Dayu Execution Officer, begins to torture the demon girl's fiancee

Chapter 91 The teacher asked the teacher to answer the question

Chapter 91 The teacher called the teacher to answer the question in the class
"Miss Zhao."

The Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment also didn't want to pay attention to the Inspector Zhao who was now favored by the Empress Dowager, instead he showed an amiable smile to Zhao Shangxin.There is no family in Xiang Jing that does not want Miss Zhao to be their daughter-in-law and granddaughter-in-law.

"It's so polite to appreciate your heart."

Zhao Shangxin politely returned the gift.

"My sister and I have to go up to the mountains to attend lectures, so I'm sorry to excuse you here, Sima Shangshu won't blame us, will he?"

Zhao made a false smile.

"Director Zhao is being serious."

The corners of Sima Yu's eyes twitched as he raised his hand to press the hilt of Shang Fang's sword.

"One step ahead."

After Zhao Xiaogong finished speaking, he took his sister and walked towards the stone steps up the mountain.

"Then why did Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment politely call you Superintendent Zhao?"

Only then did Zhao Shangxin ask out the doubts in his heart.

"Because I have won the trust of my mother because I handle cases clearly and clearly, so many adults in the court call me that to show respect, and there is no serious reason."

Zhao Cuo said seriously.

"Wrong, you are getting worse and worse!"

Zhao Shangxin, who didn't believe this at all, raised his hand and pinched his younger brother's cheek, but he didn't ask any more questions because there were more people on the road.

"Long time no see, Junior Sister Zhao."

"Good morning."

"Could this be the young master Zhao who wrote about when the bright moon will be?"

Miss Zhao came all the way to say hello to her brothers and sisters, and Master Zhao did not continue to hold her sister's hand out of the ordinary. The two siblings soon came to a yard under a big banyan tree.

"Do the students of the academy usually attend classes here?"

Zhao Cuo looked curiously at the open-air classroom he was in.

"That's not true. There are many different schools on the mountain, but the public lectures are here."

Zhao Shangxin pulled him to sit down on the futon near the desk.


A young student in a green shirt suddenly came over and shouted.

"Mr. Wen asked someone to pass on the lecture. Today, I will give a lecture at Zhixing Cliff. Please move forward."


Zhao Shangxin was also taken aback when he heard the words.

"Zhixing Cliff?"

Zhao mistakenly glanced at his sister.

"That's the place where the ancestors preached. It is usually only used for the first time to teach new disciples, but what is the purpose of Mr. Wen's teaching there?"

"Then let's go."

Zhao Cuo stood up and held out his hand to his sister.


So the two walked for a short distance and came to a dangerous cliff with beautiful scenery. There were already hundreds of people sitting here, and they also found a quiet place to sit down.

"This academy is a good place to retire."

Feeling the soft wind blowing slowly, Zhao Cuo couldn't help squinting his eyes comfortably, leaning over and resting his head on his sister's fragrant shoulder.

"I brought you to class!"

Zhao Shangxin poked his forehead with some headache.

"Also, you are also the eldest son of a dignified duke and marquis, and you will inherit the title in the future, so you should be more reasonable in front of outsiders."

"Yes Yes."

Zhao Cuo, who had always respected his teacher, sat up straight.

"Mr. Wen is notoriously strict. If you are wrong when he is lecturing, you will be reprimanded in public, but you will lose your face."

Zhao Shangxin gave another word of advice, and just as she finished speaking, an old man with a Chinese face holding a scroll came up to the podium.

His piercing dark yellow pupils scanned the lower circle.

The hundreds of people present who were whispering just now fell silent.

"This Sima Yu has a lot of old acquaintances in Xunshan Academy..."

Zhao Cuo's eyes were placed on the auditorium next to the podium, where several elderly people were sitting on stools, including Sima Yu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment.

"Do you know why the old man gave a lecture at Zhixing Cliff today?"

Mr. Wen on the stage spoke, and before the students in the hall could speak, he continued asking and answering himself:
"Recently, there has been a big corruption case in the capital that I can't believe. The princes of Gungun have reached out to the treasury. The empress dowager ransacked the homes of a group of high-ranking officials to recover the stolen money... ..."

When he said this, he slapped the table angrily.

"Wait, do you know who is Cui Jing, the number one corrupt official in the household department? That old man was also the head of the school's favorite student! Now he has forgotten to be loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and has become a moth! He is not the only corrupt student who walked out of Xunshan! That's it! Come and see if my academy has become a place where filth is hidden!"

' Pointing to the monk said that the bald donkey belongs to yes. '

Zhao Cuo looked at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice with a somewhat unnatural expression on the sidelines with a funny face.

"Do you still remember the ambitions before this monument when you entered school?"

Mr. Wen sneered and pointed to the stele standing on the cliff.

"This old man still remembers what that old man Cui Jing said about keeping integrity and establishing benevolence... Now that I think about it, it's bullshit!"

He was spitting and training hundreds of people in the hall.

"I don't think there's anything to say today. It's the students of my academy who think about the past here. Looking at the Liyan monument, think about what I said here!"

Zhao Cuo was as distressed as many of the outsiders here. Did they come all the way to be punished?Now you have to face the wall and think about it?


A dry cough suddenly sounded.

"Brother Wen."

Everyone's eyes focused on Shangshu Xingbu who stood up.

"I wonder if it's okay to say a few words?"

He said kindly.

"It's Sima Shangshu..."

Mr. Wen frowned but agreed anyway.


Sima Yu walked up to the high platform grandly, with a look of heavy regret on his old face. It has to be said that this combined with his official authority is very impressive.

"The corruption case of officials in Beijing mentioned by Wen Daru just now, and I have personally experienced it, is really depressing. There is a young hero here today, who is appointed by the Empress Dowager to supervise the case. Why don't you invite this Mr. Zhao stands in front of the monument to set an example for the students of the Academy."

"Who is it?"

Mr. Wen asked the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment who was arbitrarily advocating in displeasure.

"This son is Mr. Zhao Xiaogong from Zheng Guogong's mansion."

Sima Yu looked at Zhao Cuo who was sitting in a remote place without changing his smile.


Mr. Wen suddenly became interested.

"It turns out that it is Zhao Wujiu who is a peerless poet, the handsome young man who sits next to Xiangxin, right? I wonder if Mr. Zhao would like to show off his demeanor."

'Why did you give me the opportunity to appear in front of others. '

Zhao Cuo in the hall was a little baffled, and the eyes gathered around him forced him to stand up.The teacher's roll call in class cannot be ignored.


Zhao Shangxin pulled his sleeve nervously.

"The stele of Liyan was erected by the ancestors of Confucianism and Taoism! Those who are not sincere are not allowed to face it. The first lesson of getting started in Xunshan Academy is to write an inscription on it. When you write, you will be plagued by questioning! You have to think about it."

"Thank you sister for reminding me."

Zhao Cuo nodded lightly, then smiled and saluted Mr. Wen on the podium.It is not appropriate to refuse when the teacher asks you to answer questions in class.

"Since Mr. Wen said so, the student is making a fool of himself."

(End of this chapter)

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