nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 123 Untitled

Chapter 123 Untitled
After "Cai Cai" returned to China, Jin Zhiyong has been working hard, and the idea of ​​trying to create a career has never been as strong as it is now in his life.

But now, he has not thought of any industry that is more suitable for him in his mind.It's not because he's afraid of hard work, it's just that the jobs he can think of now don't make him confident.So when you don't have a clue now, let's work in your own eye shop for a while.

It happened to be my father's body, and now I am not very relieved to let him work like this again.

So while working in the shop at home, while thinking about working hard, he didn't forget to take care of Jin's father's daily life.

Jin Zhiyong had communicated with doctors in Quanzhou, and Jin's father's symptoms were considered to be difficult ones. If he wanted to be completely resolved and no emergencies would arise, he had to go to a big hospital for surgery.

Jin Zhiyong, who had been busy all morning, was lying on the recliner that his father had piled up in the store, and finally had the opportunity to take a nap secretly at this time, when there were no customers.With one hand resting on the back of his head, leaning on the recliner, the other hand is holding a rocking fan beside him, fanning himself leisurely, listening to the road outside the door, and the occasional whistle of passing vehicles Jin Zhiyong couldn't help but return to the conversation in front of the doctor at that time.

"Doctor nim, if possible, can you tell me, can my father survive this time?"

Jin Zhiyong, who looked anxious, tightly held the doctor who had just appeared in front of him, his eyes were full of uneasiness, and he had already prepared for the worst in his heart.

"Ani, it's okay. Uncle's situation, although it is more troublesome to directly cure it, but this time, there is no problem."

The doctor has seen too many such things, and he can understand Jin Zhiyong's mood in his heart. Although Jin Zhiyong squeezed him a little hard, he didn't care about this little thing, but talked about the situation of Jin's father in a calm tone. .

"Then...then Doctor Nim, is there any hope that my father's situation can be cured?"

The doctor hesitated for a moment, but still nodded, affirming Jin Zhiyong's statement.But after a pause for two seconds, he added a few words: "It is possible, but in a situation like Uncle's, you can only go to a big hospital. In a small place like Quanzhou, it still can't reach that high level." Medical treatment."

"Then where can I go?"

"If I had to recommend it, the best one for this disease in China would be Professor Lee Jong-man of Yonsei University. His research on heart medicine, even in all of Asia, belongs to the top part of the pyramid."

"Yonsei... Yonsei University..."

Jin Zhiyong muttered in a low voice, and slowly put down the doctor's hand.This careless big man didn't notice his behavior of holding his hand just now, so he bowed to the doctor in embarrassment, and quickly apologized to him.

The doctor didn't care, just smiled gently, patted Jin Zhiyong on the shoulder, and continued to make rounds.

Thinking of the scene at that time in his mind, Jin Zhiyong thought of the words "Yonsei University" and "Professor Lee Jongman" again.

Although he also has friends in Seoul, those friends are not very reliable. If he goes to Seoul, it’s nothing to treat him to a meal and play around, but no one can touch his friends. The staff of Yonsei University, not to mention whether anyone will have access to that "Professor Lee Jong-man".

"Are you looking for daedae again?..."

As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, Jin Zhiyong rejected it.

Regarding Kim Taeyeon's solo plan, the company shared this happy news with Kim Jiyong as soon as Kim Taeyeon knew about it.

The excited Kim Taeyeon even begged Jin Zhiyong eagerly for a long time, hoping that her oppa would appear in the MV of her first song and go abroad with her.

It's just that this request was rejected by the short-faced Jin Zhiyong as soon as she made it.

At this time, Kim Taeyeon is currently in the stage of soloing, practicing diligently every day, waiting for the day when the album will be released.At this time, it's fine if I don't have the ability to help my little sister, but how can I distract my little sister at such an important time?
However, how can I contact that "Professor Li Zhongwan" and get him to agree to operate on my father?
. . . . . .

This day happened to be the time when Gu Minyan ordered Jing Hao to come find her.

When Jing Hao drove to Ju Minyan's residence, he wanted to explain seriously. Who knew that the security personnel here seemed to have recognized his license plate number. The door opened slowly inward.

Afterwards, there were personnel who guided him along the way and parked the car in this luxurious underground parking lot.

It wasn't until after he opened the door and got off the car that Jing Hao understood a little bit from the respectful security personnel standing beside him.

"Before you came here, the people above have ordered that if you come here, go straight through."

A staff member in a suit and white gloves made a gesture of invitation to Jing Hao, half-bent down and said, "Please come with me."

Jing Hao didn't say much when he saw the situation, and silently followed the staff members, taking the elevator in the parking lot all the way up to the highest floor.

This is an area not open to the outside world, and it is generally only used by people inside the furniture family or when receiving important people to the LG Electronics Group.

However, there are three people who can have exclusive rooms here.

One is of course Gu Minyan herself, the other is Gu Benmoo, and the other is Gu Guangmo who is now in the group and has been adopted as the son of Gu Benmoo.

Therefore, some people who really understand LG Electronics say that only those who can have a place in Gu Minyan's home will be eligible to occupy a place in LG Electronics' rights center in the future.

A group of people walked through the quiet and magnificent corridor, came to the deepest part of the corridor, and stood not far from the two closed dark red doors.

Jing Hao glanced at the black-clothed bodyguards standing on both sides of the gate, and knew that Gu Minyan should be inside right now.

But before he could make a move, the staff member who hadn't said a word along the way reminded him: "I was asked just now, and there is no response from the second lady. The time is right now that she is Take a nap. If there is no one after you go in, please wait quietly in the living room, and the second lady should wake up around 04:30."

(End of this chapter)

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