nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 118 Yoona's Letter

Chapter 118 Yoona's Letter ([-] in [-])

Lin Yuner

Nickname: Xiaolu likes to eat
kakao number: GGYoona0530
Region: Greece

"I've been filming and don't have time to reply to my messages. It's pretty quick to change the location?"

"Dong Dong Dong~~~"

There was a rhythmic knock on the door, Jing Hao lightly pressed his finger on the power button of the phone, and the light on the phone screen dimmed.

Then he skillfully moved the mouse to the upper right corner of the newly opened search interface on the computer screen, minimized it and hid it in the task bar. He stroked his hair and straightened his collar.

Then he yelled towards the door: "Please come in."

After getting his permission, Li Yanxi outside the door responded, and then walked in with a book.

Jing Hao's gaze immediately noticed the document in Li Yanxi's hand, and after hesitating for a moment, he pointed to the unknown thing in doubt and asked:

"this is?..."

Seeing Jing Hao's puzzled eyes, Li Yanxi gave him a playful smile, and then revealed two cute little canine teeth, which shone and twinkled under the light on the ceiling of the room. .

"This is what the family members of the 39-bed patient just brought over. It is a copy of the medical records of the 39-bed patient in the previous hospital, which was dumped from the medical record room of that hospital."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Jing Hao nodded, indicating that he knew, and then took the medical record from the hands of Li Yanxi, who had already jumped to his desk, and then opened the medical record and began to look through it.

As soon as Jing Hao took it, he immediately focused his attention on the medical record, and didn't notice Li Yanxi's expression at all.

Looking at him, Li Yanxi felt a little discouraged, and shook her head helplessly. When she walked behind him, she silently made a face at him, as if expressing her dissatisfaction.

"Really, he didn't even notice that I changed my hairstyle today, he wouldn't be so careless before..."

Li Yanxi, who was walking slowly towards her seat, felt a little puzzled in her heart. She only felt that something was wrong with Jing Hao in the past two days, but she couldn't figure out what was wrong after thinking about it for a while. wrong.

So she shook her head cutely, no longer thinking about this complicated issue, and sat in front of her seat in a hurry, continuing to write today's medical record.

Sitting there, Jing Hao carefully looked through the patient's information, focused on the pre- and post-operative summary of the previous hospital, and pondered for a while.

After thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't figure it out. He became inexplicably irritable, and suddenly remembered the circle of friends he saw just now.

So he picked up the phone, and after unlocking the screen skillfully, he clicked into Lin Yuner's circle of friends, and found that there was no movement at all, so he backed out, and was about to continue backing up, when he suddenly saw a column of "More more information".

He hesitated for a moment, then pointed his finger in very disobediently.

My shared group chat with her: 2

Personalized signature: mailbox!Check your mailbox! [pig head]
Source: Added through the mobile phone address book

Jing Hao glanced lazily, then slid the screen back, then suddenly froze, and quickly clicked on this page again.

Mail!Check your mailbox! [pig head]
Jing Hao reached for his tablet from the upper right corner of his desk, unlocked the screen, opened the app store, found the email software, clicked download, and then logged in to his account that he didn’t browse often, and soon Just see the red +4 flag next to your inbox.

Speaking of which, this mailbox is still the mailbox that Lin Yuner asked him to create.

He came from Huaguo. Before that, he only had a QQ mailbox that comes with Penguin, and for his job, he usually received notifications at his workstation, so he didn’t need anything. Where there is a mailbox, there has never been a mailbox on the peninsula.

When the two first fell in love, Lin Yuner led him to register a couple mailbox together, saying that it was for the two of them to send each other's mailboxes when they usually have something to say but it is inconvenient to say so.

However, after Lin Yun'er asked him to break up, he forgot about it.

Jing Hao opened the mailbox and soon saw the unread list.





The title seems to be the date, Jing Hao clicked on the earliest email first for the sake of ritual.

On the light blue letter paper with horizontal lines, small black characters are square and square. This is the default font, but probably because of psychological factors, Jing Hao always feels a sense of elegance.

Jing Hao:

I just booked a ticket to Greece, and you know I'm going to shoot. The reason why I set off so ten hours earlier is because I don't want to see you now, and I want to avoid you for a while.hope you do not mind.

Of course, there is nothing you can do if you mind, I must have run away when you saw it, and I will block your phone, and the message will not be returned, what can you do to me [laughs]
Moreover, we have already broken up now, so it is reasonable for me to ignore you, right? What do you think? "


Just treat me as self-willed once, although I seem to be two years older than you. . . .But that's not a problem, who made me a woman?At this point, as a man, you should not be angry with me~~~
I guess, you're not going to be mad at me, are you?

Seeing this, even Jing Hao himself didn't notice that when he was reading the letter, the corners of his mouth had already raised at some point.

"He said he was older than me, so naive...hehe..."

Jing Hao shook his head, looking at the screen, his eyes slowly changed from Mu Mu's to gentle.

The two of us broke up yesterday!

Although I have a little regret now, let me tell you, only a little bit, a little bit! (After this sentence, Lin Yuner also added a small emoji in the letter, which is an emoji showing a little finger, as if she wanted to use her little finger to express the extent of that "a little bit")

There are some things that I can’t say in person, so I’ll just tell you here. When we were in love, we didn’t use a lot of mailboxes. Now that I’m like this, I also want to experience what people used to say. The feeling of writing a letter.

We have only known each other for more than a month. Although you have a high degree of education and are a university teacher, you are really a bit stupid and easy to deceive. I am not as good as you see and imagine.

Of course, you should not be as good as I have seen.

My family is very rich, um, this is not showing off, it is a summary of the past.

My mother left us when I was very young, and only my father and my dear Ernie were left in the family.In order to feed us, Dad is very busy at work.

When I was young, I always felt that he seldom accompanied me. When I grew up, I gradually realized that compared with ordinary families, with sufficient material conditions, Abba still pays more attention to and accompany me and my Ernie. more.After all, not being in the same space is being accompanied.

As you know, I am an idol, and I joined the company when I was still in school.

When I first debuted, I did a variety show. It was a show that I grew up with bad boys. I more or less saw a lot of kids like that. And because of the combination, I also went to a lot with Onnies. When traveling in different places, I have seen too many casually throwing a mobile phone or a tablet to the child, and let the child play by himself, so as not to affect his parents.

I hope that there will be fewer and fewer parents like this, and I also hope that I will not make such mistakes in the future.

Actually, I don’t have much truth, it’s just that when I’m with you this time, it may make you feel a little noisy [grievance]
I may seem a bit carefree at ordinary times, and I feel very lively in front of everyone, but in fact, when I am alone in private, I am not so good.

You also know that I experienced the Black Sea less than a year after my debut. At that time, many people treated me and my members with a cold-eyed mentality.

During my stay, when I was filming "You Are My Destiny", although the people in the crew would not say anything in front of me, I still heard a lot of these criticisms secretly. At that time, I couldn't understand why they would That's one thing in person, but another thing behind the scenes, but later I gradually understood.

I don't know why I said this, maybe it's because my mind is messed up now.

After falling in love with you, I secretly, in fact, have been secretly learning Chinese behind your back.One of the reasons is because my Huaguo fans learned, but the main reason is, do you remember when we were together, did your mother call you?

At that time, I suddenly realized that although you are in the peninsula now, although you are by my side, although you speak the language of the peninsula.

But you yourself have a family, and your family members speak another language!
I used to be, or until now I still hope to be able to walk with you forever.

I don't just want to fall in love with you, I also want to start a new family with you after the two of us have a solid relationship and when my group is not so busy.

I hope that in this life, I will only fall in love with you, and I want to wear a wedding dress next to you that can only be worn once in a lifetime.

I want to be with you forever, I want to marry you and have two babies, preferably a boy and a girl.

. . . . . . . .

I thought about many things, but the first one, I need to learn Chinese.So although Chinese is very difficult, I am still working hard.

When I was studying, my Chinese teacher asked me to start learning from your four classics while learning the language, so as to understand your culture little by little.

And the first book I read was "A Dream of Red Mansions". Although it was difficult to read, I could still feel the beauty in it.

You should have seen "Dream of Red Mansions", right?

Remember that part?

When Baodai first met in Rongxi Hall, Jia Baoyu said, "I have seen this sister before", and Lin Daiyu also felt as if she had seen him somewhere...

When I was watching this passage, I remembered when we first met.Although my reaction at that time may not be obvious compared to your reaction, but I really felt this way at the time.

Well, this is not a confession, nor is it love at first sight, it is a statement, you are not allowed to think about it.

What happened after that was an accident.

The ghost knows why I am so obsessed, so I confessed to you...

When I was with you at the beginning, it was really the happiest time in my life so far.But I have seen the state of the seniors when they were in love, and I have also seen the ending of their breakup due to more or less problems.

And when I like you more and more, and become more and more obsessed with the relationship with you, the problems between the two of us also slowly surfaced.

I don't know how to express that feeling, maybe it's just because I'm too hypocritical.

I did panic when I found out that photos of the two of us on a date were being photographed, but not because of my story and yours.

What I'm afraid of is that if such news is made public, it will affect the members of my group, as well as the fans who have always loved us.Especially last year we just experienced the withdrawal of Sikaoni.

But I'm not afraid to make my relationship with you public.

It can be said that at that time, while I was worried, I was also afraid of the possibility of being separated from you.

I have thought about it, we deny the fact of dating together, and then have a low-key love in private.

I even thought about introducing you to Ernie and my dad.

I, Lin Yuner, really really like you.

Thinking about it now, maybe you also have difficulties.But I really can't accept that you went to find your "gossip heroine" without explaining to me.

Although I also know that it must be fake, but I really feel very uncomfortable in my heart.

I feel that the trust between the two of us is slowly becoming problematic.

Although I didn't say it, but after you and I promised that you would solve this matter, in the following week, you really couldn't hide your guilty conscience in front of me.

Your performance in front of me, although we haven't been in love for a long time, I can still easily see that you have something hidden in your heart, but you don't want to tell me.

I have been waiting for you to take the initiative to tell me, but you never said it, and you only revealed a little bit after I guessed it myself.

I know that if you can find someone who can perfectly cover up this matter in a short period of time, there must be some difficulties that you cannot tell me.

But please forgive my little emotions, I really really can't accept such concealment.

At least, not yet.

Perhaps because of the lack of maternal love when I was growing up, I have been a little willful since I was a child.

Anyway, my family is rich, and I am good-looking. I don’t need to be outstanding, and I don’t need to work hard to improve. As long as I don’t do too much, and don’t work so hard, I can live a peaceful and happy life.

It was just an accident that I became an idol.

But falling in love is different after all.

I'm a little flustered now, and I'm too embarrassed to tell my friends, let alone you, so I had to run away.

You are not allowed to look for me, and it is best not to think about me, because I don't know if I will continue to like you.

If I haven't found you after the Greek scene is over, you can find another girl to date, even the "Gossip Diva".

Forget about Lin Yun'er, anyway, she is a big star, there are countless people who like her, just take her as a good memory.

Of course, if you can remember, if you want to remember, it’s okay, anyway, I won’t be responsible for it, you can do whatever you want, I ran so far, I can’t see, I can’t hear, and I don’t care.

On the night of August 8st, Lin Yuner
 Today is two in one, which is equivalent to two chapters, because if I separate this section, the rhythm will be relatively broken, so I will combine it and publish it.

  Then continue with today's exciting song: Euphoria——bts
  (Beforehand, those who know me well should know that I am not a fan of the set, and even have some dislike for them. I just like a few of their songs, and I don’t really feel the sense of their participation in those things. Not very good.)
(End of this chapter)

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