nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 106 Maybe Jing Hao Has Another Girlfriend

Chapter 106 Maybe Jing Hao Has Another Girlfriend

There were some things that Lin Yun'er hadn't asked before, but it didn't mean that she was really unaware.

With Lin Yuner's current fame and her popularity, even if it's just a photo of someone who looks like Lin Yuner who is suspected of being in love, there will be many people discussing it.What's more, the person in that photo is indeed Lin Yun'er. If her true fans saw her, they would definitely recognize her right away.

What is even more terrible is Jing Hao's identity.

After all, he is a native of China, and the Chinese people here are not saying anything about his nationality.Rather, if it is said that Lin Yuner is in love, and the date is revealed to be a foreigner, whether it is China, Japan or the United States, it means that Lin Yuner's love is a transnational love.

And this point will undoubtedly be noticed by many people, and some radical fans may even go to the hospital to find Jing Hao. Such a possible thing is definitely not what Lin Yuner wants to see.

And the most important point, that is, the deadliest point, is the time when two people are together.

When the photo of the two was taken, the "love" between Yoona and Lee Seung Gi hadn't come to an end yet.If this photo is found, it will definitely be noticed by everyone.In particular, Jing Hao is still the technical director of "Descendants of the Sun" where Lin Yuner is currently working, and he is also responsible for the guidance of the heroine.

Then, "During the filming process, Lin Yuner suspected that Lin Yuner changed her heart and fell in love with a young doctor man from a foreign country because of the filming process." Such headlines will obviously appear in major media.

Everyone they know may be forced into this vortex.

Jing Hao had told Lin Yun'er before that this matter would be left to him to resolve.Although Lin Yuner still had some worries in her heart, she still chose to believe in her first boyfriend.

But just asking does not mean that you really don't care, and even if you don't care, after such a long time, you should understand the progress of the matter.

Especially looking at Jing Hao some time ago, although she was still very calm in front of her, Lin Yuner, who cared so much about her man, how could she not notice the worry hidden in the corner of Jing Hao's eyes in those few days?

The reason why she didn't ask at that time was because Jing Hao didn't take the initiative to reveal the inside story to her.

Since he didn't say anything, it was naturally inconvenient for her to ask more.

Looking at Jing Hao in the next few days, it is obvious that his anxiety has been relieved a lot, but every time he faces himself, he can vaguely feel that he feels a little weird about himself.

Like, is it a feeling of apology?
Yep, that's how it feels.

She didn't know the reason why Jing Hao didn't tell her, and she also believed that Jing Hao wouldn't fall in love with someone else again at this time.He didn't tell himself, so there must be his reasons.

And what about Jing Hao?Because of the conversation with Gu Minyan, it was really difficult for him to tell Lin Yuner the plan.But at this moment, she was obviously very concerned about this matter.

So he had no choice but to temporarily choose to have reservations about Lin Yuner.

Of course, he also expressed this reservation to her very bluntly.

"I'm sorry, because the whole matter is really not that simple, so I can't tell you more details for the time being. But don't worry, the solution to this matter has already been found, so you don't have to worry."

This is all he explained to Lin Yuner.


Looking out of the window with ecstasy, Lin Yuner murmured to herself lightly, "How could I not be worried?"

"Huh? Yuner? What did you just say?"

Kim Taeyeon, who was sitting next to Lin Yuner, turned her head suspiciously and looked over.

She didn't wear any makeup today, and her pink hair parted in the middle was casually pinned behind her ears. At first glance, the fine moles and blandness on her face were clear at a glance, less breezy and more delicate.Especially with that curious expression of wide-eyed eyes, the whole person looks like a teenage girl.

After Lin Yun'er and her looked at each other, she didn't rush to explain, but instead, a thought that she had never thought of before came to her mind.

She suddenly envied Kim Taeyeon a little bit.

She is obviously an elder sister, but whether at work or in private, she can maintain that innocent and childish character.In contrast, her younger sister, who is one year younger, looks more like an older person.

For example, this time, if it wasn't for Jing Hao, she estimated that all the members present today would have seen her restless at work.



"What skin care products do you usually use?"

Kim Taeyeon turned her head and continued to look at the document, and asked back without raising her head: "What's wrong? Jing Hao thinks your skin is bad?"

"Cough cough!"

Li Chunkui, who was drinking water near the two of them, coughed suddenly for no reason.

Lin Yuner and Kim Taeyeon turned their heads to look at the same time, and then continued their conversation as if nothing had happened.

"Why did you suddenly ask this topic?"

When Lin Yuner heard this sentence, she suddenly fell into deep thought.

Although Jing Hao didn't say too many valuable things, she, who was smart, almost vaguely guessed something from Jing Hao's apology to herself, but she was not sure yet.

Jing Hao is really not a person who is good at hiding himself, especially in front of himself, many of his thoughts can be said to be clear at a glance.Although this kind of emotional life may lack a lot of surprises compared to others, but as an artist, Lin Yuner can feel a full sense of security.

With such a person, I don't have to think about checking his cell phone every day like other seniors or juniors I have met.If he really has other dogs outside, he can tell from his performance.

Judging from Jing Hao's apology to herself and the solution to what he said, she almost had a guess in her heart, a very possible answer.

That is, although I don't know how he did it, Jing Hao should have found someone who is very similar to himself to solve this matter.

Although the young lady he found may not look much like him, but when wearing masks at the same time, there should be many similarities in appearance between the two.

That's the only explanation.


Seeing that Lin Yuner suddenly fell into a trance for no reason, Kim Taeyeon felt a little worried in her heart, so she leaned over, waved her palm in front of her eyes, and reminded her again.

Lin Yuner, who was "awakened" by Kim Taeyeon, finally came back to her senses, she smiled apologetically at her, looked at the worry in Kim Taeyeon's eyes, and said in a funny voice: "Oni, maybe Jinghao has a girlfriend gone."

Kim Taeyeon rolled her eyes angrily, and showed a "fierce" expression to the stinky girl who was suspected of showing off her love affair in front of her.

"Haven't you two been together a long time ago? Show your affection in front of me again!"

"No, I'm talking about...other girlfriends."

"Another girlfriend? You're kidding me again, isn't he the only one of you... Is it only you...?!!"

Kim Taeyeon was suddenly shocked by Lin Yuner's words, and she showed an unbelievable expression.

And Li Chunkui, who had been eavesdropping on the side, also had an unbelievable look on his face.

 Heartbeat Song of the Day: Stay Alive——Jung Kook
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~~
  I beg you to reward me with the recommendation tickets and monthly tickets in your hands~~~
(End of this chapter)

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