Chapter 198 Kotaro Never Lies

"It's amazing too!"

The instant change of what he saw in front of him made Kakino Kuangjin yell loudly, his voice seemed quite noisy in the empty room.

"Have we reached Weiming yet?"

Obviously at the last moment, he was rubbing the cat's head angrily in the new home bought by Undead River, but after the sound of the pipa sounded, he came to a different space full of floating houses, that is, the Infinite City.

But before he could catch his breath and familiarize himself with the surrounding scene, he fell out of the black hole that Naruto suddenly opened, and came to a large building with rather simple decoration.

However, it was daytime at this time, but the doors and windows of this large building were closed. There were only two or three candlesticks installed near the stairs as light sources, and the surrounding scenes were really hard to see.

"Don't make a fuss, okay?"

Undead Chuan wrinkled and punched Ke Ye Kuangjin hard, then looked left and right for a while, as if looking for someone, "It's really embarrassing."

"Hey, this looks like an armory, or a dojo for training."

Kakino pointed to the shelf of the Japanese-style longbow by the wall and said, "This is the first time I've seen a longbow like this, which is taller than a person. The power must be exaggerated."

As he said that, he was about to walk towards the shelf excitedly, but was grabbed by the sleeve by Immortal Kawasami.

"What?" He looked back at his good brother's face, only to find that the other party was staring at the end of the room that seemed to be a dojo.

He followed Undead Kawasami's line of sight. Although at first glance, it was just a piece of darkness, but if you look closely, there are indeed some flashes of light.

"Are they cat's eyes?" Kakino asked suspiciously.

According to what Immortal Kawashiya told him before, the ghost's teleportation method was anchored by a special ghost cat.

So no matter the point of departure or the point of arrival, there will always be a cat.

For example, there is a fat orange cat in Undead Chuan’s house. He drinks blood (from Undead Chuan) every day and is so drunk that he can’t get out of bed. Although the two of them have been teleported here, the cat is still sleeping on its back. To unconsciousness.

However, considering that it was only a cat after all, Undead Chuan did not express any particular repulsion, but it was inevitable that he would swear every day when feeding.


Now that he had guessed, Kano Kusaki, who was born with animal-friendly traits, couldn't help it anymore, and ran towards the glowing place briskly.

"Little cat, I'm here to play with you."

"Hey you……"

Undead Chuan frowned, feeling that Kakino Kuangjin was too careless.

But just after he said the first two words of the word of warning, he saw Kakino Kuasaki stop stiffly, apparently bumping into something unexpected.

"What's wrong?"

Undead Kawa Minami asked, walked up to Kakino Kusakami, looked at the flashing place, and then his face changed suddenly, and the Japanese sword at his waist was already out of its sheath.

Under the light of the candlelight reflected by the blade, at the end of the room, a woman holding a pipa was sitting kneeling. Her thick cascading hair grew almost to her waist and covered the upper half of her face. A gloomy and ominous breath.

Although this woman looks human.

But even if a person who has never seen a ghost, seeing her like this in this kind of space, his first reaction would never be to regard her as a human being.

The space froze like this.

After a moment of silence, it was Ke Ye Kuangjin who broke the deadlock, and said to Undead Chuan with a look of disgust: "Put the knife away quickly, did you scare this lady musician without seeing it?"

Undead Chuan curled his lips. The guy said similar things to him last time, when he was planning to get something out of that silly female ghost (Falling Ji).

The Sun Wheel Knife snapped back into its sheath, but the female ghost over there remained motionless, as if she hadn't seen them at all.

"Oh, Miss Musician, please bear with me when we meet for the first time, this guy has no malicious intentions. I am Kusano Masaki from the Demon Slayer Squad, and I am one of the people who came to this tripartite meeting."

Kuang Jin showed a bright smile, but he couldn't see clearly in the dim light, "Can you tell me your name and our current location?"


The moment Naruto plucked the strings, both of them opened their eyes wide at the same time, and immediately understood her identity.

This is the female ghost who can allow them to teleport between ghosts.

As the lute sounded, two more figures appeared in the room. It was Rinaki Sakonji and Tomioka Yoshiyuki who had just come over after eating the two carps.

"You can call me Naruto."

The woman holding the piano said slowly.

"This is Weiming's old castle (the building where the wolf first met Yixin), and it is also the starting point of your journey."

Naruto's voice was like a dream, echoing in everyone's ears like a flowing wind.

"All the guests who come to Weiming through me will start from here."

"The venue for the tripartite meeting is on the top floor of Weiming's castle tower. Soon, Senichiro-sama will personally guide you there...Please be patient."

The so-called old castle tower was built when the Neifu occupied Weiming, but judging from its height, it is not much shorter than the famous Osaka castle tower in Japan.

After the War of Pirates of the Country, the Weiming people decided to build a new main city on the highest mountain peak, and this old castle became the arsenal and the dojo for the Weiming people to practice swordsmanship.

After all, this is a country where even the lowest level soldier can easily flick a ninja's shuriken away.


Rinaki Sakonji and Tomioka Yoshiyuki have dull personalities, and they don't know how to get along with ghosts, so they sat down and waited.

Although Immortal Kawa Minami felt that Tomioka Yoshiyuki looked a little different today, but the light here was dim and he couldn't see clearly, so he leaned on the stairs and stood aside, looking around from time to time, as if expecting someone to suddenly appear beside him of.

Only Kuano Katsumi can be said to be full of curiosity and childishness. While looking at the objects around him for practicing kendo and archery, he praised full of praise: "Ah, these are all real Antique, did Genichiro grow up in this kind of place?"

While talking, Kakino Kurosawa held up a candle and browsed the paintings on the wall (actually there was an electric light, but Naruto didn't want to turn it on), unknowingly, she got closer and closer to Naruto.

In the end, he simply dodged and sat down face to face with Naruto one meter away very familiarly.

"Tsk, why does this guy talk to everyone?"

Seeing this scene, Undead Chuan couldn't help complaining silently.

He still remembered the first time he went to Pingtian, Kuang Jin chatted with the red koi along the way.

Maybe... this is talent.

Immortal Chuan thought.

He just didn't know what he was going to say to that female ghost.

But a few seconds later, he was so startled that he almost jumped up on the spot.

I saw Kakino Kuajin asking with a smile: "Miss Naruto, I heard that you used to be the most trusted confidant of Oni Wu Tsuji, or his housekeeper, is this true?"

Needless to say, Undead Chuan's reaction, even Shuizhu's master and apprentice, who seemed to be motionless and closed their eyes, stopped breathing.

The old man looked at Yoshiyuki Tomioka with doubtful eyes, and the meaning in it was easy to understand.

Is this team member out of his mind? Is he trying to provoke this ghost?
You know, this is probably the only one that doesn't need to have much combat power, and can put the entire senior management of the ghost killing team (anyone with cats or other ghosts belonging to Genichiro) in a desperate situation-for example, from which cliff? Throw it down or something.

Especially considering that ghosts are creatures driven by instinct.In other words, they are easily provoked.

Although the lord and Wei Ming are willing to vouch for Zhu Shi and her ghosts, it is absolutely impossible for them, the frontline pillars, to trust these former enemies so easily.

And the purpose of this tripartite meeting—the so-called tripartite is Weiming, Ghost Killing Team, and Zhushi—should be to solve this problem.

But at this juncture, Kakino Kuangjin obviously asked a question that was no different from a provocation, which was really worrying.

"...I know this team member."

Tomioka Yoshiyuki did not mean to complain about Kuangjin, but explained to him, "He should not have any malicious intentions."

After all, he was pestered by that acquaintance before, and many offensive questions were asked from the owner of that smiling face, so it didn't seem so offensive.

It's like ghosts killed by flower pillars usually don't feel any pain.


Zuo Rinaki nodded noncommittally for the last time, and resumed the mode of the presence of the old god, but his attention (sense of smell) was always locked on the two talking over there.

Once Naruto showed any signs of killing, he would use his peak strength as his predecessor, Shuizhu - under the condition of attacking with all his strength, he should be able to deal with the opponent within a second and kill the danger in its infancy.

On the other side, after a brief silence, Naruto was not as angry as they imagined.

Naruto said a little dejectedly: "Although you say that, as if I am very important in his eyes, it still cannot change the fact that I am just a slave."

"Is that right?"

Kakino Kuangjin had some doubts in his tone, "But, the name of Shangxian should be the same as Jujae Demon Slayer, it should be very important, right? You really don't miss it at all?"


Naruto didn't answer immediately, but waited for a while before asking: "You lost a pillar, will someone make it up immediately?"

"Of course not. In my impression, the pillars of the Ghost Slayer Squad rarely make up the number."

"Can be wound differently."

Ming Nu rubbed her fingers on the strings, "The day after Luo Ji was arrested, I will be the sixth of the strings. As long as he is willing to give blood generously, the number of strings can be six or sixty. To him, we are just like the utensils you humans eat, and can be replaced at any time, the specific number is just because he likes it."

"Other than the name and value of that Winding Six, I myself have nothing. So, I don't have much to miss."

Naruto herself doesn't like to talk.

It's just that after being fed waterfall water for more than two months, no one has ever asked her such a question, which inevitably aroused her thinking.

"Well, it seems that Miss Ming's previous situation was very difficult."

Kakino said with a sigh.

"Then after accepting Miss Zhu Shi's transformation, has your life changed in any way?"

Naruto was lost in thought again.

To be honest, she doesn't like the boss who treats his subordinates like garbage, or Genichiro who turns into a frivolous man in a suit and traps her with thunder.Especially the feeling of being ignited by that flame all over her body was really terrible. After she was killed, her heart was filled with anger towards Genichiro.

It is precisely because of this that Genichiro had to spend about the same amount of time as Naruju's ghost before successfully brainwashing her.

However, after arranging her the job of "traffic dispatcher", Genichiro knew that he and Naruto had no flirtations, so he was only responsible for providing food, but except for some basic rules, he never restricted her freedom.

These days, she has been playing alone in this huge, dark space.

Occasionally, the crazy woman Luo Ji would show off to her with the violin she learned from her French music teacher, and she would be able to pass her by with a few compliments. Although life was plain, it was also easy.

"If you have to say anything different..."

Naruto thought for a while, and finally concluded, "At least you don't have to worry about being killed at any time."

to be honest.

The three young people present all opened their mouths slightly at the same time, feeling a little surprised, never thought that one day they would come from a ghost——

Especially when a winding ghost heard such an answer.

It's as incredible as hearing an elephant say that he's afraid of being trampled to death by something.

Tomioka Yoshiyuki and the teacher looked at each other, he knew that the teacher could distinguish lies, but this time Ryotaki Sakuma just shook his head slightly.

The ghost wasn't lying.She really must have thought so.

However, it was also Naruko's answer that made them realize from the side the cruelty and ruthlessness of their ultimate enemy-Kimai Tsuji.

Invisibly, they had a little more trust in these ghosts led and reformed by Zhushi—at least they understood why these evil ghosts who once belonged to Gui Wu Tsuji Wuyou were willing to fight with the legendary ghosts. The ancestors are enemies.Because as long as he was alive, that fear would never go away.

Kakino Kusanagi wanted to say something comforting to Naruto, but suddenly there was a strong vibration like a mountain shaking, and the only Immortal Kawa Miniya who was standing against the wall almost lost his balance and fell to the ground.

But immediately, that violent tremor turned into a series of tiny tremors.


Undead Chuan asked loudly, his expression was not too surprised. In this country, earthquakes are nothing more than a normal thing.

"No, it should be that Genichiro-sama has already finished his own business."

Naruto replied calmly, obviously this was not the first time she had experienced this situation.

"Now, you can leave here."

She lightly brushed all the lute strings with her fingertips, and the gate of the old castle opened automatically with a creak, and the sunlight came in through the gradually widening gap, but it could not affect the position of Naruko—or , which is why she chose this position in the first place.


However, it was not the figure of Genichiro who came in with the sun, but a heavy panting with a strong spicy taste!
Immediately afterwards, an indescribably huge shadow passed by the gate of the old castle, and the ground shook again, as if being hit hard by some huge object.

"what is that?"

With strong curiosity, the four of them walked out facing the sun, and then they saw an unforgettable scene in this life.

A pale vertical pupil the size of a person is staring coldly at their humble and small existence from above. The red and black snake letter is as thick as the trunk of a century-old pine tree, exuding bursts of cold air.

It was a giant titan that could hardly be described in words, it was just a terrifying white snake with a head bigger than a carriage.

Just when they felt that their blood was so clean that they could barely breathe, a familiar figure exposed half of its body from above the snake's head, and then fell directly from a height of more than eight meters.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

The person who came was none other than Genichiro Ashina.

(End of this chapter)

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