Chapter 62

Just when Mrs. Tianyin was planning to communicate with Wuzu, Genichiro and Butterfly Shinobi were ready to start the investigation.

"Have you got all the poison?"

Genichiro asked.

He didn't ask Butterfly Shinobu if he wanted to take him with him, and decided to go on his own.

Butterfly Ninja didn't mean to stop him, after all, judging from the simple exchange, the child's swordsmanship was not inferior to hers.

She shook the bottles and jars hanging on her waist, "I just brought one, which is a mixture of wisteria flower liquid and Amanita muscaria poison, but the ratio is different."

If two people act together, after catching the ghost, there will be room for experimenting with the ghost.

So she specially brought a few more bottles of poison with different ratios to see how the effect would be.

Speaking of this, she glanced at Genichiro strangely, "But I can't say whether it's useful, or it might have nothing to do with ghosts. After all, there are quite a lot of unscrupulous human traffickers near Tokyo. People are often caught mining in the mountains.”

"Tokyo police don't care?"

Genichiro raised his eyebrows.

"Care? I remember a police chief once said that the duty of the Japanese police is to restrain the people, and restraint is happiness."

Butterfly Ren said sarcastically, "The missing people are just a few civilians. It would be nice if the police don't bully them. As long as they don't publish in the newspapers, they won't care about the lives of these ordinary people. But if the missing people are members of parliament Or entrepreneurs, the whole of Tokyo will be turned upside down."

Genichiro was silent.

It seems that the Meiji government talked about the equality of the four peoples every day, but the police were still a tool used by the privileged class to maintain their privileges.

It's just that the privileges enjoyed by the Japanese police are far inferior to those of the samurai in the past.

When the two arrived in the northeast suburbs of Tokyo, it was already an hour later, and the sky was completely dark.

There are no large settlements in the vicinity, only dozens of scattered wooden houses built along the hillside, all of which are quite simple in appearance and definitely not the work of professional builders.

Butterfly Ninja immediately followed the address on the note passed by the crow, came to a simple house, and knocked on the wooden door of the house.

One side of the house is full of firewood, and the way the family heats is also quite ancient.

Genichiro saw that there was only dim light in the room, probably because there was no electricity, and only candles were used for lighting.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Daisuke Hirayama here?"

Butterfly Shinobi knocked on the door and reported himself, "I'm Butterfly Shinobu from the Ghost Slayer Squad. I want to ask about the missing persons on the nearby trails."

As she spoke, she suddenly sniffled and murmured, "It smells so strong of wisteria flowers..."

It seems that this old man should be a person who has encountered ghosts before.

Usually weaker ghosts will not break into the house to kill people when they smell this scent.

But this is of no use to those ghosts who are extremely hungry or a little bit more powerful.

After a long time, the simple wooden door was opened with a gap, revealing a cloudy eye.

The people inside looked Butterfly Shinobu and Genichiro carefully, and then opened the door.

The owner of this shabby house is a small old man who doesn't look very special. He should live here alone, with caution written all over his face.

He poked his head out, looked out for a while, and then asked wonderingly: "Just the two of you?"

That expression clearly showed some disappointment - why are there two children.

Obviously different from what he imagined.


In order to make herself appear more reliable, Die Die Ren's face became serious.

Apparently it's not the first time she's been underestimated because of her age.

"We are here to investigate the disappearance, whether it is related to ghosts or not."

Genichiro followed behind and nodded.

He came this time to see the normal investigation and ghost-killing process of the Ghost Killing Team, and he didn't want to do it for him, just treat himself as a follower.

Once he encounters some powerful ghosts, he can gain some experience points. After all, he only has two skill points, and he can't unlock any powerful moves.

Hearing that the two were just here to investigate, the old man showed his original expression.

"Then let's talk about it first. It just so happened that I cooked some radish soup, and it happened just in time for you to come."

"That's disturbing."

After the two sat down, the old man first served two bowls of steaming soup from the pot.

He didn't lie. In the radish soup, apart from radish, there are only simple seasonings and nothing else.

Although the smell is quite spicy, it is quite pleasant to drink a bowl in winter.

After the two had finished drinking, the old man complained and said, "I don't know what you have to investigate. I told the masked people (Hidden tribe) of the Wisteria Flower family what I should say. Go over and take a look. Knowing that the disappearance is absolutely impossible to be man-made."

"In any case, please explain in detail."

Butterfly said sternly.

Seeing that the little girl was so serious, the old man had no choice but to start from the beginning.

It turned out that the small road where the accident occurred was a shortcut from the northeast suburbs to the Arakawa district of Tokyo.

In the Edo period, Arakawa District had a large amount of farmland; but after the Meiji period, it became an area where Japanese entrepreneurs opened factories.

Many workers from other places work in the factories in Arakawa District. Therefore, in order to reduce the cost of living in Tokyo, the workers live collectively in the suburbs.

Although the distance is a bit far, the environment here is very good, without the disgusting smell of factory dormitories.

We work together to build a wooden house in the suburbs, and we don't even need to pay rent, and we won't be blackmailed and squeezed by local gangsters in Tokyo.

And going to the factory in Arakawa by this small road can save workers at least two hours of commuting time every day.

But starting a month ago, workers living nearby suddenly began to disappear, which naturally caused their panic.

After several comparisons, everyone found that the place where they disappeared was on this small road, and the time was all at night.

Mostly, some workers disappeared inexplicably on the way back from Arakawa District to the northeast suburbs after drinking alcohol after get off work.

In just one month, the number of missing people was as high as eight.

Out of fear of the unknown, workers no longer pass on this road.

After asking the police to investigate, they hastily came to the conclusion that "the workers must have run away because they couldn't bear to work 16 hours a day", and then let it go.

Therefore, the enthusiastic old man Daisuke Hirayama went to investigate the path himself during the day, but found bloodstains in some places.

Based on his experience of encountering ghosts many times, the disappearance of these workers should be caused by ghosts, otherwise there would not be even corpses left.

After reaching a conclusion, the old man contacted the Ghost Killing Squad through the nearby Wisteria Hana's house.

This is why Butterfly Ninja came here.

"Is there blood, but no body?"

Butterfly groaned and said, "Well, this is indeed suspicious, but there may be other things that happened, maybe it was a fight during the kidnapping."

Speaking of this, she raised her head and asked, "Then old man, haven't you found any traces of burying the corpse?"

Man-made possibilities must be ruled out.

If there are only bloodstains, it may be a murder, or it may be an act of injury that occurred during the kidnapping. There are too many possibilities.

"Oh, why don't you still believe me!"

The old man immediately blew his beard and opened his eyes, "I am very familiar with this area. If someone has turned over the soil, I can tell it at a glance!"

"Besides, having encountered ghosts so many times, I already have a premonition that what happened this time must be done by ghosts!"

"Okay, since you have said so, let's go to the field to investigate now."

Butterfly Shinobu nodded after listening, and put away the notebook.

"Now?" The old man frowned, "Just the two of you?"

Butterfly and Genichiro looked at each other and nodded.

"No, no, no!"

The old man's movements suddenly became lighter, and he got up and blocked the door, "You ghost killing team is really getting worse every year. Sending you two dolls over, isn't that sending you to death?"

Butterfly sighed helplessly, and showed the back of her hand to the old man, and the word "C" suddenly appeared on it inexplicably.

"You know our ghost killing team very well, you should know what this means."

"Please rest assured, I will not joke about my life."

Sure enough, after seeing that word, although the old man looked a little disbelieving, he obediently stepped aside.

"You really can't judge by appearance... Speaking of which, the ghost killer team I met last time was also short and small, with a pair of strange-colored eyes, and his face was covered with a mysterious face, but he was very powerful. "

Butterfly Shinobi showed a tic-tac-toe on his forehead, "Please stop emphasizing on the short and short."

Then, she opened the door angrily, came outside, turned her head and told the old man: "Please stay in the house and don't go anywhere. After we finish this matter, no matter what the result is, we will come Notified you."

"Then please!"

The old man suddenly bowed to Butterfly Ninja, "Those children who work in factories work very hard every day. If this road cannot be followed, they will lose a few hours of sleep every day. For them, Also for the sake of those dead, please restore peace to this road!"

"That's my job."

Butterfly Shinobu seemed to be unable to accept other people's ardent pleas, and left without looking back. Genichiro nodded at the old man and followed.

After walking for tens of meters, the old man's voice came from behind: "Be careful! I will cook some more broth and wait for you to come back."


At this time, in the trail.

There were three men, cowering and hiding behind a dead tree.

"Brother Yamada, we haven't been waiting for anyone for several days, why don't we change places!"

Among the three, the serious-looking Yamada is the head.

He was staring intently at the empty path, his eyes were as cold as a knife, even though his body was trembling due to the low temperature, his eyes still showed firmness.

As for the other two people, they squatted on the ground and curled up, obviously not so determined.

"That's right, Brother Yamada, we've tried five knives this month and killed eight people. Even if they have the guts, they definitely wouldn't dare to pass by here. Waiting is in vain."

Another person also made a suggestion.

He looked at Yamada and even complained, but when he glanced at the samurai sword on Yamada's waist from the corner of his eye, he showed a look of fear.

The blade of that knife is a golden chrysanthemum.

This means that the precious sword that the guests will try this time comes from the emperor.

Those who can obtain this kind of knife are all big shots in Tokyo.

Either a relative of the emperor, or a minister with outstanding military exploits, in short, they are definitely not ordinary people.

It seems that what Brother Yamada said about "flying into the sky" is by no means groundless.

After listening to the two people's suggestions, Yamada did not refute, but said coldly: "This is the last day. If we can't wait for anyone today, we will change the place."


The two followers instantly showed happy expressions.

Although I made a lot of money this month, I didn't meet people who were alone every day. Most nights I sat withered in the cold wind.

It would be nice to be able to change places now.

Hearing the excited voices of the two, Yamada seemed to be ignited with enthusiasm, and his eyes revealed a strong color of fanaticism.

"After trying this knife, our reputation will be completely spread in the noble circle. In this way, it will not be far to restore the former glory of the knife-testing family."

Knife tester is an ancient occupation with a long history in Japan, generally held by executioners.

When samurai got new swords, but some of them were not good at swordsmanship, some did not have the guts to kill people, they would hand over their new swords to the sword testers, and let them use this sword to kill criminals, so that Test the sharpness of the weapon.

The Yamada family has been the most famous sword tester in Edo for nine generations.

Moreover, unlike the general untouchables who are executioners, the Yamada family can even be regarded as the top of the shogunate.

Their customers ranged from princes and nobles to ordinary warriors, and it can be said that they were famous for a while.

However, with the fall of the shogunate and a large number of foreigners pouring into Japan, sword testers naturally became a symbol of Japan's "barbaric civilization" in the eyes of Westerners.

This is naturally unacceptable to Emperor Meiji, who wanted Japan to "leave Asia and enter Europe" and enter the ranks of civilized countries.

Therefore, unlike other families who were appeased and compensated, Yamada's family naturally went to the liquidation of the new government.

After the ban on knives was issued, the Yamada family completely declined, and up to now, there is only Yamada left.

But the sky never ends.

Although on the surface, the knife tester has become a thing of the past.

But since Japan defeated Russia, national self-confidence has never been higher.

Even under the propaganda of Changsha and Sawan, the worship of soldiers reached an unprecedented peak, and the warrior culture took the opportunity to revive and even entered the classroom of students.

However, because of the law, even if you are a relative of the emperor, unless you are going to fight, you have no chance to really kill someone with a knife.

And Yamada saw this for sure, and became the secret sword tester of the nobles.

For the past month, they have been wandering on this small road.

Once he found a single passer-by, Yamada asked two of his men to drag the other person into the woods, and then put them in various poses so that their limbs overlapped, and then cut them off with a knife to test the sharpness of the knife.

When they are lucky, they will meet two people walking together, they will stack the two together and cut off at the same time.

After trying the knife, he threw the body on the spot.

But they never seemed to have thought about why the lost corpse disappeared the next day.

It was only taken away by the police.


As soon as the three of them calmed down, Yamada saw a figure appearing at the end of the path, with a hint of joy on his face.

"Get ready! Someone is coming!"

He lowered his voice, and the two cowering guys got up immediately, "And we're lucky this time, two of them came!"

(End of this chapter)

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