nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 122 Dog Man!

Chapter 122 Dog Man!
After Jin Zhiyuan was with Lin Yuner and Jing Hao, after she experienced the first short period of loss, although she also had the idea of ​​destroying the relationship between them, after a long time of hesitation, she still Give up such thoughts.

It's not because she doesn't love Jing Hao, but because, as a woman, as a very proud person, she doesn't want to be the kind of factor that destroys other people's feelings.

At that time, she asked herself in her heart, if because of her intervention, Jing Hao was successfully snatched away from Lin Yun'er, then would Jing Hao lose his life because of the next Li Zhiyuan, or Liu Zhiyuan, or whatever woman he called? What about leaving yourself?
She still likes Jing Hao, but she will not choose such a way to intervene in Jing Hao's feelings.

If it is true that Jing Hao and Lin Yuner are due to some other reasons, those factors that have nothing to do with him, so that the two of them finally have no way to go on, and they are going to break up, then he will be the first to rush forward and fight for it. The feelings you want.

Now it seems that there are indeed some problems between the two of them, and Jin Zhiyuan has some thoughts in her heart.

But before that, Jin Zhiyuan decided to find out the situation first, and understand what happened to the two of them before making plans.

After thinking about this, Jin Zhiyuan's mind became clear.

At the dinner table, Lin Yuner was still sharing her troubles with everyone, and wanted to seek some ideas about relationships from everyone.

"So, can you briefly tell us what happened?"

It was Jin Jiu who was the first to open up the conversation, and asked Lin Yun'er directly.

Including Song Joong Ki, who was already in the top position, everyone's attention was also focused on Lin Yuner at this time.

"Hmm..." She narrowed her mouth and struggled cutely for a while, and finally said something about her and Jing Hao.

Of course, many key things were deleted, and the things that were said were also the parts that would not let everyone guess who her boyfriend was after listening to them.

"The relationship between the two of us should be considered relatively good."

"Then where is the problem?" Song Zhongji finally asked the most critical sentence.

"Hmm... I don't know if everyone can understand," Lin Yuner frowned cutely, and said her most distressed in a tangled manner.It was also the thing that bothered her the most.

"That is, due to some force majeure factors, the scene... um... my husband must find a girl I don't know to act in... a scene that makes others think that girl is His girlfriend role..."

Everyone originally thought of many possibilities, for example, Lin Yuner and her boyfriend didn't spend much time together because of filming, or the two had differences because of some trivial things, but they didn't expect that it would be this reason.

It was Jin Zhiyuan who got her meaning first, and asked, "Then, he didn't tell you about this?"

Lin Yuner was still in the state of frost-beaten eggplant just now, but when she heard Jin Zhiyuan's words, her eyes widened a little, and she nodded emphatically.

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes!...Wow, how did you guess Zhiyuanxi!...It's amazing!"

Lin Yuner spread out her hands, patted her thigh vigorously, and gave Jin Zhiyuan's guess a resounding approval on her thigh.


"That's it!"

But immediately, Lin Yuner lowered her head again, and leaned towards Jin Zhiyuan's side, then leaned into her arms, and rubbed against her arms several times seeking comfort, Jin Zhiyuan also hugged her with an understanding face. He held her, and stroked Lin Yuner's shoulder comfortingly for a long while.

"Hey Yigu, don't be sad, don't be sad, I can understand a little bit."

After being coquettish for a long time, Lin Yuner may have drunk too much. Thinking about the matter with Jing Hao, a burst of grievance surged up in her heart, she pursed her small mouth, and then with a bitter face, used Looking at Jin Zhiyuan with big teary eyes at this time, he sobbed aggrievedly.

"I can understand him... suck ( ̄ ii  ̄;)..."

"But...but,,, but he didn't take the initiative to tell me... Suck ( ̄ ii  ̄;)"

"This is still me.. I guessed it myself.. Woooooooo~~~~(┬_┬)..."

"If I... If I hadn't asked him... He,... Suck ( ̄ ii  ̄;) is not going to tell me yet... 55555~~"

While holding Lin Yuner in her arms, Jin Zhiyuan couldn't laugh or cry in her heart.Although she didn't know exactly what went wrong, she roughly understood the grievance in Lin Yuner's heart.

To put it simply, it should be that Jing Hao encountered some difficult problems. Although it can be solved, he needs someone to play the role of Jing Hao's girlfriend.

But it is obvious that Lin Yuner's identity is obviously not very suitable, appearing as Jing Hao's girlfriend, so he may have found a friend to cooperate with him, to cooperate with him in acting.

Logically speaking, in Jing Hao's opinion, the girl he found should be his friend or an acquaintance at best, and he was afraid of arousing her jealousy when he told Lin Yuner, so he didn't choose to tell Lin Yuner in the end. she.

But coincidentally, for some reason, Lin Yun'er found out about this matter.

So it's embarrassing.

Jing Hao obviously didn't cheat, and didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​cheating, but Lin Yuner would definitely be unhappy.

Although Lin Yuner also knew that the girl and Jing Hao were fake, but what she cared about was that Jing Hao concealed this matter, so she would definitely be unhappy.

After clarifying the general context, Jin Zhiyuan briefly described her guess to Lin Yuner, Lin Yuner's little head was like a chick eating millet, she kept nodding her head, and the expression on her face was very serious. agree.

Lin Yuner puffed her cheeks slightly, she was still a little excited just now, but she slowly recovered her calm under Jin Zhiyuan's comfort, the two tear stains on her cheeks were not dry yet, she wiped her eyes twice, and wrinkled again She wrinkled her nose, and looked from Jin Zhiyuan's ear to the door of the bar with her clear and clear eyes, and hummed vaguely.

"What a dog man!"

"You know how to make me angry! Hmph!"

After uttering these two sentences vaguely, Lin Yun'er stared angrily at the air in front of her again, and then exhaled again from her nostrils with puffed cheeks.

"Dog man!"

 Today's Heartbeat Song: Glow——Corsak Hu Mengzhou, Robinson
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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