nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 103 Drunken Kiss

Chapter 103 Drunken Kiss
After talking about everything with her teammates, Lin Yuner, who finally vomited out the things that had been pent up in her heart recently, still couldn't help but drank with her sisters.

So, just like that, Lin Yuner, who was drinking happily, had already forgotten about Jing Hao who was still sick at home alone, so she followed her sisters and accidentally drank too much.

In the evening, after drinking, several people supported each other and got into the nanny car.When several people were still hesitating whether to send Yoona, the little drunk, to the dormitory or home, Lin Yoona pouted drunkenly, then smiled cutely, and turned to Shun Kyu Ou who was leaning against her. Ni said:

Looking at Yun'er's cute appearance for a while, Chun Kui, who couldn't help but feel a little excited, also cooperated: "Well, what orders does Master Yun'er have?"

Lin Yun'er raised her neck, and said an address to her, then cutely hiccupped, and said vaguely:

"Take me home O'Neill, I'm going to find Jing Hao! I haven't seen him all night, I feel weird!"

Li Chunkui suddenly seemed to have heard some great news, his whole expression became exaggerated, but he still said softly to Yun'er: "Nei, you go to sleep first, and I will call you when O'Neill arrives."

Then when the little drunk leaned against his chest and began to doze off, Li Chunkui yelled directly: "Big hair!"

The few people in the car who were still sane had heard Yuner's words just now, and they all showed the same exaggerated expressions as her.

Pani raised his eyebrows at Li Chunkui, and smiled maliciously with ambiguous eyes, and even his eyes squeezed into crescents.

"Oh Mo, Yun'er is already living with Jing Hao's son-in-law! Dafa!!!!"

The few remaining people were also surprised, and each of them began to marvel.

"Big hair!"

"Oh oh oh oh~~~"


So amidst a burst of excited gossip, the car headed towards Yun'er's address.

Jing Hao, who had just drank a bowl of ginger soup at home, finally felt a little better. He was relaxing, wrapped up in pajamas, sitting on the sofa and looking for programs on TV to relieve his fatigue.Suddenly, the mobile phone on the coffee table in front of him rang, and he picked it up to see that it was Yun'er's mobile phone, so he casually smiled and connected the phone.

"Yun'er, what's the matter?"

Li Chunkui was on the other side of the phone, and she said to Jing Hao, "Son-in-law Jing, I'm Yuner's sister Sunny. Yuner drank with us after the stage today, and now she is also drunk. She was sent downstairs to your house, you come down to pick her up."

When Jing Hao heard that he was one of his sister-in-laws, he immediately became serious and said respectfully, "Nai, thank you for your hard work. It's so late and I have to take her for a ride."

Her hearty laughter came from the phone: "Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay, Yun'er is also my sister, so I'll see you later?"

"Nei, see you later."

The phone was hung up quickly, and at the last second, Jing Hao could still hear several excited voices on the other side of the conversation.

"It's really like the fans said, it's really a bangzituan." Jing Hao shook his head, showing a funny expression, then stood up, went back to the bedroom, changed his clothes, and went down to pick up Yun'er go home.

Ten minutes later, outside the babysitter's van parked downstairs.

"Jing Hao's son-in-law?"

"Guess, sunny is angry at that."

Li Chunkui heard the imaginary address, and passed a look to Jing Hao with the eyes of "you are very good", and then said with a smile: "Then Yun'er will get rid of you~"


Pani behind her excitedly smiled at him with ambiguous eyes: "Then I wish you all a good night~~~" As she was speaking, she raised her eyebrows at Jing Hao.

Jing Hao said dumbfoundedly: "Thank you, thank you. Thank you for your hard work."

When the nanny car restarted and disappeared out of sight, Jing Hao had time to look down at Yun'er who was leaning in front of him.He couldn't help but stuff the girl into the inner liner under the sweater, then straightened up and patted her drunk face.

Because of the cover of the mask, he could only see her sleepy half-closed eyes and her body that couldn't stand still with the help of the light.

He raised the corners of his mouth helplessly, put his arms around her shoulders, and carefully helped her walk to the side of the street.

"I haven't noticed it before, but you actually drink like this when you drink alcohol?"

The girl lowered her head weakly, and pressed her forehead against his chest after a while, as if she was not quite awake anymore.

But after two seconds, she raised her head as if awakened, blinked her eyes vigorously, turned her head to look in front of her, and after confirming that she was leaning on him, she closed her eyes again and said, "It's different... ..."


"Only you and O'Neill can..."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Yun'er didn't answer him for the rest of the words, and leaned back into his arms with a drunken raving.

Jing Hao didn't understand, so he lowered his head and looked at the girl, then thought for a while in his mind, but he didn't understand it, and then he didn't think about it.Right now, as long as he sends her home, more than half of his mission will be completed.

After finally helping Lin Yun'er to the elevator entrance, she was unwilling to go in.

Jing Hao reached out and grabbed her slender calf, trying to help her turn around, but Lin Yuner grabbed his hand with her cold little hands, looked at him eagerly, and repeatedly shook her head to express her refusal.

Jing Hao, who was squatting at the door, sighed helplessly. While putting Lin Yuner's cold hands into the pockets of his coat, he raised his head and asked the girl softly, "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

Lin Yuner let him put his hands in his pockets, and shook his head after hearing her words.

"What's the matter? Do you want to stay outside for a while?" Jing Hao asked patiently.

Lin Yuner shook her head again, then stared straight at him for a few seconds, and suddenly a vague word came out of her mouth: "BoBo..."


Before he could react, he saw the girl in the mask tightly closed her eyes, leaned in front of him, and the soft lips wrapped behind the mask touched his mouth firmly.

Now, Lin Yun'er finally smiled contentedly.

Although he didn't see her complete expression, Jing Hao saw her crescent-shaped eyes in an instant.

"Okay, go home!"

Not long ago, she had to be supported by someone, and now she moved surprisingly nimbly, quickly jumped into the elevator, then took Jing Hao's hand, and led him into the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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