nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 125 Jing Hao's Choice Is

Chapter 125 Jing Hao's Choice Is (Two in One)

After saying these words, Jing Hao and Gu Minyan fell into a strange silence face to face.

Fortunately, Jing Hao quickly remembered his purpose for coming to see Gu Minyan, and asked Gu Minyan straight to the point: "Well, I don't know why you suddenly came to see me today?"

When Jing Hao mentioned it, Gu Minyan seemed to have gotten rid of the embarrassing situation just now. She told Jing Hao to sit down and talk, and asked him: "I heard that you broke up with... and Yun'er?"

"Yes." Gu Minyan's question was actually superfluous, but Jing Hao still chose to answer seriously, "Although I don't know how you know about this, I did break up with Yuner."

"I see, I know."

She seemed to have finally regained her usual calmness. She glanced at Jing Hao who was sitting down on the sofa next to her, and said lightly, "I was a little surprised when I found out that the two of you had broken up."

"However," she said with a picky tone, staring at Jing Hao with great interest, wanting to see his expression at this time. "What are you going to do? For example, since you have broken up, do you want to continue with that matter?"

"Well, since it's decided, it's better to finish this matter, otherwise, not only will it affect Yun'er, but Ms. Cheng Cailing will also feel like playing tricks on others, won't it?" Jing Hao Sit down properly, with a calm tone, "Although I am now in a separate relationship with Yun'er."

"Although I have already prepared a little bit, but after hearing your words face to face, I still have to say that your choice has really deepened my impression of you."

Jing Hao laughed, met Gu Minyan's eyes, and said calmly: "When I was with Yuner, I didn't know you existed, Aunt Gu, but even after I knew about this, I like you It doesn't have any influence on Lin Yuner's matter."

Jing Hao raised his head to meet Gu Minyan's gaze, maintaining a polite and indifferent demeanor.

"But think about it carefully. If we implement it as we decided before, at least on the bright side, even if you and Lin Yuner get together again in the future, you probably won't have the chance to make it public."

"So, if this is the case, do you still choose this way?"


Although Jing Hao only said this word, Gu Minyan, who was sitting in front of Jing Hao, could clearly feel that this man was not joking, nor did he have any thoughts of getting angry.

Gu Minyan could feel that he really thought so.

This young man from Huaguo was not only neither humble nor overbearing in front of him, but also during his relationship with Lin Yun'er, he never made any changes because of his identity.

Maybe this is easy to say, but is it really the case?

First of all, let’s talk about Gu Minyan’s identity. She is the most powerful figure in LG Electronics. Any decision made by LG Electronics can only be conveyed smoothly with her permission.

And with the weight of LG in the peninsula, it can be said that this woman is the woman who stands at the pinnacle of power in the entire peninsula, and she is the one who has profoundly influenced this land by virtue of her words and deeds.

Since the Lim family was forced to return to LG Electronics, Gu Minyan has been involved in things big and small in the group.Relying on her extraordinary courage, as well as her excellent mind, as well as her uncompromising, iron-like control, in a short period of time, LG, who had lost some vitality in the battle with Samsung, quickly recovered. state, and the development is exceptionally rapid.

During this period of time in charge of LG, her aura has gradually been tempered.

If it were other LG Electronics personnel sitting here at this moment, not to mention people of the same age as Jing Hao, even those old employees, sitting in front of Gu Minyan for a while, I am afraid they would be greatly affected. pressure.

However, Jing Hao was an exception.

Just looking at Jing Hao's calm eyes when facing her, Gu Minyan knew that this child was not afraid of her.

No, it's not accurate to say "not afraid". Strictly speaking, this Jing Hao sitting in front of him, this boyfriend of his youngest daughter, never seemed to particularly regard his identity as pressure.

Although she doesn't know where his self-confidence comes from, Gu Minyan can still feel that this child really likes Lin Yuner, and at the same time, it's not because of herself that she is with Lin Yuner.

After staring at Jing Hao for a few seconds, she suddenly laughed. As if she had discovered something very interesting, she folded her hands and leaned back on the sofa.

"After Yuner came back from Greece, you should be facing the problem of how to calm her down."

When Jing Hao heard this sentence, he immediately became very serious, thinking that Gu Minyan was going to teach him some tricks to calm down Lin Yuner.

However, after hearing Gu Minyan's words, Jing Hao couldn't help but several black lines appeared on his forehead, and stared at Gu Minyan speechlessly.

"Although I don't know how you will calm her down, I am looking forward to it. Hahahahahaha~~~~ヾ(≧▽≦*)o"

Jing Hao looked in front of him, laughing forward and backward, Gu Minyan, who was out of breath, saw that when she was smiling, she swayed so much that she was about to fall to the ground laughing look like.

Although it is difficult to describe in words the huge contrast between her current state and her usual serious appearance, she was obviously being ridiculed, but Jing Hao did not feel angry at being teased, and some were just faint speechless.

He only felt that this Auntie Gu was indeed Lin Yuner's biological mother.

The appearance of convulsions, and his own daughter, are almost as if they are withdrawn, even more prominent than that "Crazy Lin".

After Gu Minyan laughed convulsively for a while, she finally returned to normal, and vividly demonstrated her unique skill of "changing faces" in front of Jing Hao.I saw that she quickly suppressed the smile on her face, leaned back again, and said to Jing Hao in a calm tone: "Since you have chosen to still do what you did before, then you will definitely not be able to follow up." Something went wrong."

"Even if you regret it later, you can only continue to follow the plan."

"So I will give you one last chance, do you still choose to do this?"

"of course."

"Well, good. You can leave... The main purpose of calling you here today is to ask you to confirm your thoughts, and then take a look at your current state by the way."

"Before you came, I thought, if you don't choose to continue, I will give you a huge breakup fee to keep you silent. That amount should be beyond your lifetime."

When Jing Hao bowed to Gu Minyan and was walking to the gate, Gu Minyan asked him again: "Do you really not regret it? That's the money you can't earn in your life as a doctor Oh?"

Jing Hao frowned slightly, but still bowed his head towards Ju Minyan, and said to Gu Minyan before walking out the door: "Actually, I still have a question, can you answer it for me?

"Tell me." Gu Minyan picked up the kettle on the table and poured herself a glass of water.

"Just now... What game are you playing? I'm under a lot of pressure recently, and I want to find a fun game to play."


----------------------------------------split line
After this meeting between Gu Minyan and Jing Hao, Gu Minyan took action against this matter.

Before a formal decision was made, Gu Minyan kept letting people control the number of photos that could be browsed every day, and pressed the rhythm. Whenever there was a comment about Lin Yuner on the website, the spokesperson's account was directly blocked, so that Only the person who sent the comment can see the comment he sent, but other people who clicked on the photo cannot see it.

Although it is not yet the time to formally detonate the rhythm, Gu Minyan has gradually relaxed.

Right now, the daily flow of viewing photos is being relaxed a little bit, and the restrictions on comments are also being loosened a little bit. What's left now is Jing Hao and Cheng Cailing's affairs.

Before the rhythm officially broke out, Jing Hao and Cheng Cailing had to take a series of couple pictures, such as pictures of going to a movie together, such as pictures of two people going out for fun, and finally, when the two of them were together, they looked very intimate Photo.

That night, Jing Hao, who had been thinking about it for a long time, finally agreed to the plan of taking photos, and communicated with Cheng Cailing about the time.

"Thank you very much, Miss Cheng for helping us with this."

"It's okay, this is what the Second Miss ordered. If you don't look at your side, I will also look at the Second Miss's face."

"I understand, but thank you for your help."

"You're welcome."

After communicating with Cheng Cailing on kakao, Jing Hao closed the notebook in his hand, turned the pen unconsciously in his hand, and sat there dumbfounded.

All this seems to be too fast.

In his mind, he kept going through what happened in the short period of a week or so since Lin Yun'er proposed to break up with himself.

First of all, the few emails sent by Lin Yuner, although Lin Yuner didn't mention much in the letter, Jing Hao could still tell that she was really serious.

When I hadn't been in a relationship before, I would often see farces where my friends and their girlfriends broke up at every turn.

In my own impression, the people around me seem to grit their teeth every time they say they want to break up, but after a few days, the two of them are back together like a couple who have just been in a passionate relationship.

I don’t know when, in my subconscious, I slowly got a little bit of it. The words of couples arguing about breaking up are all just for fun, or the man feels that his girlfriend is a bit annoying recently and wants to get more of himself. The freedom you want: Either the woman and the man play a little temper, more just a little interest in the emotional life between the two people.

But this time between myself and Lin Yun'er was different from any time I had ever seen before, not at all the same.

The two have only been dating for a month, and they seem to be in the "passionate love period" of ordinary relationships. They cherish each other very much. From the time they were together to the present, they have not had any quarrel shelf.

Not even the number of times they have blushed with each other.

Is this kind of relationship really between a couple?
Jing Hao repeatedly asked his heart, can this relationship really be called a relationship?
He stroked his left chest, closed his eyes, put his hands across his chest, and slowly felt his heartbeat.

"Bang bang bang," when the image of Lin Yun'er flashed in my mind, my heart still couldn't help it and beat faster.My physical phenomenon seems to prove that I really like Lin Yun'er.

And on an emotional level?
In the short period of more than a week since Lin Yuner left here and arrived in Greece to shoot, it seemed that she was no longer as calm and calm as she was before meeting her.

In the past, when I was working, dealing with patients, and studying, I always paid 100% attention, and never affected the things I was dealing with because of any other things.

But after she left, I couldn't help but think of her, even when I told myself countless times in my heart not to be distracted, I would still occasionally think of her without even noticing her. , thinking of that afternoon, thinking of the day she left.

It seems that I am no longer who I used to be.

Before I met a relationship, I had never been half-hearted like I am now.

However, the strange thing is that I don't dislike myself like this.

Jing Hao couldn't help but opened the notebook again, and opened the quick link to Lin Yuner's mailbox on the shortcut on the desktop.

"Lin Yuner:

I don't know if you know or not, and I don't know if I should tell you, but what I want to tell you is that in a few days, I will go to take a 'scandal photo' with Ms. Cheng.

In order to match the 'scandal' between me and her.

My mind is in a mess now. Since you left, I am no longer the one I used to be, and I will never affect my own self because of anything.

Before filming with Ms. Cheng, I thought I should tell you this anyway.

Although we have broken up under your notice, the "scandal" between Ms. Cheng and I was decided before the day we broke up.

So I think I need to tell you.

Actually, I still want to tell you a lot of things, for example, how was your stay in Greece?I heard that the weather there has a large temperature difference between day and night. Will you catch cold there at night?
I read the email you sent before, it seems that your food there is not very good, how is it now?

I have a lot to say, and I want to tell you, but I don't know where to start.Please forgive my stupid mouth, and I have never been in love with any girl before, so I don't know how to make this relationship better.

Please forgive my shortcomings, big and small, and thank you for tolerating me before.

Finally, I want to tell you that I miss you.

I really miss you.

On the night of September 9th, Jing Hao. "

 Today's favorite song: In my eyes——The Afters
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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