nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 130 It's finally time to shoot

Chapter 130 It's finally time to shoot
Although Kim Taeyeon doesn't know where the problem between the two people is, she can feel it in her heart, which is a fuse that prompts the collapse of this relationship.

It's still about that photo.

Lin Yoona before that photo came out, every time she appeared in front of Kim Taeyeon, she was in a very sweet state, at first glance she looked like a little girl who was in love.

It can be said that the relationship between Lin Yuner and Jing Hao at that time must have been well maintained, and Kim Taeyeon also believed that the two were working hard to get acquainted with each other and doing their best for this relationship.

But that picture came too subtly when it came.

After the singing stage, when the members of the team went to dinner together, Kim Taeyeon was very keenly aware of Lin Yuner's worries that she thought she had hidden well.

Although she hid it perfectly in front of everyone, how could she, who is careful, not notice the worry on Lin Yun'er?

But now, it's useless to talk too much, it's better to think about the future.

"What should we do after that? Is it really impossible for the two of you to be together again?"

Jing Hao shook his head, "She still left a little possibility for the two of us."

"Before she left, on the day before she left for Greece, she asked her manager to take all her luggage away, and moved directly from next door to me."

"Isn't that even more impossible?"

"Do not."

"If she really made up her mind, it doesn't make much sense to move or not."

"If she really made up her mind and really broke up with me from now on, he wouldn't have moved away."

"Because she was afraid that she couldn't help it, at least during this period of time, she couldn't help but couldn't suppress the idea of ​​getting back together as soon as she saw me."

The moon hides her own figure of Manli little by little in the clouds, and what appears instead is a touch of dawn slowly rising from the end of the river.

That ray of sunlight magnified little by little, and finally passed through the clouds on the horizon, and happened to shine on the side where the two of them were.

Jing Hao stretched out a hand and touched the beam of light.

"She knows, if she can really do that, if I feel her true thoughts, then I will never cross the line again, and the relationship between the two of us will really turn back to friends from now on It matters."

"This is the hope she left behind."

. . . . . . . .

"Okay, don't talk about me, talk about yourself first." Jing Hao straightened his body back from the railing, and looked at Taeyeon seriously.

"I came here because of a broken relationship, Taeyeon xi, why did you come here?"

"I do not know either."

Taeyeon's eyes paused on a cloud, looking at the sun that was trying to break through the cloud's barrier and was about to rush into the sky.

"Maybe it's because my recent singing is not very good. I'm about to record, but I don't seem to be ready yet."

"Then what caused it?"

"Huh?" When Taeyeon was asked this question, she froze for a moment.

She seemed to think that Jing Hao didn't hear what she just said, and then repeated cutely: "Because you are not in a good singing state?"

Jing Hao gave his sister-in-law a sideways look, and explained to her again.

"Although I haven't been in contact with Taeyeon xi for a long time, from what I know, Taeyeon, including the you that YoonA and I mentioned, are all golden singers who can express themselves perfectly when singing."

"The golden singer who belongs exclusively to Girls' Generation, the ceiling of singing skills in the idol world."

"If there is a problem with your state like this, then there must be a reason."

It was only now that Taeyeon finally understood the meaning of Jing Hao's words, and couldn't help falling into a trance.

I still remember, that time before, I also felt extremely bored in my heart for no reason, and my emotions were always low, as if something bad was about to happen.

At that time, I was still nervous for a long time, thinking that it might be because my parents had some problems at home, so I had such a bad premonition.

But I called Ouba myself, and my parents didn't have any problems.

And I didn't encounter any difficulties, until the last two days, I encountered the problem of bad state.

Thinking that Jing Hao is Lin Yuner's favorite after all, and they both know each other, Kim Tae-yeon simply told Jing Hao what happened during this time, and wanted this man who is smarter than herself to analyze it for her. a bit.

"Your downturn in the past few days should be caused by the emotion of that time."

"It's because you haven't identified the reason for your low mood that you've been depressed all the time."

"And because you are not in a good mood, it has caused you to be in a depressed state."

Although these few words were a bit suspicious of "you are away from here", but both of them understood the meaning of the words.

It's just that although I understand the truth, I still have no idea how to solve this problem.

. . . . . .

After admiring the sunrise on the Han River Bridge together, both of them were full of worries, and separated after saying goodbye to each other.

Taeyeon will continue to practice until she finds her ideal state.

And Jing Hao is going to meet his "gossip heroine" and take a "gossip photo" together.

At noon, at the coffee shop where the two of them met last time, Jing Hao came to the shop early and waited quietly for Cheng Cailing's arrival.

"Da da da da da da..." With the rhythmic sound of high heels, Cheng Cailing, the "gossip heroine" that Jing Hao had been waiting for, finally appeared in the store they had agreed upon.

The sound of high-heeled shoes brought Jing Hao back from his contemplative state. He raised his head belatedly, and saw Cheng Cailing.Today's Cheng Cailing is not wearing a professional attire, but a different outfit.

She was already very beautiful, walking on the floor of the coffee shop, she immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The cold and elegant temperament, the flawless facial features, the smooth long black hair hanging down the back like a waterfall, the black star sand dress is as deep as the night, and the white skin is as flimsy as a snow-capped mountain. .

"I'm sorry for being late." Cheng Cailing, who came to the front, first saluted Jing Hao, then covered her chest with one hand, then pulled out the chair with the other hand, and then smiled at Jing Hao Glancing at it, she bowed gracefully and sat down.

Jing Hao also said politely: "It's okay, I didn't come too early."

"Let's have a cup of coffee first, and let's discuss where we are going today."

Cheng Cailing glanced at Jing Hao, who was a little anxious, and then replied with a smile: "Okay."

 Today's favorite song: Unity (Acoustic) - Sapphire
  ask for a ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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