nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 128 The Encounter at the Han River Bridge

Chapter 128 A Chance Encounter at the Han River Bridge ([-] in [-])

According to the agreement between Jing Hao and Gu Minyan, today is the day for him and Cheng Cailing to shoot "scandal photos" together.

Because there are many sets of shots to be shot on this day, and there are many scenes in the photos, Jing Hao asked for leave early on this day, and asked his familiar colleagues in the department to help him take care of his own during the rounds. patient.

Before dawn and the sun came out, Jing Hao jogged out of the house against the bright sky, wearing sportswear, earphones plugged in his ears, and a towel over his shoulders.

Ever since Lin Yuner went to Greece, he has developed the habit of going out for a jog every morning before dawn.

The original intention of developing this habit is part of the reason for wanting to exercise, but more of it is due to helplessness.Because since Lin Yuner left, Jing Hao couldn't help but miss her every day.

Even in a dream, I still dream of her every day.Although this kind of feeling sounds very romantic, you must know that life is more than poetry and distant places, and the reality in front of you is the truth in reality.

Especially, as a doctor, Jing Hao has to ensure his sleep quality so that he can have enough energy to face his patients.

The most terrible thing is that every time he dreams of Lin Yuner, Jing Hao will wake up from the dream when the picture of breaking up appears in his mind.

This seriously affected his sleep quality.

So in order to get rid of this phenomenon, Jing Hao developed the habit of jogging in the morning, and he forced himself to slap himself hard in the already short sleep time.

Because of his morning jog, he got up two hours earlier than usual.

In this way, after running in the morning every day, plus a day's work during the day, his body will become very tired, and it will be difficult for him to have extra energy to think about other things at night.

In this way, although he woke up a little earlier in the morning, the quality of his sleep every night also gradually improved, and he gradually got used to this habit, and persisted every day.

After trotting all the way out of the community, Jing Hao listened to the songs in his earphones, facing the last starlight of Sky Mountain, and accelerated towards the route he had been running all this time.

A very miniature figure wrapped in a coat was rubbing his sleepy eyes facing the Han River in front of him.

While rubbing, he yawned uncontrollably, "Ah~~~~", accompanied by an inelegant yawn, the owner of that figure blinked his eyes in a daze, his upper body Stretching forward a little bit, two restless little hands, looming from the sleeves, grasped vigorously upwards a few times.

Stretched a lazy waist that looked very pleasant.

After all this was done, he murmured unconsciously: "Oh Doc." Then he opened his small mouth again, as if waiting for something.

But just like that for a long time, with his mouth a little dry, he still failed to yawn a second time.

He seemed to be a little regretful, and shook his head casually, but he didn't care too much. He raised his hands, leaned forward, and stood up on the railing of the Han River Bridge, silently watching Distant scenery.

Jing Hao jogged all the way, passing several blocks along the way, and finally when he passed the planned last stop, he didn't turn around and continue to return, but just stood under a street light that was about to go out.

He looked up at the sky and found that the sun hadn't risen yet. Today, he probably got up a little earlier than usual because he wanted to take a "couple" photo with another woman.

"If you go back now, you should have nothing to do. After all, you don't need to go to the hospital today."

Looking at the sky again, a thought flashed through Jing Hao's mind: "Would you like to go to the Han River Bridge?"
Since coming to the peninsula, Jing Hao really hasn't been to the Han River Bridge a few times.It's not that he doesn't like to go, but that he has never had a chance to take a look.

Usually, when I pass by here occasionally, I always drive past here, and I will lean here. If it is true that I come here to see the scenery, Jing Hao really has never been there on purpose.

I haven't seen the scenery when the sun rises there.

"Why don't you take a look?"

This idea appeared in his mind at the right time, and it never disappeared from his mind once it appeared.

In the end, he turned a direction under the street light, and continued to jog in that direction.

"Kim Taeyeon! Your solo will definitely be a success!"

"You're the best!"

That one is covered with a coat.The figure that looked a little miniature suddenly put his hands around his mouth in a trumpet shape, then looked at the scenery outside the Han River, and shouted loudly.

It turned out to be Kim Taeyeon.

As time goes by, the time for her solo is getting closer and closer, and after a while, the recording time for her first album will start.

That's why she went to the practice room to practice from time to time in the past few days, trying to bring her state to the most perfect state, so as to welcome this recording.

But the more anxious I was, the more I felt that I couldn't find a state.

Seeing that the recording time is getting closer and closer, although Taeyeon hasn't talked to any of her teammates, it doesn't mean that she really doesn't have any pressure in her heart.

She has always been a fleshy person, and she doesn't want her emotions to affect anyone else, especially those who have a better relationship with her, the more she doesn't want to trouble them because of some of her problems.

If there is anything, I will only be alone, stuffy in my heart.

In fact, Kim Taeyeon usually communicates with others when encountering some troubles, such as Kim Jonghyun.

But my good brother is going to Huaguo to hold a concert next month, and the schedule has been very busy during this time, watching him and his teammates enjoying the music, looking forward to where to go to play at that time, Kim Taeyeon really doesn't want to add troubles to him because of her little troubles in such a time period.

So she finally came here by a strange coincidence, this bridge of the Han River that she would arrive at at times when she was at a loss, when she was lost.

When I was a trainee, including later when I had something to worry about, I would always come here. From the very beginning, I yelled to the outside that I hope to stand out in the debut selection, and then I came here to secretly scold Black fan, and now the words of encouragement for his solo.

Looking at the scenery by the bridge, it seems that everything has changed, and it seems that nothing has changed.

It may be just my own identity, as well as the troubles in every period of life.

In fact, my recent mood is not just because I can't achieve my ideal perfect recording state.

When I came here last time, I felt very depressed, but I never knew where the reason was.But after coming here once last time, I feel better when I go back.

At the same time, Jing Hao, who had been running, also hummed a song all the way, while slowly running here.

On the way here, Jing Hao vaguely heard a girl on the bridge shouting something to the outside.However, because there is still a little distance from him, and the headphones he is wearing are playing music.

Jing Hao couldn't hear what he was shouting for a while, but he could almost hear the voice there.

"Come to the Han River Bridge at this time, and still call out?"

"No, is this trying to commit suicide?"

Thinking of the saying of the "Holy Land of Jumping the River" of the Han River Bridge, Jing Hao couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, accelerated his feet, and rushed over there quickly.

"Da da da~~~ da da da~~~~~ da da da~~..."

A burst of rhythmic footsteps came from a distance at this time, and Kim Taeyeon, who was thinking about something, heard the sound just after shouting to the river.

"Is there anyone running over at this time?"

With such thoughts in mind, Kim Taeyeon looked over there curiously. . . .

I see,

"Don't jump, don't jump!... Huh..."

"If there is anything you can't think about, you can talk to me, hehe... please... don't just dance like this...?"

The visitor seemed to think that he wanted to come here to jump into the river, and Kim Taeyeon only felt annoyed and funny, and was a little dumbfounded for a while.

What made her angry and funny was that this person was too stupid, standing here thinking that he wanted to jump into the river.Although there are quite a few people jumping into the river here, then you can do it yourself. . . .

Well, seeing that there are a lot of things about jumping into the river here, I don't have the same knowledge as you. . <( ̄¢ ̄)>.

but. . . .Why is this voice familiar? ? ? ! ! !
When the person who came was getting closer and closer to her, and the voice of shouting was also getting closer, Taeyeon seemed to recognize him, with an incredible expression on her face, and she reacted as if she had seen a ghost.

Jing Hao is a little short-sighted (a common problem among most medical students (*>.<*)), and he usually doesn’t wear glasses when he goes out for a morning run like this, because if he wears glasses when he sweats, it’s easy to damage the lenses. When the fog comes out, it will affect the sight a little bit.

So in half of the time, Jing Hao still couldn't recognize who the girl standing on the bridge was, but he felt that this person seemed a little familiar.

But because of the familiarity, Jing Hao ran faster. He was afraid that if his friend jumped into the river in front of him, he would feel even more uncomfortable.

So when speeding up, he yelled even more vigorously.

"Don't...don't just jump like this...?"

When he ran close, Jing Hao finally recognized the person in front of him, Ward Fa?

"Would you mind eating Thai salt?"

The moment he recognized Taeyeon, Jing Hao, who was very anxious just now, accidentally spoke out Northeast dialect.


Kim Taeyeon looked confused, o_O???.

"What is this man talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Jing Hao ran here at this time, and he was a little confused, didn't he want to jump into the river?What is Kim Taeyeon?

Both faces are dumbfounded, (o)==(o). . . ? ? ?
Jing Hao, who took a few breaths and calmed down, thought about it for a while, and almost came to his senses.

I almost misunderstood, because he and Lin Yuner are in love, at least recently, so when Lin Yuner chatted with him, she said that her eldest sister will release her solo album in October up.

It stands to reason that this should be a happy day, at least with Lin Yuner's sour remark, when Kim Taeyeon knew that she was going to debut, she was so excited.

How could you want to jump into the river at such a time?

Therefore, it should, probably, almost be a misunderstanding.

Moreover, when he was in love with Lin Yuner, Jing Hao also learned some news about Girls' Generation from the Internet. If he remembers correctly, the eldest sister in Lin Yuner's group seems to have come to the Han River Bridge by herself before. experience?

After thinking about this, Jing Hao looked a little embarrassed when he looked at Taeyeon. (°-°〃)
The moment Taeyeon recognized him, she almost got what Jing Hao thought.

To be honest, he can misunderstand, and it has something to do with himself.If you think about it carefully, who has nothing to do and can run here before dawn?He will definitely misunderstand when he sees such a situation.

After thinking about this point, Taeyeon couldn't help laughing out, Jing Hao's flustered look just now, and the awkward look standing in front of him at this moment, and the calm and calm feeling when he saw him before, There was a huge sense of contrast.

This kind of contrast, not only does not feel bad, but he feels that he, who is embarrassed at this moment, looks a little cute, and his whole body is full of cute spots.

Kim Taeyeon only felt that her brother-in-law was a little inexplicably cute.

"So you... think I'm going to jump into the river?"

Jing Hao was silent for two seconds, then touched the back of his head in embarrassment, and said uncomfortably, "En."

"Hehehehe,,,, it's really cute, brother-in-law."

After saying this, no, before she finished speaking, Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but let out her signature Hu Meijun-style auntie smile.And with Taeyeon's motherly laugh, the slightly awkward atmosphere between the two of them just now disappeared without a trace.

The two looked at each other, and couldn't help but smile.

It was my sister-in-law who explained first: "It's because it's almost time for recording, but I don't know why when I was practicing recently, I always felt very irritable in my heart, and I didn't feel like I was in a state when I sang."

"So I thought of coming here to relieve the atmosphere."

"That's right."

"Don't talk about me, why did you come here?"

Jing Hao touched his head in embarrassment, wondering if he should tell the truth to Taeyeon.But when he thought about the relationship between Kim Taeyeon and Lin Yuner, he still made a solid statement.

"Um,... Yuner and I... broke up."


Kim Taeyeon immediately showed an expression of "Are you kidding me?" (¬¬)?
 Today's heartbeat song: Just be me——Henry (Liu Xianhua)

  It's a bit of a calvin today, so it's a bit late to post, don't mind.

  And the last few days have been two-in-one chapters, but I forgot to add a two-in-one note when I posted the first few chapters, so it’s not that I didn’t double update~
  I merged the two chapters into one chapter, and you should be able to feel the word count of the chapters in the past few days.

  There is no need to worry about this month anyway, there are double updates every day, I guarantee it with my character~~~
(End of this chapter)

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