Dayu Execution Officer, begins to torture the demon girl's fiancee

Chapter 92 How can the beloved of this palace be mediocre

Chapter 92 How can the beloved of this palace be mediocre

"Come on."

Mr. Wen was satisfied with his respectful attitude.

"Serve Wugui with pen and ink."

He kindly called Zhao wrong word directly.

"Mr. Xie."

Zhao Cuo walked towards the huge stone tablet on the edge of the cliff under the eyes of everyone.

'It's time to bring out the four sentences of Hengqu that are necessary for traversers! '

Thinking about going home quickly, Grandpa Zhao decided to get a big one.

"Only words of sincerity can be written on the stele. This Mr. Zhao has some poetic talent, but how can a cultivator have the sincerity of my generation of scholars?"

Seeing the handsome young man walking out of the crowd, many academy students talked a lot, most of them had suspicion in their eyes.

"The words written by Junior Sister Zhao on the stele took an hour to disappear. Ordinary people disappear after a few snaps of their fingers. I don't know how much Young Master Zhao can do."

"It would be ridiculous if this guy couldn't write a single word."

Zhao Cuo didn't care about those ugly words, and walked to the Liyan Monument on his own. A boy student had already brought a pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

"Thank you."

After thanking him, he picked up the wolf brush and started to dab ink, and the tip of the pen tentatively fell towards the surface of the stele.To be honest, he was still a little nervous when he heard the words of those academy students.

As the pen in his hand gradually approached the Liyan monument, he suddenly froze in place.

It seemed that the magic sound that could pierce clouds and crack rocks poured into his ear cavity from all directions.

'To establish a heart for heaven and earth?What qualifications do you have to speak out here!With hatred in your eyes, you do nothing! '

'Do you still want to live for the people?You can save more than [-] people!Why hesitate here! '

'In order to go to the sage and continue to learn?Create peace for all generations?You are full of crazy and contradictory words, but you don't see the unity of knowledge and action! '

A deafening roar exploded in his ears!Harsh reprimands suddenly poured into my mind!Zhao Cuo staggered for a while and almost fell to the ground.

"This, this, this!"

The academy students who were questioning Mr. Zhao just now were dumbfounded for a while.

"This Zhao Cuo really can't write on the Liyan monument?"

"Meat eaters despicable!"

"Is the son of my Duke of Yu the kind?"

Zhao Shangxin was also pale at this time, clenched her fists and didn't know what to do, regretting that she should not have brought her younger brother to the academy.


Sima Yu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, smiled contemptuously.

"No matter how good the poem is, if the mind is not right, it is useless."

Mr. Wen shook his head regretfully.

"Useless things!"

In the attic at the highest point of Xun Mountain, the red-haired girl who was playing chess with an old man in Confucian shirt snorted coldly, and saw the boy in front of the stone tablet through the heavy clouds with pale golden eyes.

"Your Majesty, why should you be angry?"

The benevolent elder who was facing her chuckled lightly.

"I like him so much! The people below reported that he came to the academy, and I reluctantly came to play chess with you, teacher, but this trash dared to embarrass me! See how I deal with him when I go back!"

Zhaotai directly flipped the chessboard in front of him expressionlessly.

"Don't jump to conclusions."

The kind elder raised his hand and waved it. The overturned chessboard and scattered chess pieces immediately returned along the trajectory of landing, and the black and white pieces were in their positions.

"How can you be sure that this kid is not good at the beginning? Just like your mother, if you don't finish this game of chess, why do you have to be sure that you have lost?"


"What on earth did I come to Xunshan Academy..."

Hearing the angry reprimands and questions that were still ringing in his ears, confusion appeared in his eyes after being a man in two lifetimes, as if he had been awakened from a dream but for a while he couldn't tell the truth from reality.

"Since when have I been able to turn a blind eye to the lives and deaths of tens of thousands of people? Isn't this the same as that female devil? It's obvious that they can save their lives just by reaching out."

What stung Zhao Cuo was the sentence that came into his ears, "Why do you hesitate if ten thousand lives can be saved?".

While questioning himself, doubts arose in his heart.

The hand holding the pen also began to tremble violently.

'All I can do is not let others die because of me, but is it something I should do to lay down my life for those who are not related?I'm not the hero who takes righteousness into benevolence, right? '

'One lives a lifetime but seeks to be ashamed of one's heart! '

The deafening roar exploded from his mind again!

'Belittling oneself is not what a gentleman does!Do what you think is right!Ask yourself if your heart is still sincere and unchangeable! '

"I'm going to do what I have to do..."

Zhao Cuo's dazed eyes immediately became sober!His right hand holding the Langhao pen dropped again, and this time he smoothly wrote a stroke on the stone tablet.

"Grandpa Zhao has overcome the demon in his heart!"

Exclamations sounded from the crowd.

"Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good is great."

Mr. Wen nodded with a smile.

"Young Master Zhao is someone your mother values, so how can he be useless?"

Sima Yu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, said something with an unchanged expression.This is just a hole he dug casually, and it doesn't matter if he fails.

'I don't believe you can write any shocking words. '

"I know that this kind of pass can't stop the mistake."

Zhao Shangxin let out a long sigh of relief, a slight smile appeared on his dignified and fair goose egg face, and he stared dumbfounded at the few male students around him.

"The teacher is right, right?"

The white-haired elder in the tall pavilion completely defeated the sunspot held by the Queen Mother with one blow.

"I hope that the Sui sages can also kill the Quartet in the frozen river hunt."

The empress dowager turned her small head and looked at the boy in front of the Liyan monument again.

"Life, what I want..."

She whispered the half sentence that Zhao Cuo wrote first.


"Life is what I want; righteousness is also what I want. You can't have both, and those who sacrifice life for righteousness."

Zhao Cuo seriously wrote down the thoughts in his heart at this time, but he also knew that he was not so great.Saving the more than [-] implicated innocents would put his life in danger, but in all respects just this one time would not kill him, so he can take the risk of making the choice now.

'Even if it's just to make yourself feel better, it's worth it. '

If the result of saving those implicated innocents is certain death... Zhao Cuo's decision at this time may be completely opposite.

"it is good!"

Mr. Wen praised excitedly!

"Sacrificing one's life for righteousness? This is great benevolence and righteousness! Wugui has the demeanor of an ancient sage!"

"What Master Zhao Xiaogong overcame just now turned out to be sacrificing himself for the world?"

Many students present showed admiration for a while.It is said by scholars that He Xiyi, a real man, died, but there is also the saying that he is the only one to die through hardships through the ages!Being able to write this sentence on the Liyan monument can prove that Zhao Cuo really has the determination to sacrifice his life for righteousness.

"He's really a national soldier!"

"Someone is willing to bow down."

"Worthy of being the heir of the Zhao family who has guarded Suoyao City for generations!"

The face of Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment had already darkened at this time, but then he sighed softly, raised his hand and bowed to Zhao Cuo from the air.

"Bring a child like Zhao Wujiu!"

"What sacrificed one's life for righteousness..."

The only person present frowning was Zhao Shangxin.

"My lady has good eyesight."

Sui Sheng from Xunshan Academy in the high pavilion nodded in praise.

"How can the person I love be mediocre?"

Empress Dowager Zhao raised her face proudly. If she had a tail, it would have been up to the sky by now.

(End of this chapter)

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