nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 109 The first meeting with the "Gossip Heroine"

Chapter 109 The first meeting with the "Gossip Heroine"

In the doctor's office of the Department of Cardiology at Yonsei University Hospital, Jing Hao was carelessly handling the work at hand.

Li Yanxi has been paying attention outside for a long time.

When Jing Hao was working, he was really in a state of full concentration all the time. Even in the short period of time before it was obvious that he was not in a particularly good mood, his working state was hard to pick. Something went wrong.

He himself is a very hardworking person, so he can achieve such good results at such a young age, and even become a teacher in a school like Yonsei University.

When Li Yanxi was thinking about why Jing Hao was in such a state today, she was suddenly attracted by his movement of flipping the phone.

Li Yanxi shook her little head and thought about it carefully.It seems that Jing Hao turned his phone a little too much today?

She thought for a while, mustered up her courage, pouted her mouth slightly, jumped to Jing Hao's table in a few steps like a little frog, pulled a chair over, put it next to Jing Hao, and sat down. down.

It seemed that when the chair was dragged, Jing Hao was distracted by the rubbing sound of the stool legs on the ground. He frowned slightly and looked to the side.

After seeing that it was Li Yanxi, his slightly frowned brows eased a bit, but he still felt that the disturbed mood was not very beautiful.

He shook his head, and said to Li Yanxi, who was sitting upright beside him, who was staring at him from head to toe, and said angrily, "Tell me, what's the matter? Don't keep looking at me like this." Follow me."

Li Yanxi immediately showed an embarrassed smile, and covered up the embarrassment of being caught with a "hehe" laugh, and then couldn't hold back and asked Jing Hao: "Teacher Jing Hao nim, what's wrong with you today?"

Jing Hao: "Huh? Is there anything wrong?"

Li Yanxi: "Let me see that you have been in a state of absent-mindedness today, and you seem to have something hidden in your heart, can you tell me?"

Saying that, Li Yanxi didn't hide it at all, and pulled the stool under the ground to move forward carelessly, and then the whole person lay down on Jing Hao's table like a tiger, and then opened her two big, watery eyes , looking at him without blinking.

Jing Hao was stunned for a moment when he heard that Li Yanxi also found that he was not in the right state.Unexpectedly, this little sister who followed behind her all day would be so careful, and immediately found out that her state was not right.

In fact, as early as during the ward rounds, I couldn't hold back my attention, but the patients and their families didn't notice at that time.

Jing Hao casually picked up the steaming coffee on the table, brought it to his mouth and took a sip, then moistened his throat, swallowed it, and said to Li Yanxi, "Today I'm going to see someone, so maybe now It’s kind of absent-minded.”

Just when Li Yanxi was about to say something, Jing Hao interrupted her by raising his hand: "Bianne, the teacher may have to leave early today, so you can watch for me first in the afternoon, and call me anytime if you have anything to do today. I'm going out this afternoon."


"Then go get busy first. Don't forget to record today's course of illness. It seems that the chief physician's record should be added today, right?"

"Well, it happens to be today."

"Well, then don't forget to add it. It seems that there will be a new patient admitted in the outpatient clinic for a while. I will go to the admission procedure and the first journey for that new patient in a while. You should keep an eye on it first. "

"Okay okay."

Just at this time, "Dong Dong Dong~~~" A knock on the door rang at this time.Jing Hao and Li Yanxi looked at the door at the same time, it seemed that the new patient mentioned just now had arrived.

Looking at the new patient who had arrived at the door, Jing Hao took out his phone and checked the time on the phone screen.Then she nodded to Li Yanxi, stood up from her seat, and went out to meet the new patient.

"You..." In the coffee shop, Cheng Cailing put down her coffee cup, hesitating slightly, "If the information given to me by Second Miss is correct, it is said that you are a doctor?"

The saxophone in the coffee shop is melodious, the afternoon sun shines on the table through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the rose in the center of the table is still glistening with dew, which is beautiful and fragrant.

The environment is beautiful, and Cheng Cailing is also very beautiful. For this first meeting with the male protagonist who is going to be rumored to be rumored, she deliberately changed into a long skirt that she seldom wears. The long jet-black hair is more elegant.

She was looking forward to this first meeting, but the man in front of her disappointed her...

Although he could be considered tall and handsome in appearance, his clothes seemed a bit hasty, and his beard didn't seem to be cleanly shaved. At least it proved that he was not as serious about this meeting as he was.Forget it, people always feel lack of energy, and see themselves still nervous, like an otaku who spends all day playing games at home and has never seen anyone.

Hmm...Doctor, especially I heard that he seems to have been a resident for a while?Maybe that's the case with doctors who spend a lot of time watching the bed in the hospital?Decadent, unkempt, unsociable?
Doctor, it seems very interesting... This is also the reason why Cheng Cailing is willing to meet him seriously except because of the second lady's orders, although Cheng Cailing seems to have never heard of this man who seems to be also in charge of Yonsei University The title of the teacher's title.

Jing Hao sat across from him, with his hands on his chin, and he was not in a good mood.Gu Minyan arranged for him to meet with this Ms. Cheng Cailing today, but it seems that this lady has a little dislike for herself.

Because I've been busy recently, I've been on duty a lot, so I haven't taken care of my hair and beard much, maybe it's really messy now.If you think about it this way, it seems that you can understand a little bit of this lady's thinking.

Although I saw this lady's profile at Gu Minyan's place, when I met her today, I was still amazed by her beauty.

Although Jing Hao is dating Lin Yuner, who is known as "Shen Yan", Jing Hao has never seen such a beautiful lady except for a few in recent months.

"Although I have heard a little introduction from the second lady, I still want to hear a brief explanation of the specific arrangement from you."

Jing Hao nodded, and then began to briefly introduce the situation.

"The main situation is this. My girlfriend is Lin Yuner..."

Just as he was saying this, Cheng Cailing's cold gaze instantly shifted from the coffee mountain in front of him to Jing Hao's face, with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

As if seeing Cheng Cailing's surprise, Jing Hao said with a bitter smile: "Although I know that your first impression of me may not be very good, but can you look at me like this and be questioned by this surprised expression? Hurt your pride."

. . . . . . . .

 Today's favorite song: DM——fromis_9
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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