Chapter 199 tripartite meeting

"Sure enough, as Kotaro said, in Weiming, everything is unusually, unbelievably huge..."

On the observation deck on the top floor of the Tianshou Pavilion, Sister Butterfly leaned on the railing and looked at the white snake spitting out the letter below, expressing sincere emotion.

Chickens are big, cows are big, not to mention people and buildings, and this white snake only reveals a small part of its body, which is far beyond their imagination. As for the full body, it may not be a problem to wrap a small mountain .

At this time, besides them, there are Yan Zhu of the Ghost Killing Team, Beimingyu Xingming, Yin Zhu, Usui Tianyuan, former Yanzhu, Purgatory Makijuro, former Naruju, Kuwashima Jigoro and others.

They were all dumbfounded watching (listening) to what happened below, but apart from the "gorgeous" non-stop sound column, no one else expressed it.

Even though there was a vertical distance of nearly 200 meters between everyone and the old castle tower, it was the first time they saw this heterogeneous white snake that was wider than the street. The fear of snakes and giants buried in their genes made them Crawled over with goosebumps.

They couldn't imagine what expressions the few people facing the white snake would have.What kind of feeling does Genichiro stand on the head of the white snake?
"If Murata also came together, he must have been too scared to walk."

Butterfly said some witty words to relieve the soaring adrenaline, but even Yoya Yashiki, who was standing in the middle of the crowd, couldn't help but smile, and Usui Tengen laughed like no one was around.

Only the purgatory Makijuro next to him, still smelling of alcohol, scratched his ears irritably, with a look of "why am I here?".

But there's nothing he can do if he doesn't come here, after all...

His own home has been taken over by a [-]-meter-tall giant.

Things started two months ago.

On the first day when he came back to the world, Onitawa Masataka and his younger brother went out for a walk, and then, under the instigation of the latter, participated in a big eater competition in a dim sum shop in Asakusa——

See who can eat 250 cherry cakes first!
The champion prize is a jug of old wine, plus a permanent [-]% off purchase right for dim sum in the store.

Hearing that there was wine to drink, the old man immediately became interested, so he signed up energetically, but unexpectedly only won the runner-up.

The champion is the daughter of the boss's friend, a little girl whose hair is the color of sakura mochi. She looks very cute and can be eaten like a hamster.

But the Purgatory Xingshourou who won No.3 really caught the old man's mind.

Obviously other contestants are questioning the girl cheating, or the whole thing is a game set up by the store, but only this bloody young man is not annoyed at all when he loses to a little girl. Friendlyly praised the other party's food intake, and transformed the inherent concept that the little girl felt ashamed because she could eat.

In the end, it was this boy and Masataka Onitiya who helped the store resolve the crisis (referring to stunned the two leaders with their voices).

It is conceivable that these two loud-voiced + hot-blooded elements hit it off and became friends almost immediately.

So the next day, Purgatory Xingshou Lang warmly invited Gui Ting Yaxiao to come over. After talking with each other, they found out their identities, and their relationship became closer.

So it counts... Masataka Onitiya knew the location of the Purgatory House one step ahead of Genichiro who was asking around.

But one can imagine what happened afterwards.

Purgatory Makijuro, who hadn't returned from a night of drinking and drinking, had just entered the yard when he was blocked by a scythe gun that suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Let's have a hearty fight with the old man!" Guiting Yasaka said in a completely Yiwoza tone.

From then on, the old man came to the door every day, and his predecessor Yan Zhu, who finally retired, never had a peaceful day.

Since he couldn't escape the daily "enlightenment" of Masataka Onigina, he didn't dare to drink at all, for fear of being beaten up again like the first day, making Qianjulang (Xingjulang's younger brother) think that he was also terminally ill like his mother in the past, and spent his entire life Crying all night long.

Until last night, when the eldest son came back with a letter saying that Miyashiki had something to call and he could leave the house in a legitimate way, Purgatory Makijuro immediately agreed without saying a word.

Guiting Yaxiao stayed at his home, teaching his youngest son to keep fit while teaching his elder son how to play a cross-word gun. His shouts could be heard clearly from 500 meters away.

"Let the neighbors around you suffer the torture!"

The wine that Purgatory Makijuro drank at this moment was his first sip in two months.

But for some reason, even though the wine was bought from the same shop and brought here, the taste is not as good as before, and it tastes very unpleasant.

When he heard his senior sigh and put down the jug, Yu Xingming, who was crying endlessly, couldn't help clapping his hands together and recited: "Good!"

On the other side, Ubuyashiki and his wife watched the white snake sink into the mountain stream.

"This white snake should be the land god Mr. Wei Ming mentioned."

Tears overflowed from the corners of Ubuyashiki Amane's eyes, because of her family background, what she saw today moved her very much.

"I didn't expect to see a real god one day."

"Sure enough, this place is indeed just like what Mr. Wei Ming said, it is a place loved by the gods..."

"It's a pity that my father and uncle didn't have the chance to see each other. It's really a pity."

She is the niece of the head of the Ise Shrine. Her uncle's status in Japan's "altar" is second only to the emperor, but she has never seen a real god, and only a few ambiguous "artifacts" can be used to comfort her.

But Ubuyashiki Amane, who was born with spiritual vision, knew that those things possessed more "divinity" than the shimenawa rope on Genichiro's sword.

"Speaking this really Japan? Until now, we don't know exactly where we are."

Butterfly pointed to the magnificent temple on the opposite side of Xianfeng Mountain and the Tianshou Pavilion at the foot and said: "There is such a huge building, there is more than one, standing so brightly on the top of the mountain, but no one has discovered it for hundreds of years. is it possible?"

"Well, it should be in Japan... Judging from the climate, this place may be in the southwest of Japan, and it is likely to be on Shikoku Island."

As expected of the most intelligent woman in the Demon Slayer Squad, Amayashiki Amane had already determined the approximate location where Ashina took root based on the weather and temperature alone.

"However, you may not see it, it's in the direction over there..."

She raised her right hand and pointed far away beyond the layers of mountains, and the dense clouds and mist directly engulfed the distant mountains.

Others looked in the direction of her finger, but Harvest was no different from the blind man Beimingyu Xingming.

"The fog there is not formed naturally, but some means are used to gather the clouds and fog that should exist nearby."

"If humans do not have extremely keen senses, they will lose their direction as soon as they enter the periphery of Weiming, and they will be trapped in the mountains and cannot find a way out. Presumably, this is the enchantment arranged by the 'Son of God'. If not Seeing it with my own eyes, it is really unimaginable that someone can do this, I am afraid that the real gods are nothing more than this..."

But in fact, neither of the two sons of God had anything to do with this matter.

The frightening white mist around Wei Ming was condensed by Genichiro using nobleman Kirigakure and several Gennomiya nobles to play the flute to temporarily hide Wei Ming's existence.

Those nobles were surrounded by a few ghosts that were comparable to strings, and their recovery ability was very strong, enough for them to continuously inhale blood and supplement the consumption of mobilizing the clouds.


Speaking of the matter of Miko, Amayashiki Amane looked at her husband a little desolately.

"It's a pity that this time I came to Weiming, but I didn't have the chance to see him. A person with such great powers must know the way to alleviate the Lord's condition."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone showed expressions of approval. After all, the "Son of God" created by Genichiro is really omnipotent.

It would be a great thing if the lord's illness could be cured.

However, aware of the regret in his wife's tone, Ubuyashiki Yoya just smiled lightly.

Judging from his current appearance, although the complications have been eliminated by the previous God Eater, his body is still considered healthy, and he is no longer the original weak appearance.

But in the past few months, the scar on his face has extended downward again, covering the eyelid of the other eye, and he is about to lose his vision completely, making people worry about him. can't do it.

"It is rare to have two seniors here today, and I also want to say something that has never been said before, and it has been accumulated in my heart for several years."

Hearing what he said, everyone was a little curious and turned their attention to this man with the lowest force value in the audience, wondering what was going on in his heart.

But Yuya Ubuyashiki stood on the commanding heights of the small mountains, and seemed to be a little more chic and less worried in his already broad mind.

"Honestly, I used to feel sorry for myself because of this innate curse, feeling the injustice of the world..."

"I can't figure it out, why did such a thing happen to me, why did my parents give birth to me to suffer this kind of torture? My grandfather and grandmother, why should my father be left? Obviously since 1000 years ago, this The fate of life is better than death is already doomed!"

"Then why, don't you just cut off this cursed bloodline? Didn't any of the heirs have such an idea?"


Several people around him made comforting voices, and even Purgatory Makijuro couldn't help but look sideways. He didn't expect that this young protagonist who belonged to the "blindly optimistic" type in his heart would have such thoughts.

But this year is no surprise. .

A person has to face the established tragic fate since birth——

Illness, father's early death, ugly description, and premature death, although I have no worries about food and clothing, but I don't have my own life at all.

In addition, there is an extremely strong sense of guilt to pass on the same fate to future generations.

Under the double torture of physiology and psychology, it would be an understatement to say that life would be worse than death.

Everyone here is very sensitive to "pain", and they can all understand why Ubayashiki has such an idea.

Facing everyone's concerned eyes, Yuya Ubuyashiki just waved his hand lightly.

"These are just thoughts from the past. Please hear me out first."

He paused.

"But then, after seeing so many kids sacrifice their lives to slay evil spirits with my own eyes, and looking through a house full of ghost hunting records, I finally figured it out."

"It is precisely because of the existence of this curse that we, the descendants of the Ubuyashiki family, have been driven to do what we should do most—that is to gather people who are tortured by ghosts but are unwilling to support them. , to train them, so as to protect more people from suffering the same suffering. When I heard that someone was rescued by the Ghost Killing Squad, the sense of happiness in my heart was stronger than that of my own child who was born safely."

He reached out and gently touched the scar on his face, just like a cavalry stroking his own horse, without showing the slightest disgust.

"But without it, the ancestors of Ubayashiki would have established a ghost killing team to solve the curse. Swordsmen with selfless devotion like you would not be able to gather together like today. Creatures like ghosts would also be endless. taking and taking human life - because no one is so determined to stop them."

"So, no matter how disgraceful the origin of this scar is, what we embarked on is an extremely glorious and responsible task, and there must be a successor to continue it! It is precisely because of this that I never expected to rely on There are other ways to solve this curse, and the only way is to kill Onimai Tsuji Mumi!"

"Only when each generation of ghost killing teams has such determination, will they continue to approach the darkest area from generation to generation."

Miyayashiki Yoya turned around, the smooth skin on the lower half of his face was slightly flushed, reflecting his excited heart.

"Now, the ghost killing team has reliable allies, and even some ghosts who have broken free from the shackles of the ghost king are on our side. Their purpose is the same as ours, and they want to kill Ghost Mai Tsuji. That's all."

"The union of humans and ghosts, this is an unprecedented situation... But it also made me see the hope of destroying that tyrant, and it will be realized in just a few years! It will definitely be realized."

The tone of his words was so convincing that the people present couldn't help being fascinated, eager to know what a world without ghosts would look like.

"And today, the reason why we are here to hold this tripartite to make this alliance unbreakable and let us build the most basic trust with each other."

"I know that everyone has been working hard on the front line of killing ghosts. If you can't eliminate your doubts about ghosts, you can't cooperate with them sincerely. In that case, it will be a waste of time."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but there was basic agreement in their eyes.

Even Butterfly Shinobi, who had "cooperated" with Zhu Shi in the dream, was the same.

Among the ghosts transformed by Zhu Shi, many of them are Twelve Ghost Moons!
How many people have they killed, how many crimes have they committed, and now they have suddenly become allies?Who knows if they will turn against each other at any time?
"However, trust itself is a risk. In order to carry out some plans that Mr. Wei Ming and I made together, we must also take risks."

"And the chain of tragedy caused by Oni Wu Tsuji must be completely broken in our generation!"

(End of this chapter)

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