Age of Arcane

Chapter 603

It is an indisputable fact that the Imperial Army is at a disadvantage in the Tedgar Hills. Even with the addition of the second- and third-line armies that do not have much combat effectiveness, Luke has less than [-] soldiers in his hands.These auxiliary troops were scattered in various important places in the empire-occupied area. With the full withdrawal of the Royal First Magical Legion from the Tedgar Hills, the empire's front line was very empty.

After a round of military meetings, Luke ordered all auxiliary troops to retreat from the front line and occupy an important position behind the triumphant fortress to defend firmly.

The Fortress of Triumph thus became a salient.

The Raging Waves City Armored Assault Division gave priority to transporting personnel to take over the defense of the Triumph Fortress, using the fortifications that the Royal First Magical Legion had built, with the Triumph Fort as the center and the surrounding highlands as the fulcrum to form a defense circle for the Triumph Fortress.

First use the fortress to reserve weapons to defend, wait for your own weapons and equipment to arrive by rail, and launch a counterattack after completing the replacement.

After Luke arrived at the overhead fortress, he checked the warehouse here, and the weapons and equipment replaced by the Royal First Magical Legion were sealed inside.The Raging Waves City Armored Assault Division has received training on these weapons and equipment, and there is absolutely no problem in using them in combat.

In addition, 50.00% of the various airships assigned to the Assault Division have arrived at the Triumph Fortress, including a Kirov-class super-heavy steam airship. The Assault Division's air power has a greater advantage.

Therefore, when the Duke of Celtic led the barbarian army to launch a counterattack against the imperial army, he found that there was only one triumphant fortress in front of him.

The fortress is stuck in the middle of the mountains, guarding the most convenient road from the Tedgar Hills into the Empire itself.If the fortress is not taken back, the barbarian army can only take the mountain path and give up most of its luggage.

Moreover, the Triumph Fortress is of great significance to the barbarians, even if it has no military value, it must be taken back.

Following the Celtic Duke's order, the barbarian army immediately launched an attack on this fortified fortress, and the battle for the highlands around the fortress also started at the same time.

After the Kirov-class super-heavy steam airship arrived at the overhead fortress, Luke moved his command post into the airship.

From here, you can overlook the entire battlefield.

The south side of the Triumph Fortress is an open area, which is conducive to the attacker's deployment of its forces.It can be seen that when the barbarians built the triumphal fortress, they considered how to retake the lost fortress conveniently.

As the attackers, the barbarians who received new weapons and equipment also received training in new tactics.They did not launch a fearless charge against the fortified city like before, using their own blood to crush the will of the defenders.

Before the attack, the barbarian army made full preparations for the attack.

The barbarians put the purchased second-hand armed steam airships on the front line to provide air cover for the ground troops.

Then the army mage controls the magic projectile cannon to blast the ground of the attack route.The magic trap preset by the defenders was forcibly eliminated during the blast.Then the magic projectile uses earth magic bombs to create slope-shaped bunkers on the offensive route, so that the attacking soldiers can avoid the long-range attacks of the defenders on the way, and it is also convenient for the soldiers to regroup when retreating.

Some magic projectiles are digging trenches to give soldiers a more forward strike zone.

According to the training, the Barbarian Legion carried out the magic deployment in an orderly manner.Barbarian warriors wearing heavy armor and holding tower shields entered the trenches and lined up in the attack area.

The other barbarian light infantry stood by in the rear.

The light infantry is a war fortress designed and manufactured by the barbarians themselves, but there are still many problems in the war fortress, so the barbarians did not put this assault weapon on the front line to withstand the attack, but let it move with the light infantry, more It is to give a psychological comfort.

The barbarian army played fairly well, there was nothing to praise, but it didn't expose too many loopholes.

The Triumph Fortress did not feel as if it was facing a big enemy because the barbarian army was approaching the city. The troops with combat missions guarded their respective defensive areas, while other soldiers carried things.

The Armored Assault Division of Raging Waves City was equipped with too many weapons and equipment, and even the war fortress was shipped in pieces.

No one panicked because of the disparity in the strength of the enemy and us, and the whole fortress was running healthily and at a high speed.

Facing the magical preparations of the barbarian army, the Triumph Fortress did not allow the opponent to lay out an attack path.The magic projectile cannon located on the turret of the fortress responded quickly, and the projectiles were thrown high, drawing a parabola in the air and hitting the earth slope bunker made by the barbarians.

The earth slope bunker turned into a sand pile instantly after being hit, and the sand pile collapsed and turned into a sandy area that was difficult to walk on.

At the same time, the magic projectile cannons located on the high ground on both sides of the fortress took advantage of the advantages of high attack and low range, and bombarded the barbarian heavy infantry assembled in the trench.

Then, taking advantage of the chaos caused by the bombing of the barbarians, the airship of the Assault Division took the opportunity to advance, suppressing the airship of the barbarian army with magic counter bombardment, and at the same time launched the steam titan and a small part of the magic titan carried by the airship.

Titan Commander Owen drove a Magic Titan to the front, leading the Titans to repeatedly charge towards the forward position of the barbarian army, and then quickly retreated to the fortress under the cover of the airship.

Although this small raid did not cause too much damage to the barbarian army, it knocked out the energy of the barbarian attack.

When the Duke of Celtic learned that all the attacks on the high ground around the fort had failed, he ordered the end of the attack.

The barbarians retreated like a tide, preparing to sum up experience, discuss tactics, and then launch an attack on the triumphant fortress.

The orderly retreat of the barbarian army showed the military quality of the elite army.The failure of a tentative attack will not have any impact on the barbarians, and the war will continue.

When the triumphant fortress attracted the main force of the barbarian army, the defensive strength of the holy mountain became very empty.A lot of abyss mages were transferred away by the war, and the abyss temple became a little empty.

After coming to the Holy Mountain for a while, Qingkong finally found a chance to enter the Temple of the Abyss.

Bridges, once the second apostle, is now the first apostle of the Abyss Temple and the only surviving apostle.

The deep sense of crisis made Bridges live a simple life. He hardly left the Temple of the Abyss, and sometimes he didn't even attend the meetings held by the Duke of Celtic.

He had a premonition that Qing Kong would definitely come to find him.

Especially when the Celtic Duke dispatched most of the abyss mages, his premonition became even stronger.

Bridges hid in the deepest part of the abyss temple, opened all the traps in the temple, and called the remaining abyss mages and abyss monsters together to protect his safety.

Wearing a special battle suit, Qing Kong came to the gate of the Abyss Temple. She didn't know where Bridges was hiding, so she decided to go in and find it.

"Hey! This is the Temple of the Abyss, not where you should come..."

Before the big eyeballs hanging on the gate of the temple could finish speaking, they froze into ice cubes in a blast of cold air, and then fell to the ground, cracked and scattered.

In the clear sky, stepping on the ice chips, he stepped into the dark temple. (end of this chapter)

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