Chapter 56 The Enemy Is Not King Zhou You

"I will arrange it now, but even so, there will be no news so soon in the past two days. If you are tired, you can go back home to rest."

Su Chengji nodded and said.

"Everyone is doing business, how can I sleep? I'll just wait for the news here."

Zhao Cuo said with a smile.

Su Chengji raised his hand and patted his shoulder, then turned and walked out of the classroom.

After watching him leave, Grandpa Zhao raised his hand and rubbed his chin with a thoughtful expression.

"A master's move can often predict the opponent's prediction..."

Zhao Cuo stood up and walked out of the house, and quickly came to the prison of the Execution Department, and saw Ziyi all the way unimpeded.


On the first night of the investigation, more than a dozen reports were placed on the table in Zhao Cuo's hall, and it went so smoothly.

Although the people sent out did not get direct evidence, but with this kind of search intensity, the investigation was full of clues.

However, in the fourth or fifth day, a complete chain of evidence about the Huting Chamber of Commerce selling cigarettes into Beijing was sorted out.

"The Huting Chamber of Commerce has established six opium dens in Beijing with convincing evidence! But we haven't found any evidence that this case is related to King Youjun. The problem now is..."

In the lobby of the Execution Department's Yamen, Zhao Cuo sat at a round table full of files, and opposite him were Su Chengji and Chief Yan Yang.

"The problem is that the property under Mrs. Yan's name has a lot of contacts with the Huting Chamber of Commerce. She rented out some of the shops that opened the smokehouse. In addition, Ziyi's confession makes her escape the crime of conspiracy, right?"

Zhao Cuo calmly followed the words of the ugly-faced Su Chengji.


Deputy Chief Su picked up a freshly written document with a cloudy expression on his face.

"From the evidence we have found so far, Mrs. Yan is a joint cigarette seller with the Beijing Foreign Chamber of Commerce, and Ziyi is her foreign speaker."

"Let's get ready next time."

Zhao Cuo pondered for a moment and spoke.

"Catch people at sunrise tomorrow morning!"

His tone was decisive.

"To the Huting Chamber of Commerce?"

Su Chengji asked with a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that Zhao would mistakenly stare at Youjun Palace.

Now that the opportunity to close the case is in front of us, it is best not to get involved in the imperial power dispute.

"According to the original plan."

Zhao Cuo looked at Chief Yan who had been silent with a cold face, took out the Queen Mother's Yizhi from his cuff and handed it to him, and said in a pleading tone:
"I still have to trouble you, Chief Yan Yang. Tomorrow, I ask you to encircle the palace of the Prince of Youjun with your mother's order. No matter what, you must wait until I pass."


Yan Yang took the silk book he handed over calmly.

"No fault..."

Su Chengji was a little anxious.

"We don't have any evidence. If we attack a county king with such a big fanfare, what should we do if we don't say anything if the empress blames it?"

"Uncle, don't worry."

Zhao Cuo remained calm.

"Youjun Prince's Mansion is part of the Huting Chamber of Commerce. Although we can't convict them based on this, this case is barely related to them. It's not too much to find a reason to investigate them, and nothing will happen."


Su Chengji showed hesitation, glanced at the Yizhi in Yan Yang's hand, and finally said nothing.

"Leaving aside the blockade of Youjun Prince's Mansion, Uncle, your task is also very important. You must arrest all the suspects involved in the case from the Huting Chamber of Commerce."

Zhao Cuo continued.


Su Chengji responded, and suddenly noticed that Zhao Cuo hadn't arranged anything for him, and even Yan Yang was replaced by Yan Yang who was supposed to lead people to seal up the Youjun Palace a few days ago.

"No blame what are you going to do?"

He thought of Zhao Cuo always running to the prison these days.

"What else do you want to ask from Ziyi's mouth?"


Zhao Cuo nodded slightly.

"Since you decided to handle this case in this way, uncle also supports you. I'll go and prepare for tomorrow's action."

Su Chengji stood up and nodded to him, then turned and left.

"I'm going to arrange things too."

Chief Yan Yang also walked out of the hall after speaking calmly.


Zhao Cuo raised his hand and rubbed his swollen forehead.

"I know that things are not that simple. The Huting Chamber of Commerce is simply an abandoned son. Even if I didn't think of the Youjun Palace, the Execution Department will definitely find the problem here if it goes through the investigation step by step. They just want to use this Chamber of Commerce to pull Yan'er goes into the water."

Among the evidence and materials collected in the past few days, he could not find any black information about the Youjun Palace. On the contrary, as the investigation deepened, he also found that the county king had a good reputation among the people, and even had the title of "Youxian King" "The name.

"The one who dares to go against the empress dowager is unlikely to be 'King Zhou You'."

Zhao Cuo came to the prison of the Execution Department again in the dark, his eyes had become sharp, and now the only way to break the situation was the purple clothes.

"As long as she can tell the truth..."

He greeted the jailer, and walked into a clean and bright cell, where a beautiful girl in a lavender dark dress sat cross-legged on a straw mat with a calm expression.

"Your Excellency is here again?"

Hearing the opening of the door, Ziyi with a beautiful face opened his eyes, and calmly glanced at Zhao Cuo who walked in.

"I've come to inform you of something."

Zhao Cuo pulled the chair and sat down in front of her, looked down at the beautiful woman in front of him, nodded to her and said:

"Where were we talking yesterday?"

"Your Excellency said that the Execution Department has initially grasped the evidence that the Huting Chamber of Commerce transported cigarettes into Beijing."

Although Ziyi is in prison, he is calm and relaxed.

"When I heard you say that at the time, the little girl was startled. She was wondering where the medicine my master ordered me to manage on her behalf came from, but she didn't expect to be in collusion with such a big business firm. Not surprising."

She speaks from the victim's point of view.

"I'll continue what I said yesterday."

There was a calm smile on Zhao Cuo's handsome face.

He will come over these nights to inform Zi Yi of the latest progress of the case.

At the beginning, when the woman heard that he wanted to investigate the Huting Chamber of Commerce, she still didn't change her face, and immediately let him understand that she was still a long way from the truth. I don't know what the woman will do when she finds out that he has found King Youjun What a reaction.

"Our company has obtained the complete evidence of the Huting Chamber of Commerce. Just now I have issued an arrest order, and tomorrow there will be a group of suspects who will be your neighbors."

Zhao Cuo spoke slowly.

"Thank you sir."

Zi Yi smiled at him.

"It seems that Minnv will clear up her grievances soon. Master forced me to do all of this. Please give me justice from the Execution Department."

"Punishing rape and eradicating evil is our responsibility."

Zhao Cuo said it as if casually.

"In addition to arresting the suspects from the Huting Chamber of Commerce, I also asked Chief Yan Yang to lead people to surround the Youjun Palace. We must not let a bad guy go."

(End of this chapter)

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