nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 129 The time left for us is too little

Chapter 129 The time left for us is too little

"What did you say?"

"...It seems that she didn't tell you guys,"

"In the end what happened?!!"

"We two, broke up."

Following the utterance of these few words, the two fell into silence once again facing each other.

Jing Hao looked at Taeyeon's shocked face, her dilated pupils were powerfully expressing her shock at this fact.

Because she was too shocked, Taeyeon's mouth also opened into a capital "O" shape, and the few hairs on the top of her head that were not well taken care of because she went out early were also following the wind from the Han River. Lively swaying.

After her brain went down for a while because of this information, Kim Taeyeon finally came back to her senses. At this time, her face was full of anxious expressions, and she hurriedly wanted to understand why there was a sudden relationship between Jing Hao and Lin Yuner. separate.

"Isn't your relationship very good? Why, suddenly..."

Jing Hao heard her question, but he didn't answer her. He just turned his eyes to the river, quietly looking at the calm lake under his feet.

Outside the Han River Bridge at this time, although there were no waves on the surface of the river under their feet, the wind that blew from time to time in the distance slapped on the water surface over and over again, creating circles of ripples, disturbing the original waves. There is no river noodles.

Kim Taeyeon looked at Jing Hao who had been staring outside, and wanted to ask something more, but when she was about to speak, she held back, followed his gaze, and looked over with him like this.

At this time, the sun had not yet risen from the end of the area, and the sky mountain above the two of them was still full of stars.

Just like this, the two of them leaned their bodies against the railing, quietly admiring the rare scenery that the two of them usually saw, listening to the whispers of the wind that kept blowing by their ears.

I don't know how long I looked like this, Jing Hao finally opened his mouth, and said to Taeyeon without moving his eyes: "Taeyeon xi, Yuner and I, is it too abrupt to be together?"

Taeyeon couldn't help taking a peek at him, and found that his mood was still very calm, so she thought about what happened between Jing Hao and Lin Yuner in her own impression, and shook her head silently.

She really didn't know how to answer the story between the two of them, because she didn't even understand the relationship very well, so how could she evaluate others?
Seeing that Taeyeon didn't respond to this question, Jing Hao didn't force it either, but continued to look at the scenery without saying anything.

At this time, the hazy moonlight gradually penetrated through the clouds and sprinkled on the quiet and deserted bridge.

"Actually, although I don't know why you two separated, I always thought that the two of you would go on."

This sentence suddenly came to his ear, which caused Jing Hao to tilt his head, and turned his head to look at Kim Taeyeon beside him, showing a questioning look.

"I don't know what happened to you during this period, but I think the problems between the two of you should not be as bloody as on TV."

"I trust Yun'er's intuition, the man she chooses should not be the kind of unreliable man."

"So," Taeyeon turned her head to face Jing Hao and stared at each other, raised her head slightly, followed his gaze with serious eyes, and said straightforwardly: "I believe there must be some reason for you to separate. .”

"Can you tell me a little bit? You know I won't say it."

As soon as the words fell, a deep "OK" came from the other side.

"It may be because the time between the two of us, from crushing on each other to confessing to each other, was too short."

"The two of us got together very quickly. It's been less than a month since we first got together."

"Although we love each other very much, what I have to say is that it may be because the two of us take each other too seriously that the relationship between the two of us gradually has a little distrust."

Hearing this, Taeyeon was a little confused by him, she turned her little head in distress, and couldn't help but say: "Wait a minute, because you value each other too much, will there be distrust? "

"Although we have deep feelings for each other, we lack the love process like others."

"If it is said that other people go from acquaintance to acquaintance, and finally get to know each other slowly after a period of time together, the relationship between the two people gradually matures, and finally enters the stage of falling in love."

"Then the relationship between Yun'er and I has entered the stage of falling in love since we knew each other, or just at the beginning. We lack the familiarity and running-in of each other. If this kind of relationship does not have a good rhythm and patience If it is maintained, it is easy to step into the brink of collapse."

"Then what about those who fall in love at first sight?" Kim Taeyeon asked this question suddenly.

Jing Hao smiled, turned his head and looked at Kim Taeyeon, and said patiently: "I don't deny that many beautiful loves may be caused by falling into each other's beauty at first sight, which prompts one party to start. the way to pursue."

"Even including myself, it's like this, it's just that it was Yun'er who spoke first."

"But what you have to deny is that love at first sight is more of a fast-food relationship."

"A lot of people who are involved in such a relationship, more thoughts are just indulging in the freshness that has surprised them before."

"Even if I said it a little bit nakedly, it was just to solve my physical needs, but I happened to meet the person who touched me the most during that time."

Kim Taeyeon seemed to understand a little bit, she lowered her head slowly, and began to fall into deep thought.

Jing Hao didn't notice her state at this time, or he didn't care when he saw it, as if what he was telling at this time was not for Kim Taeyeon in front of him, but for himself.

"We were at the very beginning, just for me, maybe there is no difference between me and those people."

"It's just that both of us have noticed this to some extent, and we are doing our best to make up for this state."

"But when we were all trying our best, trying to face this relationship together, and facing it with the greatest effort, a sudden situation happened, which disrupted the tacit understanding between the two of us. Written in unison."

"I don't complain about the accident, because none of us can predict the future. All we can do is to be ourselves and hold the possible future in our hands tightly."

"Unfortunately, the time left for us is too little."

(End of this chapter)

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