nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 105 I am the Winner!

Chapter 105 I am the Winner!
When Lin Yuner was still looking around her bedroom suspiciously, of course she also believed that Jing Hao would not be so dishonest to install a camera in her bedroom, but seeing this dog man could even guess what she was thinking Coming out really made her a little puzzled.

And at this time, the mobile phone in her hand suddenly popped up a reminder of an incoming call on the top of the screen.After being surprised for a second, she glanced at the caller information, and the note on the screen was indeed the familiar Jing Hao.

The corners of her lips began to rise uncontrollably again, Lin Yuner stretched out a finger and slowly slid the call button, then put the phone to her ear, cleared her throat and said, "What's wrong? You can't hold it anymore?"

"Father Wuli, Comrade Tong, your tone seems a little too complacent?" The familiar voice came from the other end of the phone with a hint of a smile.

It may be because of the late night, or it may be because of his cold today, his voice is very low, a little hoarse, but Lin Yuner likes his voice very much.

She adjusted her sitting posture, crossed her legs, and said while holding her mobile phone, "Anyway, I am the one who wins! You are the one who can't hold back the phone first!"

Jing Hao on the other end of the phone had a strange expression, he had never seen such a childish side of Lin Yuner.

Funny emotions surfaced in my heart, but a touch of tenderness and pampering could not help gushing out of my eyes.

He said softly to the phone: "Well, you are the one who wins."

"It sounds very unconvinced, Wuli man."

"No, this is the truth. Before the phone call, I thought I could be calmer. After all, we have been in love for almost two weeks. It is shameful to be as excited as before, but after hearing your voice , I just realized that...the reality is so outrageous."

"I miss you. Although it seems that we have been separated for less than an hour, I miss you, Yoona." Having said that, Jing Hao raised his hand and scratched his forehead, seemingly embarrassed.

Lin Yuner on the other end pursed her lips and remained silent for a long while before she frowned and said, "No way!


"I miss you more than you!"

Jing Hao was also startled, and then laughed dumbly: "Are you a child?"

"En!" Lin Yuner, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, raised her chin confidently, "I am childish and willful in front of my own boyfriend, what's wrong?"

"You can, but there is one thing. In the future, you must never drink like this in front of others."

When he said this, Jing Hao's expression was really serious.

Lin Yuner tried hard to control the corners of her lips that were about to rise, pretending not to understand what he meant and said: "So, do you not believe me? Or do you not believe what I said to you before? I said that only when you and my teammates In front of me, I will be like this."

"Anyway, don't you think it's a matter of course to drink like this in front of others?"

The man's tone was as Dante as always, and what he said still made Lin Yun'er unable to refute.

She hummed softly and said, "Then others can't do it, but you can?"

"Aren't I your boyfriend?" When Jing Hao answered this sentence, his expression was normal.

"Sometimes, girlfriends have to pay more attention to their image in front of their boyfriends! Especially at the beginning of the relationship, if the relationship is farther than imagined after getting close, it will become very uncomfortable for the two of them to get along with each other in the future. "

"I don't think it matters."

"As far as I know, men seem to generally say that."

"Your man is different."

Lin Yun'er's disdainful look still remained on her face, and after hearing his words, she gradually turned into a dazed state mixed with shyness and bewilderment.

Even the hands on her legs at this moment unconsciously grasped her clothes tightly.

"I like you not only for what you look like to me, but more importantly, I like you as a person. I like what you look like."

On the other end of the phone, Jing Hao spoke with his cell phone full of seriousness.

After Lin Yuner was silent for a long time, she said unnaturally: "In short,... Anyway, there will be no chance of doing this in the future! I will start to get busy after that, do you think your girlfriend and I are so Do you have a lot of time to go out and drink with others?"

"You mean, you don't plan to date me anymore?" Jing Hao's words sounded a little innocent.

Lin Yuner opened her mouth slightly again, not knowing what to say.

"Then," Jing Hao probably sensed that her emotions had begun to turn from embarrassment to anger, so he followed up and said, "Then if it's convenient for us, I'll come to you?"

"... Whatever you want! Say it first! If I'm not free then, don't blame me!"

"For me, just being able to look at you is enough."

The base of her ears didn't need the stimulation of alcohol at this time, and she also blushed uncontrollably. Lin Yun'er waited for a while before suppressing the urge to hide under the blanket and scream.

She straightened her back slowly, put on a serious posture and said to the phone: "Okay! That's the end of the chat, now it's time for questions."

Jing Hao's gorgeous person contained a smile: "Huh? What's the problem?"

"It's not my problem, it's your problem."

"my question?"

"En. Didn't you get sick this morning?"

Lin Yun'er suddenly mentioned this incident, which really caught Jing Hao a little off guard.He originally thought that today was the day of her return, and with the fact that he drank so late at night, he should have forgotten about his illness long ago, but he didn't expect that she would still remember it at this time.

A sense of warmth slowly rose in my heart, as warm as taking a sip of heart-warming milk tea with stockings.Jing Hao's lips curled up unconsciously, and he said softly, "Guess. I took some medicine today, and I'm almost fine."

Hearing this, Lin Yuner let go of the worries that had been hidden in her heart for a whole day: "That's good, but you have to take care of your body recently, and don't suddenly get sick like this again. If you get sick, I will be very worried! You know that when I came to the stage today, I was still thinking about you."

The two chatted for a while, and at the last moment, Lin Yun'er finally asked a question that she had held back for a long time.

"Recently, how did you solve our photo? What price did you spend to solve it? Can you tell me now?"

After hearing Lin Yuner's soft voice, Jing Hao was taken aback for a moment, and fell into silence behind his ears.

(End of this chapter)

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