nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 101 Reasons for leaving the team

Chapter 101 Reasons for leaving the team
The same is [-], the year after the Black Sea.Two months after TVXQ officially announced their split, Han Geng from China finally announced his departure from Super Junior due to various reasons.

Since then, the two idol groups that once hurt Girls' Generation, finally under Gu Minyan's "revenge", can never return to the way they were before.

And also in this year, as the saying goes, some people are happy, some are sad, some are frustrated, and some people will definitely set sail.

It was in this year, when Girls' Generation, which can be said to have been dormant for a year, finally began to soar against the wind when the song "Gee" was born.It can be said that how difficult their situation was last year, so how gorgeous their reversal is this year.

This is not only due to the excellent quality of the song "Gee", but also because of their sweat in the practice room day after day in order to get out of the trough this year.

It was also in this year that they really became a big trend, and since then they have written their magnificent chapters, becoming the most legendary national girl group, and they are still recognized as the strongest in history.

Although they have a peerless face like Lin Yoona, rare female group lead singers like Taeyeon and Sika, and the strongest lead dancer, but in terms of overall appearance, they are indeed not as good as their sister groups—— Like T-ara, all the members are perfect.

But their configuration is the best so far. It can almost be said that no matter what they are, they are the strongest representatives in the history of women's groups.

And even their looks, in the same period and later in the junior group, each has its own strengths.

For example: Yoona's face, Pani's back, Sika's proportions, poisonous legs, Taeyeon's butt line, the idiot's famous "11" abs, the president's chest, the flexibility of the post-dance body, And the youngest Xiaoxian who has inherited almost most of the advantages of the older sisters.

While their careers in idols are booming, LG Electronics has gradually re-established a cooperative relationship with Samsung.

Although Gu Minyan still can't go home, but in LG, she can use her own resources to help her daughter's career.Because of Lin Yuner's conditions, although her singing skills are still qualified in the girl group, compared with the main singers in the country, she seems a bit weak.

And idols can't be a lifetime, so no matter who you are, you have to make more plans for yourself in the future.Although Lin Yuner's singing skills are not suitable for a professional singer, Lin Yuner, who inherited her mother's perfect looks, has an appearance that can completely follow the actor's route.

Her looks, not only can be called a killer in the idol world, even in the actor world, which is famous for its beauties, her looks are good enough.

So when she first debuted, Gu Minyan first arranged for her a Japanese drama called "You Are My Destiny" on KBS TV through various relationships.Because this drama is a Japanese drama, more people watching it are housewives, and the corresponding ratings will be guaranteed.And the role specially arranged for her is a vulnerable blind girl, and the role itself is in line with the preferences of the audience.

So of course, the response to this drama is very good.The ratings of the first episode reached 23.4%, and the average ratings of the finale reached 42.9%, winning the Korean ratings champion for 14 consecutive weeks.

And Zhang Shibi, played by Lin Yoona in the play, has also been recognized by most audiences. She even won the Best New Actress Award and Popular Actress in the 45th Baeksang Arts Awards TV Series for this drama prize.This very important award and the hot ratings also prove that she can take the path of an actor.

Then, after seeing the possibility of Lin Yuner, Gu Minyan also used some resources to let Lin Yuner try her best to appear in those dramas that can be regarded as the leading actor of the national actor.

But it may be that the popularity of the first drama used up her luck in the past few years, and the results in the subsequent dramas were not very good.

Especially "Love Rain" starring partner Jang Keun Suk and "A Beggar Turned into a Prince" co-operated with Kwon Sang Woo, can be regarded as a hit on the street.

With Gu Minyan's input, gradually, Samsung also got the news.

At the beginning, Samsung didn't make any moves.Because it's understandable for a mother to think about her children, as long as she doesn't go too far.

But with the passage of time, the Li family found that Gu Minyan seemed to be unable to hold back the feeling of recognizing her daughter.On several Girls' Generation's end-of-year stages, Goo Min Yeon went to watch their performances live.

Even several times, she almost couldn't help but rushed directly in front of them, wanting to recognize her daughter directly.

And this behavior obviously made the Li family very sensitive.

After thinking over and over again, Samsung finally decided to give this woman a small warning as a reminder.So, there was the incident of finding Xika at the very beginning.

It can be said that although Sika's commercial value is really great, Samsung really doesn't look down on her value, and the intention of contacting her is simply to let her leave Girls' Generation, so as to give her a specific opportunity to see girls. Minyan gave a small warning.

In this way, instead of directly taking measures against Lin Yuner, it will not cause Gu Minyan's strong retaliation, but at the same time, it can be regarded as a relatively powerful blow to Lin Yuner's career.

It can be called killing two birds with one stone.

It's just that the one who was hurt the most was Sika, the sister who had been fighting with her daughter for so many years and who had already been like brothers!

Obviously it has nothing to do with her, and the two parties didn't intend to target her, just because they happened to pick her, that's all.

In the game between capital and capital, Sika suffered a serious blow.After all, it is a group that I have worked hard for for seven years. In order to be able to make my debut, I also practiced for seven years before I successfully debuted.

Although Gu Minyan felt very guilty about this little girl who was innocently implicated by her and brought Chi Yu into harm's way.

That's why, after Sika left the team, she found Sika and told her everything in detail, everything that no one knew, including things that her own daughter didn't know.

After learning all this, Xika could only smile wryly.Should Gu Minyan be blamed for all this?It's obvious that I can't blame it. I feel sorry for my daughter. Is it wrong?
What's more, although I still left SM company, I was the only one who left the company without a lawsuit in so many years.

With his own commercial value, would the company let him go so easily?

Obviously it was Gu Minyan's effort. Judging from what Li Xiuman has, although he is a successful president, Manzi has never lost in the aspect of squeezing employees.

It was before, it is now, and it will be in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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