nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 126 Quotes from Hey Poetry

Chapter 126 Quotes from Hey Poetry
After Jing Hao finished writing this email, he hesitated for a long time. Holding the palm of the mouse, he controlled the mouse to hover over the "send email" button many times.

To be honest, he didn't want Lin Yuner to know that he was going to take a "scandal photo" with Cheng Cailing, even though he and Lin Yuner had already broken up.Although he also knew that Lin Yuner should be able to guess that he would take some photos with other women to deal with the shock this time, but he knew that when he was about to send the email, he was still struggling in his heart.

"Forget it, let's tell her." After saying this to himself, Jing Hao clicked the button of "send email" with difficulty.

And just when Jing Hao was still struggling with himself, Lin Yun'er, who was far away in Greece, was having a meeting in a conference room.

This meeting is a meeting between Lin Yuner and her brand partner to discuss the new contract. The object of Shantang is a peninsula makeup brand that Lin Yuner has been cooperating with for six years from [-] to now— Innisfree sings.

Lin Yuner followed behind her manager who followed her from the peninsula to Greece to take care of her, and was the last one to enter the meeting room, and found that besides the staff she had been communicating with before, there was also a strange woman.

This strange woman looked about 40 to [-] years old, with ordinary appearance and a little thin, giving people a cold and harsh feeling. She was sitting on the right side of the main seat of the conference table, opposite to Lin Yuner's manager's seat.

In the meeting room at this time, the last remaining seat was only the main seat, and the person left for the main seat was undoubtedly Lin Yuner. She was wearing a well-tailored black suit with a white shirt inside, matching the style. It doesn't look old-fashioned, but it still brings out a little dignified and steady atmosphere.

Her long hair is tied behind her head, and her almost perfect facial features are becoming more and more prominent. She is exquisite, cold, and refined, set off by the inexplicably silent and dignified atmosphere in the conference room. Although her face still looks a little immature, it still gives people a workplace. Elite, strong woman-like feeling.

Obviously, this meeting was not as easy as usual.

In fact, it is also understandable that Lin Yuner has been cooperating with Innisfree for six years. Lin Yuner, whose popularity has always been in the top ranks of the peninsula, has always been the object of countless fashion brands who are eager to cooperate.

But the present time is a little sensitive.

First of all, I still have to mention the incident of "Jung Soo Yeon leaving the team" that occurred on September 30 last year.Although judging from the several singles released by Girls' Generation in the following year and the sales of the newly released "Lion Heart" album, even if one member is missing, there are only eight Girls' Generation left. , is still the undisputed strongest in this era.

But what I have to admit is that before she quit the group, Jessica has always been one of the most popular people in the group. Such a "top level" member of a phenomenal girl group left, even though she is not currently I haven't seen any impact on Girls' Generation's status and popularity, but everyone has to admit that her departure will definitely speed up the time Girls' Generation has been staying in its current position.

Maybe if she hadn't left, Girls' Generation would still be strong for ten years, but now it's only eight years?even five years?

The answer to this question, I believe no one can answer it.

Even though it is in such a time period, Lin Yuner's brand invitations are still in a trend of increasing instead of decreasing.

In fact, although Lin Yuner's strength is still very outstanding compared to the average level of girl groups, but due to Lin Yuner's own conditions, in the future, she is actually more suitable to be an actor, rather than continue to be an actress. The music industry continues to develop.

Compared with ordinary girl groups, her strength can be said to be the ceiling, but compared with her teammates, her singing skills are not very outstanding.

And her exquisite and impeccable facial features also make her more suitable to be an actor.She herself knows this, and of course the company also knows it, so she has been working hard for her transformation into an actor.

Innisfree also knows this.

Originally, when the contract was going to be renewed this year, Innisfree was not very concerned about it, nor was she very worried about the future contract renewal with Lin Yuner.

But who would have thought that, without worrying about this, Cheng Yaojin came out halfway.

Estee Lauder has also been coveting this opportunity for a long time. Estee Lauder, who has always wanted to get Lin Yuner, even sent an invitation to Lin Yuner a year before the contract between Lin Yuner and Innisfree. I hope that in the future, I can successfully meet this national Goddess signed.

But Yue Shi Feng Yin is not stupid.

Finally, in the first half of this year, Innisfree heard the news, and immediately became anxious like ants on a hot pot.

You must know that the development of Innisfree has always been very flat. It is after cooperating with Lin Yuner that Lin Yuner's impeccable facial features, coupled with Innisfree's ingenious shooting techniques, made the brand of Innisfree The name was gradually known by the public, and it became the national brand of the peninsula later.

So after knowing the news, according to some people who knew the inside story, the boss of Innisfree locked himself in the office that day, then smashed the things in the office, and scolded the person in charge of Estée Lauder. , ringing in the room all day.

Then, on the second day after venting his emotions, Innisfree's boss immediately found his favorite general, and gave the instruction "No matter what, we must renew Lin Yuner as successfully as possible".

It can be said that for this renewal of the contract, the entire Innisfree has made sufficient preparations, and it is bound to continue to win Lin Yuner's exclusive cooperation rights.

On Lin Yun'er's side, in fact, she was very benevolent towards Yue Shi Feng Yin.

The first time Estee Lauder found Lin Yuner, SM Company talked to Lin Yuner. Jin Yingmin and other high-level executives of the company felt that Estee Lauder was better than Yue in terms of its brand value and popularity among the public. The poetic style is higher, and they all hope that Lin Yuner can switch to cooperate with Estee Lauder, so that Lin Yuner's popularity will also have a bonus from the exposure of big brands.

But Lin Yun'er did not agree with this idea.

At that time, Lin Yuner just said apologetically in front of the person in charge of Estee Lauder: "Bianne, I am still the spokesperson of Innisfree. Signing a contract, whether it is to the brand I am responsible for or to myself, is against the spirit of the contract."

"I believe that if I cooperate with your brand in the future, you don't want such a situation to happen during the contract period with me."

These words not only successfully expressed Lin Yuner's idea of ​​not wanting to sign a contract with any brand in advance, but also did not make Estee Lauder, who was looking for a contract, feel any coldness.

This news even spread to Estee Lauder's US headquarters, and even the person in charge of Estee Lauder's headquarters also made a very high evaluation of Lin Yuner.

"We appreciate Ms. Lin Yuner's perfect contract spirit. Since Ms. Lin Yuner does not want this, then we will wait until the contract period of Ms. Lin Yuner is really over, and compete with all brands."

"We are very eager to cooperate with Ms. Lin Yuner."

When Lin Yuner's remarks passed through Estee Lauder to Innisfree, the boss of Innisfree also gave Lin Yuner a very high evaluation, and even conveyed to his subordinates, "If you can renew the contract For Lin Yuner, you can do whatever it takes."

As soon as the contract ended, Estee Lauder, who had been paying close attention, found Lin Yuner and handed over a big contract with full sincerity, hoping that Lin Yuner could succeed as a single Estee Lauder Asian brand ambassador.

However, Lin Yuner expressed the hope that Estee Lauder can wait a little longer. If Innisfree can offer a reasonable contract, Lin Yuner is still very willing to continue signing with this brand that has been cooperating with this brand for six years.

After that, Yoona Lin has been busy studying "Descendants of the Sun" before filming, and then preparing for the group's "Lion Heart" comeback practice.

Innisfree has always been very sincere and waited patiently, longing for Lin Yuner's contract.

In the end, as my friends who have been reading this book have seen, Lin Yuner joined the crew of "Descendants of the Sun" and filmed. return.

Until Lin Yuner was about to go abroad to shoot in Greece, Innisfree urgently sent the company's CEO to have a negotiation, hoping that this time, she could successfully renew her contract with the national goddess who had been working with her for six years.

"Let's have a brief meeting today."

Seeing that everyone was present, the manager sitting on Lin Yuner's left coughed and began to host the opening, "Everyone should know that the contract between our Yuner and your brand is about to expire this year."

"Originally, if we had followed our company's wishes, the company would have preferred us Yoona to cooperate with Estee Lauder. But because Yoona has a good sense of our Innisfree, and you are willing to continue to cooperate with us Yoona, so Let’s hold a simple meeting today to exchange our sincerity.”

The unfamiliar face sitting on the right of the main seat at the conference table also smiled at Lin Yun'er at the right time, and then introduced himself.

"Today, I mainly got to know Ms. Lin Yun'er. I am the CEO of Innisfree. Besides our chairman, I am the most eloquent person in the company. Of course, I don't mean anything when I say these things, just I want to express our Yueshi Fengyin's sincerity to Ms. Lin Yun'er, and at the same time, this meeting is just to chat and get to know each other, after all, we are also meeting for the first time."

There was a little smile on her face, with a bit of self-deprecating joke, "Before I came here, I already knew that Miss Lin Yuner is really hot now, no matter what brand it is, I hope to reach a cooperation with you, and Among these competing brands, our brand can be regarded as the weakest one..."

Lin Yuner's entourage from SM company laughed a few times, but Lin Yuner's aura of sitting there calmly suppressed her, and she didn't make jokes like usual.

We would like to thank Ms. Lin Yuner for all the glory brought to our brand in the past, which has made us grow a lot during this period of time. We also want to hear the thoughts of Ms. Lin Yuner. We are really eager to be able to Continue to work with you. "

The CEO's words, just from the sincere eyes she looked at Lin Yuner, one could feel the sincerity of Innisfree, Lin Yuner's manager took the lead in applauding, and the meeting room was clattering. There was applause.

Lin Yun'er sat at the main seat, and "slapped" in a very face-saving manner.

Lin Yuner sat in the main seat, looked at Yueshi Fengyin's CEO's sincere eyes, she didn't show any embarrassment, she calmly waited for the applause to fall slowly, then raised her eyes and glanced at the audience, showing a slight smile on her cold face , whispered:

"You flatter me too much."

"Although I am 25 years old now, compared with everyone sitting in this conference room at this time, I am still relatively young."

"You said that I gave you glory, but I don't think so. I think we have achieved each other. Innisfree was the most difficult time in our girlhood, when we just started climbing from the bottom of the valley and I signed the contract, and no matter when it happens, I will always remember it."

Her tone was soft and her voice was sweet, but an inexplicable aura and halo enveloped the audience, and even the few people who had laughed a few times before did not dare to speak out.

"To be honest, although Estee Lauder's brand is very exciting, if Innisfree has enough sincerity, I would be more willing to sign a contract with you."

Speaking of this, Lin Yuner also winked playfully at the CEO, showing a mischievous smile: "To be reasonable, I am willing to sign a contract with you, but I also have to consider the company, so,"

Lin Yuner stretched out her hands, clasped her hands together on the table, made a cute "begging" expression to the CEO and continued: "You must give me an offer that is enough for me to reject the company, please, please~~ ~~"

The CEO was also amused by Lin Yuner's cute little expression.Ninja couldn't help pointing at Lin Yun'er, and then said frankly: "Since Miss Lin is so forthright, I won't continue to hide from you."

"To be honest, before coming here, our boss told me that as long as we can renew the contract with you this time, we can do whatever it takes."

"No matter how much Estee Lauder offers, we take it!"

"You have said that, how can I embarrass you?"

 Today's favorite song: Again——Eden, Sophiya
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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