Chapter 102 A Warm Phone Call

Although Sika still left the company, fortunately, she now has a career that she is more interested in.

She has always been very interested in fashion. Although this is the first time she has set foot in the design business, isn't this kind of unknown challenge also very interesting?
What's more, there is Yoon'er's mother escorting him.As for Quan Ningyi who had been in contact with him before, the only reason Sika kept him was to reassure Samsung.

After all, I am the sm company that others said I left because of "selfish love" and obsessed with design, so until now, I still need this person to be my "boyfriend" on the surface.

After all, I am more interested in women than men.Such as Taeyeon, such as Pani, and such as Yoona.

Similarly, on his parents' side, he also needs a shield like Quan Ningyi to counteract his parents' worries that he hasn't found a boyfriend yet.

Then keep it that way.

Now that I have Gu Minyan as my escort, I can safely move towards my designer's dream, and at the same time, I don't need to think about anything else.

What's more, in the future, I may need to deliberately do some things that make everyone more disgusted in order to dispel fans' suspicion of the truth.

It's just suffering for my teammates, and those fans who have always liked me and the group.

When I found out that I had quit the group, not only myself, but the others were also very sad.They are sisters who have experienced the Black Sea together. They have been together for seven years since their debut. How can their relationship with each other be as fragile as other groups?
Even if it is the classmates who went to school together, after spending seven years together, someone suddenly quits for one reason or another, and the others will not feel good.

What's more, what about the nine people who eat and sleep together every day, practice hard together, and have a tacit understanding like biological sisters?

It is undeniable that in the past seven years, they have had some small frictions and quarreled with each other due to various reasons, but this does not hinder their relationship with each other.

Until now, they still have a common group chat, a group chat with nine of them.

It's just that Xika can no longer talk to them in that group.She was afraid that she would not be strong enough, so when chatting with them, she couldn't help but tell them everything.

Especially Yoona.

No matter what the future holds, no matter how difficult it is for me now, I can't let Yun'er know about her mother.This is the responsibility that I, as my elder sister, must shoulder, not only for the good of Yun'er, but also to protect her.

No one knows what the Er Youngnae who couldn't help crying when he was sad will look like after knowing all this.

At this time, Sika, whose mind had returned from everything last year, forced herself to pull herself together, smiled reluctantly, strictly controlled the expression on her face, and completed the ribbon-cutting activity for the opening of the new store today.

Right after the activity ended, his assistant rushed to him nervously, asking about his body.Before going on stage, my assistant, who has been with me for a year, noticed his forced smile immediately.

The assistant stood aside and anxiously asked if Xika was feeling unwell suddenly, picked up a coat and put it on Xika's shoulders.

After casually taking the warm milk tea handed over by the assistant, Sika casually took a sip, and then began to worry again.

As mentioned above, before the event took place, the text message I received was from the number that made me quit the SM company a year ago!
Even if she saw that number only once, even if Xika, whose memory has never been very good, even if she forgot her own number, she would never forget that number!
The content of the text message is: Long time no see, how is it now.

It's a very short sentence, if people who don't know it read it, they might think it's just a text message of greeting.But it was obviously impossible for Xika to think of this sentence so simply.

She thought for a while, then immediately turned on the phone, found Gu Minyan's number, and dialed it.

"Did beep beep beep beep~~~"

After the phone rang a few times, it was quickly connected, and a familiar voice came from the phone with a friendly tone.

"Xika, do you suddenly miss Auntie? What do you want to do with Auntie?"

Listening to Gu Minyan's gentle voice on the phone, Xika, who was still a little flustered, calmed down a lot.She hurriedly greeted Gu Minyan, then remembered the text message, and talked about the matter a little timidly.

"It's been a long time, Auntie. I really miss you after a few days. I'm... I'm calling today. I want to talk to you about something... Do you have time?"

When Gu Minyan heard this, she couldn't help being stunned for a while.Because Xika is a relatively strong person. It is not because she has encountered particularly difficult things that she will definitely not call her for consultation. Every time she calls, it is mainly to say hello to herself.

It's really a little surprising that after answering the phone like this, he directly said that he had something to look for.But Gu Minyan quickly realized that since this girl found her, there must be something very important, and she must help.

"Ah Sika, Auntie is not busy, just tell me if you have anything to do, Auntie is here to listen."

Xika took a few deep breaths and said in a deep voice, "That number... that number sent me another message today."

Gu Minyan guessed in an instant that it might be the Samsung number, so she frowned and asked unhurriedly: "If I guessed correctly, is it that number?"

Hearing what Gu Minyan said, Xika also knew that she could guess which number sent it, so she nodded over the phone: "Yes, Auntie, the content of the text message is long time no see, how is it now. I always feel that this text message is not a good intention. "

"Long time no see, how are you doing now?"

"Well, yes."

Gu Minyan murmured this sentence several times, no matter how smart she was, at this time, Shi Guang would not be able to guess what the other party meant with this sentence, so she could only appease Sika first.


"Well, Auntie."

"Don't panic. After your activities are over, come back to Auntie. Auntie will see what he means!"

"Don't worry, with Auntie by your side, no one can touch you!"

When Xika heard Gu Minyan's words, although neither of them knew what the other's intention was, but hearing her aunt's voice and worrying about herself, she couldn't help feeling warm in her heart, so she endured She couldn't help smiling sweetly, and answered crisply on the other end of the phone:

(End of this chapter)

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