nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 124 The Embarrassment of the Confused

Chapter 124 The Embarrassment of the Confused
It stands to reason that for foreigners, at most they would wait outside the door, and the security personnel in the club could not let them in until Gu Minyan gave a reply.

But Jinghao is different.

Gu Minyan's assistant had seriously instructed the people here not to neglect this one.

As a result, these staff members don't dare to let Jing Hao sit outside and wait casually, even revealing a little bit of Gu Minyan's daily work and rest habits.

Jing Hao was quite surprised by this. He raised his hand to look at his watch and asked, "Does she usually take her lunch break at this time?"

She didn't wake up until around 04:30 in the afternoon. Obviously, at this time, it was not that Gu Minyan slept too long, but that she chose to go to bed late.

"Yes." The staff member replied respectfully.

Judging from the words of the staff, it is obvious that this place is not only the residence where Ju Minyan lives, but also a place where she usually works, so there is no need for the staff to say more, and Jing Hao will probably pass by. meaning to.

It's just that he is still a little surprised that Gu Minyan's private appearance seems to be different from what he imagined.

Unexpectedly, this strong woman who is all-powerful outside is no different from ordinary people in private. There are always times when she willful and want to rest, and there are also times when she wants to arrange rest time anytime and anywhere.

But Jing Hao is a doctor and has his own patients in his hands, so his time is quite different from that of ordinary people.

"I'm looking for Auntie Gu today because I have something to talk to her about. If possible, can you ask if you can let me in now?"

After listening to Jing Hao's words about Gu Minyan's "Aunt Gu", several staff members hesitated obviously, and finally nodded and said: "Then, please wait here first. We After contacting, I will come to notify you immediately when I receive a reply.”

"Okay, I got it." Jing Hao said nothing.

After that, he and the black-clothed bodyguards at the door watched the staff turn and leave.

Jing Hao didn't pay much attention to the silent security personnel at the gate, walked to the sofa in the waiting area beside the corridor, and looked at his watch again.

In fact, it was past four o'clock in the afternoon, and he would be able to see Gu Minyan in half an hour at most.

While sitting here waiting, Jing Hao also took a little look at the layout here.Gu Minyan’s room, to say it’s a room is actually an inappropriate term. Just looking at the door, Jing Hao can imagine how spacious the space inside will be. In fact, it’s probably no different from the hotel’s presidential suite, and it’s even bigger. Quite a few.

On the top of the two gates, there is a wooden sign with handwritten handwriting on it. Jing Hao is far away and can't see it clearly. It seems to have written a simple Chinese character "余", and it seems to have written a The Chinese word "Yan".

It feels like it should be Gu Minyan's own handwriting.

In fact, Jing Hao came this time because he wanted to meet Gu Minyan, and wanted to hear what the reason for calling him here today was.

But since the timing was unlucky, Jing Hao didn't force it.

But Jing Hao waited for a long time, but there was no sign of the staff member coming back.

After looking at his watch several times, Jing Hao finally couldn't bear the urge to leave directly by taking the elevator, but after getting up from the sofa, he moved his footsteps, hesitated for a moment, and was still under the watchful eyes of those bodyguards. Came to the door of Gu Minyan's room,

He glanced at the bodyguards in black standing on the left and right sides, and then tentatively reached out and knocked on the door, but there was no response from inside.

Without thinking too much, he opened the door casually and walked in.

It's just that as soon as he entered the door, his footsteps stopped immediately, and his eyes fell on the figure sitting on the sofa in the living room not far away.

Gu Minyan wore a black dress with lotus leaf sleeves today. Even if she just woke up, her newly tied hair still looks elegant and dignified.

The problem was with the one handle in her hand.

Yes, a handle, a handle of a game console, the wire on it is still connected to the socket on the side of a large screen in front.

When Jing Hao came in, he saw this strong woman who had always shown others with a glamorous and noble face, holding the game controller in both hands, staring at the screen in front of her like a girl addicted to the Internet. , pressing hard on the handle with both hands.

A pair of earphones were plugged into her ears, her head seemed to be shaking slightly with the melody of the music, she hummed softly from her nostrils, and the corners of her lips were raised vigorously, as if she had a look that no one else had ever seen before. Excitedly.

Of course. . . . . .All this was just before she noticed Jing Hao's existence.

When Gu Minyan inadvertently caught sight of the figure walking in from the door with the corner of her eyes, the movements of her hands stopped immediately.

The two eyes looked at each other.

The atmosphere became very strange for a while.

What's worse, I don't know if it was because of being too shocked, the handle in Gu Minyan's hand suddenly fell off.

There was a soft "click", which was extremely clear between the two people at this moment.

. . . . . .

The atmosphere in the living room was strange and inexplicable for a while.

However, the two people who were looking at each other from a distance quickly responded to each other.

. . . . . .

In order to avoid the suspicion of the security personnel outside, Jing Hao closed the door very naturally. When he turned around, Gu Minyan who was sitting on the sofa over there also took off his earphones, with the same dignified posture as before.

In just a few seconds, the two of them seemed to have sorted everything out and brought the situation back to its original track.

"Auntie." Jing Hao walked into the living room without any abnormalities, and bowed to Gu Minyan as if he hadn't seen anything just now.

"'re here..." Gu Minyan also remained unchanged, raised her legs gracefully, put her hands on her knees, and nodded to Jing Hao.

But I don't know if it's a psychological effect, Jing Hao can still hear a strange feeling from Gu Minyan's words.

He glanced nonchalantly at the handle on the glass table in the living room, which had not been put away by Gu Minyan, and said without any hesitation: "I don't know if you have received the report from the staff, but I returned it this afternoon. I have to go back to see a patient, and the time is a bit urgent, so I ran over rashly, I am really sorry."

Gu Minyan nodded and said, "I seem to have received an inquiry from the security department before, but I haven't had time to stand up."

"Well... I'm sorry for the faux pas just now."

"It's okay, you don't have to be so restrained in front of me anyway."

After saying these words to each other, Jing Hao and Gu Minyan fell into a strange silence face to face.

. . . . . .

 Today's Heartbeat Song: Anymore——somi
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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