Chapter 176 A Meeting Gift for Third Brother
The Okita is a half-steam and half-wind-powered cargo ship eliminated by the British.

Although its volume is not comparable to the new cargo ships since the 60th century, it is by no means comparable to those wooden sailboats abandoned by the times. The surface of the [-]-meter-long hull has long been covered with steel.

However, when the Yiwo seat fell on the steel roof of the cockpit like a meteorite, the freighter trembled violently as if it had hit a rock!
Whether it was the sailors who counted the cargo, the inspectors who monitored the weather, or the workers who were responsible for feeding coal to the steam engine in the bottom warehouse, they all stopped their work at the same time, bent their knees, and carefully supported the The wall, eyes flicked to the top of the head, unable to figure out what was going on outside.

Only the captain in the wheelhouse saw the depression on the roof and two vague footprints, and his heart was beating so hard that he sank into the bottomless trench.

Someone fell from the sea?

This is impossible.

"Go out and see."

He took out a shotgun from behind the desk and walked out of the cockpit with a couple of lieutenants.

However, before the captain had time to go down the stairs, he saw the group of sailors on the deck, looking at the direction above the cockpit, with their eyes wide open and their mouths slightly open, as if they saw something incredible.

Then, an old sailor suddenly shouted: "It's a ghost! It's a ghost!"

Shouts suddenly tore through the silent air.

After saying this, the sailor jumped off the splint in a staggered manner, and disappeared into the sparkling sea, never to appear again.

When the others saw this scene, they howled and howled, jumped off the ship, and some even pried open the cargo box and got in directly...

One by one seemed to be at a loss as to what to do.

In just a few seconds, the deck was completely in chaos.

Hearing the old sailor's words, the captain felt chills in his heart, and really hoped that the old man was wrong.Immediately, he raised his weak legs, quickly walked down the stairs to the deck, and then summoned up the courage to look up.

Then, he immediately turned into a frozen statue, as if his blood had been frozen by fear.

In his line of sight, a pale-skinned young man with vertical and horizontal lines painted on his body was domineeringly spreading his legs, standing on the ceiling like a heavy hill.

The reason why he is called a boy is because the face is very young and handsome from a human point of view, especially the long eyelashes, making him look like a girl.

But that's all there is to being human.

At this time, the boy was staring at them with a pair of golden eyes full of disdain. The peach-red cropped hair and the little mandarin jacket looked weird no matter how weird he looked. His body-building muscles exposed to the winter night sea breeze undoubtedly revealed other Potentially dangerous!
You know, according to the "Manual" issued by the government, even the weakest and most insignificant ghost can easily surpass a strong human being in strength!

What about the guy who can smash a three-centimeter steel plate into a big hole without damaging it?

Most importantly, how on earth did this guy get on the boat?
The captain's lips were trembling, and a stream of heat rushed from his stomach to his limbs, as if the survival instinct suggested that he should flee quickly.

But here at sea...

No one on board will prepare wisteria flowers!

After all, who would have thought that a ghost would appear here inexplicably.

It took more than ten minutes for the Okita to set off from the port. Even if they just sailed north along the coastline, even if the crew members with the best water skills here jumped into the sea and swam to the shore, it would take at least four to ten minutes. .

In this winter, who can last so long in the water? !
In other words, they have nowhere to go.

For a moment, the captain felt that the fate before the eyes of the people on the whole ship seemed to be a dead end.

However, after wandering at sea for many years, he still forced himself to be more optimistic.

After all, more than ten seconds have passed now, and this ghost still doesn't seem to have any signs of eating people.


thought the captain whimsically.

Maybe he just accidentally fell into the sea?So what about a ride with the wind?Like crew members who occasionally go overboard on other ships...

That's the best way to go.

So, he carefully hid the useless shotgun behind his back, and said in a hoarse voice: "This ghost..."

"To shut up."

Yiwozuo's eyes engraved with numbers glanced down, his voice was as cold as iron, like an ice ridge pierced into the captain's throat.

"If it wasn't necessary, I wouldn't waste my time with you guys who are as weak as fly eggs."

The moment the captain was about to speak, his words were choked back instantly, but he didn't dare to question the other party's insults and personal attacks at all.

The way this ghost looked at them was no different from how they usually saw rotten fish and shrimp near the pier.

It was unconcealable hatred and disgust.

A sense of foreboding began to build up in the captain's mind.


As he spoke, Yi Wozuo puffed up his chest and sucked in enough air, and then spoke loudly to the front.

"I'm here to find someone!"

"There's a guy named Dao Yuyue hiding on this boat, I can smell his blood!"

"Hand him over, and I will allow you guys who are so weak that you are not as good as ants to jump into the sea and commit suicide."

"Otherwise, I'll beat the entire ship to pieces one by one!"

"Did you hear everything clearly?"


Are you clear?

Yiwozuo's voice echoed on the sea, and the sails of the ship were inflated by the turbulent airflow generated when he spoke. The people who directly faced him on the deck covered their ears and bent down one by one, feeling dizzy for a while.There were also a few half-grown teenagers with frail bodies who even vomited directly.

"Can't you bear this amount of strength?"

Yi Wozuo looked at people's embarrassment, with even more disgust in his eyes, and couldn't help muttering a few words in his mouth.

His golden eyes swept over each figure. Just now, there were a few people who looked like ex-soldiers who were entwined with a faint fighting spirit, but now they have completely faded away, no different from ordinary people.

According to Yiwozuo's experience, if fighting spirit disappears, or he has almost entered that state just like Heishimu.

Or, they have completely lost their fighting spirit.

"It's really disgusting... Sending me to do this kind of thing, to stay with this group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp."

While waiting for these people to recover, Yi Wozuo remembered the order of Master Wu Mi.

That was five days ago, Mr. Wu Mi recruited him to the hiding place and showed him the newspaper.

It was also at this time that they realized that the human Daoyu Yuyue who had been given "high hopes" by Master Wu Mi was actually still alive.


Master Wu Mi's tone was very severe.

"Now we have been completely exposed to human beings, but as ghosts at the top of the food chain, they are regarded as beasts that are no doubt comparable to tigers and leopards."

He raised the newspaper in his hand.

"Many humans have never seen the superiority of ghosts with their own eyes, so they mock us at will in these clever fortresses of words."

"Can you allow these ants to humiliate us superior species like this?"

"Especially this guy named Yue Yue, as a mere prisoner, he dared to betray me like those guys, and even wanted to have a good time in the casino."

While staring fiercely at Yiwozuo's eyes, Master Wuyou gradually approached him with terrifying pressure.

"Go, catch this fly before the Ghost Killing Squad finds him, and bring it back alive."

"At that time, I will let the whole of Japan know what kind of tragic end it will be if you dare to tease me like this!"

Undead Kawa Miniya once pointed at Onimai Tsuji Mumi's nose and scolded, but the latter endured it, not only because the other party was an enemy, but also because he was a pillar and a person of considerable status.

It's as if you pass by someone's yard and there is a yard dog barking at you, and you can still understand its position in doing so.

But what kind of thing is this Inaoyu Yuyue?
He's just a scum that has no place among humans!However, Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi gave him a chance to stand up.

Such an insignificant guy dared to take his precious blood and commit acts of betrayal!

It's like when a human being is drinking soup, a fly suddenly falls into the bowl.

Immortal Chuan Shiya just made Wuyou angry, but Yanyue made him sick.

And Zhu Shi (Senichiro) these days, has been constantly mocking Onimai Tsuji through the blood that cannot be drained.

"Being teased by such a person, even a country servant will be furious, but you can't do anything..."

"I'm really curious, when the judge asks about you when Huang Yue comes to the court for trial, how will he describe you?"

"People will find out that they betrayed the majestic ghost king, and nothing will happen."

"When humans realize that you're a coward, you completely lose your dignity."

"In the future, when humans scare children, no one will use your name again, because you are simply a mouse in the ditch... just like that day."

"Run away in a hurry, those more than 1000 pieces of rotten meat are what you really look like."

Although Oni Wu Tsuji didn't know where it started, Zhu Shi's mouth became so vicious.

But he, who was already in a sensitive period, couldn't stand such provocations, so he immediately planned to send his subordinates to capture Yue Yue, torture him and vent his anger, and give some warnings to humans.

But at the beginning, he planned to send Nightmare there.

But for one thing, this guy lacks mobility.

Secondly, Zhu Shi is a very sober ghost, so there is no doubt that there is some conspiracy in stirring up his emotions like this.And Nightmare is too weak.

After much deliberation, Oni Wu Tsuji felt that Yi Wo Zuo was the most suitable.

However, in order to prevent accidents, he violated Yiwozuo's wishes and forcibly poured his own blood into the other party, which greatly improved his strength.

Compared with Tong Mo, today's Yiwozuo is probably on par.

However, Yi Wozuo, who has always been proud of becoming stronger through exercise, inevitably has criticisms about this.

Therefore, he has been somewhat reluctant in the pursuit of these past few days.


The waves washed over the hull of the cargo ship, and people's oscillating brains gradually recovered from the sound of the waves, and they finally came to their senses——

It turned out that the raped Yue Yue, who was wanted by the whole country, was on their boat.

This ghost is here for that guy!
And according to what this ghost wants, at least call that Yue Yue out, and there is still a chance to jump into the sea to escape. Maybe another ship will pass by and rescue them soon.

So everyone on the deck and in the cabin shouted loudly.

"where is he?!"

"Come out quickly! Don't implicate us!"

"That is to say, what the hell is this guy going to do?"

"Could it be the group of newly recruited people? He should be lurking among them."

As soon as this remark came out, people immediately cast suspicious eyes on the workers and sailors who had just boarded the ship.

The turnover of the port staff is very high, so new people will come on board every time they go to sea. Of course, those people may just want to make a fortune and travel by the way.

Because of this, when recruiting people, the identity of the other party will not be verified.

"Please, please wait a moment..."

The captain made an ugly smile at Yiwozuo, but immediately changed his face when he turned his head, wishing to stare out his eyes, the speed of the change was shocking.

"Immediately, immediately, all the people on the ship gather here!"

The captain emphasized, "Especially those newcomers! Call them here immediately! No one is missing!"


Those permanent personnel on board immediately got into the cabin, and after a while they pushed and shoved five people out, and two temporary workers were already on the deck.

Under the hostile onlookers, the eight reluctantly and tremblingly stood in a row, and the captain immediately compared them with the portraits in the newspaper.

However, he didn't know whether to be disappointed or lucky...

These seven people are completely indistinguishable from the sly face in the newspaper.

As for the remaining 30 people, they are all old people on board, so there is no need to verify them at all.

"Ghost... Mr. Ghost, everyone on board is here..."

The captain wiped the sweat from his brow, "But, this wanted criminal is indeed not on our ship."

"Could it be made a mistake..."

Obviously, he didn't understand how keen the ghost's sense of smell is.

Before Yiwozuo came out, Guiwu Tsuji Wumi, who had had close contact with Yanyue, directly simulated the smell of Yanyue's blood in his mind.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to remember this smell wrongly.

"... Even this little thing can't be done well. It seems that the reason why the weak are weak is really reflected in all aspects."

Yiwozuo stretched out a finger, "I want a living Yanyue, that's the only reason I didn't directly destroy the ship."


Hearing the words "directly destroy", all the crew members swallowed in unison.

"Wait, Captain, one more person is missing!"

Perhaps because of the imminent crisis of death, an old crew member suddenly reminded, "Just before we sailed, a little man with a kelp head got on board. I thought he had strength, so I let him come up." !"

"Yes, yes, there is such a person."

Someone responded, "But that little man is not here now."

"However, we just searched the entire ship, including all the cargo boxes that can be opened, and there is no one else!"

"Could it be one of those who jumped into the sea?"

"But the newspaper said that the wanted man has short hair!"

"Is this the point? Anyway, it must be that person!"

"Where is he? Where is he?"

Just when everyone was about to turn the whole ship upside down again, a young voice with a little childish voice sounded above everyone's heads.

Includes a nest seat to stand on the cockpit roof.

"Are you looking for me?"

Everyone followed the sound and looked up, but they just saw a round and black object, which was falling towards the top of Yiwozuo's head.

The latter caught the thing in time without raising his head, grabbed it in his hand and took a look.

That was the head of Huang Yue, with unbelievable horror froze on his pale face.

The crew members were stunned and at a loss, and the captain who stood closest and could see clearly was even more terrified.Judging from the hairstyle, it should be the wanted criminal...

Just now this ghost made it very clear.

The living Yue Yue was the direct reason why he didn't directly destroy the ship.

Moreover, since the head of Huang Yue fell off, who was the person who just spoke?


Yi Wozuo and Yan Yue's heads looked at each other for two seconds, their eyes gradually became cold and sharp, and they slowly raised their heads to look at the top of the metal mast.

A young man dressed as a sailor was standing steadily on the top of the mast, his black hair reflected mercury-like luster in the moonlight, and he was flying freely, his dark eyes looked at Yiwozuo full of interest.

"Yiwozuo, right?"

Genichiro spoke lightly.

"Are you satisfied with the gift for the first meeting?"

(End of this chapter)

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