Chapter 21 Becoming a Minister from Today

Hearing him mention this Su Chengji immediately shook his head and sighed.

"what happened?"

Zhao Cuo couldn't help but also frowned.Are things that bad?Even if the new chief didn't deal with their Zhao family, at least he should be someone from the Queen Mother, right?Even if they are all the lackeys of that woman, it is impossible to bite you to the death.

"This time our uncle and nephew are having a hard time."

Su Chengji said with a serious expression.

"Although I shouldn't criticize my mother in private...but uncle really can't understand the current situation."

"What is the background of the newly appointed Master Chief?"

Zhao Cuo asked with some unease.

"A royalist."

Su Chengji said word by word.

"That is……"

Zhao Cuo froze for a moment, unable to react.Although the predecessor was born in the Duke's family, he was helplessly spoiled, and he didn't know much about current affairs.

"Walls have ears. Let's go into the study and talk about it. The situation is dark and unclear."

Su Chengji dragged Mr. Zhao Xiaogong into a secret room, and the deputy director poured tea himself, and the two sat facing each other.

"Please ask uncle to clear up my nephew's doubts."

Zhao Cuo was at a loss, what is the so-called royalist party?Literally, it is a group that protects the imperial power?
"Wu Jiu, you also know that today's Dayu has the final say, and we all serve the empress."

Su Chengji spoke solemnly, Zhao Cuo nodded lightly, without interrupting his words.

"But it has been two years since the new emperor took the throne, and the current emperor is twenty years old, so he is not the young master."

"Uncle Chengji, what do you mean..."

Zhao Cuo tilted his head in wonder.

"Then what royalist party is the faction that wants the emperor to return to power?"

The little father-in-law is really confused, why is there such a life-threatening situation, aren't the two cars overturned in front of him enough to learn from?


Su Chengji nodded.

"What gave those people such courage?"

Zhao Cuo fell into deep thought.

Where the military power is, it will prosper; where the military power is gone, it will be destroyed.

The Empress Dowager Zhao has monopolized the power for decades, whether it is the imperial guards in the imperial city or the Shenwu camp outside Xiang Jing that raises [-] soldiers, the right to dispatch these soldiers is in her hands. The existence of victory.

"Why did the emperor rebel?"

He couldn't help asking.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Su Chengji couldn't help laughing, but soon put on a serious face, and continued to say in a deep voice:

"The Empress Dowager is here, and the Royalist Party is nothing more than a group of dogs and dogs, and they can't get on the stage, but I don't understand the situation this time. The position of the Chief of the Execution Department cannot be sat without the approval of the empress."

"Who is it?"

Zhao Cuo became more and more confused.

"That lord is Lin Anmin, a former minister of the cabinet, former Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and the title of Prince Taibao!"


Mr. Zhao Xiaogong has not heard of this person's name, but he does know the cabinet, which is the highest authority directly serving the emperor. It was disbanded by the empress dowager two years ago and reorganized into the Privy Council.

"This Master Lin is amazing."

Su Chengji was not surprised by his bewildered expression.

"During the reign of Emperor Xuan, Lord Lin Anmin has always been the chief assistant! Later, the empress controlled the government and dismissed the cabinet. He resisted with his life and was almost cut in half at the Meridian Gate."

Zhao Cuo: "..."

To praise Lin Anmin so highly is to highlight the domineering Queen Mother Zhao?
"At that time, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were silent. It was Emperor Yongzhao who personally begged the Empress Dowager, so that he was able to save his life, but even so, he was demoted from office to the people. No blame, why did the Empress let him come back and sit in a high position? "

Su Chengji asked puzzledly.

"First of all, rule out the possibility that the Empress Dowager Zhao wants to return power to Her Majesty."

Zhao Cuo said without thinking.During the short time with the Queen Mother Zhao yesterday, he knew that this woman was obsessed with rights and had a strong desire for control. It was absolutely impossible to delegate power. The two deposed emperors ended up like this because they wanted to take power.

"Perhaps that Master Lin has abandoned the light... Abandoned the dark and turned to the light?"

"It's impossible."

Su Chengji subconsciously shook his head.

"Master Lin Anmin has a stubborn personality and has been loyal to the royal family Chu family all his life. He is a veteran minister of the four dynasties, and the royalist party with the highest prestige on the surface. He will not serve your mother."

After speaking, he sighed again.

"Forget it, it's useless for you and me to say these things here, the Queen Mother's holy will is beyond our guess."

"makes sense."

Zhao wrongly nodded.

"This is your identity badge without blame."

The deputy director took out a yellow iron token from his cuff and handed it to Zhao Cuo, his face became solemn again, and he said seriously:
"Duke Zheng's mansion is in such a catastrophe. You don't have time to play around. Now the Zhao family must be taken care of by you. This must be the meaning of your empress asking you to work in the Execution Department."

"Uncle taught me that."

Zhao Cuo stretched out his hands and took the plaque etched with "Zhao Cuo Third Class".

He is also clear about the level division of the Execution Department, just like the titles are generally divided into three classes, for example, his father is a first-class prince and the Xia family who was persecuted by Xia Yaonv is only a third-class uncle.

And above this level, there are chief execution officers who are comparable to the deputy in charge. At present, there are only four chief execution officers in all departments of the execution division.

"The Execution Department has a strict hierarchy. According to your mother's wishes, you should start from the third-class execution officer. Do a good job and don't aim too high."

"Know without blame."

"and also……"

Su Chengji's face suddenly became gloomy again.

"Your appointment was ordered by Mr. Lin Anmin... He asked you to serve under Chief Yan Yang."

"Chief Yan?"

A cold man's face appeared in Zhao Cuo's mind.The management system of the Execution Division is simple and rough, that is, a few chief executives lead many first- to third-class execution officers to run errands. He has an impression of the current chief of the Execution Division. This Yan Yang...

"If you work with the other three chiefs, uncle doesn't have to worry about anything. After all, they were all brought out by the Duke of the State and will naturally take good care of you."

He sighed helplessly as he spoke.

"But Chief Yan Yang is ruthless. Sometimes he doesn't even give your father face, and he doesn't give you special treatment when he thinks about it. You have to protect yourself for no reason. You need to do what you can when you encounter any situation."

"My nephew understands."

"That's fine."

Su Chengji nodded anxiously.

"It's already past the time for Dianmao. If you don't blame you, report to Chief Yan Yang's hall. If there is anything that can't be solved, tell uncle immediately."

Zhao Cuo obediently said yes.Now he has an inexplicable feeling that he is the villain in the novel. If he is bullied, with his father's network, he can always get a vote of uncles to support him.

Walking out of the study with the token of the executioner, he walked towards the office of his future boss, Chief Yan Yang, with a relaxed mood and brisk steps.

The road to courtiers begins with the third-class executioner!
(End of this chapter)

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