nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 119 Little "Naughty" Jing Hao

Chapter 119 Little "Naughty" Jing Hao
Jing Hao read the [8.31] letter twice before closing it, and then opened the next [9.01].

It is still light blue horizontal line letter paper, with small square black characters, which is shrouded in a faint sense of elegance due to subjective consciousness.

Jing Hao:

Arrived in Greece.

This letter is of course not because I miss you in just two days, but to remind you, after all, you don't usually check your mailbox, so I changed kakao's signature to "check mailbox", if you miss me, It is very possible to look at my signature in kakao, so you will see it.

I'm here to remind you, isn't it very considerate?

On the evening of September 9, Lin Yuner was in Zakynthos Island.

"If I don't read the signature, I don't know how to read the mailbox. If I don't read the mailbox, I don't know how to read the signature... You remind me!"

Jing Hao secretly complained, but with the last letter as a foreshadowing, he can probably guess why Lin Yuner wrote this letter, not to mention that she herself returned 300 taels of silver here.

Look at the next [9.02].

Jing Hao:


you have today too?
You know what it feels like to be blacked out?
I have decided that when you ask me to pull you out of the blacklist one day, I will happily reply you with "Is my blacklist comfortable", hehehe!
Also, you are too stupid, you are so stupid, haven't you seen my signature yet?

On September 9, after being woken up from a nap.

Jing Hao curled his lips, and then remembered with some doubts that he called Lin Yuner's manager that day at night, but soon realized the time difference, so he skipped it and read the next one [9.05].

This is also the last one.

Jing Hao:

You are so stupid, haven't you seen it until now?Still don't think about me at all?
I really don't want to stay here anymore, the food is not delicious at all, I want to eat sweet and sour pork, I want to eat fried noodles, I want to eat barbecue, I also want to eat stir-fried vegetables, stewed meat, I don't want to eat Qiqi weird stuff.

I've decided that I don't want to see you even if I go back to my country.

Unless your matter is resolved beautifully this time, unless I still like you at that time.

On the evening of September 9, in the air.
After Jing Hao finished reading each letter, he couldn't help but look back at it again, and then he thought about how to reply. He paused for a while with his hand on the tablet, feeling that there was no sense of ceremony, so he put the information in front of him aside again, and then I went outside and walked around, got some fresh air, and then went to the bathroom to wash my face before walking back.

Sitting in front of the computer, he hesitated for a long time, and finally typed two words on the keyboard:
have read.

After thinking about it, I felt that this was too insincere, so I added another line:
On September 9, Jing Hao sat alone in the office.

After looking at it, I felt very sincere, so I sent it to her directly.

Just a minute after sending it, he was still reviewing the first letter, when the tablet next to him rang, Lin Tang took it over to have a look:
Auto Reply - Your message has been received.

He fiddled with his mailbox settings again, thought for a while, and changed the content of the automatic reply to: "Your email has been received, but you may not read it."

Isn't it just annoying, who wouldn't like it?

After getting the news, Lin Tang was refreshed, feeling that he had been holding back the anger of not being able to find Lin Yuner these two days, so he took a few breaths, and then took the information to himself with ease. In front of my eyes, I read it carefully.

"Judging from the color ultrasound of the patient's heart in the last hospital, emmm, all four valves have regurgitation, and then the left heart system enlarges..."

After looking back and forth at the medical records in his hand several times, Jing Hao already had a preliminary intuitive impression.

Although this patient has not been formally contacted, from the past medical records, it can still be seen that the patient is accompanied by some more classic characteristics, such as his MR, TR, AR, PR, and from the previous In terms of diagnosis, there is also tetralogy of Fallot, including the results of various physical examinations of the patient itself, and it can also be seen that the collateral circulation is relatively rich.

Almost, Jing Hao has already set a rough tone of diagnosis and treatment in his mind.

Time went by frame by second, and before Jing Hao noticed it, the sky outside the window was already dark.

Jing Hao finally yawned. He leaned his upper body on the back of the seat and stretched comfortably. After yawning, he had a sleepy look in his eyes, and immediately noticed the sky outside.

Is it already dark?so fast?
Jing Hao shook his head, and took out his phone to check the time.Tonight is not his shift. After checking the time, he is going to check the room again. After checking the patients under his care, it is almost time to leave work.

After turning on the phone, I saw a message in the message notification at the top of the screen, and I don't know when a message was prompted.

Open it and look, it's Jing Hao's kakao circle of friends, and at the top of the eye is Lin Yuner's update, three photos, one is a photo taken by her and Li Yingfu, the old and the young are leaning against each other. They looked very happy with silly smiles, and there was a bonfire in front of them. The fire light illuminated their faces in front of the dim environment they were in at this time, and they looked flushed. There is such a cute feeling.

And the second one is a group photo of her and Jin Zhiyuan (Jin Zhiyuan hasn't appeared on the camera for so long, probably everyone should have forgotten it~~~( ̄_, ̄)).Two people were wearing a set of classic white coats, and the difference between the two of them was that Jin Zhiyuan's white coat looked a little bulging, while Lin Yuner's looked a little flat. (I'm not implying, I'm definitely not implying~~~(* ̄rǒ ̄))

Jing Hao took a closer look, and his little head was full of big question marks at this moment.Although Jin Zhiyuan is in good shape, but with the same white coat, she won't be so much ahead of Lin Yuner, right?This gap is a bit like the gap between minors and young girls.

Jing Hao frowned, and suddenly discovered from the photo that under Jin Zhiyuan's white coat, not only was her chest a little bigger, but her entire upper body was a little bit fatter.

After thinking about Jin Zhiyuan's role in the play, Jing Hao suddenly realized and nodded.

In the play, Jin Zhiyuan's first identity is actually a soldier, and then she is a medical soldier.

In this way, the one under the white coat should be a layer of military uniform.

Thinking about it this way, it's still very reasonable.

If Lin Yuner also put on such a military uniform, she would probably be as plump as Jin Zhiyuan. (I am sure!())
(End of this chapter)

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