The ex-boyfriend said he came back from immortality

Chapter 42 2 in 1 Big Chapter Chapter Various Requests

Chapter 42 Two In One Chapter Various Requests
In the evening Wang Xiaoan drew a total of three circles outside.

I also made a hearty spicy hot pot for my parents.

Spicy hot pot is a popular dish in Junjiang in recent years. Its origin is similar to the reason why Wang Xiaoan made spicy hot pot last time: to make full use of the leftovers of the ingredients.

In most restaurants, the base of the spicy hot pot is mainly spicy. A large amount of dried chili, pepper, pepper, etc. not only add flavor, but more importantly, cover up the stale taste of some ingredients.

After all, most of the meat in the restaurant is stored in the freezer, and no one knows what they have experienced before thawing.

But the spicy hot pot, as the name suggests, still needs to be spicy. Wang Xiaoan's method is to first marinate the spicy flavor into the fresh ingredients.

Reduce the input of dried chilies and strong seasonings when frying the base material, and the final spicy pot maintains its unique flavor without allowing the seasoning to completely cover up the characteristics of the ingredients themselves.

Beef, pork belly, and cured meat have their own flavors, and they are truly spicy and delicious, not the taste of mouth-watering seasonings.

Seeing his parents eating happily, Wang Xiaoan is also satisfied. The pain and regret that are common in life when a child wants to raise a child but is not treated by the relatives. In daily life, people are used to suppressing these emotions, and even slowly take them lightly... there any way, not thinking is the only way.

It's just, occasionally, there will always be one or two people who will suddenly cry bitterly at some point, Dad, Mom... have never been filial to you.

Wang Xiaoan was in Riyue Mountain, even though he had Master's protection and had no experience of being displaced, he often missed his parents.

In the beginning, he was just a 16-year-old boy. He didn't feel too panicked or panicked, but he would eventually feel uneasy and miss the peace and tranquility when his parents were around.

Wang Xiaoan asked his parents to go to bed early, and he went to tidy up the kitchen, thinking that when the Aimin community was demolished, he should change to a bigger house and give his parents a loving and affectionate space.

It will be convenient for me to bring my girlfriend back to sleep in the future.

Riyue Mountain is huge, but there is no room for privacy.

Sometimes Wang Xiaoan would go to some caves to meditate. The spirit energy in these caves is often more intense and the temperature is very comfortable.

In the cave, it is inevitable that he will miss the days when he traveled to the cave transformed by his master's belly button. As soon as he thinks about it, his master will occasionally appear suddenly, and then suspect that Wang Xiao'an is talking bad things about her behind his back.

She didn't care that Wang Xiaoan often practiced naked in order to better absorb the spirit energy of the earth, so she would punch and kick him, so Wang Xiaoan had to run away with a stick... His natal magic weapon is a stick, not a stick. Don't mean anything.

Recalling these past events, Wang Xiaoan inevitably missed Master a little bit.

Back in his room, he kowtowed several times towards the word "Master", and then went back to the living room to watch TV.

The TV is only 37 inches, and the color is still bright after more than ten years of use, without the feeling of distortion or fading.

When I bought it back, even my mother, who was always more receptive to buying trendy household appliances to improve her life, felt that my father was too extravagant.

At that time, my father's reason seemed to be to watch some kind of sports meeting. Anyway, at that time, I saw a 37-inch ultra-thin flat-screen TV and felt very big. Now sixty or seventy-inch TVs are popular.

The evening news was being broadcast on TV, and the chief of the navy, Shan Dongqian, returned to Junjiang.

Junjiang is Shan Dongqian's hometown, and there is the Shan family's mansion and ancestral grave here, but Shan Dongqian has not returned to Junjiang for ten years.

Wang Xiaoan couldn't help but "Oh", this is his alumni, he even sent flowers to Shan Dongqian back then.

Judging from the current media's reaction, it is quite big, and I can't wait to organize the people of the whole city to welcome it.

Then organize elementary school students and junior high school students from several schools to present flowers, and to have a few cultural evenings with singing and dancing.

Shan Dongqian did not respond to the enthusiasm of local officials, but only visited his alma mater, the homeroom teacher and several teachers' homes, ate a bowl of Shiziping rice noodles with fried eggs in lard, and then went back to Shan's mansion to rest behind closed doors.

"I ate a bowl of Shiziping rice noodles, so I passed by us...I went to the exam today, but I didn't see you." Wang Xiaoan was a little regretful. Shan Dongqian in the TV was handsome and handsome, taller than everyone around him. Head, Gu Pan's eyes are shining, and the brilliance is shining.

Junjiang City used to be a place where many talents were born, and many leading figures and outstanding talents from all walks of life were born. However, in the past 20 years, whether in politics or academia, there have not been as many great talents as before.

The entertainment industry is booming, and there are as many variety show stars as there are crucian carp in ten rivers.

Shan Dongqian has become one of the few prides of Junjiang people. Whenever we compete with outsiders and talk about what kind of characters we have, the Junjiang people have to use Shan Dongqian to suppress them at the end. It's better than saying that the recent so-and-so celebrity who whores and sucks is from our county.

Wang Xiaoan and Shan Dongqian are alumni. Shan Dongqian graduated from City No. [-] Middle School. Ten years ago, when Wang Xiaoan just entered school, Shan Dongqian returned to Junjiang. She was also invited to give a speech at the entrance ceremony of City No. [-] Middle School. said something.

The words were not warm, but very sincere, with a simple and pragmatic military style. She did not expect that ten years later, she would become the chief of the navy.

"No wonder the school asked Sun Man and me to send flowers to Shan Dongqian." Wang Xiaoan recalled that he suddenly thought of something. It was definitely arranged for ordinary people to have contact with such a big man.

Arranging for Sun Man to send flowers to Shan Dongqian is easy to understand. With Sun Man here, unless she doesn't want to, this kind of thing can't be done by others. Yang Jinglong and his like can only stand aside. Most of the city's No. [-] middle schools are dignitaries The children of the family.

Wang Xiaoan was picked up, most likely when the school was receiving Shan Dongqian, they found Sun Man and said that they would arrange for her to send flowers, and they would also arrange for a male classmate.

With Sun Man's character, of course she would arrange such a thing for Wang Xiao'an, and let others send flowers with her to look like a golden couple, so she would rather take advantage of Wang Xiao'an... What's more, she had already lost at that time The bet is a special relationship with Wang Xiaoan.

At the end of the news broadcast, Wang Xiaoan saw a red boat brand car appearing in the corner of the screen.

That probably belonged to Liao Ningqian's car.

There is a shallow word in the names of these two people, is it a coincidence, or is there some reason for it?

Wang Xiaoan got up and poured water to soak his feet. The feet are the body's support. Most people don't know that soaking their feet every day is equivalent to practicing.

Some people soak their feet in the soak, and they can even comprehend some cultivation experience, and unintentionally embark on the road of cultivation. Wang Xiaoan has also encountered such a person.

Of course it would be better to soak the whole body, otherwise Wang Xiaoan would not be obsessed with the hot spring that Master and a few senior sisters soaked in at Riyue Mountain back then... He just wanted to soak, not to see anything else.

After soaking his feet, Wang Xiaoan turned off the TV. Could it be that because of Shan Dongqian's arrival, the people who would have come to see Wang Xiaoan would not come again today?
According to the usual habits of officialdom, when a big man like Shan Dongqian stays in the local area, he will try his best to maintain stability.

But the person I was waiting for didn't seem to care so much about Shan Dongqian, right?
Those who will be exposed to the path of cultivation, even if they are in the system of public officials, can be said to be high-ranking people outside the world.

Wang Xiaoan thought that sooner or later he would make people feel a little abnormal, but he didn't expect to attract attention so early.

Thinking about it carefully, the most likely person who is paying attention to her now is Liao Ningqian, the leader of this kind of intelligence agency, who collects countless intelligence information for her every day.

I may have a certain picture captured by the people of Han'an Mansion. They felt that there was something wrong, so they reported it to Liao Ningqian. Liao Ningqian saw that it was someone they knew, so it was very possible to pay more attention and found something abnormal.

When chatting with Sun Man today, I also thought that I should not reveal the secret to Sun Man at will, lest Liao Ningqian pay attention to him through Sun Man.

How could he think that now it is very likely that he himself has shown his feet.

It doesn't matter... Wang Xiao'an actually has experience in this field. After the identity of the cultivator is leaked, the people who represent the country, the government, the royal family, and the big forces come to the door. Basically, there are only a few attitudes.

The first, and most common, is wooing.

Let him hold a high-level official position, some are confessed, some really want him to do something, all of them.

Second, test your intentions.

As long as there is no hostility, treat him as if he does not exist. If there is hostility, then take countermeasures and try to satisfy his wishes.

The third one is to open the film.

This kind is relatively rare, and generally the other party is also a powerful cultivator, and there is no compulsion in his heart. Seeing Wang Xiaoan's countless magic weapons, he intends to kill him to seize the treasure.

When Wang Xiaoan and his master traveled, they also met a cultivator sect that was considered a sacred place in the indigenous world. After discovering that they were cultivators from another world, they wanted to kidnap the master to curry favor with the powerful elders in the sect.

The ending... the people in this holy place are still taking turns attending that elder in the whole sect.

The master said that she was in a good mood at the time and wanted to kill them casually, but she felt that killing them casually was a good deed, which was not in line with her nature.

With all these experiences, Wang Xiaoan is actually not too sensitive to the exposure of his identity, but this is his hometown after all, his parents are here, and he will spend a short life here, so he has to deal with it seriously. This is a place where Master has ruined it, although he has no choice but to pat his ass and leave.

He is a cultivator who is inherently good, and a cultivator who is inherently evil like Master, so of course he cannot follow the same path.

He felt that Liao Ningqian would still focus on wooing him. We were all acquaintances, so it was inevitable that he would be a bit overwhelmed when they met, so it was not easy to start?
He's still Sun Man's boyfriend... In time, Liao Ningqian should know that she has a high chance of becoming his mother-in-law. With such a capable and powerful son-in-law, why make an enemy?
He didn't have any emotions when Liao Ningqian sent someone to watch him, it was just a common method used by people in high positions, don't expect her to consider whether she felt happy to be watched by someone who she thought was a dangerous person's target.

Just as he was thinking about whether there was any gain in this, Wang Xiao'an, who was standing by the window, saw Liao Ningqian walking to the side of the circle he had drawn.

In that circle now, apart from Huang Mao, there are also his immediate superiors, as well as the highest-level person in charge of Han'an Prefecture in Junjiang City.

The three of them were huddled in a small circle, but they didn't seem to know about it. They kept gesticulating and yelling, as if they were still standing in a quite open place, talking and arguing about something.

This situation is a bit weird. People passing by can't see them, and they can't see the people next to them. It has continued since the evening.

When Liao Ningqian came over, she could obviously see their existence, she stopped three steps away from the circle, and looked back at the other person who was following her.

Good winter light.

Although he didn't see another person's face, Wang Xiaoan's intuition told him that it was Shan Dongqian.

According to news reports, Shan Dongqian, who entered the Shan family's mansion for a rest, never appeared again. Shan Dongqian, who did not attend any welcome ceremony, including the dinner at the Governor's Mansion, followed Liao Ningqian to the Aimin Community in the middle of the night.

Shan Dongqian is almost a head taller than the already tall Liao Ningqian. Her long hair is loose and the ends are neatly cut.

Unlike the image of the head of the navy wearing a navy blue military uniform in the news, Shandong in the evening was wearing a green dress and summer jacket, green military shorts, black high leather boots, and a rather heavy long skirt. windbreaker.

She also has a sword at her waist.

Liao Ningqian glanced at Shan Dongqian, Shan Dongqian pulled out the accessories around her waist, and stroked the circle on the ground.

The spell was undone immediately, and the three people who had been trapped for a long time looked at each other in blank dismay. They had clearly driven [-] kilometers just now, and they parked the car in an empty service area to discuss the situation. How could they know that they were always with Wang Xiaoan In the drawn circle?
The spell was broken, and Wang Xiaoan's expression changed slightly... Because of the weak strength of Huang Mao and others, he somewhat underestimated Blue Star's top experts.

His method of painting the ground as a prison seems simple, but to crack it so easily requires a very high level of skill and strong cultivation.

Shan Dongqian's sword also gave Wang Xiao'an a lot of unexpected information.

Blue Star has top powerhouses. The number of these powerhouses may be far less than that of a place of cultivation like Earth, but the quality of these top powerhouses is very high. It’s not that they only rule the roost locally, and they are nothing when they leave Blue Star. type.

The chief of the navy is a cultivator and occupies a high position, so are other high-ranking people also cultivators?
In the world of ordinary people, it is difficult to get in touch with powerful practitioners. Is it because they have already occupied the upper echelons of the Han Kingdom?

Liao Ningqian didn't try to break the spell, was it because she was not strong enough, or was she still able to maintain the style of commanding the head of the navy even in front of Shan Dongqian?

Wang Xiaoan is not very familiar with the level of the military and political system of the Han Dynasty, but he did not check the level of the head of the Han'an Mansion, whether it is higher than the head of the navy.

Wang Xiaoan has never tried Liao Ningqian's depth. You must know that female cultivators can't test the strength casually. Touching a woman's body without permission and peeping at her cultivation base, this is in the world of cultivators and strong. Ji'an makes no difference.

A female cultivator allows a male cultivator to touch her body and visit her cultivation state, which is no different from allowing him to do more intimate things.

It's just that tonight, he must know how deep Liao Ning is.
All kinds of requests, the third day of the new year!
(End of this chapter)

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