nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 111 History of Ringback Ringtones

Chapter 111 History of Ringback Ringtones
The two seriously stretched out their right hands at the same time, and held them in the air on the coffee table in front of them. At the same time, their eyes intertwined.

The two holding hands did not separate quickly, but maintained a gap of several seconds, and kept looking at each other.

After watching for several seconds like this, it seems that the short handshake of these few seconds made the two of them have a tacit understanding.The two people from Zijian slowly let go of their palms at the same time, and then nodded to each other.

When they saw each other tacitly performing the same behavior, both of them couldn't help laughing at the same time. Looking at each other's same smile, there was a sense of "a smile that wipes out all kindness and enmity".

Of course, although there is no such thing as "enmity", but when the two of them first met in the coffee shop, the atmosphere was indeed not very good. At this time, such a smile was like a signal, which immediately made people feel happy. The originally awkward situation became alive.

Following this moment, the atmosphere gradually became more harmonious, and the two of them started chatting along the way.

Cheng Cailing was still very curious about the relationship between Jing Hao and Gu Minyan.She couldn't help but carefully looked at the man in front of her.

Although there are some stubbles on the cheeks that have not been specially arranged, but if you look closely, you can still see that the man opposite is actually very good-looking.

Although this doctor from China is not the type of handsome guy like Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Jong Suk, and Park Bo Gum who are very popular in the peninsula, his facial features are very attractive.

His facial features, if viewed from the category, are more like a very masculine feeling.Although he was wearing a flaxen sweater that concealed his figure, judging from the man's skeleton and the exposed collarbone, this man's figure must be very good, and his skin is really good.

Look at his face again, the most attractive thing about him is his eyes.His pair of eyes, the look that shot out of them were really different, at least they were obviously different from those ordinary men I had seen before, very gentle but with an indescribable calmness.

After watching this for a while, Cheng Cailing couldn't help brainstorming.Could it be that the second lady has taken a fancy to this man?
The first time this idea came to mind, Cheng Cailing denied it.Second Miss is not the kind of person who would make a difference to a person just because of their appearance.

Jing Hao was also looking at Cheng CRBT.

He didn't pay attention to Cheng Cailing's appearance, but kept observing Cheng Cailing's expression carefully.

He immediately noticed the moment when Cheng Cailing's eyes were empty. Although it was only for a moment, he was still keenly aware of it.

Judging from her expression, it seems that there is any doubt?
Then suddenly, he didn't know why, but he just had a faint feeling in his heart that the baby opposite seemed to be thinking about something outrageous?
"Just ask me directly. I think you seemed to be thinking about something related to me just now. Instead of guessing yourself, you might as well ask me directly."

"Bianne, I just, still can't figure out why you have such a good relationship with Second Miss."

The man on the opposite side is the one who will spread rumors with him afterwards.So in front of him, Cheng Cailing didn't hide it anymore.She carelessly put her hands on the table in front of her chest, then raised her forearms, propped up her chin, and started to ask questions with curious eyes.

"Although I still can't believe the saying that Second Miss allows you to call her aunt, but judging from the fact that Second Miss found me and asked me to have an affair with you, the relationship between the two of you is indeed very good."

"Then, can I disclose a little bit, did you actually contact the second lady?"

Jing Hao pondered for a few seconds, and then answered the question sincerely.

"How should I put it? According to Auntie Gu, I didn't have much communication with her, but there are some things that connect the two of us. In some respects, I have a common goal with her, so she helped me This matter is not too sudden."

Seeing that Cheng Cailing still wanted to ask more questions, Jing Hao waved his hand, motioning for her to let him finish.

"It's inconvenient to tell you the specific reason. If Auntie Gu is willing, she should tell you, but she can't tell you from me, Biane."

"Since you have given me a general introduction to you, then I will tell you a little bit about me."

Cheng Cailing lowered her head, and took out a piece of paper from the paper drawer on the table, and then quickly remembered while pinching the paper in her hand.

"To be honest, I'm not afraid of your ridicule. I grew up in a single-parent family."

Her first sentence at the beginning made Jing Hao's expression freeze.

He thought of his girlfriend - Lin Yuner.

Cheng Cailing kept her head down, not paying attention to Jing Hao's expression, and said to herself.

"My mother, Ou, died shortly after giving birth to me because of dystocia when I was born."

"I was brought up by my father little by little."

"I was very poor since I was a child, and my father was not in good health. He worked as a bartender and brought me up little by little."

"When I was young, my academic performance was actually very good. But because of my dad's working environment, most of the people I came into contact with were not serious people."

"And because my appearance is not bad, growing up in that kind of place also made some bad people think of me."

When talking about this, it is obvious that the girl's mood has become depressed.But Jing Hao still didn't disturb her, but sat across from her, listening to her explanation quietly.

"My dad has been protecting me, but compared to those people, we are still too weak."

"During my most difficult time, it was Miss Er, who saved our family."

The paper in her hand was suddenly wet with a few drops of liquid that fell down.

"It was Miss Er who told me that only by becoming strong can I protect myself and the people I want to protect."

"From the day she saved me, I swore to myself that I must become a strong person, someone who can protect myself and my dad."

"At the same time, he can also become someone who can help Miss Er."

"You can't even imagine what it would be like to be rescued when a person is most desperate."

"Since then, I have been working hard, and finally became a sword in the hands of the second lady, a subordinate who can help her share some affairs."

When she said this, Cheng Cailing finally raised her head, stared at the man in front of her with sharp eyes, and said word by word:

"No matter what the relationship between you and Second Miss is, if you dare to do anything against Second Miss, I will never let you go!"

"This is a reminder, I hope you can remember."

 Today's favorite song: Pirate——Everglow
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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