Age of Arcane

Chapter 604 Copy of Abyss Temple

Familiar feeling...

At this time, Qingkong stood in the dark passage, and suddenly felt like a raider dungeon. She had come here many times to collect materials in the era game.The Abyss Temple is a rich dungeon of secret art materials, and many of them are rare materials that cannot be found elsewhere.

It would be more suitable if there is another BGM at this time.

Thinking of this, Qingkong summoned a spiritual ball.

The spiritual ball flew out, quickly circled the clear sky a few times, then landed on her right shoulder, and flicked it coquettishly.

"play music!"

The spiritual ball received the command and entered a high-frequency vibration state.The vibration made a sound. The audio at the beginning was still a murmur. As the vibration became rhythmic, the music also sounded.

It's just that the melody is too peaceful.

Qingkong corrected the spirit ball: "Now it's not about studying, it's about fighting. There must be rhythm and a sense of impact... Change to another!"

The spiritual ball mobilized the vibration rhythm, and the passionate battle song sent high-pitched sound waves along the passage to the depths of the abyss temple.

Qingkong still said dissatisfied: "I have made it very clear that this is a battle, do you want my enemies to enjoy the atmosphere of this music as well?"

The spiritual ball finally comprehended.

The vibration frequency changed again, and with the transmission of the sound waves, powerful spiritual attack spells were also transmitted.

Immediately, various screams came from the depths of the temple, and the howling of ghosts and wolves made Qingkong feel more like a copy of the temple of the abyss.

Qingkong caught the spirit ball flying in the air, rubbed his hands together and then twisted it, the spirit ball turned into a pair of headphones.

Qingkong put the earphones on his ears, and pulled out the Stardust Chenzhan scimitar from the scabbard behind him with both hands.White cold mist spewed out of her mouth, her eyes turned the color of ice crystals, and the wings of ice crystals spread out, and the ice layer covered her feet along the passage like a welcome blanket.

Music was stirring in the space of the temple.

Qingkong flew up gently on her toes, and at the moment when a large piece of ice sprayed backward, she rushed forward like a cannonball entering orbit.

The magic traps along the way were frozen, and the abyss mages and monsters in ambush were frozen into ice sculptures.Occasionally there are those who are stronger, but they also bear the double attack of extreme cold and spirit at the same time. When the clear sky passes by, it is just an extra knife that ends their lives.

Qingkong followed the passage of the Abyss Temple at such a high speed, cleaning layer by layer, searching layer by layer, and freezing layer by layer.Nothing could stop her, and nothing here could stop her.

Even the speed of information transmission from the Temple of the Abyss can't keep up with the speed of clear sky.

Apostle Bridges stayed in the deepest part of the temple, and he had already set up an altar here.A circle of high-ranking priests surrounded the altar. They sat cross-legged in the blood pool surrounding the altar with their backs to the altar. The blood in the blood pool bubbled like boiling bubbles.

At this time, the altar was filled with music from nowhere, and the rhythmic music was also mixed with spiritual attack spells. Some abyss mages who were waiting here were already crying in pain with their heads in their hands.

The temple is under attack!
The apostle Bridges sent people out to inquire about the news, but sent out several waves one after another, but no one came back with any news.

What happened?

Bridges stood in the middle of the altar, as if blindfolded, plugged, and deprived of perception of the rest of the temple.

In addition to the increasingly loud music, it means that the intruders are gradually approaching here.

The power of the mental attack was getting stronger and stronger, and even Bridges felt some discomfort.And now knowing that someone is calling, but I don't even know who the other party is... It's even more uncomfortable.

Bridges also assigned an abyss mage to go outside to find out the news.

The abyss mage was already dizzy from the mental attack, he staggered towards the gate of the altar, and stretched out his hand to open the gate, holding back the pain.

Just as the door opened a gap, a gust of wind squeezed in through the door with snowflakes and ice crystals.The abyss mage saw the elf standing outside the door, but he didn't even shout, so he kept the door open and was frozen into an ice sculpture.

The wind and snow raged and swept through the altar.

The apostle Bridges didn't need to send anyone to find out the news, he knew who was coming.

Queen of Moonlight... Clear Sky!
Pushing the half-open door open with one hand, the frozen abyss mage fell heavily to the ground and fell apart.

Sunny Sky walked in.

"Bridges, you're hiding deep enough!"

The altar has been frozen into an ice cave, except that the center of the altar is not affected by the energy of ice and snow due to the effect of mysterious energy.

Bridges looked at the clear sky with hatred and fear in his heart.

Of the seven apostles who left Oulu Academy to create the Abyss Temple, now there is only one left.Most of the other apostles died at the hands of Qingkong, which is an unforgettable hatred.

But the prestige of Clear Sky has long spread throughout the world.

After the five ancient civilizations joined the world one after another, the conceited apostles of the abyss have long been aware of the gap between themselves and the world's top powers, and Clear Sky has proved through actual battles that she is one of the world's top powers.

This time, the clear sky came to the door, and breaking into the abyss temple was like entering the land of no one. All the ambushes and dangers became decorations, and Bridges fell into despair.

If the first apostle and the third apostle are still there, there may be hope for the three of them to join forces.

just now……

Bridges stared at Qingkong with those red eyes: "Miss Weatherlight, the Book of Calamity is yours, and the Abyss Temple will not be snatched from now on, can you let us go."

Qing Kong summoned the Book of Calamity and held it on his palm, and said with a smile: "Even if the Book of Calamity is given to you now, you can't keep it.

And I didn't kill you because of the Book of Calamity. "

Bridges asked, "Why?"

"Why should I tell you?" Clear Sky retracted the book of calamity: "You have taken refuge in the Duke of Celtic, which has long deviated from the purpose of the Temple of the Abyss to serve the Abyss. Of course, the Abyss doesn't care whether you deviate from it, and it never I haven't accepted you."

"I didn't turn my back on the abyss." Bridges shouted loudly as if his tail had been stepped on: "I have always served the abyss faithfully! It is... a certain apostle betrayed us, and he leaked the secrets of the abyss temple to you , let you kill the apostles one by one.

I am just protecting myself, and only by living can I continue to serve the abyss. "

"So...have you found the traitor from the Abyss Temple?"

Qingkong's question made Bridges' expression freeze instantly.


Who betrayed the Abyss Temple?

Bridges has yet to find an answer.

"Who is it? Who is a traitor!"

"I'm not here to answer your question!"

Qingkong threw the scimitar at Bridges, and the scimitar turned into an ice wheel and crushed towards the altar with a whistling sound.

Bridges reacted quickly and uttered the secret word: Abyss armor.

The blood in the blood pool around the altar instantly evaporated into a blood mist, enveloping more than a dozen senior abyssal priests.The abyss priests stood up, and the blood mist solidified on their bodies into blood-red armor.

The priests wearing the armor of the abyss worked together to block the ice wheel, and then they were about to attack the clear sky.

But at this moment, Bridges uttered a secret word that did not inform the priests...

"Abyss King Armor"

The blood armor on the priests evaporated into blood mist again, and the blood in the priests evaporated together.Blood mist gushed out from their skins, and the extreme pain caused the priests to distort their faces and open their mouths wide.

But no sound came out of their mouths, and they turned into mummies and fell to the ground one by one.

The blood mist gathered towards Bridges and solidified on his body into a set of gorgeous blood-red armor.

A red two-handed sword was held in his hand.

With a "bang", Bridges dispersed into a cloud of blood mist, which moved rapidly in the air, and then dispersed into two, four, and eight clusters.Eight clusters of blood mist surrounded Qingkong, and one of them quickly condensed into Bridges, slashing at Qingkong with a sword.Regardless of whether the sword hit or not, Bridges, who was afraid of fighting, immediately dispersed into a blood mist. At this time, another cloud of blood mist would condense into Bridges, and then launched a sneak attack on the clear sky.

Qingkong easily dodged Bridges' attack with a small displacement.

This guy was already frightened. Every time he attacked, he wanted to escape into the blood mist as soon as possible, so that the attack was completely disorganized, and naturally there was no threat.

The performance difference from the copy of the Era Abyss Temple is too great.

In the copy of the Temple of the Abyss, the second apostle Bridges is the big boss after the final boss, the first apostle Victor.And "Abyss King Armor" is Bridges' hidden skill, which only triggers with a [-]% chance.

The result is this?


Brush the book, that's it!

Qingkong dodged an attack from Bridges, and at the moment he turned into a blood mist, he could identify which blood mist his real body had transferred to through the change of the blood mist.Then Qingkong seized the opportunity and moved behind the cloud of blood mist through spatial displacement.

At this time, the blood mist condensed into Bridges, but he lost the direction of the clear sky.

Qingkong stuck in the blank period between Bridges' perception and connection, and waited behind him.Just as Bridges' body condensed, the clear sky attack that took the lead has arrived.The sharp scimitar cut through the gap between the helmet and the armor, and the extremely cold air formed a sharp blade and invaded Bridges' central nervous system, preventing him from reacting.

As soon as the blade cut through, Bridges' head rolled to the ground.

The helmet was scattered with blood.

The head slowly dissipated into black smoke and dust.

A bead lay in thick bloody water.

Qingkong took off the "earphones" and threw them into the air, the "earphones" turned back into a spiritual ball, and the music stopped at this moment.

Reach out and grab the beads in your hands.

Gather the seven orbs—you can summon the dragon!

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