nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 112 Next meeting

Chapter 112 Next meeting

In recent days, it was the last time for "Cai Cai" and her companions to stay on the peninsula.Because they came to the peninsula to take leave to play, so they still have to go back to work.

Because it was troublesome to bring the cat back to China, and because they didn't have many acquaintances in the peninsula, in the end "Cai Cai" could only leave it with Jin Zhiyong, the only acquaintance.

When parting, Jin Zhiyong looked at "Cai Cai" who was about to leave, and he almost couldn't bear the emotion he wanted to express, but in the few seconds he hesitated, "Cai Cai" had already He waved his hand and got into the car.

Just before entering the car door, she paused at the door for a moment, and from the corner of her eye, she took a last look at Jin Zhiyong and the "Little Yunyun" in his arms.

The group of them bought a ticket to return home from Seoul.After all, Jinzhou’s itinerary is not as developed as Seoul’s, so they chose to take a taxi to the train station, then take a train from Jeonju to Seoul, and then transfer to the airport to return home.

And because they bought the nearest ticket, the time to fly back to China from Seoul was at eleven in the morning, so the train they chose was the one that was close to midnight at night.

Their plan that day was to leave that night after Jin Zhiyong took them to have a good time in Jeonju for the last time.

On the last day, "Cai Cai" actually had countless impulses in his heart.

That is, confess to him!

It can be said that the two people have known each other for a very short time, but every moment with him, they are very relaxed.It's like when I'm with him, I will unconsciously forget all the troubles.

Although it's not because of his appearance, my heartbeat will always silently speed up and my mood will improve when I'm with him.

It's not that "Cai Cai" has never been in love before, and naturally she is not the kind of silly, white and sweet girl.In fact, she has also somewhat noticed that Jin Zhiyong seems to have a good impression of herself.

So in the last few days together, she deliberately sent away her companions, wanting to spend more time alone with Jin Zhiyong.

Although this place in Jeonju is the place where my idol Kim Taeyeon grew up.But after the first two days when I came here, I basically finished shopping by myself.

Later, I spent more time here. On the one hand, it was because Jin’s father had just had an operation, and everyone in my group was also a fan of Kim Taeyeon. I still wanted to stay with Jin’s father for a while, and another reason was that I had been waiting. Jin Zhiyong took the initiative.

I have hinted to him countless times that I am single now.But this silly Hanhan has always been bored, and he doesn't take the initiative to confess to himself.

Please, she is a girl!Do you want me to take the initiative to confess to you!



After all, the time at this time is close to zero, and I will fly away the next morning.At this time, I was supposed to lie down on the sleeper and have a good sleep.


Wearing a blindfold, "Cai Cai" has been forcing herself to fall asleep, but she can't fall asleep no matter what.

She was in the middle berth, and originally wanted to sleep to reach her destination, but she didn't feel sleepy when she lay down.

After tossing and turning non-stop for nearly half an hour, she finally sighed softly and sat up in the dark and narrow compartment.

A little irritable.

In fact, they can still stay there for a few more days, and the reason why they want to go home so hastily and resolutely is that she really felt it in the past two days, when she was worried about someone, she would be so worried.

It's not the time to go back to work, but every day she spends with him, she becomes more and more reluctant to part with Jin Zhiyong.

At the very beginning, she had been waiting for Jin Zhiyong's confession.But during the last few days, while she was looking forward to confessing, she became more and more entangled in her heart.

If he really confessed to himself, would he really accept it?
I have to go back to my country, even if the two are really together, my job is not the type where I can fly to the peninsula at any time, the two of them can only be in a foreign relationship.

Although she has never been in a relationship like this, she has also witnessed the people around her when they were in a long-distance relationship when they were in college.

Although there are always sweet moments, the love that cannot meet at any time is really a bit difficult.

No matter how much I like Jin Zhiyong, can I really stay on the peninsula just because of this relationship?

How many days have you known Jin Zhiyong?
What kind of concern should parents have for themselves?
Concentrated, "Cai Cai" took out the tablet from the bag, installed the keyboard, took it to the corridor seat next to the sleeper and sat down.

On her mobile phone, she found Jin Zhiyong's dialogue box, and when she clicked in, she found that he had already sent a message.

To "Cai Cai":
Be careful along the way, sleep at night, and stop playing with your phone.

I will take care of your "Little Yunyun" for you.There is a Kanazawa left by my sister at home. I am afraid that they will fight when they are together. In the last week, I first put it in Azuma's house.

I'm going to go out and rent a house, and I'll take "Little Yunyun" to my house when the time comes, so you don't have to worry.

Jin Zhiyong stayed.

Maybe it was because his mobile phone would have a notification tone if he sent a message directly, and he was afraid that it would wake him up, so he chose to send it by email.

Because of work, I have a lot of emails, so there is no notification sound for emails on my phone, and I check them every night.

"Cai Cai" couldn't help feeling a warm current in his heart.

Although this simple-minded man is a bit careless, he will silently write down things related to himself.I remember that when I went to the amusement park with him, he also asked why he replied very quickly to the messages he sent to me, but if the emails were sent by mailboxes, the responses were slower.

At that time, I just explained it casually, but I didn't expect that he still remembered it.

My heart is really warm.

This might be the reason why I fell in love with him.

Looking at the email on the tablet screen, "Cai Cai" laughed silently, the corners of his eyes sparkled, and he sent an email back to Jin Zhiyong.

To Jin Zhiyong:
I have received your message, thank you very much for helping me take care of "Little Yunyun", and really thank you for taking me to play around during this time.

Every day with you is really a happy day.I really hope to meet you again next time.

Your "Cai Cai".

On the screen, I clicked the "Send" button, and soon received a "Received" reminder, and the smile on the corner of "Cai Cai" still did not disappear.

After sending the email, she went back to bed and lay down again, feeling that her heart was inexplicably more stable, and she slowly fell asleep.

In fact, at the end, she still had something to say, but she didn't send it.

I really hope to meet you again next time.

The next time we meet, I won't wait for your confession.

This time, let me confess!

 Today's favorite song: Alcohol-Free——Twice
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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