nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 115 Let's Break Up

Chapter 115 Let's Break Up

"You should also have a feeling that although the two of us have been working hard to love each other, it seems that we have become farther and farther away from each other during the initial period."

Jing Hao seemed to want to say something at this time, Lin Yuner quickly stretched out the index finger of her right hand, and put it in front of Jing Hao's lips, stopping his urge to speak.

After Lin Yun'er finished doing this, she began to speak slowly again.

"I know that the 'gossip heroine' you're looking for should have nothing to do with you."

"After all, the two of us have only been together for a short time. Even if you are really a playboy, you wouldn't hook up with other girls so quickly."

"Besides, I know what kind of person you are, and I know you won't."

"But you, you shouldn't have hidden it from me in the first place."

"Although you didn't lie to me after I vaguely guessed this possibility, but I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart."

"And, don't you think, the two of us seem to be getting together too fast?"

That's right, Jing Hao originally wanted to explain Cheng Cailing's matter to Lin Yuner, but after hearing Lin Yuner's words, he couldn't help asking himself.

The speed of two people together is really too fast.

Obviously, it wasn't long before they knew each other, and it wasn't even long before the two of them realized that they really liked each other.

In a situation that neither of them had imagined, they were suddenly together.

Although two-way love is wonderful, but this kind of love without any foreshadowing will make the relationship between two people get better and better after they are really together?

Although both of them are in love for the first time and neither have any experience, they can both understand it.

If the relationship between the two is really that good, would Jing Hao still hide the matter of Cheng Cailing from Lin Yuner?
In other words, if the relationship between the two people really has a foundation, after reaching that stage, will Lin Yuner care so much about it after knowing that Jing Hao has found a "gossip heroine"?

In fact, the real reason for the two people to doubt and question each other's feelings is not the so-called "gossip heroine" Cheng Cailing, but because they know too little about each other.

All the feelings in the world can actually be connected with love at first sight. When you poke at the point you like in the other person's appearance or other points, we will have a good impression of this person, and there is a kind of desire to be with him. The urge to be together.

But will this feeling, this feeling of being together, really last long?
The relationship between Jing Hao and Lin Yun'er is indeed a relationship that both of them want to achieve in their hearts, but unfortunately, the timing of being together is really too bad.

The two people came together suddenly without any extra understanding of each other, except for the previous friendship.

If there is no photo incident this time, the two of them actually still have a chance to continue walking.

Although they were strangers to each other at first, both of them liked each other. Although they were strangers, they would get to know each other very seriously, walk into each other more, and let this relationship slowly get on the right track.

But this photo incident completely dispelled this possibility.

Lin Yuner is going to Greece to film for more than a month, and Jing Hao is staying here to treat his patients. The two of them have no chance to communicate with each other.

Not to mention, if the photo incident broke out, the two of them would not be able to break up for at least a relatively long period of time, even in private that no one knew about.

The two of them knew this well. This relationship, so far, at least until now, had to draw a punctuation mark.

And after this sensitive time, whether the relationship between the two people will be a comma or a full stop is a completely unknown future.

"let's break up."

Lin Yuner asked this sentence for the third time, she is a person with a sense of ritual.No matter what, as long as it starts, she must wait for a result, no matter whether it is good or bad in the end.

She is also the same for emotional matters.

Although it was very difficult, Jing Hao finally said that sentence:

After finally agreeing to Lin Yun'er's words, Jing Hao's anger finally came out, so far, he finally didn't have to worry about it anymore.

"In the future, although we don't know whether it will end here, it is still possible to come together again,"

"But at least for now, or for a period of time in the future, it's better for us to separate. Even if it's because of the scandal, it would be much better if we really broke up."


"Dinglinglingdinglinglingling~~~" Lin Yuner's cell phone rang suddenly.

Lin Yun'er took out her mobile phone from her jacket pocket, and glanced at the screen, it was her manager's call.

She gave Jing Hao a cool smile, and then connected the phone in front of him.

"How about stuffing it, Oppa?"

"Nene, my luggage was packed last night,"

. . . . . .

"Nai, Ouba will wait downstairs for a while, I'll go down in a while."

"Nai, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yuner explained to Jing Hao: "The agent Ouba I contacted yesterday came to help me move today. I thought about it. It's better for us to keep a little distance during this period of time. Give us a little calm. time and space."

Jing Hao tightly clenched the corner of his clothes, and nodded slightly to Lin Yun'er in front of him.

"Okay, that's it. Doctor Jing, shall I still call you that in the future?"

"Okay, then I'll continue to call you Actor Lin."

Lin Yun'er smiled, her deer-like eyebrows jumped up for the first time today, and she extended her right hand to Jing Hao while smiling.

"Let's get to know each other again."

Jing Hao also stretched out his right hand in cooperation, only to see that the two hands were tightly clenched, and the two faced each other, smiling and greeting each other at the same time:
"Nice to meet you, Dr. Jing (Actor Lin)."

"my pleasure."

They looked at each other in tacit understanding, shaking their heads and laughing at the same time.

At this moment, the tacit performance and reaction of the two made a strange feeling in their hearts, but they were more relieved.

. . . . . . . .

With the help of her manager, Lin Yuner's luggage was finally loaded into the nanny car.Although Jing Hao also wanted to help move her things, Lin Yuner stopped him, saying that she was the one who suggested getting together and breaking up, and she didn't want to end up like this.

Jing Hao stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room, tightly clutching the last cup of coffee that Lin Yuner gave him in his arms, silently following the departing nanny car with his eyes, standing for a long time.

Lin Yuner in the car, after getting in the car, kept looking through the window at the house on the 15th floor.

She just looked over there silently, without saying a word.After the agent greeted her several times, there was no response.

The manager greeted her from the front for a long time, but she still didn't hear her response. She was very puzzled, because the usual Yoona was always very polite, no matter who she was in front of.

The manager looked at Lin Yuner's head on the back seat and looked backwards, so he greeted the driver "A Tian" who was driving, nodded, then leaned forward, and walked towards the last row of Lin Yuner little by little. s position.

When he walked to Lin Yun'er's side, the hand that had reached out to her shoulder suddenly stopped the movement of patting down.

It turned out that at some point, Lin Yuner's delicate face was already covered with tears.

Lin Yuner silently looked through the mirror at the rear of the car, her tears-drenched gaze was still stubbornly looking at Jing Hao's window, whispering silently:


 The details of the outline have been fixed, and then this month will start double updating every day, please continue to support this book~~
  Then there is still the daily heart-warming song recommendation: You And I (part.5)——Minah
  In the end, the same sentence, this book may be poorly written due to my level and writing style or various reasons, but this book will definitely not be a eunuch, please rest assured.


(End of this chapter)

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