nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 120 Jin Jiu's Discovery

Chapter 120 Jin Jiu's Discovery

At the same time, when Jing Hao was carefully browsing through this photo, he was careful and noticed that the two of them were wearing a coat on top of their white coats.

Being keen, he noticed this detail immediately.

Could it be that the weather over there is colder now?
He hastily reached out again, and tapped on the keyboard of his computer, waking up the screen that had been automatically dimmed due to sleep mode, and then opened Google, Google Chrome again, and quickly typed on it After typing a line of words and confirming, tap the Enter key.

In the search box is "the weather in Greece at this time." After he clicked the search, the results appeared on the screen soon.

Jing Hao looked at the text on the screen and muttered in a low voice.

"The average temperature in Greece at this time is between 18°C ​​and 29°C."

Obviously, during the day, the weather over there is still relatively warm, so wearing a short sleeve is basically enough.But at night, it will still be a little bit cooler.

But it's not a big problem, and overall it's okay.

After reaching this conclusion in his heart, Jing Hao felt relieved of the slightly raised heart just now, and began to browse the next photo again.

The third photo, which is also the last photo released by Lin Yuner this time, is a photo of the main actors of the film crew drinking comfortably in a bar.

From the photo, it can be clearly seen that Lin Yun'er's expression is very relaxed at this time, and a pair of faint dimples on her face are just right now.

"What a heartless, silly girl."

Looking at her smiling face, Jing Hao was still a little bit nervous just now because he was afraid that she would catch a cold, but it was also healed by her cute little expression, and the little negative emotions on his body were also instantly suppressed by a Swept away.

Further down, there are a bunch of like messages from accounts that Jing Hao either knows or doesn't know.

Jing Hao glanced roughly, and those accounts he didn't recognize were probably colleagues in Lin Yuner's company, and some of her friends.

And the only ones he knew, among the bunch of accounts, were the "Zero Dog's Nanny" and the "Little Sun who doesn't drink fake wine".

These two, one is Kim Taeyeon, the captain of Yoona's team, and the other is Lee Soon Kyu, another height in the team.

The former was a good friend of the two when Kim Taeyeon came to visit the crew for the first time, and the other met him for the first time when he was sending drunk Lin Yoona home later. And add friends.

Seeing this "little sun who doesn't drink fake wine", Jing Hao couldn't help but think of Lin Yuner that night again, and couldn't help laughing a few times.

Although she was drunk that night, her conversations were tighter than ever before, but what I have to say is that Lin Yuner after drunk is really cute.

There is a kind of déjà vu of a child who steals an adult's wine.

Then habitually, Jing Hao's finger was also on the like button at the bottom of the circle of friends, and he tapped it.

But just after clicking the likes, Jing Hao suddenly remembered that the two of them were still in the "cold war period". How could he be ashamed of this little praise?
So he accidentally clicked on that button again, and soon a little red heart on the screen went dark.

Jing Hao checked the information on the likes again, and after confirming that the likes he had just clicked had been cancelled, he nodded in satisfaction.

Just at this time, his stomach let out an untimely growl, and his face couldn't help being embarrassed for two seconds.

It's time to eat.

In the past few days, no one around me reminded me that it was time to eat, and I felt that I was really not used to it.

Thinking of this, Jing Hao's mood gradually sank.

"I really miss her a little bit..." He murmured unconsciously, his right hand was also on the darkened phone screen, and he unconsciously increased his grip on the screen.

—————————————————————————————————————————— (I am the dividing line)
The scene now turns to Lin Yuner's side, let's take a look at the scene on the other side at this time.

"Yun' are pulling us today..." In the bar, a tall figure had already become a little shaky, looking carefully at his face, it was Song Joong Ki.

On his face at this time, the flush of drunkenness was very obvious, and his mouth was opened a little exaggeratedly, as if he had already drunk a little out of control.

Although he was already in a half-conscious state, but he still precariously finished what he wanted to say:

"You dragged drink...yes...because of what..."

"In the past two days, with you... hiccup... when I played with you... I,, I found out..." At this point, he smacked his mouth again, and then continued:

"I just noticed that you seem... you seem to be a little absent-minded... Hiccup~~~hiccup~~~~~."

Following his line of sight, one could see that it was Lin Yun'er who was sitting there.At this time, she also had a little drunken flush on her cheeks, but from her demeanor, she could still feel that she didn't drink too much. At least her sanity was the best among the friends at this table. , should be counted as being in the best condition.

Her slightly flushed cheeks, under the dim light of the bar, not only did not look very vulgar, but these two little red clouds added a bit of fireworks to her white and delicate cheeks It feels that the whole person is very fairy like before, and there is even a little fairy feeling that can be said to be high above. There has been a big change, and it looks a little more approachable.

Such an evaluation is actually not exaggerated.Because in the past, whether she was playing songs or starring in various film and television dramas, her appearance made people feel like a fairy, that kind of spotless feeling.

But now she doesn't have that feeling, and the appearance of drinking with everyone is not as abrupt as it used to be.

"I, I encountered a little emotional problem."

After Lin Yun'er drank here, she no longer concealed it from everyone. After all, the people at this table can already be regarded as "friends" in just over a month of getting along.

"Are you in love?"

Jin Jiu, who was sitting diagonally across from Lin Yuner, jumped up when he heard the news she said.

After all, in everyone's perception, Yoona Lin just "broke up" with Lee Seung Gi.In the period before the announcement, several people actually didn't see her emotions like this, nor did they see them afterwards.

Then contact her current appearance and what she said, if you understand and analyze a little bit, you will get a shocking news.

Could it be that she is in love?
During the recent period?
 Heart-moving song of the day: A cover song from Pani, I personally think it is the best song among Pani’s solo songs, Remember me——tiffany young
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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