Chapter 29
"Is there still no news from Murata?"

Three days later, Kenichiro Ashina, who had already obtained a huge amount of 12 reputation points, once again came to the Wisteria Hana's house where Gu Yingzhong followed Murata last time.

But this time, because he brought a large amount of donations, the Yin tribe received him warmly and made an exception to let him in. The treatment was very different.

After all, it was a full 2 yen, and the medical measures of the team members could be raised to another level.

The only strange thing is that such a large donation actually came from a kid who looked like eleven or twelve years old.

"I'm really sorry!"

The Yinbu people sat opposite Genichiro, "May I ask why you are so anxious to find Mr. Murata, what is the important thing?"

"Could it be that you discovered the whereabouts of ghosts? If so, any member of our ghost killing team can do it. Please feel free to tell us."

After all, donating such a large sum of money, anyone would think it should be asking for help.

But, how could he seek the head of Murata who has only been promoted to one level in three years?
It is said that Yoshiyuki Tomioka, who joined the team in the same year as him, is now a water column.

However, their ghost killing team is disciplined. No matter how much money is donated, what can’t be said still can’t be said. Information is life, and ordinary people must not be allowed to know too much news related to ghosts.

"This is not."

Genichiro paused, "It's just that I have received help from Mr. Murata. Recently, thanks to his blessing, I found my long-lost brother, and the dim sum shop at home has also successfully opened, so I want to meet him and thank him in person. That's all."

"That's it."

The Yinbu member put his hand over his mouth in front of the mask in surprise, "Unexpectedly, Murata really saved someone!"

Apparently, she regarded Genichiro as the victim saved by Murata from the mouth of ghosts.

【So how weak is this Murata...】

[After she said that, I am even more worried about that guy's situation. 】

Xian Yilang didn't bother to explain, and quickly asked: "I know that your work is very dangerous, so I am worried about Murata's safety. So can you tell me, where and when was the last time he sent news?"

He couldn't wait for this lucky draw.

But because it is a large amount of prestige, Xianichiro must make sure to make all preparations, and he must not let the prestige of a thousand low-level lottery draws go to waste.

As a superstitious Warring States man, Murata's special "blessing" is indispensable for Genichiro.

He just waited and waited, but he still didn't hear from Murata, which made him a little anxious, so he came to us again.

Since Murata can't come to me, then I'll go to him!

This is what Genichiro thought.

If Murata really encountered any danger, he would also lend a helping hand for future lottery draws.The results of the few lottery draws without Murata's participation are completely different from those when he was there.

However, his question still made the Hidden tribe a little embarrassed.

"What's the use of knowing his position?"

She explained, "Once there is a problem of members losing contact, we will send more experienced team members to investigate. Besides, Murata is famous for his luck. He will be fine if anyone has trouble."

"Please go back and wait with peace of mind. If there is news from Murata, we will notify you as soon as possible. Er, this..."

"Ashina Genichiro."

Genichiro knew that there was no way to continue the conversation, so he stood up and said, "The location of my house is at the Luminous Dim Sum shop in Yoshiwara. You can find out the exact location by just asking someone."

"Weid's name?"

The Hidden tribe felt that this word seemed familiar, "Is it the Wei name of Wei Mingji?"

There's no way, thanks to the zoo thing, ashina chicken has apparently been a hot topic in Tokyo lately.

Even the emperor specially commended the sacrificed black chicken in front of the cabinet. Of the remaining two, one was sent to the imperial palace, and the other became a star of the Ueno Zoo.

"That's right, it's Wei Ming."

Genichiro nodded, and said something to the other party. After a few minutes of delay, he left from Wisteria Hana's house.

He had just walked a block away when Gu Ying Zhong Oribe Masayuki suddenly jumped out of the corner.

"Did you find anything about Murata's whereabouts?"

Xianichiro hurriedly asked, he delayed for a few minutes just to create an opportunity for Gu Yingzhong to collect information.

"Found several documents."

Zheng Xing reported, "Thirteen days ago, Murata went to a mountain village in Houfei to investigate ghosts with twelve members of the ghost killing team, and completely lost contact two days ago."

"Don't they have crows that can tell the news?"

Genichiro frowned. The last time there were eight people, this time there were twelve people. If they lost contact, they lost contact. The work of this ghost killing team is really more dangerous than being a child at the foot of Xianfeng Mountain.

"These circumstances are not stated in their documents."

Zhengxing shook his head.

The two returned to the Yoshihara store and asked the sent eagle Sase Shinichi to find out where the fat was.

"Just next to Oita Prefecture?"

Genichiro looked at the words on the map, and remembered what Murata told him before, the place where the Demon Slayer Squad was tested, Mount Fujishi, was in Oita Prefecture, a place with many hot springs.

If he remembered correctly, there seemed to be many ghosts who were eager to eat, but not very powerful.

He was busy collecting reputation before, so he almost forgot about it, but it was a good place to farm skill points.

Now that he remembered, he needed someone to go over there and find out the exact location of Teng Xishan.

However, Xianichiro's current manpower is really not enough. After all, people are needed to protect Kuro, investigate Fujishiyama, and save Murata.

After thinking about it, Xianichiro still decided to take out [-] reputation points and conduct a hundred lottery draws to see if there are more usable people.

In this way, Genichiro did not go to deliver snacks to Kuro that night, but went to his room in Guanyue Tower, opened the secret door behind the closet, and came to a Buddhist altar.

This shrine is surprisingly similar to the one where the Buddha sculptor stored his ninja prosthetic hand in the abandoned Buddhist temple.

Genichiro clasped his palms together, murmured something, and then opened the small door of the altar.

But instead of a Buddha statue, it's Murata's Japanese sword.

Because Oribe Masayuki stole several spare Japanese swords from Wisteria Hana's house before, this one belonging to Murata was specially enshrined by Genichiro, as a royal spirit that could bring him good luck.

Genichiro sat upright on his knees, put the Hikari Saber on his knees, and said silently in his heart.

[One hundred low-level lottery draws! 】

[Please, Murata, let me draw something useful! 】

Genichiro would never let outsiders see this side of praying to living people.

Zenichiro Ashina, who used to do everything for Weiming, would actually pin his hopes on a small person.

After a few minutes.


[Pierce. 】

【Get a total of 256000 yen】

It was another huge sum of money that was enough to move the entire Tokyo.

Xianichiro intends to give it to Anayama to see if he can buy a newspaper office and use it exclusively for Wei Ming's publicity.

[Get ashes, pottery...]

Useless things can be ignored.


Items are not bad, although there is nothing special, but with so many supplies, life is already guaranteed.

The diamond shavings in it can just be used to reforge these spare sun wheel knives to see if they can be used to trigger thunder.

[Acquire characters Kotaro, Pious Granny, Xianfengji Ranba*3, Chibei Ranba*3, Fallen Valley Spearmen*2, Gray Clothed Eagles*1]

Unexpectedly, just a few days ago, he promised Anayama that he would resurrect Kotaro, and this guy appeared.Coincidentally, apart from explaining to Anayama, Kuro can also have a playmate. After all, although Kotaro is [-] meters tall, he only has the IQ of a child.

The other characters, either ninjas or snake-eyed people with sharp eyesight, were used to protect his base camp, and they were also very relieved.

As for the most mysterious old woman in Weiming, Xianichiro really couldn't explain it in words.

Finally, Genichiro looked at the summoning Mibu balloon with a one-in-a-thousand chance of being drawn.

You know, the last time he drew a knight ring with a strength attribute of +5, it just gave him the strength to barely swing a 4.5 kg diamond iron summoning thunder.

And this time, what surprise will it give him?

[Get the item Sharp Gem*3 from "Dark Soul 1"]

[Sharp gems? 】

Genichiro fell into memories at first, and then immediately revealed a happy expression.

He remembered that the sharp gem is a gem that can qualitatively change weapons in another game of the anchor.

According to his recollection, the weapon whose sharpness gem changes qualitatively seems to be able to make better use of the user's agility, while diluting the impact of power.

Due to the qualitative transformation of sharpness, enemies injured by sharp weapons will have a bleeding effect, and the wound cannot heal.

Isn't this just right to deal with ghosts, enemies who have the ability to resurrect?

[Do you want to use sharp gemstones to qualitatively change your bound weapon, Diamond Iron Summoning Lightning Knife? 】

【Yes. 】

Genichiro didn't hesitate.

[The qualitative change has been completed. 】

Xianichiro checked his bound item list, and found that the weapon name had been changed to the sharp Diamond Iron Summoning Lightning Knife.

The moment he held his saber in his hand, Genichiro was pleasantly surprised to find that this sword, which had always seemed too heavy, not only became much thinner, but also much lighter in weight!
He immediately raised the vajra iron zhaolei over his head, made a posture of slashing with one word, and then slashed down suddenly.

This time, the blade did not drive his body due to the inertia brought by the heavy weight, but stopped firmly at the height of his knees!

Xianichiro didn't expect that after undergoing a qualitative change in sharpness, his grasp of the knife would be significantly improved.

【In this case...】

Genichiro's eyes lit up, and he sank into consciousness again, and the surrounding scenes began to change.

A few seconds later, he came back to the memory of the battle of "Water Ghost Haruta Zoji" that he had to refresh several times a day.

Xianichiro first avoided a long-range water cannon that the water ghost greeted with great skill, then raised the diamond iron summoning thunder in his hand, and raised it slightly higher.

[Sure enough, in the space of consciousness, my state and the state of my weapon all change with the reality! 】

Skillfully playing a sword flower, Genichiro looked at the opponent he had faced hundreds of times, showing a confident look.

These days, taking Taro Persimmon has added one year to his body, and practicing Xianfeng Temple Boxing for several hours a day is also subtly strengthening his body.

And the super-heavy weapon that had always made him miserable was now at least one kilogram lighter.

That is to say, under the circumstances of ebb and flow, the Diamond Iron Summoning Thunder in Genichiro's hand finally stopped holding him back.

"Today is the day when I defeat you and get that little skill point."

However, the templated Haruta Soji didn't want to speak, but aimed at Genichiro in the distance and fired a volley of water.

Bang bang bang bang bang five blasts, water bombs the size of a human head covered almost all of Genichiro's movable positions.

However, the carrier of water is used as a cannonball, and once it flies over a certain distance, it will automatically disperse and turn into splashes.

Genichiro just took a few steps back, and the water bombs that came before him had turned into loose orbs. Although it was still painful to hit someone, it was nothing to the current Genichiro.

At this moment, taking advantage of the opportunity of the other party absorbing the water from the lake, Genichiro immediately flew to the side, and almost instantly, he was within the distance of triggering the attack of the aquatic plants.

This is also the area where he is most likely to see the word "death" every time he fights with water ghosts. Because of his lack of strength, he is always unable to avoid the continuous stabs of water plants.

But this time is different!

The water ghost twisted seven or eight aquatic weeds into a spiral spear point, and launched it fiercely like a harpoon on a sea ship.

In the past, due to the weight of the diamond iron summoning thunder, Genichiro could only rely on luck to avoid it.

But this time.


The crisp iron strike sounded!

Amidst the sparks flying, Tie Zhaolei's blade and the tip of the aquatic plant had a head-on encounter!And the thin blade of the former was only bent a little by the impact, which was completely within the normal range!

This is Xianichiro, the first time he successfully blocked the attack of aquatic plants without eating Chi Chengzhu!
[Detecting the host, seeing through has already started, and the learning cost of ninja body art, seeing through and ninja eyes is reduced by 1 skill point]

This is good news.

However, Xianichiro focused all his thoughts in front of his eyes, and didn't distract himself from checking this message!

It is not enough to resist the aquatic plants!

In order to quickly deal with that guy at close range, these aquatic plants must be pulled out one by one.

However, in the consciousness space, it is not allowed to use paper figurines to perform moves.

So Xianichiro made a decisive decision, directly wrapped the eight water plants in front of the knife with the blade, then held the handle upside down, and inserted the blade into the underwater soil!
And the moment the water ghost pulled back his "hair", all the tip parts of these water plants were cut off by the sharp Tie Zhaolei!

[This sharp qualitative change came at the right time! 】

When Genichiro used this trick before, because the blade was not strong enough to destroy the sticky aquatic plants, the water ghost dragged the man and the knife together.

Xianichiro was extremely excited, the water ghost lost some of the aquatic plants, so he had nothing to rely on to stop him.

The water cannon does not have enough time to prepare, and the water plants cannot be effective. The current water ghost is just a paper tiger that has lost its claws and teeth!

Therefore, in the ensuing battle, Xianichiro didn't have to dodge at all, and went forward bravely all the way, skillfully chopping and cutting the aquatic plants flying towards him with one knife, playing a wonderful rhythm of jingling.

When he came to the water ghost, there was no "hair" with a tip on the latter's head.

Once again, Xianichiro squatted skillfully to avoid the sweep of the close-fitting gun barrel, then got up and at the same time, resolutely inserted Tie Zhaolei into the throat of the water ghost, then held the handle of the knife back, and yanked it to the side, like a wolf cutting It's like the head of a lion ape!
The ghost's black blood immediately splashed on Genichiro's face, but Genichiro didn't care at all!
Fighting happily made him experience a feeling he had never had before!
The ghost whose neck was cut in half has no ability to resist at all!

After Xianichiro drew out the knife, he turned around and swung again, cutting into the wound he had just caused!exist

The water ghost's head soared into the sky.

Finally, the words "never kill" appeared in front of Genichiro, instead of the ironic "death".

[Has cleared the memory of the battle with the water ghost Haruta Soki]

[Get 1 skill point. 】

[Learning Ninja Taijutsu·Seeing Through will cost 1 skill point (it was lowered a little because of entry), do you want to learn it? 】

Genichiro nodded, "Study."

The next moment, everything in front of him became different in the eyes of Genichiro.


The next ten consecutive chapters are almost all combat chapters
(End of this chapter)

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