Chapter 43 I Want To Take Anything She Likes


Zhao Cuo's face sank like water.

He was really going to be angry. The last time he was angry was when he was summoned into the palace by the empress dowager yesterday.

What kind of monsters are women in this world?As far as I have met so far, there is no good thing except his family, and this Mrs. Yan in front of me is even a wicked person who does not ask for a teacher.

'I want to see what this woman is planning. '

Zhao Cuo thought for a while with the torture order in the lobby of the Ministry of Punishment, but still couldn't understand what the so-called conquest of the country meant, so he simply opened his eyes and returned to the carriage.

The stern look on his face flashed away, and looking at the beautiful lady sitting across from him with eyes closed, he quickly had a plan in his mind.

The initiative is still in his hands.

'Madam Yan would definitely not dare to kill me, otherwise there would be no need to use Gu, this woman wants to control me. '

Zhao Cuo thought of the dragon-vein worm in his body. He is one of the ten evils of the fierce Gu, and now he can be said to be invulnerable to ten thousand Gu. In this case, why not follow the woman's wish?
"First of all, she pretended to be hit by her Gu and couldn't resist. The late emperor's widowed concubine would definitely relax her vigilance when she saw that I was a first-level cultivator. It shouldn't be difficult for me to say something when she thinks she has the chance to win."

Mr. Zhao Xiaogong thought to himself, at this moment he really decided to torture this Mrs. Yan, and now he is not a rookie who only scratches the soles of the witch's feet when he first arrives.

During the half-hour journey, Mrs. Yan calmly did not say a word, which disappointed Zhao Cuo who was waiting for her to do it.

The arresting team soon stopped in front of the execution office.

"Madam, please."

Zhao Cuo got out of the car first with a calm expression, opened the curtain for Mrs. Yan, and invited her down politely.

"Thank you."

Although Mrs. Yan was no longer as enthusiastic towards him as before, Hu Meier still had a smile on her face, she moved her plump body gracefully and got off the carriage.

At this time, there were quite a few people gathered at the gate of the Execution Division, and even Su Chengji, the deputy director, greeted him here because he was worried that something might go wrong, and the scene was a bit noisy for a while.

But after the appearance of Mrs. Yan in a lake-green Taoist robe, the world quieted down.

"Arrange an upper room for Madam."

Zhao Cuo walked into the yamen with a sullen face, said something to a executioner who was a woman but was still confused by Mrs. Yan's appearance, and then looked at the contented emperor and concubine behind him.

"Ma'am, let's rest for a while."


Mrs. Yan nodded lightly, glanced at him with her charming eyes, and said with her red lips lightly parted:

"Young master, you will come to ask questions later, right? I am a little shy of strangers, and I might not dare to speak with someone else."

"I make my own decision."

Zhao Cuo said something nonchalantly, Madam Yan pursed her lips and chuckled, and then followed a female executioner to the back hall with light steps, calmly as if she was on an outing, without any suspects self-awareness.

But no one can say that she is nothing. This woman is a privileged class in Dayu, and she must be treated with courtesy before she is convicted.

Of course, Mr. Zhao had already decided in his heart to be rude to her.

"Madam Yan, did you encounter any accidents when you came back?"

Su Chengji stepped forward and asked.

"all the best."

Zhao Cuo shook his head. Although the woman was closed behind closed doors at the beginning, this small matter was not expected to be reported.

"This woman is still calm until now. I don't know if she is pretending to be calm or if she really has a clear conscience. Are you going to interrogate her personally?"

Su Chengji looked at his nephew with some anxiety, this former emperor's flame beauty is still unsurpassedly beautiful, can a young man with a strong blood stand the test?
"Of course I will do it myself."

Zhao Cuo nodded solemnly, but thinking of his somewhat risky plan, he was still not at ease. He couldn't be too cautious when dealing with a monk whose cultivation base was far above his own.

"Uncle Chengji, in order to prevent Mrs. Yan from doing something demented, I ask you to escort me outside the house later."

"It's natural."

Su Chengji nodded without thinking.

"One more thing is..."

Zhao Cuo took out a jade slip with some embarrassment and handed it to him.

"I'm going to use some special methods against Mrs. Yan, and I'm going to trouble Uncle to seal the room and not let any spiritual sense enter the room. If there is any danger, I will use my thoughts to trigger this jade slip, so as to ensure nothing goes wrong."

Su Chengji: "..."

"Uncle, don't get me wrong."

Seeing Deputy Chief Su's expression of hesitating to speak, Zhao Cuo knew that there was something wrong with what he said but it was difficult to explain, so he could only respond with a dry smile.

"No blame, you can rest assured to interrogate her, leave the rest to me, and no one will disturb you."

Su Chengji still nodded out of recognition of his nephew's performance in the past few days.

"Thank you uncle."

Zhao Cuo let out a sigh of relief and thanked him, letting go of the last uneasiness in his heart.Su Chengji, like the other chiefs, is a strongman in the fifth realm of martial arts, so it is not a problem to keep him safe in Madam Yan's hands.

After confirming that his personal safety was guaranteed, he came to the wing room guarded by two female executioners, and walked in without saying hello.

Close the door with your backhand.

"Young master is here."

The beautiful woman sitting at the round table in the room looked at him, with a slight smile in her beautiful purple eyes, as if she couldn't wait.

"Madam seems to be ready?"

Zhao Cuo went to sit opposite her with a normal expression.

"My lord, feel free to ask if you have anything to say. I will definitely know everything. Cooperating with you in the investigation is also to repay my innocence."

Mrs. Yan showed him a smile that seemed innocent but looked seductive on her face.

"Better so."

Zhao Cuo said slowly.

"However, before starting to ask questions, I have some doubts and want to ask the young master."

She suddenly changed the subject.


Zhao Cuo is now waiting for this femme fatale to make a move.

"Young master is only 18 years old now. As the saying goes, you can't do things well if you don't talk about it. Why did the Empress Dowager Chao Zhao entrust you with such a big case as Yinbi Painting Boat?"

Mrs. Yan blinked her beautiful eyes curiously, but in the depths of her light purple pupils, she looked at Zhao Cuo with a mixture of excitement and fanaticism.

"Isn't that obvious?"

Zhao Cuo knew that in the eyes of Xiang Jing's people, he had become the new favorite of the empress dowager.

"She likes you a lot, right?"

The smile on the charming face of the late emperor's widowed concubine gradually disappeared, only a slight smile remained at the corner of her mouth, which made people's hearts jump.

"I am a concubine..."

She tilted her little head like a cute girl and said in a low voice:
"I want to grab everything that that woman cherishes~"

Speaking of this, the shallow curvature of her lips has been outlined to her cheeks, and the smile in her misty purple eyes is mixed with a charming and morbid state, making her whole face look coquettish and bewitching.

In just a moment, Zhao Cuo felt that he had lost control of his body!
She's out!

(End of this chapter)

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