nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 104 The Two People Who Couldn't Sleep Late at Night

Chapter 104

Lin Yuner waited for Jing Hao to come in, and then naturally lay on his chest again, and even put her hands back into Jing Hao's pockets.

It took Jing Hao a few minutes before he said in a low voice, "You're not pretending to be drunk, are you?"

"No!" A clear and crisp answer came directly from his chest.

"Will this be too cunning? If I want to kiss you instead, at least I should ask beforehand, right?"

"What else do boyfriends and girlfriends ask?" Jing Hao felt the head in his arms move, and his tone was still very righteous.

"And, who made you react so slowly? If you have the ability, you can block it next time!"

Jing Hao's expression was very strange.

He is a little unclear now, whether Lin Yuner is really drunk, or is she pretending to be drunk.

Of course, there is no point in pursuing the answer to this question.As a boyfriend, Jing Hao can only choose to be his knight seriously.

Since it was not good for the two of them to stay in the elevator for too long, fearing that the fans who met her would recognize her, Jing Hao simply hugged her in the posture of a princess and waited for the elevator to go up.

During the whole process, Lin Yun'er appeared to be asleep, very quiet.

This really made him secretly relieved.

To be honest, he still hasn't recovered from Lin Yuner's sudden action just now.

Soon, the elevator reached the 15th floor, Jing Hao shook his head, and walked to the door of Lin Yuner's house.

Koreans are accustomed to using smart door locks for their door locks, which is not the same as in China.Every time Jing Hao came to Yun'er's house, he knocked on the door and asked her to open the door.

As a result, the two of them have been together for almost half a month, and Jing Hao still doesn't know the password of her house's door lock.

After several unsuccessful attempts, she could only turn around and ask Lin Yuner herself for help.

"Yun'er, what's the password?"

"Huh? Password?"

"Well, the code for your door lock."

"That, that, birthday."

"Birthday? But I just tried Li's birthday?"

Lin Yuner, who closed her eyes and leaned her head on the man's shoulder, opened her eyes and looked at him, then let out a drunken chuckle, and underestimated the word "idiot" in a low voice.

"Birthday, your birthday! On the first day after our relationship, I changed all my passwords to your birthday..."

Jing Hao was stunned when he heard the words.

. . . . . .

For a whole week, both of them were troubled by the photo issue.But after this day, the two people no longer care about this issue.

Yun'er's words are because she has really fallen in love with this man, even if it is exposed now, she is not unacceptable, after all, she really likes him and is really with him.

As for Jing Hao's words, it was because there was already a solution.

But the resolution of the problem does not mean that the contradiction will disappear immediately.

In this matter, what Jing Hao and Lin Yuner really solved was to eliminate the hesitation and uncertainty in their hearts.

They both wanted to hold each other's hand and walk together, so they decided to leave the rest of the matter to time.

Any difficulties in front of us will disappear in the face of time, and the confusion caused by that lack of self-confidence will eventually turn into firmness.

She said she loved him, and he. . . . . .Of course love her too.

Although he was also confused, after mustering up the courage to face this relationship head-on, Jing Hao was very sure that he liked this person.

He also loves her.

. . . . . .

Jing Hao: "Are you asleep?"

Lin Yuner: "No!!!"

The news was followed by an expression of excitement and jumping, as if the whole person was full of excitement from waking up to dawn.

Lying on the bed at home, with her white feet up and shaking, Lin Yuner stared at the phone in her hand with bright eyes, and the upward curve of her lips seemed to have never disappeared tonight.

Jing Hao: "Go to bed quickly! Don't you have something to do tomorrow?"

The tone Jing Hao used seemed to be the same as her usual tone in the text messages, but Lin Yuner could see a trace of tenderness between the lines.

This feeling is really unprecedented, even on the night when the two of them formally confessed their love to each other, Lin Yuner never had a similar feeling.

Why is this so?It's been 10 minutes since we separated, why is my heart still beating so fast?In my heart, there seemed to be a wonderful feeling that could not be described at all.

Could it be that the throbbing at the beginning of the love period finally came to her belatedly?

As soon as this idea came to her mind, even though she was still in a dizzy state of happiness, Lin Yuner still closed her eyes in embarrassment, grabbed the pillow tightly with her hands, buried her face and let out a muffled moan.

"Be sober Lin Yuner, you are already 25 years old! You can no longer act like a child who has never been in a relationship!
Soon, Lin Yuner sat up on her knees with a flushed face.

She raised the phone with both hands solemnly at first, but after staring at the phone screen for two seconds, she murmured subconsciously: "Ah, I miss him so much, Pugouxi couch..."

Her cheeks bulged cutely, and she obediently obeyed the man's instructions when she got home. Lin Yuner, who had changed into her pajamas, held her phone in front of her chest, and fell forward again as if mourning.

"Ah! I want to hear his voice, I really want to call him... Hey, no, no! It's so late, I can't disturb his rest anymore."

After talking to herself a few words, she suddenly raised her head again.

"Wait a minute, I didn't disturb each other in the past because of etiquette, but now he is my boyfriend! Why do the family still pay attention to these things?",
Immediately, as if she had found some strong persuasive evidence, Lin Yuner eagerly picked up the phone.

However, after raising the phone to her eyes again, she showed hesitation again.

She bit her lower lip lightly, and stared at the phone without a word for a few minutes, as if she was secretly expecting something.

One second, two seconds passed, and Lin Yuner counted to the third second in her heart, and the chat interface on the screen was still silent.

"Bastard. Am I the only one who is happy?"

"Yeah, don't you miss me?

After less than a few words of grunting, the clear and crisp notification sound came to Lin Yun'er's ears suddenly.

As a result, the resentment that was still overflowing in the eyebrows and eyes in the last second was happily thrown away in the next second.

Jing Hao: Go to sleep.

Lin Yuner blinked, and typed back without changing her expression: I'm already asleep.


Jing Hao: People who are asleep can still reply to my messages?

Lin Yuner: I was woken up by you!

Jing Hao: Really?I thought you were struggling with what reason to call me right now.

All of a sudden, Lin Yun'er couldn't help turning her head to look around the room suspiciously.

Could this guy have installed a camera in my bedroom?What am I thinking how does he know?
 Today's Heartbeat Song: Like the hands held tight——sf9
  By the way, I would like to recommend it to everyone. You can bookmark "Peninsula Zhien Gradually Full Moon". You should know who the heroine is after reading the title of the book, so I won't explain it.This book is really good, are you sure you don't want to read it?

  Then I would like to inform you again that due to the time of release, there will be one update every day from this month to the end of the month, and then double updates every day from the [-]st of next month.

  Finally, thank you again for your support yesterday. I received three alliances yesterday, which really surprised me.There is also the first order, everyone is really awesome.

  Then I would like to thank all the author friends who have helped out in the past few days. Xiaojiang really has nothing to repay. I don’t know what to say, but I will keep it in my heart.As long as I can use it, I wish you all the best results, Arigado! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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