Age of Arcane

Chapter 601 The Covenant

Chapter 601 The Covenant
In Shenglun City of the Golden Shield Empire, Qingkong welcomed the first visitor since the appearance of the artifact.

The first biography of the holy scriptures, Teresia, is now one of the archangels of Sky City, but she does not see the pride and momentum of the archangel in her body, and she even lacks the flying of being a holy angel.Her eyes are deep, as if in a short period of time, she can see through things that could not be penetrated in a thousand years.

As usual, Teresia and Qing Kong sat by the window drinking tea, an angel and an elf formed a harmonious picture.

Teresia asked: "You must have noticed the appearance of the artifact."

Qingkong took a sip of tea and replied: "The power that fills the world can be felt by even the most ordinary citizens. The washing of the five vibrating souls is indeed an artifact that is never forgotten by the five major civilizations. It made me feel that I am How small."

"The artifact is in the abyss!"


"You already knew that!"

"I used the Book of Calamity once in a while, unintentionally causing the power of the artifact to leak, and was captured by Sky City."

Teresia showed such an expression as expected, and continued to ask: "What is the reason this time? Let the five artifacts emit power at the same time."

Qingkong put down his teacup and replied, "It has nothing to do with me this time, probably because the Shuojin people raided Shenjing City."

The news of the Battle of Deep Well City had not yet spread, so when Teresia heard the news, she was suddenly stunned.

"What did you say? The Shuojin people raided Shenjing City! That is the core of the Shadow Clan. The current Shuojin people don't have the strength."

"The news must be true. The Great Chief of Darkness died, Deep Well City fell, and half of the Shadow Race was killed or injured. For a long time to come, the Shadow Civilization will no longer be the protagonist of world disputes."

Teresia still couldn't believe what she heard.

"How is this possible? The Shining Gold Civilization and the Shadow Civilization have the same level of strength. How could the battle between them be hidden from the whole world? I haven't heard any news from Sky City."

Qing Kong poured himself another cup of honey tea: "That's because the Shuojin people have developed a weapon that is extremely deadly to the Shadow Clan."

"What weapon?"

Qingkong explained the principle of the psychic wave knife to Teresia, and then said: "This psychic wave knife is not lethal to any other race in the world, except for the Shadow Race."

It took a while for Teresia to recover from the explosive news, and said with emotion: "During the ancient war, the Shuojin people and the angels tried every means to deal with the assassination of the Shadow Clan. I didn't expect the Shadow Clan to be destroyed in the end." technology of human civilization.

I really don't know what human beings will create in the future to amaze the world. "

Qing Kong said: "Human civilization makes me addicted to it... I can't extricate myself."

"But it also made the sword of the oath regard human civilization as a threat to ancient civilization." Teresia reminded Qingkong, and then talked about the artifact: "You must have guessed the purpose of my coming to you this time. I want Enter the abyss to find the sculpture of light, please look at our friendship and open the abyss for me..."

Qing Kong looked at Teresia and asked, "You asked the sword of the oath to enter the abyss, right?"

"Yes!" Theresa replied very simply.

"An angel with a will to die." Clear Sky reached out and summoned the Book of Calamity: "People in the world have too many misunderstandings about it, thinking that it will only bring disasters, and only I know its correct path. I have never taken the initiative Use it to open the abyss, even now I don't want to open it, especially to watch my cherished friend go into the abyss.

Your chances of coming back alive from the abyss are infinitely close to zero. "

"I know that the abyss is the source of all chaos and the end of all things in the world. But I must go, and I must find the statue of light."

Seeing Teresia's resolute attitude, Qing Kong had no choice but to say to her: "Okay, this is your choice, and all I can do as a friend is to support you.

But the abyss cannot be opened in Shenglun City, and ordinary people cannot resist the pollution of the abyss energy. "

"Where do you want to open the abyss?"

Qingkong thought about it: "Let's go to the Moonlight King's Court."

Teresia asked in surprise: "Aren't you afraid that the abyss energy will pollute the world when you open the abyss in the Moonlight Royal Court?"

Clear Sky smiled: "In my opinion, opening the abyss under the World Tree has the least impact on the outside world. When I got the Book of Calamity, I promised my mentor Willred... never Open the abyss.

Now I have to do something that violates my promise, so I can only do my best to minimize the harm. "

Teresia doesn't know how the power of the World Tree can suppress the energy of the abyss, but for her, as long as she can enter the abyss, other things are not important to her who is ready to give up her life.

"When are we going to the Moonlight Royal Court?"

Qing Kong picked up honey tea and drank it: "You go to the temple of the Moonlight King's Court and wait for me first, I still have some things to deal with. And I can't open the abyss just for you, and I can't come to someone who wants to enter the abyss. He opened the door. All brave men who want to enter the abyss enter together, and I want to minimize the risk."

The appearance of the artifact shocked the whole world, and the book of disaster was in the hands of Qing Kong again.Now all the creatures in the world who want to go into the abyss to find artifacts are probably on their way to Saint Lun City.

If a person comes and opens an abyss for him, then even World Tree can't handle the leaked pollution.

"I have no reason to enjoy the opportunity to enter the abyss alone. I will go to the Moonlight Palace to wait for you now, and I hope you can arrive soon."

After finishing speaking, Teresia drank the tea in the cup, then spread her wings and flew into the sky through the open skylight.

An angel feather fell, and slowly fell into Qingkong's outstretched hand while hovering.

"The beginning that caused it all must have an end."

Qingkong put away her feathers, and then called Jen Funi: "I have an urgent matter to leave here immediately. From today on, all those who inquire about the Book of Calamity, please let them go to the Moonlight King's Court, and say that I will be under the World Tree Open the abyss.

If you want to find the artifact, go to the Moonlight Palace and wait for me. "

"Yes, Miss Clear Sky. Miss, where are you going?"

"Tedga Hills Holy Mountain, I have something in the hands of the last apostle of the Abyss Temple, it's time to return it to me!"

After going to the Tedgar Hills in the clear sky to find the Abyss Temple and assemble the Abyss Gate, Luke flew across the ocean and finally returned to the City of Saint Lun.

At this time, the news about the attack of the Shuojin people on the deep well city of Gruzelei has spread falsely and falsely.

Most people think this is an extremely absurd rumor.If the Shuojin people really attacked Shenjing City, how could the world be so quiet?The World Bank should be on the verge of a big enemy, and the Shadow Clan should go around assassinating Shining Gold talents.

But the World Bank still aimed at the Golden Shield Empire and continued to escalate the battle.

Therefore, when Luke entered the palace and had a private meeting with Queen Christina and Agatha, Queen Christina didn't say a word about the Battle of Deep Well City.

Part of the reason was that she didn't believe it. No matter how arrogant the Shuojin people were, they wouldn't use the Shadow Clan again when they were dealing with the Golden Shield Empire.

The more important reason is that the Shuojin people's pressure on the empire is rapidly increasing.

Since the reorganization of Shuojin Elder's Home, the World Bank's external strategy has been greatly adjusted.In the past, although the World Bank interfered in the politics of other countries, it did a lot of work in the open. Everyone knows what the World Bank has done, but there is no direct evidence.

And since Tan took over the elders' home, the World Bank doesn't even want this fig leaf.

For countries that do not obey the Shuojin people, the World Bank has changed from economic coercion to force intimidation.Such a large number of sloppy countries have unequivocally turned to the World Bank, and the sanctions against the Golden Shield Empire have begun to have an effect.

If Luke hadn't held the energy stick tightly from the beginning, the empire's economy would have been in crisis.

In addition, the World Bank escalated the war of the Yate County Union. The Shuojin people forced the members of the International League to donate money and materials to the Yate County Union, and also donated the newly built new warships to the Yate County Union free of charge.

This wave of strong blood transfusions made Yate County United immediately supportive.

After mobilizing for an all-out war, the Allied forces of Attorney County on the defensive launched a massive counterattack against the Imperial Snow Corps.

"Now the Snow Army has all retreated to the south of the border." The tension of the war made Queen Christina look worried: "It is reported that the figure of the golden man appeared on the battlefield and launched an attack on the Snow Army. I have already A group of Golden Shield Warriors was mobilized to join the Snow Army, but the number of Golden Shield Warriors was still too small.

If the Shuojin people really directly participate in the war, I'm afraid the Snow Legion will not be able to withstand it. "

Agatha went on to say: "According to the information obtained by the Bureau of Secret Intelligence, after the Yate County United Navy received a batch of new all-metal warships, there were signs of going south to attack the Imperial Fleet.

Although the Dreadnought-class battleships of the Imperial Fleet still have an all-round lead, the number of ships in the Attorney League is really too many... It is several times ours. "

Speaking of which, Agatha handed Luke a stack of sorted materials, and said in a low voice: "There are also artifacts. If the artifacts return, the empire will be at a disadvantage in an all-round way. There has been some turmoil in the palace recently, and everyone is worried that they will have the artifacts together. The shimmering gold people of the artifact fight."

While looking at the information, Luke replied: "The artifact will definitely return, but it will never come back easily. The Shadow Clan was almost exterminated by the Shining Jin people, and the fluorescent star cluster was just shaking, which shows that the conditions for the return of the artifact are not yet immature."

Queen Christina and Agatha felt as if they had heard something extraordinary.

Agatha asked: "What did you just say? The Shadow Clan was almost exterminated by the Shuojin people! Could it be that the rumors are true...the Shuojin people really attacked the Shadow Clan.

You didn't..."

Agatha stopped in time and did not reveal that Luke was the king of the Dragon Kingdom.

Luke replied very casually: "I will tell you about the Shuojin people's attack on Shenjing City when I have time. Now our focus should be on the war against the Art County United.

The Snow Army can no longer retreat, and further retreat will affect the international confidence in the Golden Shield Empire, which will cause a serious economic crisis. "

Queen Christina said: "The Royal First Magical Legion has completed the initial reorganization. The Steam Titan and a batch of magical weapons are in place, ready to take over the Snow Army. The Snow Army should also retreat and repair, and then carry out the magic reorganization." .”

Luke nodded in approval: "The Snow Army has been fighting with Yate County in the north for more than two years. It should be retired and reorganized. Let His Royal Highness Sinclair's Royal First Magical Legion go on top, and the Royal Second Magician The Guide Corps is the reserve team, and we must push the front line further into the territory of the United County of Yate.

The Imperial Fleet went north to seek a decisive battle at sea with the fleet of the Attorney League, and let the County League know that the Dreadnought-class and Kirov-class sea-sky combination is not something they can win by numbers. "

Listening to the strategy formulated by Luke, Agatha couldn't help but worry and said: "The Royal First and Second Magical Legion are all placed in the north, and the pressure on the Tedgar Hills will be reduced. Now the Barbarian Legion has been completed." Re-armed, the combat effectiveness is estimated to be no less than that of the original Northern Army.

If the Celts take advantage of the emptiness of the empire to fight out from the Tedgar Hills, the empire may be difficult to stop. "

Luke put the papers on the table.

"Originally, my strategy for the Tedgar Hills was to boil the frog in warm water and let it die unconsciously. Now that the Shuojin people have changed their style of play, we have to change our strategy. Although the Tedgar Hills are not cooked, the water has already Hot enough, add a dash of heat, and it's an empire meal.

Tedgar Hills, let me and the Raging City Armored Assault Division deal with it. "

When Queen Christina heard that Luke was going to conquer the Tedgar Hills, she immediately let go of her worries, but she still suggested: "Is there only one armored assault division too small? Send some of the city guards of St. Lun City to assist you."

Luke calculated the comparison of the strength of the enemy and us in his mind, and then said: "The city guards should stay here to protect the imperial capital. The Shuojin people have the habit of sneak attacking, and Sky City is very hostile to human civilization. The city guards cannot Move casually.

Moreover, the terrain of the Tedgar Hills is complex, and the army will not be able to use it if there are too many troops. An armored assault division is enough. "

Luke is very confident in his absolute lineage army.

The three giants of the empire set a strategy for the Civil War, and both sides launched an attack at the same time, demonstrating the strength of the imperial army and the power of new magical weapons to the international audience.

As orders were issued from the palace and the cabinet, armies across the empire immediately moved.Northbound, Southbound, and fill in the gaps.

The Raging Waves City Armored Assault Division received an assembly order when Luke passed by Raging Waves City, so when the transfer order was sent from St. In the evening, I took the army column and set off to the triumphant fortress in the Tedgar Hills.

At night, the mechanical factory in Haijiao District was quiet, and the irrelevant staff left work early. Thomas, the chief inspector of the Bureau of Secret Affairs in Raging Waves City, personally led a team to seal off the entire factory area.

Blackout, all lights are extinguished.

Imperial secret agents launched the fog of war to envelop a large factory building, and then all evacuated under the supervision of the chief inspector.

Then there was a violent earthquake, and then a huge black figure in the mist ejected into the air with a roar like a siren. Before everyone around could see what it was, the black figure rushed into the sky and disappeared. .

(End of this chapter)

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