Chapter 28 Chicken God

Polar bears are the largest terrestrial carnivores in the world.

Although the polar bear sent to Japan by the Germans was just a sub-adult, its shoulder height was not much different from that of an adult male in Japan at this time.

It is conceivable that when such a behemoth escapes from the cage, it is a terrible thing for these tourists.

After a short period of silence, the entire central area became chaotic in an instant.

"Run, it's a bear! The bear is out!"

"Go to the police, a polar bear has come out of the cage—"


"Where's the army? Where's the army? Why aren't you here yet?"

For a while, people screamed one after another in the Ueno Zoo, and even the museum and Sensoji Temple not far away could hear the movement.

It's a pity that although these people can run, the former "Bear Mountain" where Weiming Chicken is located is an exhibition area located in a dead corner of the alley.

Therefore, if tourists in this area want to escape, they can only pass by the polar bear.

The question is, who dares?

Nobody wants to be the first person to die at the mouth of a bear.


And the polar bear, after "pushing down" the iron guardrail, was only in a daze for a few seconds before confirming that it was "free" and let out a roar of surprise.

However, as the air flowed, its nose twitched a few times, then it immediately turned the bear's head and turned its gaze to the foreigners who had been "dusted" by Sase Shinichi before!
That smell is exactly the same as the smell when the crackling sound sounded before!
Moreover, these foreigners seem very familiar!
After all, they delivered this polar bear to Japan!One of them even participated in its capture.

Old hatred and new hatred are intertwined in an instant, besides, the polar bear has already been affected by the ninja whistle, and it is the time when the desire to attack is full!
So, amidst the screams of the crowd, the polar bear ran up on all fours and sprinted towards those foreigners at a terrifying speed that no car in this era could match!

"be careful!"

As early as when Director Hashizuki saw the polar bear coming out of the cage, his mind was already buzzing.

But he thought that, given the cautious and cautious nature of animals, he would not do it with so many humans watching.

As long as the staff with shotguns and tranquilizer guns arrive, maybe they can solve it smoothly.

But for some reason, everything seemed weird today.

This bear actually launched an attack on humans without hesitation!

But in any case, his reminder was too late.

The sprint speed of a polar bear is faster than that of a human Olympic [-]-meter champion.

The peak speed of a cheetah is 120 km/h, and the speed of a polar bear is half that of a cheetah.

The distance of less than 30 meters is just over two seconds for it that looks bulky!
After the incomparable white figure approached several people, with violent force, he slammed the person in front with his sharp claws, then quickly turned his head, and bit the shoulder of the other person fiercely, followed by the sound of bone cracking. Later!
The screams flew together with the flesh and blood, and the snow-white Grim Reaper turned into a blood-red nightmare in an instant!

Among the remaining three people, two were lying on the ground under the sudden sight, and the other just wanted to escape to the side, but was directly torn off the back of the neck by the barbed claws of the polar bear, and fell down with a look of despair. He fell to the ground, moaning in a language that the Japanese could not understand, and was chased up by a polar bear, who crushed his cervical spine with a bear paw.

This is exactly the guy involved in capturing it.

In less than ten seconds, two of the five tall, blond, blue-eyed Germans died in an instant, and the other was overturned on the side of the road. His life and death were unknown!
This is the horror of the Arctic overlord.

When human beings have no tools at hand, they are so weak that they are not worth mentioning in front of this kind of animals!
"This... what to do with this!"

Several reporters stuttered.

There was big news, but now they were cornered by this terrifying murderous giant bear, and they were about to cry.

Damn, this kind of news doesn't want to be written by their colleagues!

This is the potential of Toutiao!
It's a pity that Dean Hashizuki was supposed to be the calmest one, but he was also on the verge of a nervous breakdown at this time.

He knew that even if he didn't die in Xiong's mouth today, he would probably commit suicide because of this incident.

Because the person who died this time was not Japanese, as long as the emperor speaks in person, maybe a few words can calm him down, and he may even be grateful to Dade, even without paying compensation.

This is a Western power!

It is also the German who has recently stabilized the British.

In the diplomatic battle at that time, if Japan suffers any losses, one will count as the other, and all will be blamed on him.

At this time, Qiao Zhu, who was in a mess in his heart, no longer paid attention to what happened to the whistle and firecrackers before.

He just wants to save his life!

However, there is only one person who can use his brain right now, and that is Anayama who already knew what would happen.

But this bloody scene still frightened him.

"Director Bridge Builder!"

Anayama's voice was a little tense, but he was still walking according to the script.

"Do you still have the key to the stadium where Weiming Chicken is locked?"


Principal Qiao Zhu was taken aback for a moment, then stared at him dumbfounded, "What do you mean?"

"Get them out! Let them fight!"

Seeing the polar bear kill another foreigner, Xue Shan's tone became really anxious, "Even if it doesn't work, it's better to let the chicken die first than the human!"

For a moment, Qiaozhu didn't know what to say.

When Anayama found him a few days ago, he was overwhelmed by the aggressiveness of the three chickens.

In addition, the three chickens obeyed Anayama very much, as if they had been trained.

Anayama said at the time that these chickens were used as weapons of war in his hometown, but he was skeptical.

But now seems to be the time for verification.

But this is a polar bear. Are you sure they will stand in front of people when there are polar bears?

Even if it is possible, how long can it last for them?

These three together are not half as heavy as this Polaris.

But it's just like Anayama said.

It is better to let the chicken die first than the man to die first.

The desire to survive instantly overcame reason.

"it's here!"

Director Hashizuki quickly took out one of the keys, "This is it!"

"Hurry up, everyone get out of the way!"

Anayama shouted, grabbing the key to open the door, "Make way for the Weiming black chickens! Now we can only rely on them to protect us!"

Those tourists have panicked and lost their minds now, no matter how outrageous Xueshan's words sound, they can only be treated as a living horse doctor.

Maybe it will be useful?

As for the few people who disagreed, they didn't dare to speak out at this time.

As the iron gate of the former "Bear Mountain" exhibition area was opened, Xueshan faced the direction of the three big black roosters and clapped his palms in a special rhythm, just like what Gu Yingzhong Zhengxing taught him before.

Sure enough, when the three Weiming black chickens heard the applause, they walked towards the door in a haughty manner. Although their eyes were fierce, they didn't attack anyone after going out, which finally let everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hurry up, everyone go in!"

Now that the chickens are out, Bear Mountain has naturally become a sanctuary for tourists, and people flock in as if they were saved.

Seeing this scene, the polar bear was about to run in this direction, but the one who walked at the end of the crowd was the cleaning staff played by Shinichi Sase.

Seeing that the killer bear was about to approach, he suddenly raised the dustpan and threw the dust towards the face of the polar bear.

The latter was caught in the attack, and suddenly fell to the ground, trying to use the soft part of the bear's paw to pull his eyes, while howling in shock and anger, people were so frightened that they hid in the caves in the bear mountain.

But also because people's attention was distracted, the dark green smoke mixed in the dust was not noticed by anyone, and smoothly entered the polar bear's body along its snout.

It was a special poison made by Gu Yingzhong, and it was usually used to practice their unique martial arts poison palm.

Although only a few solitary shadows are good at this trick, everyone knows how to prepare poison.

And the amount in the dustpan is enough to kill ten boas and snakes!
After seeing this scene, Xueshan clapped his hands according to the rhythm across the iron railing, and shouted at the same time: "Quick! Now! Grab its eyes! Grab its eyes!"

However, even if he didn't say it, the Weiming black chicken, as a war resource, knew how to attack the enemy's vital points.

Therefore, in the eyes of tourists and reporters, the three chickens had no fear in the face of the howling polar bear!

When the smoke caused by the dust had just dissipated, one of the black chickens actually flapped its wings and came into the air, and smacked the polar bear's nose with five quick and terrifying claws, almost cutting the latter's snout. Come!

Although the effect of the poison had begun to take effect at this moment, the polar bear was the overlord of the land after all, so he managed to forcefully throw out a palm, and slapped the Weiming black chicken that dared to act wildly in front of him.


Seeing this scene, many people in the crowd let out a cry of regret.

However, it is precisely because of this action of the polar bear that its most vulnerable place, that is, the eyes, has completely lost its protection.

Although the first chicken was knocked into the air, the second chicken took the right timing and soared into the air. A sharp nail pierced the polar bear's right eye with great precision, and then pulled out the eyeball together. !
The blood flowed out unstoppably, the polar bear was in extreme pain, lost its balance and fell to one side, rolling wildly.


This tragic wail finally gave the frightened people some confidence.

"Good job!"

One of the reporters shouted passionately, and the people around immediately followed suit.

"Good job, keep going, kill this bear!"

"We are saved! We are saved!"

However, the battle outside is not affected.

Weiming Black Chicken didn't get complacent even after making a little contribution.

The two chickens surrounded the polar bear like this, never attacking rashly, but finding the right timing and undefended gaps, and then they scratched wildly.

Even the thick fur of the polar bear was scratched with bloodstains one after another.

In fact, this kind of attack can at most damage the surface of the polar bear. As the saying goes, "Thousands of scars, it doesn't matter if there is one more", and it can't bring actual damage to the rough-skinned and thick-skinned polar bear.

But in the eyes of those enthusiastic onlookers, the polar bear gradually weakened due to Weiming's black chicken's attack, not to mention its movements becoming weaker, and even its voice became more and more sad!

In fact, they don't know it, it's just the poison at work.

In this way, 5 minutes later, when a team of police officers arrived here with shotguns and tranquilizer guns in hand, they found that the polar bear had already become a bloody corpse.

However, this burly creature was lying on the side so lonely.

On the contrary, not far away, in the center surrounded by people, a gorgeously dressed one-eyed dragon was crying loudly while hugging the corpse of a huge black chicken.

"Oh, my chicken--my Kotaro--"

"In Weiming, there are only a few of you left, and now another one has died!"

"I shouldn't have brought you to Tokyo—shouldn't have brought you—"


Surroundings, many tourists who had survived the death were crying together, and several old people had already knelt down to the dead black chicken and prayed together.

On the other side, the five reporters who got the big news on the spot have already started interviewing the people at the scene, and they are excited about the report that will be released tomorrow.

In the evening of the same day, the director of Ueno Zoo was taken away by the police.

Due to the strong suggestion of the masses, Asakusa District decided to build a shrine in the zoo, and in it, the feather of the sacrificial Ashina black chicken will be enshrined.


Early the next morning.

"You did a good job."

Genichiro looked at the six newspapers spread out in front of him.

"The polar bear killed three people in a row and was executed on the spot by the Japanese rooster. What other animal can represent Japan?" "

"Wow!The Russian bear killed three German tourists in Japan, and the local black chicken made our country proud! "

"Thousands of people in Ueno Zoo petitioned to build a shrine for the Weiming black chicken, and the craftsmen started working overnight to show their respect"

"The Japanese-German Dispute Is Imminent, Should the People Be Weiming Chicken or Houfei (now Kumamoto) Bear?" "

"Wei Mingji's life experience is so big, is there a chicken as tall as a man in the world?"Suspected practical giant centipede grows up! "

"From Ito Hirobumi to Weiming Chicken, how many times will the jade be broken before the people of the country can awaken? "

In short, the major newspapers in Japan are reporting this matter from various angles.

Since the chicken has indeed been credited with saving "thousands" of lives, not even a naysayer dares to claim it.

In just one morning, Genichiro's reputation surged by more than 4, and it continued to grow.

How could he be unhappy!
As this matter continues to ferment, by tomorrow, he will be able to collect enough reputation points for the first advanced lottery.


A burst of crying awakened Genichiro from his ecstasy, he turned his head and found that it was Anayama who was crying again.

"Master Genichiro, you can' can't forget Kotaro's sacrifice..."

All the people present had black hair.

Isn't it just a chicken?
A person who has been a bandit, why can't let go of such feelings, is it still plausible?
"Why did you name this chicken Kotaro?" Sase Shinichi asked.

"In memory of a partner," Anayama said sadly.

"He also died when Chi Bei attacked the city."

Several people looked at Oribe Masayuki at the same time.

"Okay, okay." Genichiro didn't want to spoil the fun, "You all have meritorious service. If there is a chance, whether it is Kotaro or someone else, I will resurrect them as soon as possible."

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Xueshan stopped talking.

After a while, Genichiro broke free from the ecstasy and regained his usual calmness.

"They won't find something from the polar bear's carcass, will they?"

"No." Oribe Masahyuki replied, "Last night, I burned the polar bear's body. There are not a few people who want to do this, and they will not suspect us."

"That's good."

Genichiro finally felt relieved.

Now there is only one last step left.

That is to find Murata and draw a lottery!

(End of this chapter)

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