nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 116 Yoona Can't Sleep

Chapter 116 Yoona Can't Sleep

On the first day Lin Yuner left, I missed her.

Jing Hao really missed her, because when she was still around, although he might not have a fight with her every day, every time he came back from get off work at night, his heart would be surrounded by a sense of anticipation.

The kind of person who knows that he loves lives next door to him, and he feels very at ease in his heart, a sense of stability that he has never had before.

. . . . . . . .

At the same time, on the Greek island of Zakynthos, which is known as the island of paradise, Lin Yuner, who was lying quietly in the room prepared by the crew, was also thinking about him at this time.

It would be great if I could take a look at him at this time.

Although Lin Yun'er had resolutely proposed to break up and moved out from next door to him the morning before, but when she got into the car full of luggage, she already regretted it.

No, to be precise, the moment she said "Let's break up", she already felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Although I know that I will be very uncomfortable, and even though I know that I can't help but miss him, this is already a decision that must be made.

In my mind, the pictures of the recent period have been scrolling non-stop.Lin Yuner wanted not to think about those things, she had silently said to herself countless times in her heart: Don't think about it anymore, it's over!

But she couldn't stop the deep yearning for Jing Hao in her heart.

After all, they are couples who have just stepped into a passionate relationship. Between couples who love each other like glue, suddenly want to have a long-distance relationship, it will be unacceptable to both parties, let alone when the relationship between two people is gradually improving. Did you cut off the relationship all of a sudden?
Lin Yun'er closed her eyes, in order not to think about those pictures, she could only listen carefully to the clock on the wall and the sound of the hands shaking.Unknowingly, and I don't know how long it has passed, during the time, she has tossed and turned on the bed for an unknown number of times.

Finally, she couldn't hold on any longer, she pulled down the quilt, her upper body quickly got up from the mattress, and sat up like this.

She turned her head, shifted her gaze to the mirror on the bedside table, and looked at the self in the mirror with messy hair and pale complexion. She looked a little haggard.

Her eyes stayed on her face in the mirror for a few seconds, and then she shifted her gaze to the eyes of the person in the mirror.

After silently looking at herself in the mirror for a few seconds, she finally couldn't help grinning, revealing a smile uglier than crying.

"So this is the feeling of being broken in love?"

Looking at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help saying this to herself in her heart.

Although in the past, whether it was from the friends around me, the seniors, or the teammates I accompanied day and night, I have seen everyone's appearance when they are in love.

At that time, she, who had never experienced any relationship, saw each of them in pain, or relieved, or unwilling, or remorseful, and while comforting each of them intimately, she felt more or less in her heart. Yes, there are also some incomprehensible doubts.

At that time, what she thought in her heart was: Isn't it just broken love?There are so many people in this world who get together and then separate again. Since they broke up, it must mean that the two people are not so suitable. When ending this relationship that is not so correct, it is not right to do a good job. Prepare, clean up your mood, learn the lessons of failure, and then go to meet the next relationship?

"Now... I seem to understand a little..."

She unconsciously murmured this sentence softly, it seemed that because of her hard work, her physical condition was not particularly good now, and her voice became a little hoarse.

As an artist, she has witnessed countless failed relationships. In her original understanding, maybe love is really just a game. At the beginning, everyone may be a little unconcerned. The best ending is that both sides Get into it, then forget it's a game, and walk out of it hand in hand.

But in these short 26 days, after she really experienced a real relationship, she can no longer treat it as a game.

The feeling of truly falling in love with someone is a state of mind that cannot be described in words, especially when Lin Yuner knows that Jing Hao also likes her, the joy that is about to overflow is really something she has never felt before. the feeling of passing.

Involuntarily, in her mind, she recalled the sweet moments of the two of them step by step in this short period of time.

When the two met at the script study meeting for the first time, there was a fleeting amazement in his eyes. . . .

When she confessed to him for the first time, there was an almost irrepressible look of surprise in his eyes. . . .

When he knew that he and Lee Seung Gi were just a fake relationship, he was surprised at first, and then became excited in an instant. . . .

When he couldn't control himself and kissed his lips affectionately, his little eyes were frightened. . . .

Every surprise, every surprise, every unexpected surprise he had at that time was always lingering in her mind, and she couldn't leave for a long time.

The current self, the confused self does not know what he will think of in the next second.

So what is his mood now?
Thinking of this, the corners of Lin Yun'er's small face that was still smiling wryly, couldn't help but curl up again.

He, such a stupid person, probably won't feel good either.He himself is a person who likes to hold back things by himself, and he even solves the troubles he caused by himself, and he doesn't take the initiative to tell himself.

What a dull gourd!

It hurts to death, it hurts to death!
The old lady is dying here by herself. If you live happily, isn't the old lady sad for nothing?Who told you not to take the initiative to tell me that you found a "gossip girlfriend"?
Although I know your intentions are good, how could I allow my boyfriend to find another girlfriend without my knowledge?Even if it's a fake girlfriend, it's absolutely not allowed!
Lin Yun'er gritted her teeth, and waved the little deer arm by herself, facing the air in front of her, and waved it vigorously, as if she was hammering the person in her mind.

When she was most emotional, she even opened that crocodile's mouth, and bit it fiercely in front of her.

Although very angry!

Although very angry!
Although really angry!

Although I want to bite!

I really miss you!

Lin Yun'er's legs curled up, her hands hugged her knees, she gradually buried her head, and in the empty room, she quietly cried again.

(End of this chapter)

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