Chapter 177 Genichiro in Three Stages (Part [-])

Yiwozuo swung his right hand backwards in silence, and Yue Yue's head flew a distance of more than ten meters, with an expression of unwillingness, it gradually sank into the cold sea water.

One person and one ghost, one up and one down, looking at each other across the air from the height of six floors, each can feel the other's powerful momentum and desire to fight.

"This ant is far from being a gift. On the contrary, it was you who caused me to fail this mission... However, I don't have to care about these..."

After Yiwoza saw the festive firework-like vindictiveness on Genichiro's body, all the cells in his body cheered eagerly.

This is exactly the opponent he has been looking for for a long time.

He clenched his fists to his waist, raised his chest and raised his head and shouted at Genichiro: "After all, you are the biggest surprise!"

"What a strong physique, what a surging fighting spirit... In all the Zhuli who have fought against me in the past, I have never seen a stronger human being than you."

Having said that, Yiwozuo's tone calmed down a little.

"And I know you."

"I've seen you in that lord's memory... Although I don't understand why you didn't die, you are that person."

"It's hard to imagine that even a careful guy like Hei Si Mou would make such a mistake. What do you think..."

Yiwozuo laughed, with a look of venting pleasure, obviously dissatisfied with Hei Si Mou for a long time, so he gloated at his misfortune.

"Ashina Genichiro!"

When he called out this name, the voice carried a majestic wave of air rushing upwards, and the cables and canvas on the steel mast were immediately torn apart inch by inch from the bottom up.

When the air wave rushed to the top and reached Genichiro's feet, a sharp blade wrapped around lightning appeared in the latter's hand out of thin air, and he dissolved it invisible with a seemingly random swing, as if he had touched an invisible wall.

Seeing the other party's light-lifting movements, the flames in Yi Wozuo's eyes became more intense.

"And this exquisite technique..."

"Ashina Genichiro, I am looking forward to you more and more."

As he spoke, he set his posture like a tiger ready to go.

"Although I don't know how you know my whereabouts, I can tell that you have come for me from the very beginning."

"Killing Yue Yue was just to annoy me."

Although Yiwoza is a combat lunatic, but his mind is very good, he immediately understood the reason why Genichiro was on this boat.

If the other party, like the Ghost Killing Squad, came purely for the sake of Yue Yue, they could absolutely use their privilege or strength to catch the other party before the ship sailed out.

The reason why the other party waited for the ship to sail to the sea, and even left those clues with the smell of the mountains at the port, was to attract him to chase them and form a relatively closed battlefield.

Combined with the fact that Genichiro is not dead, and the intensity of fighting spirit that is close to the limit for human beings...

Yi Wozuo immediately speculated that this matter was probably a conspiracy against him from the very beginning.

Yan Yue was never important, just a bait to lure him into the bait!That's all.

But he doesn't care.

At this moment, in Yiwozuo's heart, there is only the desire to fight the opponent with all his strength!
"Come on!" Yiwozuo shouted again.

"Don't suppress your desires anymore, come to a fist-to-body contest with me, let's have a bloody fight."

"Let me see what kind of level you, the strongest human being I have ever seen, can reach."

"bring it on!"

He extended the invitation again, hoping that Genichiro, who was in a favorable position, would launch the first attack.

Genichiro, however, was not as carefree as he was.

"I'm really looking forward to it."

Xianichiro put the sword back into its sheath, and said in a calm tone, "But there are still things to do."


Yiwozuo was a little dissatisfied, and immediately understood, looking at the bewildered crew members.

"Don't you also care about the life and death of these weak people?"

As he spoke, he made an expression "I thought you were different from them" to Genichiro.

"If they can't survive the aftermath of our battle, there is no need for these ants to survive. They will just get in the way."

"Why do you care about them? You shouldn't be a member of the Ghost Killing Squad, right? Why should you care about their lives?"

"Besides, they all heard your name just now. Putting aside the outcome of the battle between us, if they come ashore alive..."

Yiwozuo stared at the crew members with a contemptuous and sinister smile.

"The fact that you didn't die will reach the ears of that adult sooner or later. Or, did you have no intention of hiding this from the beginning?"

Yi Woza is forcing Genichiro to act according to (in his mind) the rules of the strong.

In his view, if those pillars in the past could do their best without caring about the life and death of civilians or their subordinates, they could obviously become stronger.

Kindness and sympathy for the weak are the chains that bind strength, and it is these superfluous emotions that prevent the strong from fully exerting themselves.

If Genichiro can do this...

That would be a perfect opponent only in fantasy.

It is conceivable how flustered the crew members felt when they heard these words.

But the situation forced them, and they didn't dare to speak, they only hoped that the young man standing on the mast would protect them.

"Of course I wanted to keep it a secret."

Genichiro opened his mouth, and the hearts of the people below stopped suddenly, all showing desperate expressions.

But Xianichiro's words immediately had a turning point.

"But the weak don't deserve to live...that's a false idea."

"For example, isn't it the weak that you speak of that provides nutrients for your survival? If they are all dead, how will you survive? From the very beginning, the strong rely on the weak for self-fulfillment, and the weak rely on the strong for safety. This is the most normal relationship."

Yiwozuo was stunned, obviously his "ghost life philosophy" was more of an emotional belief, without careful consideration, but instinctively thought that the weak were disgusting and superfluous.

"For us, the living weak are often the most valuable, because they know that their precious things may be deprived at any time, so they will honestly do things according to the wishes of the strong."

"In short. I need to move and build a house recently, and I just need a group of laborers, and they are just right."

Genichiro made a decision.

If he had known the group of members of the Ghost Killing Squad before, these people would have died, because in his eyes there was only the difference between "Wei Mingren" and the enemy.

But now, he finally got rid of the thinking cage of some small countries and big names, and he has a little sense of belonging to this world, so naturally he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

However, he still will not set these people free.Furthermore, didn't Kuro want outsiders and Wei Mingren to slowly get in touch with each other?
Just start with these guys.

The Weiming Castle will be set up soon, and some "residents" are indeed needed.

Genichiro jumped lightly, came to the edge of the crossbar of the top sail, and said to the crew below.

"You guys jump ship."

Hearing this, many people immediately showed resentment in their eyes. Letting them jump into the sea this season is no different from death. Few people can stay in the cold sea water for more than 10 minutes.

However, Genichiro didn't finish his sentence.

"Before I came, I had someone drive another boat to follow me."

The implication is that they have already found a way out for them, so they don't have to worry about dying.

However, these people just looked at each other and whispered to each other, and none of them really did what he said.

In the end, it was the captain who looked up at Genichiro uneasily after talking with someone: "How do we know what you said is true? You didn't lie to us to die."

"Also, what about our goods?"

Genichiro was silent.

And Yiwozuo laughed out loud.

"You see, this is the weak."

He frantically commented on these crew members, "They are like maggots attached to the strong. When they see that you have such superfluous things as kindness, they will push their noses to the face. They not only want to survive, but also want you to ensure their safety. , and even their property safety..."

After speaking, he suddenly bent his knees, his body sank, and his expression became fierce and cruel.

"In order not to disturb you."

"These ants, let me do it for you."

After the words fell, Yi Wozuo slammed on the edge of the cockpit roof under his feet, his body rushed forward like a cannonball, his fists were wrapped in an invisible strong wind, and the cargo boxes in front of him burst into pieces of different sizes instantly. The fragments scattered in all directions, seeing that he was about to rush into the crowd and start killing.

At this time, a cyan tornado descended from the sky, surrounded by bursts of thunder, and it just landed in front of Yiwozuo!
"One type · Dust whirlwind · Slash."

It was Genichiro's handwriting.

When Yiwozuo was still ten centimeters away from the fine wind blade, he finally stopped his forward trend in time, then turned somersault and landed on the nearest cargo box.

And after the cyan tornado disappeared, only a large hole with a radius of more than one meter and running through the entire splint was left.

Then, Genichiro fell from above and stepped silently on the upturned wood fragments, separating the Yiwozuo from the middle of the crowd.

Yiwoza looked at the big hole in the ground appreciatively, roughly estimated Xianichiro's strength, and sincerely praised: "Just this move, you are stronger than any wind pillar I have encountered."

Xianichiro ignored him, just turned his head, and softly asked those crew members who seemed to be strangled by the throat: "If you don't leave, then stay forever."

After a brief silence, the captain was the first to react and immediately shouted: "Jump off the ship! Everyone jump off the ship! Quick! Jump off the ship!"

Then he plunged into the sea first.

Just kidding, don't talk about that ghost, just this little kid can make a big hole in a thick deck!Is this something humans can do?That's it for the shells!
These two guys fight, will they still survive if they stay here later?
Compared to being frozen to death by sea water, being killed by those broken wooden planks is more terrifying!

With the first person to break the window, the rest jumped into the sea one after another, and the sound of plopping sounded one after another.

One minute later, the Okita was still moving forward, but there was no one on board except Genichiro and Iwoza.

And the nearest person who fell into the water was already hundreds of meters away.

"No one influences us now."

Genichiro swung a sword wind with transparent petals, and used the sharp sword energy of Sakura Dance to clean up the surrounding debris, turning it into a scorched black powder that would not get in the way.

He had been looking forward to this battle for a long time, not only because the prestige points had accumulated enough to be able to draw prizes.

It's more because he has thoroughly read Wei Mingliu's skill book for more than a month.

As long as there is a life-and-death battle, you can integrate what you have learned!It couldn't be better to have an opponent who is slightly stronger than him.

Deathmatch is always the best way to change the combat power qualitatively!
"I just heard what you mean..."

Xianichiro held Tie Liuyun, who had undergone a qualitative change from thunder and lightning, in front of him, "It seems that he knows the sword shape of the breathing method very well?"

Otherwise, Yiwozuo wouldn't say "you are stronger than any wind pillar I have ever met".

"That's natural."

Yiwozuo opened his eyes wide, letting the other party see the numbers in his eyes clearly.

"Although I'm only the third on the line, I'm the one with the most kills."

"Except for the pillar of flame, I can kill no less than three of the pillars using the other breathing techniques..."

"So," Yiwozuo smiled, "I just need to see the change in your breathing rhythm, and I know what kind of sword you will use in the next second."

"On the contrary, you...have to deal with an enemy that you don't understand at all."

"But that's part of the fun, too."

"...Is that so?"

Xianichiro immediately understood, and responded with a smile, "Then this time, you have to be careful."

After finishing speaking, he raised Tie Liuyun over his head, the dark golden blade looked noble and mysterious under the moonlight, and the lightning special effect made it even more dazzling.

"What do you mean?"

Yiwozuo was a little puzzled, using the upper stage from such a long distance with me, did he want to wait for me to rush over and hit him head-on?And the way the other party breathes is indeed a little strange.

But he didn't have time to think about it.

The next moment, the sound of an explosion sounded, and Genichiro made an unimaginable step, and actually directly crossed a distance of three or four meters, and came to Yiwoza!
At the same time, the blade whipped up the salty sea breeze, and chopped towards the top of his head, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top.


This is an unexpected attack!
I didn't expect the opponent's launch speed to be so fast.

While Yiwozuo's pupils shrank, he instinctively stretched out his arm to resist, wanting to try the opponent's slashing strength by the way, after all, with his current ability, he can recover a broken arm in an instant.

But right away, he realized that this was not an ordinary upper section slash.

Even this move is not beheading at all, but smashing!

"Crack! Kick!"

The blade fell.

Yiwozuo's arm overlapping his head was directly shattered and fractured, and the thunder and lightning penetrated into his blood through the bruised skin, delaying his recovery from the injury.

However, this is not a simple one-word cut.

It's a two-in-a-row!
This time, when the blade fell, Yiwozuo's arm used to resist was completely split and exploded like a steel pipe stuffed with explosives, followed by the collapse of the shoulder and collarbone.

but.The pain and numbness didn't affect Yiwozuo too much, he accumulated strength under his feet, and when Genichiro couldn't draw his knife back to defend, he suddenly raised his calf and kicked towards the opponent's chin.

"Foot pose, cut the crown first!"

However, what greeted him was the small Taidao rust pill that popped out suddenly, drawing a full and round trajectory, and collided with Yiwoza's heel!

The results are obvious.

After a loud explosion, the two flew out at the same time. Genichiro relied on the hook rope to hang the crossbar on the sail halfway, while Yiwozuo crashed into the pile of goods. The goods and The templates fell one after another.

This is the power of Ashina.

The three postures of ascending carp + descending carp + flowing water are enough to return 70.00% of his strength!
"Refreshing! As expected of the opponent I have been waiting for for a long time, there is such a magical skill."

Excited voices came from the messy and scattered cargo boxes, and then the debris immediately scattered and exploded, revealing Yiwozuo who had fully recovered from his injuries.

He put on a posture, looked at Genichiro and announced excitedly.

"The warm-up is over, you really deserve my serious attention."

A twelve-pointed snowflake array appeared at his feet, and Yiwozuo's ghostly demeanor suddenly became much calmer.

"Destruction and Kill Luo Needle!"

On the other side, Genichiro also assumed the posture of Tantric King Kong, and the red word "A Gong" appeared on the surface of his body.

The aura of one person and one ghost has become stronger again.

The cutscene cg is over, and the battle officially begins!
(End of this chapter)

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