Dayu Execution Officer, begins to torture the demon girl's fiancee

Chapter 57 Arrogant Law Enforcement in Front of My Sister

Chapter 57 Arrogant Law Enforcement in Front of My Sister
The smile on Zi Yi's face froze for a moment when he heard his words.

But Zhao Cuo noticed even this fleeting micro-expression.

He pretended not to notice anything, continued to shake his head with a sigh, and said in a regretful tone:
"How can a dignified nobleman be a thief? Selling fushou cream into the capital is such a serious crime, if it is not for the prince's honor, it may inevitably harm the three clans. He may be able to die, but some people are going to be punished by the clan. "

"Master Zhao, are you talking about the Youjun King who is known as a virtuous king?"

Zi Yi asked curiously.


Zhao Cuo stopped talking nonsense with her, shook his hands and sneered, and looked at her with pity.

"Miss in purple, do you know that false accusations will be reversed? You slandered Mrs. Yan for participating in the big cigarette trafficking case! This is a felony that threatens the Lian family! You have more than [-] people in your family, and I am afraid that they will all be sent to southern Xinjiang this time!"

"My lord was joking."

Zi Yi's face turned pale for a while, but she soon lowered her head and sighed softly after receiving professional training, and said contemptuously:
"The daughter of the people is innocent all her life. If I want to come to the Execution Department, the Qingtian masters will also rectify my name. What I have done is forced and helpless. What is the crime?"

"The girl is so cruel."

Zhao wrongly shook his head.

"Both of your parents died when you were young, and it was your aunt who brought you up. Now that you have joined the Taoist sect, you are also a prominent figure. Is your repayment for the kindness of nurturing you by sending them to a wild place to die?"

"Minnv is innocent."

Ziyi lowered her head and said softly.

"You can be."

Zhao Cuo suddenly changed his tone. He stretched out his hand and pinched Ziyi's chin and lifted it up, then showed her a warm smile.

"The girl in purple must have been forced to come to this point, right? It doesn't matter. According to Dayu's law, crimes committed under coercion can be exempted from punishment. As long as you actively cooperate with our execution department's investigation, It’s not a problem at all to make meritorious deeds.”


Zi Yi nodded repeatedly.

"Minnv has confessed to me the smokehouses that my master asked me to take care of. As long as your lord has a word, I am willing to do anything!"


Zhao made a cold face and shook her face away.

"Let me tell you the truth."

He looked down at Ziyi with cold eyes.

"The Empress Dowager's handling of the drinking and painting boat case has been entrusted to me. Right and wrong are just in my mind, and I can do anything to achieve the correct result!"

Zhao Cuo continued to speak to Zi Yi, who was already intimidated by his aura, expressionless.

"I'll give you two choices now. You can either confess the person behind the scenes. I will treat you as forced to ask the Queen Mother to forgive you. Otherwise, the main crime in this case is that you have repeatedly concealed it! It is no exaggeration for the heads of your entire clan to fall!"

His cold voice echoed in the cell.

Ziyi lowered her head and trembled slightly.

It took her a while to speak.

"Minister... I don't know what your lord is talking about."

"it is good!"

Zhao Cuo laughed angrily for a while, he really didn't expect that his set of coercion and lure could still make Ziyi open his mouth, and he didn't want to waste his tongue immediately.

"You just wait here to sign and draw a pledge!"

As he said that, he turned to leave.

"Big, wait a minute, my lord..."

At this time, the moon falls and the sun is born.

Under the dimly lit sky, several teams quietly poured out of the Execution Department's Yamen.

They flew towards Xiang Jing with a clear goal.


"Why did the Execution Division surround the Youjun Prince's Mansion?"

"Brother, haven't you heard about it yet? This morning, the Execution Department seized all the stores of the Huting Chamber of Commerce in Beijing, found out several smokehouses in public, and arrested hundreds of people!"

"A few days ago, the Yinbi Painting Boat case was actually related to the Huting Chamber of Commerce? But what's the matter with King Youxian? The royal relatives are all cigarette dealers, so Dayu must have died long ago!"

A lot of people gathered not far from the main entrance of the Prince's Mansion. They all came here after hearing about the melons. There is no shortage of people who have nothing to do at the feet of the Son of Heaven.

"What's the meaning of Chief Yan Yang?"

Youjun Wang Shizi, who was wearing a blue brocade robe, looked at the executioners at his door with displeasure.

"Could there be any suspects hidden in my Youjun Prince's Mansion? When will the Execution Division have the power to control my clan, and where will His Majesty the Emperor Taizu be placed?"

"The empress dowager is aiming for this."

Chief Yan Yang unfolded the black silk book in his hand with a cold face.

"I'm going to be ordered to do something. Don't even think about flying a fly out of the Prince Youjun's Mansion today. Your Highness, please go back to the mansion to rest."


Prince Youjun was also choked when he saw the Yizhi in his hand, and the arrogance on his face subsided, but he reacted quickly and immediately spoke again.

"I dare not disobey your mother's will! But you also need to pay attention to evidence in handling the case? If the law is enforced indiscriminately, I will invite my father to enter the palace to read a book for you!"

"Our company has recently investigated and dealt with the case of the Huting Chamber of Commerce transporting cigarettes to Beijing. Your Youjun Palace is also involved in this chamber of commerce. During the investigation, many doubts point to you and others. Please understand our difficulties and don't pester us endlessly. "

Chief Yan Yang said calmly.

"Well, let's assume that Lord Yan's words are true, but even if my palace has existed, it should be managed by the clan's mansion, right?"

Prince Youjun said angrily.

"The Empress Dowager allowed us to do special things."

The executioner Yan Da refused to budge.

"I think you are just misinterpreting the holy will of the empress, seeing that the orphans and widows of my Youjun palace are easy to bully, and you are deliberately finding fault, right?"

His Royal Highness was so angry that he directly invented a word, and he walked forward without hesitation, humming.

"My son has made an appointment with his friend to fight crickets. If Mr. Yan has the courage to do it, I will dare to fall here and not get up!"

Zheng Guogong's mansion is only a few streets away from Youjun Wang's mansion. Miss Zhao, who called her little sister to drink tea, also rushed over after hearing the news, and frowned involuntarily when she saw this scene.

"Why is this Prince Youjun still a scoundrel?"

"Sister, don't you know? King Youjun has always been famous, but his son is a dandy who drinks flowers and wine all day long."

The best friend who came with Zhao Shangxin also pouted.


Miss Xiangxin didn't hear her friend's words clearly, she looked forward with surprise on her face, and then opened her small cherry mouth in surprise.

"I have never heard of such a cheap request!"

Zhao Cuo, who came late, saw that this kid was messing around with his people, so he walked up to him with a bad face and punched him on the bridge of the nose!Fell to the ground on the spot!

Prince Youjun let out a shrill scream!
"Zhao Cuo, how dare you beat this son over and over again, this time I must show you some color! Wait until I enter the palace to face the saint!"

Mr. Zhao is not interested in listening to his nonsense.

Bending down is another meal of fierce love.

Everyone present watched this scene with their eyelids twitching, and were so shocked by Zhao Cuo's arrogance that they couldn't speak. This dragon son and grandson just beat him up?

(End of this chapter)

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