Chapter 63 The Big News of the Month

Genichiro and Butterfly patrolled along the forest path, facing the harsh winter wind blowing from the narrow terrain, the serious and gloomy expressions of the two became even more gloomy.

In terms of expressions, the compatibility between the two is surprisingly good. Coupled with one black and one white clothing, they really look like impermanence wandering in the forest.

Both sides of this dark path are huge rocks and thick trees. If they are higher, this place will become a canyon.

Pedestrians can't see anything from the bottom up, so it is very suitable for small teams to hide and ambush.

Presumably in ancient times, this path must have been the favorite sacred place for robbers and bandits.

Suddenly, Genichiro paused on the spot.

"what happened?"

Butterfly Shinobi observed his movements keenly, "Do you feel cold? You didn't listen to me asking you to wear more clothes."

As she said that, she seemed to be planning to fulfill the duties of a big sister, and wanted to take off her scarf and put it around Genichiro.

However, Mingren Wei is not afraid of the cold.

Genichiro waved his hand and continued walking as if nothing had happened.

"I'm not cold, it's because there's something ambushing ahead."

In his field of vision, there are 12 yellow paper figurines flying from behind the big tree on the boulder 30 meters away.

Different from the past, these paper figurines also let out whimpering sounds during the flight, as if they were complaining to Genichiro, and finally flew straight into the hands of Ninja, and there was no more movement.

In the past, his range of absorbing paper figurines was 20 meters. After increasing his spiritual vision by 1 point, the range increased by 10 meters.

After Genichiro turned on his spirit vision, he could even see three figures surrounded by faint black smoke behind the big tree.

That black mist should be the guide of the dead.

【Looks like she guessed right, the instigator of this disappearance is really a human being. 】

Thinking of not getting skill points, he suddenly felt a little dull.

"There are three people, there should be weapons."

Genichiro reminded.

Hearing what Genichiro said, Butterfly stared in that direction with wide eyes, but found nothing.

"Why didn't I see anything?"

She said suspiciously, she didn't understand how Genichiro was sure there was someone there.

"It's okay, just go forward as usual, don't let them find out, maybe they have guns."

Genichiro pretended nothing happened, and continued to move forward, "Get your weapons ready, and fight back directly after they jump off."

Butterfly looked at it carefully for a while, and felt a little suspicious.In the end, she still chose to trust Genichiro, and quietly pressed her right hand on the handle of Kodachi, ready to fight back.

Could it be the police who came here to investigate?
she thought so.

People on both sides waited with bated breath for the opportunity to arrive, so the 30-meter distance seemed particularly long.

When he saw Genichiro and Butterfly Shinobu approaching the big tree where they were, Yamada immediately ordered: "It's just two brats, catch them!"

Although the legs and feet of the other two were a little stiff from the cold, when they heard that it was a kid, a burst of strength came from their bodies, and they immediately jumped off the platform where the big tree was.

Maybe it was because they thought the other party had no ability to resist, so they didn't even pull out their knives.

However, one of the followers was still in mid-air, and suddenly a cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and then he realized that his body was flying backwards.

After taking a closer look, I realized that there was a short and thick bow and arrow stuck in my abdomen at some point, and the severe pain spread immediately!
The next moment, his body was wrapped by the bow and arrow, and he hit the tree where he was hiding before. The back of his head was in close contact with the tree trunk, and then he rolled his eyes and passed out.

And the other guy had just landed, and Butterfly Ninja hit the acupuncture point on the elbow with the handle of the katana. Immediately afterwards, the wrist joint was directly removed, and the knife at the waist was directly taken away by the latter and thrown on the ground.

In the end, the unlucky fellow received another hand knife on the back of the head, and fell forward with a scream.

It can be said that the battle was over before it even started.

However, Yamada had already stopped sluggishly on the rock where the big tree was.

He didn't understand what was going on between the flash and the flint.

Why is this girl carrying a knife!
Why can that child draw such a big bow!
After reacting, Yamada suddenly wanted to rub the soles of his feet with oil, but just as he turned around, he suddenly felt a soft and rough foreign body sensation on his neck.

Immediately afterwards, an irresistible force came from his neck, and he was directly pulled off the four-meter-high stone, and his body hit the ground heavily.

As the rope was quickly retracted, his body was dragged for two or three meters before he reached Butterfly Shinobi's feet.

At this time, the hook rope around Yamada's neck was released, and like a retreating strange snake, it slowly got into Genichiro's left sleeve.

Die Die couldn't help but hesitate to speak when she saw this scene, she didn't expect the rope on the prosthetic limb to be used in this way.

In the end, she still looked at the follower stared at the tree with some worry, "He won't die, will he?"

After all, she still doesn't know where these three people came from.

"At most, the intestines will be pierced. If the arrow is not pulled out, nothing will happen."

Xianichiro withdrew the iron god arm bow coldly, "It should have hit his head on a tree and passed out, don't worry about him, just hang it out."

That tone, as if what is hanging on it is not a person, but a dried pig.

Butterfly reluctantly glanced at the injured part of the guy, tentatively agreeing with Genichiro's words.

At this moment, the two of them looked at Yamada under Butterfly Shinobu's feet at the same time.

Among the three, only his clothes looked the most gorgeous, so he should be the leader.

"Why did you attack us?"

Butterfly asked in a cold voice, the scabbard hit Yamada's stomach heavily.

Genichiro nodded, at least this younger sister of Butterfly Kanae doesn't seem to care about hurting humans who are malicious to her.

However, this guy named Yamada didn't seem to be ready to answer obediently.

"Do you know who I am!"

While clutching his stomach in pain, he yelled loudly, "Let me go quickly, or let His Royal Highness kill your whole family if you don't let me!"

"His Royal Highness?"

Butterfly and Genichiro looked at each other.

Is that what they meant?

At this time, Die Die Ren suddenly noticed the black and gold scabbard under the guy's body, and pulled it out.

This knife is somewhat different from ordinary samurai swords. There are two iron rings on the scabbard, which seems to be used for hanging when riding a horse.

It's a saber.

Butterfly shrank her eyes.

"Hey! Give it back to me!"

When Yamada saw that the guest's knife was taken away, he immediately yelled, but Genichiro stepped on his front teeth directly, and blood flowed all over his face.

Seeing Butterfly staring at the handle of the knife for a long time, Xianichiro asked suspiciously, "Why, is there something wrong with this knife?"

"You do not know?"

Butterfly took out the knife, drew a sword flower in the air, and then pointed to the chrysanthemum-shaped knife, "This is a saber. This kind of golden chrysanthemum decoration can only be used by the emperor bestowed by the emperor. "

"You mean?"

Genichiro stared at the knife for a while, and smelled opportunity again.

I'm afraid the big news of the month is not far away.

"It should have something to do with the prince he mentioned earlier." Butterfly Ren's face was a little dignified, "You have to ask him clearly!"

Genichiro removed the shoe from Yamada's mouth, who immediately yelled hysterically, "You untouchables! Give me the knife! You have no right to touch it! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing his crazy appearance, the word "untouchable" is probably not an insult to others in a hurry, but that he really feels that he seems to be superior to others.

"Please see the reality clearly."

Butterfly held back the knife and said coldly.

"It's the 40th year of Meiji, and even the emperor can't just kill someone. If you don't want me to report this to the police, tell me, what's going on? Why did you attack me? This Where did the knife come from?"


Although Yamada's mouth and nose were bleeding from being stepped on by Genichiro, he was still as stubborn as ever, and his tone was extremely arrogant.

"Then you hand me over to the police! See who is in prison by then! Let me go now, I can pretend this never happened!"


Butterfly never thought that this guy would dare to be so rampant.

After a brief silence, Genichiro suddenly said, "Don't ask him."


Butterfly Shinobu and Yamada exclaimed at the same time.

"I probably guessed what was going on."

Xianichiro took the knife from Butterfly Ninja, looked at it carefully, pointed to the blade and said: "This is obviously a new knife that has just been forged, this guy should be entrusted by the owner of this knife, here Look for innocent passers-by on the road, and then test them."

In ancient times, there were warriors who took civilians at intersections to test their knives.Combined with those 12 crying paper figurines, Genichiro has already guessed the matter very well.

As he said that, he swung the knife downwards and sliced ​​off the tip of Yamada's nose with great precision. The latter howled in misery, but immediately swallowed the sound back because of the shoes that fell on his abdomen, and his body shrank into a ball suddenly .

"You mean, those missing passers-by before were all taken by the three of them..."

A trace of horror flashed in Butterfly's eyes.

Even though she is more realistic than her sister Butterfly Kanae, she can't imagine the truth of the matter would be like this.

Treating innocent passers-by as objects to test their knives, what do these people think of human life!

"Is it true? Just ask the guy next to you."

Xianichiro stretched out his left hand, and the hook rope was directly wrapped around the neck of the servant whose wrist had been removed by Butterfly Shinobu before, "If you continue to pretend to be dead, I will fulfill you."

Then the rope suddenly tightened!

The man opened his eyes immediately, lay on the ground and begged timidly: "Let me go! This young master is absolutely right! We are the knife testers serving the adults in Tokyo! Before this Those workers on this road were killed by him! We are just forced to do nothing!"

"You coward!"

Yamada frantically yelled at his followers, "I should have tried you first!"

"It's this time, why are you pretending to be a wolf with a big tail!"

The attendant was obviously more sober than Yamada. After spraying the guy, he continued to say to the two of them: "This guy is the descendant of the notorious executioner-Yamada Senemon! He has made sure that there is no war now, and those big men They have no one to kill, so they copied their old business and offered to test swords for those people! He even coerced the descendants of us samurai warriors to join him, saying that he wanted to revive the reputation of the Yamada family's royal sword testers. I think he is wishful thinking !"

"Yamada Asemon..."

Butterfly thought about it for a while, and finally showed a hint of disgust, "Is that the guy who wrote "Huaibao Sword Ruler"?"

"It's him! It's him!"

The servant shouted excitedly, "This guy is the descendant of that guy!"

"Why, is this Yamada Asemon famous?" Genichiro frowned.

The expression on Butterfly Shinobi's face could no longer be described as disgusting.

"This family, in addition to testing the knife for the nobles, also used human liver, brain, and gallbladder to make pills. They said they could cure all diseases, and they were banned by the emperor decades ago."

Butterfly Ninja, who is proficient in medicinal poetics, paled, and whispered to Genichiro: "But as early as the Meiji Year, the Demon Killing Team discovered that the Yamada family should have a cooperative relationship with many ghosts. But at that time, the Yamada clan was in full swing, and the Demon Killers The team was suppressed by the shogunate again, and in the end they had to let it go."

Making pills out of human bodies and selling them to people...

Even Genichiro felt a sudden strong discomfort in his stomach.

He suddenly realized: "Since their family has a precedent of cooperating with ghosts, then you say, those missing corpses must have been fed to ghosts by him."

Butterfly Shinobu's face became more and more gloomy, and he glanced coldly at Yamada who was still full of madness, then turned to ask the follower: "Then let me ask you, where are the bodies of those people you killed before?"

"That... people were all killed by him."

The attendant was taken aback by the girl's cold eyes, and shrank and said: "After Yamada used those people to test the knife, he threw the scattered corpses into the woods above. There is a shelter... But every time we come back, the body is cleaned up, it should be taken away by the police..."

Butterfly frowned.

It is absolutely impossible for the police to confiscate the bodies of those people, otherwise the old man Daisuke Hirayama would not be so sure that it was the work of ghosts.

And the bodies must have been disposed of the night the victims were killed, otherwise the workers would not have found nothing when they came to look for them the next day.

Therefore, Xianichiro's guess is very possible.

Thinking of those workers, most of them were just children about her age, they were first captured for no reason, then cut off their limbs by the knife tester, tortured to death, and finally the corpse was fed to the ghost...

As long as these scenes can be imagined, it is enough to make a normal person psychologically collapse.

Obviously everyone is human!

why anyone!
How easy it is to take another's life!

Butterfly couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed Yamada's hair, pressed his head and hit the ground.

"I ask you, where did their bodies go?!"

Her face was gloomy, and the veins on her forehead were bulging like a ghost. She struck with extreme force and frequency. After just half a minute, Yamada's face was smashed out of shape by her.

The latter's nose was knocked down, his face was covered with blood, and even the teeth in his mouth fell to the ground rustlingly, and there was an indistinct sound in his throat.

But judging from his finally terrified expression, he should be begging for mercy.

Genichiro turned a blind eye with a calm face.

To be honest, if Kuro hadn't specifically reminded him that Wei Mingren should be integrated into this world, he would have no sympathy for the Japanese.

If you kill him, let's just kill him, because from the very beginning, Genichiro regarded everyone other than Wei Ming as a potential enemy.Since he is an enemy, there is no need to be merciful.

But under Kuro's plea, this attitude has now been reversed.

But the guy in front of him, relying on himself as a descendant of a samurai family, used such a cruel reason to torture unarmed children to death, and he really hit Genichiro's bottom line.

He has always looked down on samurai because he has seen since he was a child that samurai are bullying and afraid of tough nature.

They are willing to give all kinds of unimaginable preferential treatment to those who are equal to them, but they are so cruel to ordinary people who are lower than them but have the same camp.

As if the latter were the enemy.

And this kind of cruelty to the subordinates, today's Japanese high-level also inherited the past, as can be seen from the police.

This guy in front of him, since it is why the prince tried the knife.

That means that this incident was probably acquiesced by the prince who had no chance to behead himself.

And the prince, that is a serious royal family.

Besides, according to the attendant, there are more than one or two dignitaries in Tokyo who asked Yamada to try his sword.

It can be seen that, just like those ordinary warriors in the past, treating ordinary people as lambs that can be slaughtered at any time has been written into the genes of these powerful people.

And the world that Genichiro wants to leave to Kuro must not be such a world.

Looking at the bloody Yamada, Genichiro's brain was running at high speed, this time, how to use this matter?
(End of this chapter)

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