Chapter 213 Radical

at sunset.

Zaomen Kuizhi hugged Liu Tai and stood in the room with the other children.They were all sweaty from the sun, but they didn't dare to enter the house to disturb them. They could only stare at Tanjuro and Genichiro sitting opposite each other in the room, with worry written in every pore on their faces. Character.

After all, anyone who sees a thousand roots longer than a porcupine quill in someone else's temple will feel a little scared.

What's more, people with close relationships like family members and benefactors.

"Father and Brother Genichiro, why don't you wake up?"

It was Hanako who was asking the question, and her voice was just like that of Xiaoqing Xiaocheng, very soft and cute.

"Sister Shinobi, didn't you say that it should be fine soon? But we all came back from the town, and they are still sitting here motionless."


Tanjiro picked up his sister, "Brother can smell it, Dad and Genichiro are fine, don't worry, and don't bother Miss Shinobu."

Hanako opened her eyes wide, looked at her always reliable brother, and found that there was no worry in his eyes like the others, so she calmed down.

But she didn't know Tanjiro's unspoken thoughts.

"Why, from the smell of father and Genichiro, it seems to be combined...

"From the very depths, there is a smell of blazing fire."

"Like Genichiro's sword..."

"However, Miss Shinobu is really worried."

Following his line of sight, Butterfly rested his hands on the spider thread connecting the two Kunai, also puzzled in his heart.

There is obviously no problem with the passage to consciousness, but these two people, why don't they wake up?
Detecting memory seems to take a long time, but in fact, directly digging in other people's brains with consciousness can obtain information much faster than seeing with eyes and hearing with ears in reality. Many processes processed by the nervous system.

Butterfly Ninja tried it with some unlucky ghosts before, and it only takes about 10 minutes to read all the memories of about a year.

So, in her mind, even if Genichiro watched the movements a few more times to learn the breathing of the sun, it should take about a few minutes.

But these two people have been in that state for a whole afternoon!In other words, it has been in consciousness for several decades.

But Tanjuro is only in his early 30s!How can there be so many experiences to see.

"The two of them, what are they doing in their heads?!"

If it wasn't for fear of scaring Zaomen Kuizhi and the children, she would have wanted to shout out loud.

But what she can do now is to maintain the operation. She can neither wake them up hastily, nor pull out the "plug" directly, which may cause memory loss.

"Sure enough, this decision is too risky. Genichiro, it is indeed too hasty..."

Butterfly closed his eyes reluctantly, and sighed insignificantly.

Until Zaomen Takeo suddenly said: "Don't you feel that it seems to be getting hotter here?"

"Hmm..." Nezuko also nodded, "I felt it a few minutes ago, the sun was almost setting, but now it's hotter than noon, and I'm about to suffer from heat stroke..."

"Sister, it will be cooler if you go outside."

Hearing the children's conversation, Butterfly Ninja shifted her attention from the silk thread to herself belatedly.

Then she was surprised to find that she didn't know when, this majestic worm column of hers had reached the point where she was sweating profusely after standing for a while!

But soon she discovered the source of the anomaly—the most important thing was the air in the room, which was surprisingly hot.


Butterfly Shinobu didn't know what was going on at first, but after taking a closer look at the nasal cavities of the two, he noticed that the breathing rhythm of Genichiro and Tanjuro was not the slow, long life-saving breathing rhythm before.but some violent, extreme breathing—

These two people, like two steam engines spewing out hot air, are the culprits of this high temperature environment.

However, the two of them didn't look different in person, and their skin colors didn't even turn red, indicating that their body surface temperatures were quite normal.

This... is really unreasonable.

Although the place is already as hot as a crater, Butterfly Ninja must stay in place to maintain the spell.

But gradually, the temperature of the breath exhaled by the two became higher and higher, and even the air in the room began to distort the vision.

Generally, this scene can only be seen on the ground exposed to the sun in summer, or above the fire.

"They, they..."

Butterfly couldn't help worrying, "They won't burn themselves up!"

Practitioners of Breath of Flame have done this kind of thing before, and Butterfly Ninja's worries are well-founded.

Do you want to pull out Qianben?

But just after she had this idea, there was a sudden heat wave from inside to outside in the house, all the doors and windows were moved, and the air inside and outside the house began to consciously replace each other.

The room, which was originally like a blacksmith's workshop, cooled down as if the mold had been cooled.

In the blink of an eye, the two people sitting opposite each other have opened their eyes.

Genichiro flicked his fingers lightly, took Senbon out of his mind, and then took a sip of the liquid medicine in the gourd at his waist, a green "live" character appeared on the surface of his body, and then handed the gourd to Tanjuro.

"Did you see it?"

Genichiro asked.

His face was full of unsatisfactory expressions, but more of an unbelievable expression, which was exactly the same as Zaomen Takeo's expression yesterday when he watched him shoot arrows.

It was a look of being shocked.

"I saw it."

Tanjuro gently and slowly withdrew Senbon from his body, took a sip of the potion imitatively, and the small wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's really amazing. It's like a god alive. No wonder the ancestors of the Zaomen family would give this movement the name Vulcan Music and Dance."

No one would have guessed that two lines of tears flowed from the eyes of this man whom Tanjiro called a "plant", obviously still immersed in the memory of not long ago.


Seeing his father crying, a group of children quickly gathered around, "Why are you crying?"

Kamado Tanjuro smiled lightly, feeling that the children couldn't understand.

For example, the special experience of "hearing the Tao in the morning, and dying in the evening" must be the feeling that people who have been thinking about the same thing thousands of times will feel when they suddenly get advice.

Just after Genichiro breathed in sync with him before, the memory inherited from the ancestor was opened.

Together with Kamado Tanjuro and Genichiro, from the perspective of the ancestor of the Zaomen family "Tankichi", he witnessed the Hi no Breath sword model demonstrated by Ji Guoen himself!
Although over the past 400 years, the elders of the Zaomen family have tried their best to pass on the original Kagura, the god of fire, to the exact same degree, but the dance after the adaptation is naturally different from the original sword technique. Tanji It is inevitable that they will make adjustments according to their backward physical conditions.

Until today, Tanjuro has seen many subtle differences in the original movements demonstrated by Kagami himself.But when added together, it makes a world of difference.

Unknowingly, the consciousness of the two of them stayed in that ancient memory for thousands or tens of thousands of times, until they inadvertently began to imitate and synchronize with Ji Guoyuan, and then they remembered one thing—they were not In reality, it was just two tourists who came for sightseeing, but their consciousness was taken away by this magnificent scene.

In the end, the consciousness of the two still reluctantly returned to their original positions, but they both carried their own insights.

After hearing Tanjuro Kamado's description of the memory, everyone couldn't help but cover their mouths.

"So, Mr. Zaomen is not the descendant of the original swordsman, but the descendant of his friend?"

Butterfly asked.

"Well, this also explains why the breath of the sun is not handed down in the form of swordsmanship but dance."

"If the imitation movements are intact, then the ancestors of the Zaomen family would have spontaneously combusted to death. After all, the starting point of the sun's breath is too high."

Speaking of this, Genichiro reminded: "Mr. Tanjuro, if you want to teach this kind of dance to future generations, at least wait until they are as strong as a pillar, otherwise it will inevitably lead to the same situation as you before."

What he said, of course, was referring to Tanjuro's blackened lungs, which was the result of overdrawing his life to perform Kagura dance.

But to use a human body to carry the legacy of God, this is probably the price that has to be paid.

I didn't know the reason in the past, but now it is clear, so I naturally want to avoid this practice of risking my life to inherit the breathing method.

After all, as long as Oni Wu Tsuji died miserably and the ghosts became extinct, the breathing method would lose its meaning of existence.

"Zhu such a strong body?"

Zamon Takeoro glanced at Butterfly Shinobu.

"Does it mean that it's okay to be like sister Ninja?

"It looks very simple. Boys can do it casually, right?"

Is it okay to be like sister Ninja?
Is it ok?


These words reached Butterfly Shinobi's ears, causing several veins to pop up on her forehead.

This brat!Do you know how long I have worked hard for today's physical fitness?
To speak so lightly!
Sure enough, not all children are as sensible as Kuro!
They are both nine years old, why is there such a big gap!

"Could it be, do you think my sister and I look weak?"

Butterfly Ren bent down slightly, and asked Takeo with a smile.

Tanjiro sniffled, his heart skipped a beat, he just wanted to pull Takeo down behind him to protect him, but he found his face hurt like he had been cut by a knife.

As soon as he raised his head, he happened to meet Butterfly Shinobu's warning gaze, and he could only return a stiff smile and retreat to the original place.

But Zaomen Takeo was suddenly unaware of the danger, and followed Die Nin's words.

"It's a little too small. Sister Shinobi, you must not eat well, otherwise you will definitely grow taller and taller."

After a brief silence.

"Xianichiro, borrow an apple."

An apple emerged from Genichiro's shadow and landed firmly in Butterfly Shinobu's palm.

"You don't have to pay it back." After Xianichiro said something, he walked out of the room without looking back.

You have already guessed the ending, so there is no need to stay and appreciate it.

"Brother Zhuxiong, look."

Butterfly Shinobu held an apple one size bigger than his own fist in the palm of his left hand, then raised his arm to Takeo, and said with a smile: "If this is your little head, do you know what I want to do now?"

Zaomen Takeo innocently shook his head.


The slender and light-white fingers suddenly exerted force, pinching them tightly like steel pliers in a factory, and a good apple was instantly torn apart, and the pulp was splashed.

Zaomen Takeo, who was standing closest, was the first among them, his whole face suddenly turned pale, and tears flowed down his face.

the other side.

Genichiro didn't care about the screams of worship or panic in the house, but walked to the back of the kiln where Zaomen's charcoal was burned. There was a large open space here.

Today's memory exploration trip, he has gained a lot.

Witnessing the breathing of the sun demonstrated by Ji Guoyuan alone means that he no longer needs to start from the god of fire, Kagura, and slowly adjust the speed and strength, but has a direct learning object.

The biggest gain is that after watching Ji Guoyuanyi's movements countless times, he has fully understood all the tricks of these movements.

In other words, he has directly unlocked the twelve sword shapes of "Breath of the Sun", and there is no need to spend skill points to light them up.

Now, among all the living people, he is already the one closest to Ji Guoyuanyi in terms of realm, physical fitness or any other point of view.

But it was because they were close that Genichiro could see how big the gap between himself and that man was.

To say something that destroys my prestige...

Genichiro even felt that even his grandfather in his heyday was probably no match for that person.

That kind of holiness that is one with nature, that kind of seamless observation of all changes, that kind of flexible body that is so detailed that even the angle of wrist retraction is perfect.

Even if he didn't have any enemies at all when he demonstrated his combat skills, and he just performed out of thin air, Genichiro could still feel the feeling of standing on the opposite side.

No way to start.

But even such a person failed to kill the monster.

At this moment, Genichiro finally understood why Purgatory Makijuro was so discouraged.

Ghost Wu Tsuji escaped the catastrophe at the beginning, although there were factors of cowardice in it, but it also hinted at his terrifying ability to survive.

Now 400 years have passed, not to mention that guy has become stronger, and he is even quietly transforming in secret.

But up to now, I haven't even mastered Jiguo Yuanyi's knives and stripes, how can I have the confidence to face that kind of enemy.

Thinking of this, Genichiro clenched his fists and looked up at the sunset.

"Grandpa, you said to take a more difficult road, but I can't even figure out where the road is, unless—"

Genichiro stopped, blinked his eyes suddenly, and a somewhat crazy idea popped up in his mind.

"If, like the Kagura dance of the Zaomen family, I used the original Hi no Breath sword skill non-stop, forcing my body to the upper limit it can bear...

"Is it possible to keep the body at 39 degrees and the heartbeat above 200, which is to achieve the conditions for turning on the stripes?"

Although this idea is somewhat suspected of quick success.

But I couldn't help it, as soon as it came into being, it quickly took root and sprouted in Genichiro's mind.

"It's not too late, I'm going to try it now."

(End of this chapter)

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