanied him for countless years is also dying.

The once brilliant civilization is about to fall, and I don't know who will be next...

time to go!
Luke, who had waited for nothing, decided to leave here, and if he didn't leave, he might really not be able to leave.

And when his footsteps just stepped out of the deep well hall, there was a throbbing.

This is not a throbbing that can only be felt by oneself, it is a thrill that can be felt by the whole world.

An explosion of incomparably powerful energy seemed to be declaring its power to the whole world, and the strongest in the world was as tiny as an ant in front of it.

The throbbing caused by this powerful energy just passed, and another powerful energy swept across the world, followed by the third, the fourth, and the fifth.

It's an artifact!
Fluorescent star cluster, golden compass, statue of light, red flame torch, rainbow arch.

Luke could clearly feel the existence of the five artifacts. They floated in an endless darkness, and even the strong light from the artifacts could not dispel the darkness.

Is that the abyss?

The artifact tree buds emerged from the gap in the dragon armor's neck, and it also felt the burst of artifact energy.As if to promote its own existence, the artifact tree bud also exploded its own energy.

It's just that the artifact tree bud is still a juvenile artifact, and it can't burst out like the five artifacts to make the world tremble.However, the energy erupted from the artifact tree buds can wrap the entire Deep Well City, and it can still be done.

The energy of the World Tree swept across the Deep Well City, and the Deep Well Palace behind Luke actually shimmered again.

Luke turned around to check, the pineal gland in the center of the cranial cavity was emitting a faint light, and the divergent spiritual energy showed signs of returning and re-condensing.

"What did you do?" Luke asked the artifact bud.

Artifact Tree Bud spread out his little hand, expressing that he didn't know either.

It's a pity that the re-lighted pineal gland is only limited to a twilight, and the spiritual power in the deep well hall cannot stop the destruction of the city.

"It seems that a new Great Chief of the Darkest has begun to conceive, just like the World Tree has been reborn."

When Luke looked at the pineal gland and expressed emotion, the artifact tree bud patted its helmet with the leaves on the top of its head, and whispered into Luke's ear.

Luke shook his head: "Although your power can prevent the destruction of Deep Well City, it will bring back the golden man. Since Deep Well City can't be defended, it's better to let it fall into the center of the earth like this. Wait until the Dark Chief recovers." , the city will return.

Let's go.

The five artifacts have shown their power, and the world will change drastically! "

When Luke returned to the dragon's lair, the dragons immediately surrounded him.

"Your Majesty, it is the Rainbow Arch! The energy shock just now is the Rainbow Arch, the artifact of the dragon civilization!"

Sisli also came up with several shadow tribes: "Your Majesty, there are not only the rainbow arches of the dragon civilization, but also the fluorescent star clusters of our shadow civilization. It must be the slaughter of the shadow tribe by the Shuojin people that caused the fluorescent light." The Rage of the Star Cluster."

Luke comforted: "There are also the golden compass of the shining gold civilization, the bright statue of the angel civilization, and the red flame torch of the purgatory civilization. The five artifacts all showed their traces, but none of them returned.

Still thinking about how to leave the deep well safely, the Shuojin people might set up an ambush at the entrance of the deep well. "

The artifact has not returned, and at this time we cannot pin our hopes of life on the artifact.

Sisli stabilized her mind and said to Luke: "The entrance of the deep well is extremely wide, and it is impossible for the Shuojin people to surround the entrance. Your Majesty has saved us, and we will repay His Majesty. We will gather together and rush out from the entrance. , if we encounter Shuojin people, we will restrain them, and His Majesty will lead the dragons away quickly.

After that, we will disperse and break through, and most of the Shadow Race will definitely be able to escape.In the vast Gruzerei, the Glitterkin can't track us down. "

The deep well can hold a city, and the entrance is of course very vast. The number of Shuojin people is limited, and there is no way to set up a large encirclement at the entrance.

Therefore, Sisli's breakout plan is very feasible.

Luke ordered: "Bring back all the Shadow Race sent out, let's break through!"


Tan, who led the Shuojin people out of Shenjing City, was thinking of launching an ambush inside or at the entrance of Shenjing.Even if they couldn't completely wipe out the Shadow Clan who had broken through, they could destroy as many as they could.

However, shortly after she led the team to fly out of Shenjing City, the five great artifacts showed their power one after another.

Golden compass.

At that moment, Tan felt very clearly about this shimmering gold civilization artifact, and his previously firm heart couldn't help being completely confused.

Why did the artifact show its power at this time.

Is it related to the attack on the shadow civilization?

Tan quickly made the decision to retreat from Gruzelle at full speed.Now that the victory against the Shadow Civilization has been locked, the most important thing left is to ensure that they are safe and retreat.

Without the Great Chief of the Darkest, the remaining Shadow Clan is not enough to cause trouble, but the artifact of the Shadow Civilization, the fluorescent star cluster, needs to be guarded against.

Taking a last look at the collapsed and falling deep well city, Tan led the Shuojin people back and flew towards the entrance of the deep well.

This made the cautious dragon and shadow clan not encounter any attacks until they flew out of the entrance of the deep well.

Came to the safety of a col.

After counting the numbers, there were only 260 Shadow Clans who broke out with Luke this time.Even if there are Shadow Race escaped through other means, the number will not be too many.

The Shadow Clan was really crippled this time.

"Do you have any plans?" Luke called Sisli to his side, and asked, "Should I go back to Shenglun City of the Golden Shield Empire, or stay in Gruzelei?"

Sisli shook her head: "I don't know, I never thought of taking on such a heavy responsibility."

Luke expressed his point of view: "I suggest you stay in Gruzelei to lead the remaining shadow clans. According to the information I have, the Shuojin people used the shadow parasitic meta-iterators to create a group of reformed people disguised as shadows. Clan. Among this group of Shadow Clan, there are three reformers."

"Is there such a thing?"

Sisli wanted to look back at the Shadow Race scattered in the valley, but Luke stopped her.

"Don't attract the attention of the reformers, I will tell you who they are. But there is one more tricky thing..."

"whats the matter?"

"Glittering people can control the Shadow Race through brain modification."

"How is this possible..." Sisli wanted to question, but considering that the Shuojin people can even forcibly separate the shadow parasites, it seems that it is not impossible to control the shadow clan.Sisli turned to ask: "Among these Shadow Clans, are there any Shadow Clans controlled by the Shuojin people?"

Luke replied: "I don't know yet. I don't have any equipment here that can detect the shadow race with modified brains. I can only let the Golden Shield Empire find a way to create it and give it to you."

Sisli knew that the giant dragon didn't understand the current technology, so she could only say helplessly, "We can only wait for the instruments of the Golden Shield Empire to be produced."

"It's still unknown when the instrument will be made, but the Shuojin people's pursuit of the Shadow Clan will not stop. The Shadow Clan must never return to their respective tribes. The danger of being scattered is greater than that of congregating. You need to lead these Shadow Clans The tribe kept wandering in Gruzelei, gathering all the scattered shadow tribes.

The Golden Shield Empire will not only create an instrument to examine the brain, but will also try its best to find a way to solve the spiritual loopholes of the Shadow Clan, which requires the full cooperation of the Shadow Clan. "

With Luke's guidance, Sisli knows the responsibilities and things she needs to do to lead the Shadow Clan.

"I understand, Your Majesty! On behalf of all the Shadow Clan, I would like to thank you for your help. You saved us, you saved the Shadow Clan.

In the future, as long as you need the Shadow Clan, we will definitely move. "

Luke said: "Let's live first."

Luke led the dragon group to separate from the Shadow Clan, and left the rest to the Twilight Organization.I don't know what kind of hype the appearance of the artifact has caused to the Dragon Kingdom.

The artifact appeared and brought a "big earthquake" to the whole world.

In the Dragon Country, the lazy dragon who didn't even care about the trial of the King of the Dragon Country was startled awake from his sleep, and then ran around all over the Dragon Island to inquire about the news.

And Luke returned to the king's lair with the dragon group, and saw the golden dragon King Tyrion who had been frozen into an ice sculpture.

Seeing the king's return, King Tyrone shook off the ice from his body and said, "Your Majesty, I feel the Rainbow Arch, it is really in the abyss."

Luke disbanded the dragon group, and then asked King Tyrone, "Don't you care about the diplomatic achievements I brought back from my visit to Gruzere?"

King Tailun, the golden dragon, said confidently to Luke: "From the moment you decided to visit Gruzelei, the result has been determined. You must be very popular in Gruzelei, and you will get back the relationship with the Shadow Clan." covenant."

Luke couldn't help but smiled wryly: "You think too highly of me. In fact... the Shadow Clan is over!"

King Tai Lun asked puzzledly: "Your Majesty, what does this mean?"

"The Shuojin people found the fatal flaw of the Shadow Clan, and used the flaw to create a weapon, and then raided Deep Well City, where the Shadow Clan gathered.

The Great Chief of Darkness died, Deep Well City fell, and more than 200 of the Shadow Clan died, and they were fighting guerrillas in Gruzellei. "

The first-hand news brought by Luke made King Tailun's mouth wide open in shock, and his jaw almost fell to the ground.

"Your are joking."

"If it's a joke, it's not a good one. I'm telling the truth, more news coming soon."

"This..." King Tai Lun shook his head in a daze, "The Shadow Clan that hasn't been defeated in ancient wars, is this the end?"

Luke is also very emotional: "The emergence of new technologies has endowed more war models. In the future, the microcosm will more and more determine the outcome of grand wars.

What happened to the Shadow Clan should be a wake-up call for the dragons.Wake up from sleep earlier, familiarize yourself with and understand emerging technologies and forces as soon as possible. "

"There are also artifacts!" King Tailun brought the topic to his purpose of coming to the King's Dragon Nest: "I'm very relieved that the Dragon Kingdom is entrusted to you. It's time for me to go into the abyss to find the artifacts."

One of the reasons why King Tai Lun did not compete for the king of the Dragon Kingdom was that he was already determined to enter the abyss to find the artifact.

Now that the trace of the artifact was revealed, he was even more eager to find it.

Luke thought about it for a while, and said to the Tyrann King: "The artifact is in the abyss, and it is estimated that several other civilizations have noticed it. Going into the abyss to find the artifact is also their next step.

But the abyss is extremely dangerous, and rushing into it will not make you one step faster on the way to find the artifact. "

"Then I will be the pathfinding stone for the dragon civilization to find artifacts, and point out the path I walked for the second dragon that entered the abyss."

Seeing King Tyron's insistence, Luke had no choice but to express his thoughts: "I discussed with Miss Weathering Sky about going to the abyss to find artifacts, and Miss Weathering Sky also made some preparations. Miss Weathering Sky said that the first thing you have to face when you enter the abyss is The danger is the pollution of the soul by the energy of the abyss.

If you look at the Abyss Temple, you will know how polluting the abyss energy is. If you can't keep your heart when the abyss energy invades, you will be transformed by the abyss pollution.If you can't resist pollution, you won't be able to go out in the first step of finding the artifact. "

King Tyrone asked: "Miss Skylight has a way to resist pollution?"

Luke replied: "There is a prop that allows the user to transform into an abyss while maintaining the original intention. But transforming into an abyss is always risky. Miss Weatherlight hasn't made up her mind to try it yet."

"Let me be the first to try!" Tyronn King said without hesitation: "I am willing to pay any price to get back the artifact."

Luke laughed: "You want to be the first to try, so you have to go to the city of Saint Lun as soon as possible. The whole world knows that the book of disaster in Miss Weathering's hand can open the abyss, and it is the fastest way to enter the abyss.

Those who want to enter the abyss, or other creatures, will soon form a long line outside Miss Weatherly's museum. "

King Tyrone didn't say too much, he took off before Luke finished speaking, and flew towards the direction of the Golden Shield Empire.

Luke was very helpless to King Tyron who was anxious to find the artifact.

Can't you wait for me to deal with the matter of the Dragon Kingdom and take me back to the empire together?
Luke, who can't get along with the dragon, can only do the official business of the dragon kingdom first.

Three days later, he left Dragon Country alone and flew to the Empire.

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