Chapter 134 I, Gatling, Are Poisoned

For Ming Zhu who has turned into a ghost, it is not too easy to choose between the food in front of him and the nineteen food not far away.

What's more, the guy in front of him is jumping up and down, swaying left and right, which is very difficult to eat.As for those guys in military uniforms, he has already killed quite a few, with little effort.

Almost the moment it saw them, the ghost planned to change its hunting target.

Kakino Kusakami, who had just fallen from the sky, knew it badly when he heard Undead Kawa Minya calling his name.

He was just blown away by the aftermath of Thunder's Breath, Four Types, and Far Thunder used by the evil ghost before, and successfully avoided all damage, but this must have misunderstood the undead river in the distance.

"I'm fine, let them run!"

Kakino Kuangjin yelled to the other side, and the moment he finished receiving the body, both feet stepped on the ground at the same time, and his body floated out like a fallen leaf in the wind, carrying several fine wind blades to the evil spirit, preventing him from staring at it. The warm gaze of that group of people.

"Breath of the Wind · One Shape · Slash!"

The evil ghost suddenly felt a pain on his face, and there were small openings near his nose. Bright red blood gushed out instantly, and his attention was successfully diverted.

Annoyed, he stretched out his right paw and backhanded towards the nimble Kakino Kuang in front of him. Countless electric arcs danced back and forth between the sharp fingertips, but the latter deftly avoided all the electric light and stepped on it accurately. On his wrist, he turned over with his strength, jumped to the top of the fluffy head of the evil spirit, and straddled the evil spirit's neck.

"Sorry! Mr. Naruto."

Ke Ye Kuangjin's face turned fierce, and he leaned on the blade of the sword and stabbed fiercely at the vortex where the hair gathered. After the sword broke through layers of obstacles, it all sank into the huge head of the evil spirit.

Kakino Kuangjin could only do this.


A roar mixed with anger and pain exploded, and layer after layer of air waves engulfed in electric arcs burst out with him as the center of a circle. The nearby scorched trees could not resist the impact, and they were broken and turned into fine dust .

Kakino Kuangjin, who was lying on top of the evil spirit's head, had to hold on to the hilt of his sword tightly so as not to be thrown away again, but he was dizzy from the sound waves so close at hand, and even had some blurred vision.

The severe pain in the brain made the evil spirit lose his balance. He crazily shook his head on all fours, trying to shake Kakino Kuangjin from the top of his head. Basin bites towards Kuangjin.

One of them, taking advantage of Kuang's proximity and not resting, bit off a piece of meat from his right thigh.And this sudden pain also forced Kakino Kuangjin to break free from the dizziness, narrowly dodging the attack that followed.

However, at this time, 20 seconds had passed since Undead Chuan shouted just now.

Although the stabbing attack couldn't cause any real damage to the ghost, but Kuango's approach undoubtedly bought more time for the soldiers to escape.

"Don't stop! Keep running!"

Undead Kawa Minami anxiously urged behind the soldiers, but kept turning his head to observe Kuangjin's situation.

And those soldiers were desperately climbing to the top of the mountain without looking back, obviously terrified by the terrifying roar.In order to run faster, several soldiers simply threw all their equipment on the ground.

Only then did they know that when they first encountered this ghost earlier, the other party hadn't shown its true skills at all.

Compared to being caught and eaten by ghosts, the smoke from the green flames in front of me is nothing to mention.With the help of adrenaline, everyone continued to flee at a speed twice as fast as in training.

At this time, seeing that the "food" was about to escape from the visible range, the evil spirit's orange eyes widened suddenly, with greed, hunger, and urgency flickering in them, and a hoarse roar came from its throat.

", escape..."

Thinking of this, the thirst for food even made him forget the sun wheel knife stuck in his mind.I also forgot that there was a person sitting on the neck.

The evil ghost stopped struggling, but pointed its head in the direction where the soldiers were fleeing, kicked its right foot back on the ground, and made a posture of one-shaped flash of thunder, and the green thunder and lightning crackled all over its body.

Yano Kuangjin's face immediately changed, but no matter how he twisted the blade, the Sun Wheel Saber seemed to be stuck in the brain of an evil spirit and could not move.

No matter what the ghost was going to do, he was powerless for the time being. He could only remind Immortal Kawashiya loudly: "Be careful! He is going to pass!"

The next moment, with a deafening explosion, the two snake limbs opened their mouths towards the ground, and spit out two almost black lightning bolts.

The evil ghost's huge body was launched like a rocket under the reaction force, and all the trees, mountains and rocks along the way were smashed to pieces.

If you look down from the sky, its trajectory is like a painting god, suddenly drawing a straight line on the canvas.

"He can actually go faster!"

Ke Ye Kuangjin didn't even have time to draw out the blade, and was taken by the fast-moving evil spirits together. On the way, he inevitably collided with a large number of tree branches, and suffered some small wounds on his body.

Immortal Kawashiya, who had experienced the speed of this evil spirit before, was ready to go when he saw the evil spirit making a sprinting gesture.

"Breath of the Wind·Four Shapes·Ascension to the Dust Cloud!"

With the ring-shaped wind blade rising out of nowhere from the ground, the surrounding flames suddenly rose several meters in height like hot oil, like a giant green hand grabbing at the evil spirits attacking in the air, and went away with it There are also countless tree ash and dust.

Therefore, when the ghost broke through the 60-meter distance in an instant and came to Immortal Chuan Shiya, it was greeted by a super-sized "ash ball".

Blue sword blades and hot ashes rushed towards his face, mixed into his ruthless eyes, immediately causing the fast-moving chariot to slam on the brakes, deflected, and fell headlong into the burning pine forest nearby among.

Immortal Kawasami also happened to avoid the terrible fate of being hit by it head-on.

After the ground was hit hard, the tree trunks that had been burnt to a crisp could no longer support them, and they broke and collapsed one after another, like old tombstones, pressing the huge body of the evil spirit into them, leaving only countless green ones. Mars flies into the sky.

And the evil ghost let out a muffled cry.

"Kuang near!"

Seeing this scene, Immortal Kawasami almost had her eyes cracked, and the voice that squeezed out of her throat became sharp and hoarse.

He thought that Kakino Kuangjin was also buried in it.

Those trees that were on fire certainly couldn't do any effective harm to the evil spirits, but they were a disaster to the humans buried in them.

If Kuang Jin died because of this, then he would be the direct murderer who killed the other party.


Just when he thought he was going to face his friend's death again, a familiar voice sounded from the smoke and dust behind him.

"Are you calling me, Shiya?"

"Kuang Jin, it's me!"

Immortal Chuan was immediately overjoyed, and swung a few thin and wide wind blades to disperse the smoke and dust.

In the arena, Kakino Kuangjin got up from the ground in disgrace. His whole body was covered with cuts and bruises, especially a large piece of flesh was missing from his leg, which made him unable to fight steadily, so he could only support his body with the sun wheel knife.

He spat out the dust in his mouth, and pretended to be relaxed while complaining: "You bastard came so suddenly that I couldn't see clearly."

It seems that the "Ash Ball" just created by Immortal Kawasami, the victim is not only the ghost.

But it was also thanks to his move just now, which forced the evil spirit to deviate from its original course of action, and then threw Kakino Kuangjin off his head.

"how do you feel?"

Undead Kawa Minami walked over, looked carefully at Kuang Jin and narrowed his right eye, no longer hiding his worry, "Can the eyes still be opened?"

"It shouldn't be blind, but a lot of ashes have entered, so it won't be usable for the time being." Kuang Ye grinned and grinned, "But the key is not being able to walk."

"Take the medicine first."

Undecided, Undead Chuan stuffed the pill into Kuangjin, and when he saw the word "続治" rising, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, the "grave" where the evil spirits were buried over there made a movement again, and began to rise and fall like breathing.

Obviously, those trees that were about to be burned dry had limited weight, and they couldn't suppress the ghost for too long.

"Go to Mr. Kuwashima's house first."

Hearing the ghost's movement, Kakino Kuangjin said: "The fire there is not serious, and the breathing method is more efficient. If I fight him here, I will have no chance of winning with two more. When I get to the top, my legs should also die. It's almost good."

"I understand."

Undead Kawa Minami nodded, picked up Kakino Kuang and marched at full speed, and soon caught up with the soldiers who had taken the first step.

"Ahem, you can even hold me behind your back, why do you use this posture." Katsuno Kurosaki hung his head on Undead Kawasami's waist, "It makes me feel like a sack."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Undead Kawa Minya couldn't understand his brain circuit, why did he still tell these insignificant jokes at this critical moment.

"I warn you, you can't hug girls like this in the future, or you will look as rude and arrogant as a bandit who went down the mountain to rob his wife. Even a gentle person like Kanae will be angry if she is treated like this."

As he spoke, he suddenly paused, and said tentatively: "By the way, if you are really a bandit, then with Shinobu's size, you might be able to take it away under your arm hahahahahaha..."

Undead Chuan was originally having blue veins on his forehead, but when he thought of the scene Kuang Jin had mentioned, he couldn't help but smile.

In this way, he carried the undead river and drove the soldiers all the way up.

At the same time, the evil spirit also quickly broke free from the heavy burden on its body, poked its head out from the crisp tree ruins, and looked at the mountain with keen eyes.

When he saw that the twenty people were less than 50 meters away from the top of the mountain, the two snake limbs under his ribs immediately opened their mouths in that direction, and the dark green lightning shot out like sharp arrows one after another. , chasing the fleeing people on the mountain.

This is exactly the breath of thunder, the fifth type, and the hot world thunder, but in the hands of this ghost, the effective distance of the lightning being launched has been increased by more than ten times.

The first two thunderbolts quickly crossed a distance of more than 100 meters, and bombarded the front of the fleeing team one after another——

The stone-paved staircase exploded the moment it touched the lightning, turning into countless tiny fragments and spreading from the surrounding area. Although the soldiers at the front were not directly affected by the explosion, they were still pierced by the fragments flying in the air. Through for the body.

Looking at the top of the mountain that was so close, they collapsed with disbelief in their eyes.

The rest of the soldiers also stopped after panic, obviously what happened just made them terrified and at a loss,
"This is Hot World Thunder."

After being treated with pills, Yano Kuangjin's eyes were able to see things, and he immediately recognized the essence of this move, so he reminded loudly: "Don't stand still, spread out quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two more thunderstorms came here. The second lieutenant didn't react, unfortunately, he was hit directly, and immediately turned into a rain of blood and meat sauce that filled the sky.

Just as the next fever thunder was about to fall into the crowd, Undead Kawa Miniya suddenly appeared in midair, and blocked it with the blue wind blade raised by the sun wheel knife, but his hands kept shaking.

Apparently, taking this attack by force brought him a huge load.

Never expected that this ghost would have such powerful long-range attacks.

"Take him up with you."

He handed Kino Kuangjin to the stunned soldiers, with a cold and fierce expression on his face, "I will help you block his attack."


Kakino Kuangjin's complexion suddenly turned pale.

"Go quickly."

Undead Chuan didn't say anything more, looking at the evil ghost who was climbing rapidly down the hillside while continuously shooting thunder and lightning, a trace of determination appeared in his eyes.

"Please, please take care."

The leading soldier saw this scene no longer hesitated, and led the others to continue running upwards.

And all the hot world thunders aimed at them will be caught up and intercepted by Undead Sichuan in time.

However, after doing this five or six times, the sun wheel knife in his hand was already like a mass of solidified magma, and the intense heat almost ignited the knot on the handle.

When everyone reached the top of the mountain and looked back, the evil spirits had already arrived in front of the Immortal River.


The evil ghost muttered short words for 100 years, while waving its claws and sending out continuous attacks.

Undead Chuan could only defend passively, his heavy arms and the hot sun blade made his senses extremely dull.

"Eat your mother's head!"

Finally, he found the right opportunity to use Hei Feng Lan Yan, and cut off the left hand of the evil spirit, but he was knocked into the air by a snake's limb that sprang out from nowhere, and fell to the ground far away.

And the other snake limb of the evil spirit has already protruded, and it is about to bite off the neck of Immortal Kawasami.

"Shimi!!!" Seeing this scene, Kakino Kuangjin felt as if his soul had been dissipated.

At this critical moment, two purple-red glass jars suddenly fell from the air and were smashed to pieces beside the evil spirit.

I don't know what was in it, but when the jar was smashed, the evil ghost slipped like a drunk, and almost fell to the side, showing a little intoxicated look.

"It's really scary."

A slightly immature but reassuring voice suddenly appeared.

Xianichiro Ashina appeared from behind the crowd with two solitary shadows. The soldiers didn't know why, but they automatically gave way.

"Xianichiro?" Katsuno Kurosawa was overjoyed, thinking he was hallucinating, "It's really you?"

"it's me."

While talking, Genichiro took out a gleaming golden Gatling from the shadow of the firelight, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"The bullets of this gun have quenched the latest poison developed by Ms. Shinobi."

The eight golden barrels began to spin, "Just let me try the power!"

As soon as he finished speaking, countless tongues of flame burst out from the barrel of the gun, and then he received the mournful wailing of the evil ghost.

When the soldiers saw this scene, they all became dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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