Chapter 212 The Approach of the Deep Dream

Just when Genichiro "meeted" with Enichi Ji Kuni after 400 years, and planned to see the original Hi no Breath sword type with his own eyes, another big event happened in Tokyo.

The well-known firework merchant Kasa and Goro first killed his wife of 11 years last night, then sneaked into his competitor's house and carried out a brutal murder, killing a nine-year-old child. A family of four was discovered by the servants belatedly and worked together to subdue them.

At this time, he has been detained in the police station in Asakusa District.

Lihe, who was detained, still had no intention of pleading guilty. Instead, he kept pounding his fists on the iron railings and shouting cruel words such as "let me go" and "I'm going to kill you all". The reporters from various newspaper offices outside the bureau could hear it clearly.

If it was an ordinary prisoner, the police would have already educated them with sticks, but Kasa and Goro are entrepreneurs with strong financial resources, so lynching must not be used.

In addition, today is the first day of the Obon Festival, and the two biggest firecrackers in Tokyo have died and the other has been arrested. People are watching every word and deed of the police station.

No, before noon, many officials and old aristocrats have come to intercede for Lihe, asking the police station to release him immediately, otherwise "they will be left with nothing to eat".

"Everyone... let's not say that we release people, we must have the order of the police chief."

Annoyed and helpless, the chief of the police station raised the brim of his hat, and pointed to the direction of the detention area, where Li and Goro's vicious curses were coming.

"You have also heard that Mr. Lihe's mental state is very abnormal. For the sake of everyone's safety, we can't let him go."


A middle-aged man with beards immediately retorted: "Mr. Lihe is such a refined person, we can't understand it all too well. You must have tortured him privately to make him what he is today!"

"That's right, Mr. Lihe is a well-educated person who can recite "The Analects of Confucius" backwards. If you hadn't arrested him for no reason, how could he say such a thing!"

"And the relationship between their husband and wife is very good. How could Lihe kill his first wife?"

Since someone took the lead in protesting, the rest of the people also spoke up one after another to defend Lihe.

Of course, some of them came here to put on a show out of their own economic and political interests, but more people knew very well that Lihe couldn't do murder.

There are a few people in the crowd, they are the few friends who were drinking and having fun with Lihe in Yoshiwara last night. They know Lihe best. Every time this person goes to Huajie, he just listens to music and dares not deviate from anything. the behavior of.If you don't drink, you can't even tell a dirty joke.

How could such a person run to other people's house overnight to destroy the family?
So they came to the police station out of sheer righteous indignation.

The chief of the police station closed his eyes in despair, letting the spit splash on his face and body, with a resigned look.

This group of people talked to each other, and the noise was like a chaotic chorus of a thousand frogs, but everyone's social status was much higher than his, a third-rate police superintendent.

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered!

I just ask for the understanding of the police chief, and quickly send someone over to take Li and this hot potato away.

Just as the chief of the police station had this idea, he heard a sound of neat steps coming from the gate of the police station.

At least one troop has arrived.


The chief of the police station showed hope, and stood up relieved, "It should be that the people from the Metropolitan Police Department have arrived, and you should go..."

The next moment, his voice stopped abruptly, and the expression on his face quickly changed into faint panic.

The six men who entered from outside the police station wore black uniforms, but without police epaulettes and caps.

These people all wore strange animal masks, samurai swords on their waists, and they walked neatly and vigorously. On the back of the black coats, there was a murderous "Mie" written on the back, announcing their identities.

It's Ghost Slayer.

They poured into the hall under the expressions of everyone, stood still and shouted loudly to the surroundings.

"Ghost Killing Squad is doing business, please dodge quickly!"

"Ghost Killing Squad is doing business, please dodge quickly!"

"Ghost Killing Squad is doing business, please dodge quickly!"

After yelling this sentence three times in a row, the ceiling was so shaken that even the most senior officials in the hall had to bow their heads and leave quickly.

Those who interfere with the ghost killing team's handling of the case, or are involved in cooperation with ghosts, will be punished as a crime of threatening national security, or as a crime of treason. This is a decree promulgated by His Majesty the Emperor himself!
However, just when Lihe's friends were about to leave with the crowd, a girl with a beautiful face and a butterfly-patterned haori suddenly walked in at the door and stood in front of them.

"Gentlemen, can you wait a moment?"

Butterfly Kanae put on an irresistible smile, "I have a few questions I want to ask you."


Half an hour later, these people left the police station anxiously. Butterfly Kanae sorted out the transcripts of the previous inquiries, and circled the words "Blue Bana Flower" on it.

She had heard this word from Miss she was even more sure that Li He's madness was probably related to ghosts.

Originally, she just took a few recovered team members out to participate in the festival celebration, and purchased some fireworks, lanterns, and sacrifices by the way, but she suddenly heard such a strange thing on the way——a person who died overnight During the period, his personality changed drastically, he was brutal and bloodthirsty, and he was killing like crazy.

She instinctively felt that something was wrong, so she took the wounded back to Butterfly House to change clothes, and sent people to investigate where Lihe had been and who she had been in contact with last night, and she had obtained a lot of information in just a few hours.

As for Lihe herself, she has seen it before. Except that she doesn't eat people, she is almost the same as those evil spirits without much wisdom. Just an upright beast.

The moment Lihe saw Butterfly Kanae, Lihe's eyes revealed desire and longing unabashedly, as if this person has forgotten what morality is, and his friends treat him with "pure love" , "Shy", "At most, it's just cranky about the opposite sex", and "Very gentleman" are just the opposite.

What happened to turn a person into this overnight?Obviously he is not a ghost, but to some extent, he is even more dangerous than a ghost.

Because he didn't kill to fill his stomach.

"Master Huazhu, Lihe's housekeeper has been brought here."

Behind the ordinary team members was a sad-looking middle-aged man who looked about the same age as Lihe.Clothes look exhausted.

"Please sit down."

Butterfly Chanae squeezed out a comforting smile, "I know you have experienced a lot of bad things, but in order to catch the perpetrator as soon as possible, I need you to answer a few questions, do you think it's okay?"

"……I see."

The butler sat weakly on the chair opposite to Chana Hui, "If this matter is really related to ghosts, I hope you will return my master's innocence. He can't really want to kill his wife, and it's even more impossible for him to be full of people... ..."

"Finding out the truth of the matter is our purpose and responsibility. Please rest assured."

Butterfly Kanae first gave him some hope, and then asked: "Although Mr. Police may have already asked you, I still want to know the whole story of last night."


"Please start with Mr. Kasawa's return from Yoshiwara, and try to be as detailed as possible without missing anything."

Saying that, Butterfly Kanae picked up the pen, as if preparing to record.

Seeing that she was so serious, the housekeeper dispelled a lot of her suspicions caused by her gender and age.

"Isn't it starting from Yoshihara's return...

"Well, Li and the master returned home around ten o'clock, although he smelled of alcohol, he was still sober.

"The madam told him to take a rest after taking a bath, but the master didn't follow suit. He told me that he wanted to design a new type of blue fireworks in the shape of a flower, so he went to the study. At that time, most of the people in the house All the servants have rested, only me and the servant in charge of boiling water are still awake.

"So, at that time, Mr. Lihe was alone, right?"

Butterfly Kanae stopped writing.


"Please continue."

"About half an hour later, when I wanted to go to the kitchen to see if I had any snacks, there was a sudden violent quarrel in the bedroom. Only then did I know that the master had left the study without knowing when it started. "

Kanae drew a few straight lines under the study.

"Arguing? Does this happen often?" Kanae asked.

"No, quite the opposite."

The housekeeper paused, "You don't know, Master Li and his wife have been married for 11 years. They are a very loving couple and never quarrel. And even if there is a dispute between the two, Master Li and Master will stick to it." The Western gentleman principle of "don't get angry in front of women and children" never makes the conflict intensified.

"But last night...I heard last night..."

The butler suddenly choked up.

"Speak slowly, don't worry."

"I heard last night that it was Li and the master who were insulting the wife, saying that she couldn't bear children, making friends suspect whether he had physical defects, saying that she couldn't do anything except spend money, and she was putting on airs all day long. Connotation... In short, he also said a lot of very vulgar words, which are words that normal Li and the master would never say."

"Is that all?"

"Ah, he also mentioned that he met a very gentle woman in the mountains during the day. He said that woman is the perfect type of wife in his heart. As for Madam, he can't wait to drive her out now...

"Where has Madam been so angry, she immediately fought with the master.

"I went in immediately to stop it, but I didn't know it was a step too late, the master had already taken the knife to kill the wife... and all the intestines were pulled out."

The butler burst into tears, "I've never seen such a master, he knelt beside the lady's body panting, his eyes glowed red, as if... enjoying killing people very much.

"I screamed in fright at the time, and Li and the master also found me and rushed towards me immediately, and then...then I passed out! Until I was woken up a few hours later.

"But, but I can assure you that although the murderer is Mr. Li and Mr. Li, it is true, but...but it is definitely possessed by something....

"That look, that gesture, like a mad dog, I've never seen it before!
"Please save him! Maybe it's that woman from the mountain who confused him..."

A few minutes later, the butler, who was crying into a puddle, was taken to the next room to rest.

Having been together day and night for more than 40 years, the relationship between the two is no longer as simple as master and servant.

Butterfly Kanae thought about it silently.

At least the fact that the butler survived showed one thing, that is, after Mr. Lihe went mad, not everyone was killed.

He killed his own wife, he should have had resentment for a long time, but he always secretly endured it.

There is still a 'reasonable' reason for killing a competitor. After all, the two are considered feuds, and Li Hejia was almost forced into bankruptcy by the other party.

As for the threats to the police, it was because Mr. Lihe felt that he had been hurt, so he became hostile.

And the desire that arises when seeing oneself is an undisguised physiological reaction.

"It's not so much crazy, it's more like...he realized the suppressed desire in his heart and became unrestrained."

Butterfly Kanae remembered the professional terms she saw in a book called "The Analysis of Dreams" when she was treating Tomioka Giyuu's psychological problems.

"It's as if he lost the superego and id that controlled his behavior, and only kept the darkest and most brutal desires in his heart."

"So, can this ghost actually control people's minds? This is really worrying..."

"And this recurring, ideal woman who lives in the mountains—"

Butterfly Kanae circled a key word, "Kasa got the blue Higan flower from this woman. The ghost controlled his mind, so it is very possible to get the woman's address from him. Of course, it cannot be ruled out. It is possible that this woman is a ghost, but the possibility is unlikely."

"This is really bad."

The ghost knows, but she doesn't know, which means that someone may have to pay their lives again.

Especially when this woman still knows the whereabouts of the blue Bana flower.Once Gui Wu Tsuji got this flower, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous.

"It seems that no matter what, I have to ask Mr. Lihe to tell me the whereabouts of that woman..."

After making a decision, Butterfly Kanae immediately put on a stiff smile and walked towards the detention.

But as soon as she opened the door, she smelled an astonishing stench—a stench of sulfur, dead fish, and carrion!
She didn't have time to close her breath, her face became serious, and she rushed to the innermost part of the prison, and then stood still in astonishment.

Li and Goro, who were still alive and threatening to tear the entire police station into pieces, died with their eyes open.

Two streams of liquid, darker than ink, were oozing from his ears.

This is the thing that exudes that horrible stench.

Butterfly Kanae's face was extremely ugly.

Not only because someone died, but more importantly, she failed to receive information about where the ghost would go from this person.

"What should I do now..."

Butterfly Kanae paused for a while in the foul-smelling air, then raised her head abruptly.

Wait, since this smell is so strong, then, if it is Mr. Ryodaki Sakonji who has an outstanding sense of smell——

There must be a way to track that ghost!
As she said that, she immediately asked someone to collect a bottle of that black slime, and then planned to send it to Wei Ming through the cat, and seek help from Mr. Rinaki who taught Wei Ming the breath of water.

But what Butterfly Chanae doesn't know is...

This pitch-black liquid has a special and frightening name in another world——


(End of this chapter)

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