Chapter 42 Torture Order Again

'What the hell is this woman up to? '

Zhao Cuo glanced at her with some doubts, but remained calm and unmoved on the surface, and said lightly:

"No need. If Madam is not afraid of being wanted by the court, then she can try to escape under our noses."

The little father-in-law's incomprehensible words made several unscrupulous colleagues beat their chests and feet.

"I'm just joking."

Mrs. Yan pursed her lips into a coquettish smile, her purple eyes were as bright as jewels, she continued to speak with a slight smile.

"But it's true that I don't like being alone, that's why I invite you to share the ride. I think the young master is also practicing my Taoism. We should have something to talk about. What do you think?"

"This one……"

Zhao Cuo was also a little moved for a while, of course it was definitely not because of Mrs. Yan's beautiful face and plump body, but mainly because he wanted to know more about ascetics.

'Speaking of which, Mrs. Yan has been creating opportunities to be alone with me since just now? '

He was alerted in his heart.Mr. Zhao Xiaogong is handsome, but he is not so handsome that he can make a woman fall in love with him just by looking at him, right?What's more, a woman of this level, what is she planning?
"That's fine too."

After a brief hesitation, Grandpa Zhao nodded without changing his expression, and then gave the calm Chief Yan Yang a look.

"I'll go in and see what kind of tricks this woman is trying to play. Please trouble Chief Yan to pay attention to the movement of the carriage along the way. If there is something wrong, please help."

He made sure that Yan Yang had sealed off his body so that the voice would not come out before he spoke.

"I see."

Yan Da's executioner responded in a cold voice, especially reliable.

After his personal safety was guaranteed, Zhao Cuo led the horse to Zhang Yintang, opened the curtain of the carriage and sat in under the eyes of everyone.

Although Mrs. Yan had only gotten into the car not long ago, the elegant scent of flowers from her body was already in the car. To be honest, this clean and girlish scent didn't match her appearance and figure at all.

"Madam, is there anything you want to say privately to me?"

Zhao Cuo sat opposite her and said without looking sideways.He has seen the coldness of the Yaozu princess, the glamorous beauty of the queen mother, and the greatness of his own sister. Even if Mrs. Yan in front of him is not much worse than these few, he can no longer be seduced by him.

"Why is the little prince so unreasonable?"

Looking at the honorable son in front of her who was unmoved by her beauty, Mrs. Yan raised her eyebrows lightly, and said with a smile:

"I want to get close to you, can't I?"

"Even if my wife promises me with her body, I will enforce the law impartially. If you have anything to say, I will talk about it at the execution department's office."

Zhao Cuo said calmly.

The vigilance in his heart has reached the highest value.

He didn't forget how this woman perfunctory them before she showed up, and sent a maid to say that she was not there. What do you want to do now that you are so enthusiastic about him?
"Your Excellency is stern and selfless, and I admire you very much, but I am not guilty of a crime and want to bribe you, young master."

Madam Yan said without changing her smile.

"Didn't they just say that? I wanted to tell you something about cultivation. I think the young master has already completed his Qi training, but he has chosen a good teacher in my sect. There is no guide in the second realm of innate realm. Leaving a big trouble behind."

"I planned to join the Taoist sect after the big wedding, but unexpected disasters delayed the matter. Madam, don't you want to introduce me?"

Zhao Cuo said calmly.


After listening to his words, Mrs. Yan's eyes became brighter, and she put a slender finger on her moist lips, and said with a smile:
"What do you think of me, my lord? Although my aptitude is dull, I have already cultivated to the primordial spirit state."

"You want to take me in as an apprentice?"

Zhao Cuo looked at the obscenely beautiful woman in front of him with great interest.

"Young master, don't underestimate the concubine's identity."

Madam Yan snorted coquettishly.

"My master is the national teacher of the current dynasty, the elder of the Tongyou Palace among the three palaces of Daozong. It's just that her old man no longer accepts disciples, but if you worship under my name, you can use her as a disciple Go ask her to teach."

Zhao Cuo was baffled. This woman suddenly changed her attitude. Could it be that she could have seen at a glance what kind of aptitude he has?


He doesn't beat around the bush anymore.

"When we called the door just now, Madam sent a maid to send me away, and now you are willing to cooperate with the investigation because you want to accept me as an apprentice?"

Zhao Cuo stared at her intently.

"Or do you mean that you have a ghost in your heart, and you want to bribe me in this way, so that I can break the law for your own benefit?"

"The concubine is innocent and innocent, what is the crime?"

Madam Yan smiled at him frankly.

"The reason why I want to include you in the door is that I have a heart of love for talents. It is very suitable for the young master to enter my door."


Zhao Cuo laughed, half-believing in her rhetoric.Madam Yan's words seem to be able to explain why her attitude has changed drastically, but is there really such a simple thing in the world?

"What is it about my miraculous physique that makes Madam so excited?"

He continued slowly.

"Other sects may not be able to tell, but this concubine specializes in a kind of pupil technique, so I can tell at a glance that the young master is a pure Yang Taoist fetus that is rare in the world!"

Madam Yan said word by word.

'Mocking my virginity, right? '

Zhao Cuo was a little annoyed, really thought he could be fooled by just talking nonsense about his physique?Bullying him isn't it because Taoist disciples don't have common sense of Taoism?

You can't believe a word of Mrs. Yan's words.

Wait until the Execution Department to take good care of her.

"How is the little prince thinking?"

Madam Yan smiled like a flower.

"Madam is now a suspect, so I dare not hook up with you, don't mention the matter of apprenticeship again."

Zhao Cuo said indifferently.

"I can wait until the case comes to light..."

Madam Yan suddenly became anxious.


Zhao Cuo interrupted her mercilessly. The more the late emperor's widow cared about him, the more he felt like he was being targeted by a poisonous snake.

"Since that's the case... the concubine's body is not too difficult for others."

Madam Yan's face gradually cooled down, she closed her beautiful eyes peacefully and said nothing, only Fengmei's body swayed with the carriage.

Zhao Cuo didn't talk to her anymore, and suddenly frowned, closed his eyes and sank his thoughts.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already in the lobby of the Ministry of Justice.

"Another order?"

Zhao Cuo looked at the silk script placed on the table case, and the side that was rolled up had his familiar handwriting, torture order!

"It's definitely about Mrs. Yan?"

He quickly picked up the torture order on the table and spread it out. The first thing that appeared in his eyes was a picture scroll, depicting the late emperor's widow who was sitting in front of him at this time.

[Mrs. Yan, you have a malicious intention to seize the fate of the country, and I suggest that you should be tortured immediately!

Note: The crime cannot be punished!

Reward: World's Wonder Gu]

"If I refuse to be a teacher, are you going to cast a gu on me?"

Zhao Cuo was shocked for a moment!This woman was really full of lies, if she just wanted to accept him as a disciple, how could she want to come to hell after being rejected?
And what does it mean to plot the country's fortune?
Does this have anything to do with the Yinbi Painting Boat case?
(End of this chapter)

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