Chapter 43 5000 Words Large Chapter Various Requests

In addition to performing certain tasks with restrictions, the special agents of Han'an Mansion generally carry location tracking devices when performing tasks.

If the signal of this kind of device is interrupted for a long time, it means that it shuts down automatically or has an accident, and can quickly locate the position where the signal last appeared.

Huang Mao's real surname is Huang, his name is Huang You, and the first person who came to see him was his immediate superior, Zhao Yuanlong.

Although Zhao Yuanlong was about to send Huang You to the insidious country at every turn, but when Huang You's tracking signal disappeared, he immediately felt that something was wrong, so he came to Huang You immediately, and of course he was thrown into the circle of "painting the ground as a prison" immediately inside.

The highest person in charge of Han'an Mansion in Junjiang City is called Zhao Feng, who is Zhao Yuanlong's old superior and his uncle. His nephew's tracking signal also disappeared, and he also feels very bad.

Coupled with the fact that Liao Ningqian and Shandongqian are both in Junjiang City now, if something goes wrong, wouldn't that be the end of it?So Zhao Feng personally delivered it to the door, and directly reunited with his nephew and his subordinates.

"Ma'am, I'm sure, Wang Xiao'an is a cultivator." Zhao Feng saw that Liao Ningqian was still following behind Shan Dongqian, and his heart skipped a beat, and he reported with shame on his face.

As a representative of the military, Shan Dongqian should not have gotten so close to Liao Ningqian.

During the war, the intelligence of Han'an Mansion was very important to the military, not only to save the lives of countless soldiers, officers and civilians, but also to influence the situation of the war and decide the life and death of the country.

At that time, the Han'an Mansion and the military should work together, trust each other, and work together for the sake of Han, so that they can be invincible and invincible.

But in peacetime, the intelligence structure is too close to the military, and it is simply giving the government eye drops. What do you want to do?
It has always been heard that Madam and the Shan family have a good relationship, but everyone thinks that they only maintain the superficial kind of friendship. In the officialdom, it is the same as the friendship between girls. If they don't face to face, they are good friends.

Now Shan Dongqian accompanied Liao Ningqian alone to carry out the task of Han'an Mansion in the middle of the night. This was not as simple as being friendly on the surface.

Zhao Feng actually didn't want to know the secrets between these big shots, don't look at Liao Ningqian coming to save people, but in fact Zhao Feng can only be regarded as a middle-level person in the Han'an Mansion, not far behind Liao Ningqian, the ruler of the Han'an Mansion. Several levels.

It's just that Junjiang City is the place where Liao Ningqian has the longest and most frequent patrols outside the capital. Liao Ningqian often skips the bloated layers of organization and directly assigns Zhao Feng to handle errands.

This raised Zhao Feng's status within the Han'an Mansion to the level of a "son of heaven and a close minister". Even high-level officials would not underestimate Zhao Feng, and would often greet him with a smile and treat him with courtesy.

Zhao Feng was thinking about something and didn't dare to raise his head. These two high-ranking, powerful and powerful women both had eyes that could see through people's hearts.

When you meet their eyes, you will feel that your heart has been seen by them, even if you don't have shady thoughts, you will be very scared.

The most important thing is that as women, their height is too oppressive. Men are always used to facing women who are shorter than themselves. Suddenly standing in front of these women who look down on them is always awkward, unaccustomed and cramped.

"Zhao Yuanlong is your nephew?" Liao Ningqian asked casually.

"Yes." Zhao Feng said quickly, why did Madam ask this?
Zhao Feng had many thoughts in his mind, but he still gave up trying to figure it out. How could Madam be able to figure it out by himself?

Just answer what she said, and if there is a problem, just wait for it to be dealt with.

"Huang You, do you have a good relationship with Zhao Yuanlong?" Liao Ningqian continued to ask.

Huang You was flattered and startled, nodded quickly, and even looked up at Liao Ningqian and Shan Dongqian. He really didn't expect that today's task could really attract Liao Ningqian's personal attention. This was the first time he really stood up. In front of Liao Ningqian, even though the mission failed, she was still very excited.

You must know that Liao Ningqian often lives and works in Junjiang, and Huang You even saw her on the street, but according to internal regulations and code of conduct, he is not allowed to contact Liao Ningqian.

Many people in Han'an Mansion in Junjiang have seen Liao Ningqian, but they all just looked up silently, even if they passed by, they could only suppress the enthusiasm in their eyes, and did not dare to disturb this Han'an top government leaders.

Huang You never thought that Liao Ningqian would know his name. It is conceivable that his ancestral grave in the small mountain village next to Mengxiong Mountain must have been covered with smoke.

"Zhao Yuanlong, I have also heard about your deeds. You made a great sacrifice while performing missions in the Insidious Kingdom. I personally issued the commendation order for you. Your uncle didn't tell you. He said that he was afraid that you would become arrogant from now on. , getting carried away, but seeing that after your subordinate had an accident today, you still maintain the style of doing things that you were willing to risk yourself and disregard your personal safety, which is very good." Liao Ningqian praised Zhao Yuanlong again.

Zhao Yuanlong almost jumped up and yelled at his uncle. Liao Ningqian personally issued his commendation order. Could this be the same as the ordinary organization awards that Zhao Feng gave him back then?

This means that Madam paid attention to him personally!
Zhao Yuanlong felt tears welling up in his eyes, the hardships he had paid in the sinister country were so worth it!
"Today's mission is actually not a failure. When you go back, you should take a good rest. The spells that restrict you will bring certain sequelae, such as spatial confusion, psychological and physical discomfort, etc., and return to work after your body recovers. "Liao Ningqian ordered.

The three people who had just been rescued bowed deeply and backed away. They lowered their heads and saw the hem of the tall Liao Ning's long skirt swaying in the evening wind, the smooth insteps were as soft as moonlight, and a thin strand of grass The silk fell on her shoes, making people want to kneel down and clean her shoes, but even so, it would feel insulting to her.

Shan Dongqian stood behind Liao Ningqian, silently, like a guardian, her tall and straight body nailed there, and like Liao Ningqian's sword, with a faint smile on her lips, she watched the three of them leave.

"Sometimes people are insatiable, and sometimes they are easily satisfied. As long as you remember your name, they are willing to die for you." Shan Dongqian said softly.

When Shan Dongqian speaks in public, her voice is always a little low, with a neutral texture, which reduces people's attention to her female identity.

At this time, her voice was a very soft female voice, in the light of night, it was like the moving sound of a stream, no matter how loud the voice was, it would not make people feel noisy, it was quiet and pleasant.

"I'm not a scheming or imperial technique." Liao Ningqian frowned slightly, "One day, we will die after all, and we hope that someone will remember our names."

Liao Ningqian knew very well that the task Huang You was asked to perform today was beyond his ability, and it was normal for him to fail after being discovered.

In the future, I will probably do some things that are beyond my ability. At that time, it may also end in failure. There is nothing to blame Huang You and others for judging others by oneself.

What can be done well is to do one's best. Today, whether it is Huang You, Zhao Yuanlong, or Zhao Feng, they have all fulfilled their responsibilities. Liao Ningqian never asks others to do beyond their ability.

Shan Dongqian was silent, she knew very well the weight of Liao Ningqian's words, she had many subordinates and soldiers, she couldn't let people know how they sacrificed, and she couldn't let people know where they sacrificed, the only thing she could do was Yes, that is, remembering their names and taking care of their families.

This world seems to be peaceful through singing and dancing, wars, turmoil, and the end of the world seem to be far away from the Han Dynasty, but it is very close to people like Liao Ningqian and Shan Dongqian.

For example, the present may be a crisis.

It's not difficult for Shan Dongqian to crack that spell just now, but if he and Liao Ningqian didn't come in person, it might be a disaster that no matter how many lives are taken, it won't help.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

This sentence is one of the family mottos left by the ancestors of the Shan family, and it is also the belief that Shan Dongqian has experienced most deeply in recent years.

"I have to face people today, which is different from usual." Liao Ningqian gently lifted the hem of the skirt that was close to the hip line, turned gracefully, and faced the sparsely lit Aimin community.

After all, it was too late. There were not many young people in the Aimin community, and the middle-aged and elderly people couldn't bear it, so they all went to bed earlier.

The rented houses in Aimin community are very cheap, but after the news of the demolition came out, there were fewer rented houses.

Some tenants simply prepare in advance and move out early, making the night here more quiet and pure. There are fewer young people who stay up late, and there are fewer late-night snack stalls with these young people as their main customers.

"There is no difference, only strong and weak." Shan Dongqian said indifferently.

The technique just now may be a display of strength, but it will not cause much coercion and worry to Shan Dongqian and Liao Ningqian.

It's just that I'm used to dealing with outsiders cautiously. In the vast world, there are all kinds of monsters.

"His name is Wang Xiaoan. He is Manman's ex-boyfriend. He disappeared ten years ago and came back only recently." Liao Ningqian looked at the Aimin Community, and she could feel the gaze from the other side. She raised her head slightly, parted her collar, A small section of glowing collarbone was exposed.

Liao Ningqian still remembers Wang Xiao'an ten years ago, with that handsome face, slanted bangs covering her surprised eyes, blood flushed instantly on her fair skin, she looked at her stiffly, and then rolled and crawled Jumping off the bed without hesitation, and nimbly crawling out of the window, it seems that he has done a lot of things like climbing over walls and windows.

That night, my pajamas seemed to be a strappy halter?There seemed to be many hollow carvings on the hem of the skirt, but there was a pattern of a jade rabbit pounding medicine on the front, which was a little childish.

At that time, Liao Ningqian understood immediately that Wang Xiaoan did not make an appointment with Sun Man, so he did not expect that it was Liao Ningqian who was sleeping on Sun Man's bed, and climbed in through the window and went to bed anxiously.

Liao Ningqian regretted it now, but at that time, she actually felt that she could tolerate and understand the young man's eagerness, so she stopped him and said a few words before letting him go.

Now that I think about it, I'm still a little superficial. I didn't care too much about how handsome and handsome he is... At that time, I should have kicked him and let him lie in the hospital for a few months. Maybe he wouldn't have had the chance to travel through another world It's time to return.

How easy is that?So, people can't just look at other people's good-looking and soften their hearts, and there will be many disasters.

"Manman still had a boyfriend? Why didn't I know?" Shan Dongqian helped her military cap, and involuntarily held the sword that had been withdrawn from her waist.

Seeing Shan Dongqian's movement of holding the hilt of the sword, Liao Ningqian smiled at the corner of his mouth, and let you know what?This action of holding the sword can somewhat explain the subconscious mind.

"That kid...was pretty good at first, but it's a pity that he went to the earth. We have to ask which cultivation sect he follows. It's best not to be a holy place like Riyue Mountain or Daluotian." Speaking of Riyue Mountain, Da Luo Tian's name, the smile on Liao Ningqian's face dissipated, so indifferent that the moonlight dared not fall, only shadows caressing her beautiful face.

Among the countless different worlds, there are also many worlds with cultivators. The earth can be said to be the most powerful place among them. The world is rarely known.

"However, you can conclude that he went to the earth just because someone wrote a "Book of Songs". Isn't that a little insufficient evidence?" Shan Dongqian knew that few people in Blue Star practiced the "Book of Songs", but among the folks It is not that no one copied and handed down in the New Ancient Chinese Movement a hundred years ago.

"Isn't this here to investigate? He used this level of magic to lure us into the bait. The intention of demonstrating and showing our strength is self-evident. It is the Sunyue Mountain and Daluotian on the earth. That's right." Liao Ningqian frowned slightly, showing disgust uncontrollably.

It's not aimed at Wang Xiao'an, but those cultivation schools on the earth, which really makes Liao Ningqian hate him deeply.

If Wang Xiaoan is also a typical representative of those cultivation sects, then don't blame Liao Ningqian for wanting to destroy her.

"I've only heard about these holy places from you before, but I want to see them today." Shan Dongqian wore white gloves, clasped his hands in front of his lower abdomen, opened his eyes awe-inspiringly, and stared in the same direction as Liao Ningqian.

Wang Xiaoan walked slowly from the corridor.

"Aunt Liao, General Shan."

He knew that after all, he had waited for the two biggest people... Shan Dongqian was indeed not small, at least 1.9 meters tall, and he was wearing boots with heels, with his head held up slightly, as if looking at him with his delicate chin. People, the neck is as slender as a swan's neck.

If Shan Dongqian were not wearing a military uniform, if she was wearing a feminine dress like Liao Ningqian's, she might as well give way to Liao Ningqian in terms of beauty.

"Huh? I've seen you before." Shan Dong's straight eyebrows slightly raised, and there was a faint smile on his lips, "Ten years ago, I visited the city's No. [-] Middle School, and the boy who presented flowers with Man Man "You haven't changed a bit in all these years."

Liao Ningqian turned her head to look at Shan Dongqian.

Wang Xiaoan was also very surprised.

"Is his appearance normal, as I remember?" Shan Dongqian let go of his hands. As a soldier, of course he admires masculinity and muscles more, but the most important thing in the army is a sunny, domineering, passionate and passionate man. Wang Xiaoan This style of handsome man looks fresher.

It turns out that this is the case, Wang Xiaoan is a little embarrassed, a man can't be remembered by his strength, but he can be impressed by his appearance, this is also a kind of helpless trouble.

Wang Xiaoan was really flattered, because of his father, he worshiped soldiers since he was young, and he was full of natural affection for soldiers.

What's more, this one is still a famous general who has made great military exploits, defended against the enemy outside the country many times, and won promotion by refusing to fight.

If the father had not fallen asleep, the current atmosphere and background were not suitable, otherwise Wang Xiaoan really wanted his father to come and get to know this good general.

"I just saw General Shan on TV, and I never expected to see you in reality. Compared with your heroic appearance ten years ago, you haven't aged at all now, and you have a calmer appearance and the air of a general. The sea gates of the Han Kingdom are protected by you, and the people of the Han Kingdom are absolutely assured!" Wang Xiaoan said enthusiastically.

Compared with Liao Ningqian, who suppresses everything in the officialdom, but is rarely discussed among the people, Shan Dongqian's popularity is indeed very high. In recent years, the number of young people applying for the naval academy has increased greatly, and the navy also has many young people who intend to join the army. , the military branch that I most want to go to.

Hearing Wang Xiaoan's warm and loyal praise, Shan Dongqian didn't show his indifference and calmness when facing the officials and the media, but smiled at the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand to shake Wang Xiaoan's hand, and said softly, "Thank you, I should." .”

"After you came to visit your alma mater, many of our classmates have moved their minds to apply for the Naval Academy. I would like to report a number to you. That year, the number of senior high school graduates applying for the Naval Academy has increased tenfold compared to previous years! I At that time, I also made up my mind to apply for the Naval Academy, if there was no accident later, maybe I would be a loyal soldier under your command now!" Wang Xiaoan said excitedly.

"If you want to join the army, it's never too late. Our navy also recruits talents in an eclectic manner. Talents like you who have a foundation in cultivation are also in great need. Just think about it, in the blue sea, you can be silent The one who spies and infiltrates the enemy's warships is a cultivator with superior strength like you, who can completely achieve dimensionality reduction strikes." Shan Dongqian looked at Wang Xiao'an expectantly.

"Actually, I'm starting to read again now, if nothing unexpected happens..."

"and many more."

Liao Ningqian finally couldn't bear it anymore, this direction was completely beyond her expectation, she had to glance at Shan Dongqian, why did it take too long to meet Wang Xiaoan?

An invitation was also issued for Wang Xiaoan to join the Navy!
What if he is completely brainwashed on the earth and becomes a nail for Blue Star in places like Riyue Mountain and Da Luotian?
(End of this chapter)

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