Chapter 133 Escape

"Is that the ghostly Naruto?"

On a pine tree that had not been lit with green fireworks, the Fenghu duo lay down in the gap between the branches and the pine needles, looking calmly at the figure on the ground 20 meters away.

This pine tree is stretched between two huge rocks, like a cliff raised by the plate movement, high above and independent of the world, so it is far away from any similar trees that have turned into torches, so it can escape from being turned into a torch. The fate of Chaihuo became a temporary hiding place for the two.

From this vantage point like a watchtower, they could just see the cave mentioned by Kuwashima Jigoro.

It's just that the entrance of that cave has been occupied by a huge monster with a shoulder height of two meters and a length of about [-] meters.

The reason why it is called a monster is because he is completely crawling on all fours, his whole body is black and blue, and he doesn't even have a piece of clothing to cover his body.

Even among ghosts, this look is an out-and-out monster.

Especially when grabbing a body to eat.

"He's completely disfigured."

Seeing this scene, Katsuno Kusakami's last hope was also shattered, and the sadness in his eyes stopped briefly.

"Most of the ghosts with this beastly posture can't communicate."

He originally thought that since Mr. Ming Zhu had recently turned into a ghost, he might still be able to retain a little memory as a human being, and maybe the human part of his body could still listen to advice.

But what he didn't know was that Naruto's blood type was not AB, and he couldn't perfectly match the ghost like Yue Yue, and because of the little accident before, he took too much blood of the ghost king, which was what he lost. The root cause of sanity.

"Obviously he was such a kind senior before, but he ended up like this."

Kakino Kuangjin sighed regretfully and helplessly, "Obviously he is planning to retire after the Chinese New Year."

"Ghosts are ghosts, people are people."

Only Undead Kawa Minya didn't have any expectations from the beginning.

According to his experience, ghosts who can communicate with people are more cunning, and they are very good at using people's emotions and bonds to blackmail and confuse their opponents.

Right now this ghost is transformed by Ming Zhu, if he can speak or something, people like Ke Ye or Hua Zhu who always have fantasies about ghosts may be deceived by the other party.

But he won't.

He never had any undue expectations for ghosts.

"You guy, stop treating him as a senior."

Undead Kawa Miniya reminded in a low voice: "The corpses of dozens of soldiers we saw along the way, most of them that were not burnt and had no internal organs, should have been eaten by him."

"Look at his hands and feet. The size is obviously bigger than those footprints left on the top of the mountain."

"After eating so many people's organs, he should have fully adapted to his body now, and his body is bigger than when he was just transformed. Right now, he is blocking the entrance of this cave, probably because he has tasted the sweetness and plans to use the remaining All the soldiers were killed."

Immortal Kawa Minami slowly pulled out the Japanese sword without making a sound, as if planning to give the ghost an unexpected righteous backstab.

"What do you want?"

Katsuno Kurosawa held down the hand of Immortal Kawasami who drew his sword, "If we fight him here, the entrance of that cave may collapse, and the people inside will never be able to come out again."

"Although I don't know the exact number of people, but subtracting the more than 100 corpses we found from 70 people, there are at least [-] people in the cave now."

Those people must have been enemies.

Thinking about saving those soldiers, Immortal Kawa Miniya was really bored.

Since this statement was very incorrect in the Ghost Killing Squad, he didn't say it, but asked impatiently, "Then what do you think?"

"Well, I'll attract the ghost's attention, and you take the opportunity to go inside and bring the rest of the people out, and let them leave the trail we came up from first."

"At that time, the reinforcements will almost arrive, and we can let go and fight the ghosts."

Kakino Kurosawa revealed his plan.

"What?" Undead Chuan frowned, and murmured in a low voice with some dissatisfaction: "Obviously, my uncle is thin-blooded, why do you want you to attract his attention?"

Both of them knew very well that this ghost was stronger or weaker than the six on the string, and no one would be able to please it alone, so Undead Chuan would rather face it by himself.

"You don't want to cut your body again! Didn't Kanae tell you? Don't take the initiative to hurt yourself anymore. You are not the scarred face you used to be. Take good care of your body, Hun Dan .”

Kakino Kuangjin first took out the posture of a senior and criticized his junior, and then he gave the reason for such a plan.

"In addition, there are other reasons for this arrangement. Mr. Naruto and I are no strangers. When he was still a human, his strength was already comparable to that of the prostitute Taro. After becoming a ghost, his speed will definitely be even faster. quick."

"My agility is more dexterous than yours, and I'm also familiar with all the sword shapes of Breath of Thunder. Even if I can't match this ghost, at least I can dodge and evade its attack."

"In addition, those surviving soldiers must have been terrified because of their previous encounters. Most of them would rather die inside than come out. My heart is too soft, and it will only be a waste of time to reason with them. A few more delays Hours, even if they are in the hole, they will be smoked to death."

Having said that, he smiled strangely and patted Immortal Kawasami on the shoulder.

"So I can only send you, a bad-tempered Yasha, to communicate with them, and drive them out soon."

"Don't be disgusting, what a bad-tempered Yasha, I'm just too lazy to talk."

Undead Chuan slapped the salty pig's hand on his shoulder, but he already agreed with the other party's statement in his heart.

He rarely communicated with those pillars of the Demon Slayer Team, but Kakino Masaki was very familiar with each of them, and the latter was also the only guy who successfully beheaded the prostitute Taro brothers and sisters during the fifteen days of training, except Genichiro.

"Then how do you plan to lure him away?" Undead Chuan asked.

"You'll know when the time comes." Kakino Kuasaki smiled mysteriously, "Remember, get them out as soon as possible, and I'll try not to get hurt."

After speaking, he disappeared into the treetops like a gust of wind, Immortal Kawa Minya saw a string of black shadows disappearing into the green light.

"Tch... a guy who plays tricks."

Immortal Chuan stayed on the tree, waiting anxiously for that guy's "signal", and this wait was three to four minutes...

Naruto turned into an evil ghost blocking the cave, and in front of him was a bloody corpse that had been dismembered and its internal organs taken out. Seeing his blood pressure soaring, he felt like he was about to lose his temper .

Just when he began to wonder if Kano Kusakami accidentally fell into the fire, a gunshot suddenly exploded in the sea of ​​flames, which stood out from the crowd in the crackling flame solo.

Undead Chuan keenly noticed that the moment the gunshot rang out, a flower of blood rose from the evil spirit's ass!
"Does that guy know how to use a gun?" Undead Chuan muttered to himself.

He didn't know that Kuang Ye's description was right.

But the next moment, the tiny wound healed as if time went backwards, as if it had never appeared before, and the bullet disappeared without a trace, as if it had been eaten by layers of muscle.

Kakino Kuangjin never thought that he could use an ordinary rifle to cause any trouble to an evil spirit comparable to a string, as long as the opponent is willing to turn his head like he is now, it is enough.

"Mr. Mingzhu, I didn't expect to see you again, and it turned out to be such a scene."

He stood on a big rock 40 meters away, threw the military rifle in his hand, and slowly pulled out the cyan sun wheel knife from his waist.

"I'm really sorry, but the fire on the mountain is too big, I have to do it to you."

"Food, food,'s not the master...that's the food..."

The evil spirit raised its huge half-human, half-beast head, chanting words but couldn't connect them into sentences. The hair around its mouth was covered with various degrees of red blood stains, which looked evil and dangerous under the light of green flames.

His two orange predator eyes fixed on the figure in the distance, his hind legs kicked back suddenly, and dark green electric sparks flickered all over his body, which looked extraordinary.

"Is this the One-Type Thunderbolt Flash?"

The moment this thought came to his mind, Kakino Kuangjin instinctively chopped out a whirlwind, using the reaction force to suddenly jump away from the spot, and came into the smoky midair.

"Breath of the Wind · Nine Shapes · Typhoon Wei Tuo Tian!"

This is a survival instinct that was cultivated after dying hundreds of times at the hands of the prostitute Taro. I don’t know how much time he has saved in resurrection.

Facts have proved that Kakino Kuajin's choice is completely correct.

Because in the next moment, that cumbersome-looking behemoth had already arrived at the place where he was before with a terrifying explosion.

At a distance of 40 meters, this giant beast is extremely fast, and its speed is close to that of a train that will be sprinting a hundred years later.

It crossed its claws and waved downwards, the hard rock immediately turned into a pile of blue-gray sashimi with neat sections, and then it was wrapped by the lightning wrapped around its sharp claws, turning into a pile of finely divided powder.


Seeing this scene, Kuano Kakino swallowed hard like Tom the bulldog.

If he was still himself fifteen days ago, he would be a fragmented corpse now.

Undead Kawa Minya on the other side naturally also saw this scene.

The moving speed of this ghost alone is almost faster than the flying speed of the prostitute Taro Blood Blade Slash.

From this point of view, even if they add up, they won't be able to deal with this ghost for long.

"The soldiers must be rescued quickly."

While Nian secretly recited a few Bodhisattva's names for Kuang Ye Kuang, he stepped on the tree trunk directly, swooped out like a night owl preying on mice, and then got into the cave and walked forward quickly, making a burst of whining the wind.

This sound frightened the soldiers hidden inside.

"There is something, it seems that something is coming!"

"Impossible! How could such a big monster get in?"

"Maybe it's not the same one!"

One after another panicked shouts rose from the cave, and finally, a slightly older voice overwhelmed the others.

"Calm down, listen to me! Load and load! Ready to shoot! Ready to shoot!"

"Yes!" The soldiers responded in unison, as if they had found their backbone.

However, after all, this cave is only a path no more than 20 meters deep. Before they pulled the bolt, a figure passed them by like a gust of wind. The violent air flow almost wiped out all the torches they lit off.

Eighteen soldiers felt their wrists go numb, and their rifles or pistols fell to the ground.

"what happened?!"

"Something hit me!"

The people who had just calmed down started shouting again.

"Master, second lieutenant, there is someone here!"


Before everyone was surprised, they all looked at the soldier in the innermost part of the cave, and it was his voice.

The only remaining torch was grabbed by Undead Chuan into his left hand, and the dim light of the fire illuminated his fierce face.No scars, but still scary.

"Let's put it simply, I am the pillar of the Demon Slayer Squad, Undead Kawa Minami! I am here to save you laggards."

He said viciously, without any kindness on his face, after all, every second he delays, the danger of Ke Ye Kuang approaching becomes more dangerous.

"Now, let me go out from here, and I will take you out of this mountain."

However, after his words fell, there was silence in the cave. Obviously, these soldiers hadn't reacted yet. They looked at each other in blank dismay, somewhat skeptical.

A few seconds later, the man called the second lieutenant suddenly said: "I remembered! The name Immortal Kawa Minami, you are the guy who studied the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department before!"

As he spoke, he subconsciously took out his pistol——


There was a flash of light in the cave, and a cyan wind blade flew in front of him, and the pistol in his hand was left with only the handle, and the upper half fell to the ground with a thud.


Everyone who saw this scene showed fear in their eyes.

"It's good that you know me."

Undead Kawa Minami grinned an extremely terrifying smile.

He didn't have time to explain now, he might as well use the terrible impression he had in these people's minds.

"Get out of here now, or I'll kill you all."

What he said was actually from the heart, so every word and every word was cold to the heart.

If someone still dares to delay his time, Immortal Chuan Shiya doesn't mind giving him a knife.

However, it was precisely because he felt that he was not just talking, these soldiers who did not know why chose to cooperate one after another.

"Pick up the gun and bring it with you."

The second lieutenant reminded with some unease that Immortal Kawashiya did not stop him.

In this way, a group of 18 people walked out of the cave tremblingly, only to find that the monster that easily defeated their hundred-man army was waving its claws frantically in the distance.

They took a closer look, only to find that there was a person who was fighting with him wielding a blue katana.

It turns out that there is really someone in the world who can fight against such an inhuman existence?
The second lieutenant was shocked and turned to look at Undead Kawasami: "You, you really came to save us?"

"Stop talking nonsense and follow me."

Undead Kawa Minami found that although Kakino Kuma looked a bit embarrassed by dodging from left to right, he still had energy.

As long as I lead them out of the place where the flames are the most intense, and then point out the direction for them to go down the mountain, I can come back to support Kuangjin.

However, at this moment, a large dome-shaped thunderbolt suddenly erupted at the place where one person and one ghost were fighting. Although Kakino Kuasaki tried his best to avoid flying and struggling green snakes one after another, he was still directly hit by the huge shock wave. Lift off.

"Kuang near!"

Undead Chuan couldn't see clearly from a distance, thinking that Yano Kuang was injured by a ghost, and immediately yelled.

However, it was his cry at this critical moment that made the evil ghost suddenly turn its head.


Immortal Chuan suddenly turned his head and shouted at the soldiers: "Run, run to the top of the mountain!"

 Who is the main character?

(End of this chapter)

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