Dayu Execution Officer, begins to torture the demon girl's fiancee

Chapter 22 Don't go to paint the boat Zhao Wujiu

Chapter 22 Don't go to paint the boat Zhao Wujiu


Hearing this cold tone, Zhao Cuo pushed open the door without changing his face, and shot his eyes towards the room.

The first thing that appeared in his eyes was a man sitting in front of a desk full of files. He looked only in his twenties, and his cold face was somewhat handsome.

Mr. Zhao Xiaogong admitted that the chief was good-looking, and of course he was still a bit behind him, but his cool iceberg temperament was beyond his comparability.

"Chief Yan Yang, the humble Zhao Cuo is the third-class execution officer who just arrived today. He was ordered by Director Lin to work under you."

Zhao Cuo walked up slowly and bowed politely.

Execution Officer Yan Yang, one of the four chiefs of the Execution Department, looked at him calmly, without any obvious emotional changes on his face, and tapped his fingers on the table thoughtfully.

It took about a snap of his fingers before his slightly long and narrow eyes fluctuated, and he nodded and said in a cold voice.

"My little father-in-law grew up in the Execution Department. He should know all the rules and regulations, so I won't say much. I have three first-class execution officers leading a group of people. From today onwards, you will follow Cheng Yi's first-class work." .”

'Cheng Yi? '

Zhao Cuo was reciting the name silently, and a simple and honest strong man quickly appeared in his mind, and his heart immediately became clear.


He answered without hesitation.

"Go down."

Chief Yan Yang lowered his head and continued to look at the file in his hand after he said the last sentence.

Zhao Cuo asked where the office room was, then turned and left, and walked unhurriedly along the corridor towards the building behind, thinking that if he had nothing to do later, he would skip work and go back home to practice.

He knew many people in the Execution Division, and he had played with Cheng Yiyi, so he seemed to be the master when he came here.

"I have received anonymous reports many times that the Yinbi Painted Boat on Yueba Lake is secretly selling private salt. How about this investigation? That place is..."

Zhao Cuo walked outside an official room and stopped. After hearing the faint conversation coming from inside, he politely did not knock on the door to interrupt.

"Didn't Brother Huafang still go to listen to the music these days? I didn't find anything wrong, and it's not good to let go of the girl in my arms and ruin the business, right?"

A frivolous voice sounded.

"What are you talking about, Zhang Yintang!"

A heavy male voice suddenly scolded.

"I'll wait for a long time to eat the imperial salary! Wouldn't I become a mediocre official if I don't handle the case? Have you forgotten the old man's teachings since the Duke of the country left office temporarily?"

"Don't dare!"

"Boss Cheng Yi, in my opinion, it's better to just take the mother who is drinking the blue boat, and she will surely recruit everything if she is scared by the fire stick."

Someone made a faint move in a serious tone.

"Zhiyi, don't mess around! Don't you know the identity of the owner of Yinbi Huafang? If you arrest people without evidence, you will have big problems!"


A weak voice sounded.

"My lords, have you forgotten? The reporting system of the Dayu Dynasty says that one can remain anonymous, but in fact, only real people have to report the case."

As soon as these words came out, the room suddenly fell silent, and then there was a unanimous voice of approval.

Zhao Cuo was also a little ashamed, and suddenly looked down at a piece of precious jade hanging on his waist, and his aura suddenly shone.

This piece of jade pendant has the effect of hiding the aura. If it glows with brilliance, it means that the spiritual consciousness of a practitioner has passed through the protection.Eavesdropping discovered?
"Who is outside?"

A dull voice came out.


Zhao Cuo raised his hand in embarrassment and knocked on the door.

"The next official Zhao wrongly came to take office."

He pretended to be serious and said, the hall suddenly fell into a dead silence, followed by the movement of people turning their backs!
"Little Grandpa!"

Accompanied by the cry of astonishment, the door in front of Zhao Cuo was suddenly opened, and a strong man with thick eyebrows and big eyes who was nearly two meters tall appeared in his eyes.

"I've seen Cheng Yi first class."

Zhao wrongly smiled and cupped his hands.

"Don't dare!"

Cheng Yi, who was dressed in a dark blue flying fish suit, quickly returned the gift.

"Master Zhao, what did you just say?"

A head squeezed out from behind Cheng Yi, and the fair-faced young man looked at him curiously, not overly restrained.

"At the order of the Empress Dowager, I came to serve in the Execution Department."

Zhao mistakenly took out his ID card and waved it in front of them.Although the young man doesn't have a good reputation in Xiang Jing, he still enjoys a good time in this execution department. After all, he grew up here since he was a child. In his memory, he almost broke into the torture room once and was covered by this Cheng Yi Eyes pulled out.

His father protected him too well.

His subordinates were not allowed to let him see anything that saw blood.

"Your Majesty personally ordered..."

There was a murmur in the room, and the way everyone looked at him changed.The Execution Division has been in charge of the Zhao family since ancient times. Now that Zheng Guogong has just been relegated, the supreme prince in the palace threw the young man in?

This is exactly the meaning of cultivating their successors, right?For a moment, all the people present were happy, and even heaved a sigh of relief.

Anyone would feel uneasy about changing the boss. Zheng Guogong has always treated them well, and it would be the best for the young prince to take over in the future.

"From now on, my lords and I will be colleagues. You don't have to be polite, and it's nothing to blame for calling me."

Zhao Cuo also saw what they were thinking, but he couldn't laugh, and his tears were swallowing in his stomach.

He couldn't figure it out according to the Queen Mother's witch's thinking.

Maybe one day he will be wiped off.

"Young master! I can do it! I, Zhang Yintang, would like to worship you as my eldest brother!"

The young man with a fair face smiled and cupped his hands at him.

"Don't dare."

Zhao Cuo gave a dry laugh with a little social fear.

"A certain Wu Zhiyi also wants to discuss the method of fire stick torture with Mr. Zhao Xiaogong."

A square man with a serious face spoke.

Zhao Cuo: "..."

"All right!"

The head of Cheng Yi waved his hands, he looked simple and honest but he was able to do good, and said in a deep voice:
"From now on, the young man will be one of us. We can get along normally, and we are all doing business for the court. Don't make any distinctions. After work, we should connect more emotionally."

Zhao mistakenly dismissed the idea of ​​skipping work. It's better not to be annoying on the first day, but to do the job well.

The execution department's yamen is not busy all day, and he just does some paperwork when he first arrives at the office. Cheng Yi didn't take him with him when he went to the police at noon.

By the time of Youshi Sanya, Zhao Cuo had basically become acquainted with dozens of people here.The ones who talked to him the most were the frivolous and unreasonable third class Zhang Yintang, and the third class Wu Zhiyi who liked sticks. There were also four second class execution officers in their class who were away on errands and he didn't see anyone.

"Master Zhao, are you going to the boat to listen to the music? The newly-tuned horse of Yinbi Huaboat sings like a famous artist!"

Zhang Yintang winked and said to him.

' Am I that kind of person? '

Zhao Cuo resisted subconsciously in his heart, and suddenly he frowned again, closed his eyes and looked inward at the Palace of Fate.

I saw the dragon vein worm with its eyes closed all the time, opened its red eyes, held its golden dragon head up and grinned fiercely, as if expressing protest.

The little father-in-law suddenly realized.Officials of the imperial court go shopping in kilns after work, which properly corrupts the fate of the country!
"Let's go together!"

(End of this chapter)

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