Chapter 117
What is she doing now?

Jing Hao was lying on the bed, holding his mobile phone in his hand, struggling alone for a long time, finally found a suitable excuse, and sent her a message: "Your sweater was left at my house, when are you coming back? "

Even though he knew that Lin Yuner would stay in Greece for at least a month before returning, Jing Hao couldn't help but want to ask about her news.

However, Lin Yuner did not reply.

Strange to say, the reason for sending the message was because of a hollow heart, but after sending it, the symptoms did not alleviate, but became more serious, so much so that he had to check his phone twice before going to bed to confirm whether she had replied.

I didn't sleep well all night, and the first thing I did when I woke up the next day was to grab my phone.

After looking at it, there was still no reply.


Jing Hao sent her a question mark.

Then stayed up until night, still no reply.

"If you don't come back, I don't care about your sweater!"

Still no reply.

Jing Hao wanted to call her, but he was afraid that Lin Yuner was filming, and calling her would affect her filming mood, so he called Lin Yuner's manager.

"Do you want to stuff it?"

"Hiong, is Yoona filming now?"

Hearing Jing Hao's question about Lin Yuner on the phone, the manager couldn't help but turned his head and looked at Lin Yuner who was currently filming in the middle of the field.

After confirming her current state of filming, the manager yelled into the mobile phone next to her ear:
"Yes, but Jing you have any business?"

Jing Hao: "I..."

Hearing Jing Hao's hesitant words, no matter how numb the manager was, he still felt that something was wrong.He looked around, then turned around, walked straight to a place where there was no one, then raised his voice, and asked his doubts.

"Jing Haoxi, although I shouldn't ask you such a question, I still have to ask for proof. What happened between you and our Yun'er?"

"I don't know if you know, yesterday, when our Yun'er asked me to help her move, on the way away from that house, Yun'er cried very badly..."

When the agent said this, he was a little emotional, but he took a few deep breaths, controlled his emotions, and continued talking to Jing Hao:

"That was the day I met Yun'er, and so far, she has cried the most sadly."

"I want to ask, is something happened between you and our Yun'er?"

When Jing Hao heard his manager say that Lin Yun'er was crying, his heart "thumped" for a moment, wishing he could fly to Greece now, and catch up with her to have a look at her.

He silently listened to the agent's questioning on the phone, without disturbing him.

After chattering on the phone for several minutes, Mr. Manager finally got his throat a little dry, and slowly stopped talking about this matter, and at this time, he happened to hear a few familiar shouts He turned around and saw that it was his own Yuner who was looking for him, so he hurriedly said to the phone:

"Let's stop here first, Jing Haoxi, although I don't know what happened, but this is what I should do as a manager, and I hope you can understand."

Jing Hao smiled wryly, and replied sincerely to the phone: "Ani, you are right, it is indeed I who made Yun'er angry."

The manager hung up the phone in a hurry, then turned around, and hurriedly ran towards Lin Yun'er in three steps at a time.

After hanging up the phone, Jing Hao shook his head, then rubbed his cheek vigorously, and sighed.

. . . . . .

At noon, Jing Hao couldn't hold on any longer. He randomly found an excuse to spare Li Yanxi from going to change the patient's medicine. When the office was empty, he hurriedly found the phone number in the phone's address book. , Lin Yuner called.

"The number you dialed is busy, please try again later."

What's the situation, is she on the phone?

He had no choice but to suppress his mood and prepared to call after an hour.

an hour later. . .

He picked up the phone, clicked on "Lin Yuner" in the call log to dial, and then, just like before, the phone was silent for two seconds, and then the familiar words sounded:

"The number you dialed is busy, please try again later."

Jing Hao hung up the phone resolutely after hearing the familiar prompt, then found the manager's phone number again, and called.

"Hiong, is Yoona on the phone now?"

"No? What's the matter?"


The agent glanced at Lin Yuner who was filming, confirmed it, and then replied again to the phone:

"Is she filming? What's wrong?"

Jing Hao hesitated for a long time, and then said: "I wanted to call her to apologize, but I couldn't get through..."

The manager's tone became weird: "Then she blocked your call, so what did you do to her? We, Yun'er, have never done this to our friends before."

. . . . . . . .

After hanging up the phone, Jing Hao opened the search box on the computer, ready to check whether he was blocked or not.

"Call the other party and keep..."

As soon as he typed these words, he found that there were high-frequency association sentences under the search box:

Call the other party to indicate that the call is in progress

Calling the other party has been on the phone

What does it mean when the phone is always turned off when calling someone?

Calling the other party is always on the phone

Why is it that the caller is always in the middle of a call?


Jing Hao chose the first one to enter, and found that the editor of the garbage editor was in the water again, but he still saw a possible situation in it: if every time he calls the other party, he is still on the phone, it is likely that the other party has set the phone to blacklisted.

Damn, it's not really blocked, is it?
Jing Hao was baffled, and felt that there was a fire in his heart, but there was nothing underneath the fire, as if something was missing.

This made him even more depressed.

On the first day of being blocked, Jing Hao was very angry.

On the second day after being blocked, Jing Hao was even angrier.

On the third day after being blocked, Jing Hao felt that if she apologized sincerely, he could give her a chance.

On the fourth day of being blocked, Jing Hao felt that if she called him back, he could give her a chance.


A week after being blocked, Jing Hao hoped that she would give him a chance!
Although the two of them had been announced to break up by her, Jing Hao was still a little eager to make things up.


Jing Hao looked at the medical record of the patient who had just been admitted to the hospital on the screen. The condition of this new patient made him feel a little tricky, and he felt a little irritated.When he was restless, he picked up his mobile phone and refreshed his circle of friends.

He used to seldom check Moments, but recently he has become more diligent.

There was nothing he wanted to see, Jing Hao hesitated for a while, and opened Lin Yuner's chat box with a very disobedient hand, and then clicked on the profile picture to enter the personal page.

 Today's heartwarming song sharing: Seasons——Rival, Cadmium, Harley Bird
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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