nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 108 Brother Yang's Breakthrough in Love

Chapter 108 Brother Yang's Breakthrough in Love

The scene goes to Jeonju, where Jin Zhiyong and his sweetheart "Cai Cai" are on their first date.

As far as Jin Zhiyong is concerned, although his younger sister is a big star, he himself, compared to his peers at this age, can be said to have accomplished nothing.

His younger sister is the captain of Girls' Generation, the strongest girl group in history, a national girl group that has created a series of mythical miracles one after another.And him?He has always been unable to achieve outstanding results in whatever he does. Since he started working to earn money, he has not achieved any satisfactory results.

It is actually a very happy and sad story to have such an outstanding younger sister.On the one hand, the younger sister is so outstanding, as an older brother, he must feel very proud.On the other hand, his younger sister's excellence can better reflect his frustration.

So while Jin Zhiyong has been holding back in his heart and wants to make some achievements to prove himself, he still has a low self-esteem in his heart.

And when he saw "Cai Cai", this innocent and very beautiful girl from China immediately attracted all his eyes and quietly occupied his heart.

But facing such a girl, when he wanted to attack and pursue her, he became discouraged again and again.

The two of them were outside the fence of Quanzhou No. [-] Middle School at this time, looking at the wall that had been around for a long time, Jin Zhiyong pointed there and said to "Cai Cai" who was observing carefully: "Here, it is me and daedae, also It’s where Taeyeon went to school together.”

Jin Zhiyong paused, looking at the campus in front of him, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes, as if he remembered the story that happened when he went to school here.

After a while, he came back to his senses, and explained to "Cai Cai" who was staring at him: "Bianne, I just remembered some things from the past, and I accidentally lost my mind for a while. "

"Cai Cai" smiled softly at him, and said understandingly: "It's okay, I can understand. When I went back to my previous school, I would think of some past things, I can understand. "

Hearing these words, Jin Zhiyong showed an understanding expression to "Cai Cai", and nodded in agreement.

Seeming to have seen a place that attracted his attention, he "unconsciously" took her hand and led "Cai Cai" to a fence.

Pointing to the fence, he showed a happy smile, couldn't stop smiling and said to "Cai Cai": "This place used to be where Daedae and I climbed over the wall together."

As if hearing something strange, "Cai Cai" raised his head and looked at him in surprise, showing an expression of disbelief. Although the whole person looked so dumb on the outside, he looked very cute.

"Can sheep jump over walls? Has there ever been such a rebellious time before?"

It seems that Jin Zhiyong didn't expect his sister to have such a good impression on her, and he felt a little ironic for a while.

"There seems to be a small gap between your impression of her and her person." Jin Zhiyong made a comparison with his hands, leaving a little space between his thumb and index finger, and raised his chin at his gesture.

"Just a little bit, really a little bit."

"Cai Cai" saw his eyes, and Jin Zhiyong's expression at this time couldn't stop being weird, as if he had swallowed a fly forcibly, he was amused by his expression for a moment, and he bent down laughing directly Waisted.

While supporting her waist, she said out of breath: " don' don't make me laugh...hahahahaha, you made my impression of sheep... all I started to question...hahahaha...haha..."

After finally stopping the smile, "Cai Cai" straightened up, and patted Jin Zhiyong on the shoulder reproachfully, as if it was a small "punishment" for his behavior that just made him laugh out loud. ".

Jin Zhiyong only felt that the relationship between "Cai Cai" and himself seemed to be getting a little closer, and he already regarded himself as the kind who could joke with each other a little bit.

I just feel a little excited in my heart, and I am happy for the progress of the relationship that has been crossed inadvertently between the two people.

Looking back carefully at the way "Cai Cai" blamed herself at this time, there was a slight taste of blame in her eyes, but this expression made her whole person more vivid.

The most recent "Cai Cai" also did a styling at the hair salon that Kim Jiyong and Kim Taeyeon used to go to when they were young.Now, her long flowing hair has been dyed a flaxen color, and it seems that because she has just stepped into the society, the makeup on her face is not very heavy, just a little light makeup.

And this kind of light makeup, not only did not detract from her overall image, but on the contrary, it could more properly bring out her beautiful and delicate facial features.Especially coupled with her appropriate outfits at this time, just her inadvertent smile is enough to seduce people's hearts.

For a moment, Jin Zhiyong couldn't help but stared blankly.

Looking at Jin Zhiyong's aggressive and fiery eyes, Rao felt very good about him, and even had a good impression of him, "Cai Cai" was still a little shy.

Accompanied by the blush that quietly climbed up the pinna at some point, "Cai Cai" finally couldn't help but feel ashamed. After rolling his eyes at him, he turned his eyes away unnaturally, and stopped looking at him.

But the blush on the ear not only didn't seem to fade away, but became more and more vivid.

Jin Zhiyong, who finally realized that he was a little impolite, finally came to his senses at this time. After swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva with difficulty, Jin Zhiyong turned around with difficulty, and walked forward, stumbling and saying wrote:

"I,, we... let's go forward to the teaching building... I... I'll take you to see... the class that Daedae used to be in."


With Jin Zhiyong's rescue in front, "Cai Cai"'s shyness at this time also gradually dissipated.Seeing that Jin Zhiyong is not very tall in front, but still reveals a faintly secure back, "Cai Cai" inadvertently revealed a sweet smile.

Although, it was a bit embarrassing to be stared at by him like this, but it didn't have such a bad feeling as imagined!

It seems that when you look back and experience it slowly, you are not very disgusted with such behavior?At the very least, at the very least, he looks at himself with a silly look, doesn't it make him look more attractive!
As if he had figured out something, "Cai Cai" showed a happy smile, stepped forward a little bit, and followed him again.

The sunlight cast down from the sky and shone on the two people who were heading towards the teaching building along the playground, reflecting two shadows cuddling together.

It seems that everything is so, just right.

 Today's heartbeat song: Cold as hell - Kim Taeyeon
  In Yang's new album, this is my favorite song. Although it is not the main song, it does not affect the sound of this song at all.

  It is really an album with high quality in every song, as expected of you, Kim Taeyang~~~~
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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